Branstorming thread

Can we talk about National Socialism?

I have spent my time lurking around Holla Forums for quite a few years now and having come from a libertarian background I have slowly made my way to the system that is NS.

What I am hoping to accomplish is a discussion on NS and Fascism in general. I know a lot of libertarian (albeit hard right ones) still lurk. Having myself come from a libertarian background I have a deep seated distrust of centralized power and allowing the monopoly of violence to become consolidated. (I understand that Germany under Hitler eased the proliferation of small arms within the civilian populace)

I am hoping we can cut through all the D&C and all of the Shills for a few moments to have a dialog about the NS/Fascist philosophy, and answer any lingering questions any have about any obscure parts of the doctrine.

Can we start by Defining NS/Fascism, What parts of western (possibly eastern?) philosophies helped to bring it about. Going from there I was hoping to see a conversation about what the role of the state should be going forward. Criticisms of capitalism/corporatism and if free enterprise/private property can exist within a NS/Fascist framework. How we can apply the system moving forward and what deficiencies pertaining to adaptation of the system would pertain to the world we live in today.

I know I haven't addressed all the points but I am hoping to start a broader conversation about where we came from, where we are and where we are going.

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Let me just stop you right there and ask you, what is national socialism?

Oh wait…

op here had to switch devices.

The way I've come to understand NS is as a system of governance which seems to put the collective ahead of the individual, in that it prides the survival of ones progeny over the wants of the individuals. One's people are to be treasured and sacrificed toward advancing above all else.

Yea I know I was merely trying to start a conversation.

Why not just start a natsoc general thread and provide some reading material? This topic with your pic and your subsequent word salad on what you want this thread to be about is shit tier tbh lad. Im going to have to report and ask that your thread het anchored for your low effort, sorry op.

shameless self bump

NatSoc is an ideology not a specific form of government.

Also not just >we

Not today.



I was hoping to have the National Socialists come out of the woodwork to have a quality conversation.

Not trying to redefine just trying to have a thread about National Socialism.

It's a worldview not a system, the economic and political aspects are the tip of the iceberg. That's why groups like Nordfront seek to create an entire alternative system separate from the official one. Your libertarian system might not even be incompatible depending on implementation. I personally think any system is viable if the people have a healthy mindset.

I am no longer a libertarian. Radical individualism no longer suits the needs of our people for survival. National Socialism as I have some to understand it seems to be the best most complete system.

Good, time to read muh books. I recommend you find the /nsg/ National Socialism General sticky pastebin


I don't have it but someone posts it on halfchan occasionally

what would hitler do

Not here Reddit. Fuck off.

Nvm just search it bro.. the top three links for "national socialism general pastebin" are variants.

thank you

Look up Cultured-thug on YouTube, he talks about all different types of fascism

The core idea behind the fuhrerprinzip is to create a system of direct responsibility for one's actions. Instead of a congress or parliament which hides behind the party line and scurries from personal responsibility for their actions, there exists instead a direct hierarchical system in which every leader holds direct responsibility to the individual above him, all the way up to the fuhrer, which more importantly than anything else, is held personally responsible to the citizens of the nation.

This is the true democracy of National Socialism, and it is intended to be a loop in which the very top of the pyramid is held in check and balanced by the very bottom.

The challenge of course though is creating a system that can't be made corrupted by a fuhrer with power over the democratic process, which would create an environment where he elects himself or his proxies, similar to Putin or the Clinton/Bush dynasties. Hitler and the NSDAP never actually got to fully realize true National Socialism due to the war, Nazi Germany was a transitional state, so this is a solution that admittingly needs to be debated and solved for any prospective NS state (and really.. every other political system too.)

More or less, yeah. The state exists to solely to preserve and protect the people, it is a means to that end and that end only.

Although this stance makes us technically collectivists, it also separates us from other collectivists ideologies such as fascism and communism however. In these, the state exists to protect itself, creating a loop wherin the state actually exists for nothing other than to just exist. National Socialism strongly rejects this, and sees the existence of a state as inseparable from the existence of a people who make it up. The state is a tool created by the people in order to collectively enact their will.

And although a National Socialist state thusly always places the protection and promotion of the collective people above anything else, it is not anti-individualism. We strongly promote the idea of individual contribution and responsibility. A state is a collection of individuals after-all. The entire idea behind the fuhrerprinzip is based around individual will. A NS state simply requires everyone to possess the same will for the promotion of their people, the denial of such is the one big freedom we require the sacrifice of to live in our society.

If you'd like to learn more, read Mein Kampf, pretty much everything is in there. The Ford Translation is a great easy-to-read edition that's accurate enough. If you'd like more after that, read "The Nazi-Sozi: Questions & Answers for National Socialists".

I forgot about this channel. It's pretty good. Thanks for the reminder.

I had no idea that this was a difference between National Socialism and fascism in general, as I had come to understand fascism as a catch all term for "far right" schools of thought.

Fascism is like the late Roman Empire in that it was a system that perpetuated itself but most people did poorly under it due to the land monopolies of the slaveholder merchants driving out the family farmers and the influx of foreigners. It was a far right state that existed for itself and trampled the people underfoot.

The word is thrown around nowadays so haphazardly it's of course practically meaningless. But yeah, that was more or less the core difference between Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany.

Fascist sought to better the state via unification of the people under it. The end goal was a strong state.

National Socialists sought to better the people via unifying their will into a strong state. The end goal was a strong people.

They sound sort of similar in that they both seek strength through unification, however the devil can be in the details. In theory, a fascists society would be perfectly ok with a policy that harms the race if it strengthened the power of the state. A NS state on the other hand would see such action as an affront to the responsibility the state possess to it's people. The people are everything, if the state is lost or destroyed, so be it, the people will still exist to recreate it. Fascists on the other hand however would sacrifice freedom and life both just to keep the gears of state moving.

Fascism is almost machine-like in it's ideology. I could see a fascist society inventing an AI that decides the best way to keep the state intact is to simply exterminate all life, so as no harm could ever come to it.

Precisely and great example.

National Socialism and Fascism are on opposite sides of the economic spectrum. If you cannot distinguish between the two, we can't have an intelligent conversation on the topic.


This is why I will always be a reactionary who only employs the economic principles of National Socialism. Any form of mass politics is Enlightenment cancer and should be purged.

best natsoc group

perhaps the irony of ironies is that the FAKE country that calls itself Israel which in reality is NOT true Israel, (khazars are not Israelites and the Talmud is NOT the word of God), has a SOCIALIST state and NATIONalist ethnic, religious pride. Think about it. It was founded to be socialist, see kibbutz, and national fervor. That is the TECHNICAL definition of NasSoc. This should be brought out into the open continually, everywhere. Doesn't the term Nazi originate from the name "Ignatius" that many men in Germany had at the time of the NasSoc movement. If that is so, ever hear of the political pundit David Ignatius. Any clue to his religious background?