Lady Goes Batshit Crazy when Trump Supporters Surround Her - MayDay Seattle

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Lady Goes Batshit Crazy when Trump Supporters Surround Her:

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shit lazy clickbait thread

gay kike

The side where one must be nice and agree with hysterical, screaming women is the side I never want to be on. I love these kinds of videos.

kek. anyone else notice Jeb! in his hoodie ar 2:13?

more camera angles pls.


Quit being such a lazy sack of shit OP.

hopefully she gets culturally enriched someday soon, surely the muds will heed her calls

this is like antifa worst nightmare

chad nationalism

surrounded by a horde of young buck chads and thads and even the token negrontius chanting USA!!!USA!!!USA!!!USA!!! as they fist-pump and chest-bump them to death.

i bet if you strapped any lib fag in with this video playing on loop with a vr headset tehy would go catatonic before the third loop

fucking terrible thread OP. put some effort in because the video is actually pretty funny.

Hmm. They're starting to learn remedial tactics.


top kek. thanks user

Separate them from the herd and trigger them to death one at a time.

What a crazy twat.




You don't even know what that word means.


I like how we get to see literally everyone in the crowd except the subject of the video and the post.

Shit video. Shit thread. OP is a cum guzzling faggot.

Dont you love when god awful millennial sjw fags make everything about them and cry when it backfires…? Ahhh…. what a time to be alive. Amirite


TO lazy to webm, why do the cops seems to know these antifa by name? why are they telling them to chill and how they "did a great job the other night"?
I recognise the alopecia guy too
2:18 onwards, i think the cop talks to "kyle" by name from around 2:39, is this more proof of police collusion with antifa?

But muh based police.

Probably because they know them by name…


get the fuck out

That's the youtube video title you fucking sperg.

someone post that pic of that antifaggot getting a wedgie.

lmao, best vid I've seen in weeks.
Best part was how everyone was laughing at her and clapping while she was sperging.



25 antifag arrests from Portland
names and charges

seriously all those cameras pointed at her and there's no video of her?

Kinda impressed she has the mental faculties to film horizontally.

Probably the only thing she has going for her.

Wait… did she got hit by a supporter? i heard some bangs at the end of the video kek

Gotta be a dyed hair ham beast.


They actually are trained on remedial tactics - the real Antifa strikers and attackers, not the LARPERS. Watch some vids of when they assault people - With Eric Clanton he was using a defensive front line to essentially strike from then run back, to try and draw people to follow and get surrounded and pummelled. In bigger riots they do it much more effectively. We can laugh at them at their worst (and their average is often pretty awful, but they are dangerous, don't underestimate them either.

Shoot to kill.

Sandwiching flank attack, I was taught as an antifag. The aim of the bait line is to attack and goad a mob into chasing them into an intersection so hidden attackers can ambush them from both sides while their victims are loosely formed at a run. Very effective. To counter, don't fall for the bait.

Basically, Napoleon's strategy for the battle of Austerlitz