Are there any leftist Zyklon-Ben edits?
Are there any leftist Zyklon-Ben edits?
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You mean Ben "CCCP is all right with me" Garrison?
added the obvious pun. Could still use some work, maybe 'capitalism' instead of 'private bankers', better lettering on the chest.
I have done my part. Feel free to improve.
This one is my favorite.
Where the fuck does this meme come from that it's just bankers who are the problem? I don't understand what the fuck the rationale is behind believing that bankers alone have so much influence.
Look at the third pic here:
Well marxist policies have always failed with the economy.
No I mean Ben "I hate every capitalist I see from bourgeois A to bourgeoisie" Garrison
You must be talking about Ben "my hammer and sickle put porky in quite a pickle" Garrison.
Are you referring to Ben "seize the means of production to make society function" Garrison?
Why does Ben Garrison, a known infowars libertardian, voting for Trump when Trump is a far rightist?
lolbertarians and ayncraps are gigantic hypocrites who will trample over their rights and core beliefs on behalf of a strongman they think "knows the economy".
made this one a while ago but never posted it
Someone make a leftist version of this one.
Trump has to be replaced with Stalin.
Did you mean Lenin
Liberals love Lenin though. He's considered the "good" Margsist who just wanted gommunism for all, my hs and history classes all painted him in good light as just a more extreme liberal idealist whose idyllic vision Stalin destroyed.
Or better yet, Trump could be replaced with communism in general.
Shop lenins head onto Ben Garrisons head and replace the comments against trump with comments against communism
But thats true user………
Uh, no. Might as well try to replace Mollyknows head with Marx and change Trump to a class conscious prole holding a communist flag, or Capital.
Why does it say "untruth"? Working on it btw.
Alt righters believe facts about Donald Trump are "untruths" because they don't like their god demeaned.
But is the list supposed to be a list of things that are not true or a list of things that are true? Because zyclon ben seems to be reading off it and trump seems to get an erection to it
Since when have Ben's comics ever been based in reality?
I did the best I was able to do at 2 in the night.
excellent tbqh fam
That's just insulting to Marx, a man who could actually argue and was a beast of a polemicist who would never let some two bit cult leader "defend" him.
Stop being such a fucking faggot aw.
communist fascist alliance to exterminate the anglo menace when?
Then who should it be instead?
Molyneux already looks like Lenin there
i don't care if i live in a "facist" state unless we have fully automated communism. if nazbol can make that happen then they are comrades
Someone edit this one.
i love this board sometimes
i'm dying over here
Ben "Kike on a Spike" Garrison isn't very great at satire tbh. I mean these two comics seem like they're making fun of Trump and Molyneux, and I know that they're not.
Has any rightist ever used reason, logic, or evidence?
I mean no, not really. But also, reason/logic/evidence are all kind of Enlightenment memes.
What is "reason", when we know that humans naturally aren't rational? Whose logic are we talking about, predicate logic or sentential logic or non-classical logics? None of them to the average person would seem to be fully sane. And what constitutes good evidence?
These are all buzzwords that get thrown around by people trying to make themselves look more righteous and credible is what I'm getting at.
I'm guessing it has to do with… da joos.
Banking has, for most of history, been mostly associated with the jews as both the bible and the quran prohibit charging rents on loans, so if you wanted a loan you'd "go to the jews".
Hatred of the abstract, the non-real. Nazi Germany was basically building great factories to destroy the abstract (the sphere of circulation, which the personified in Jewry) just as capitalist factories create concrete value.
In essence Auschwitz was a factory for destroying value. It came about because the Nazi critique of capitalism extended only to these abstract elements which the Jews personify perfectly (Jews being international and perceived as unloyal to host countries, often working in circulatory mechanisms like banking, etc.) Concrete elements, like the German industrialist, were just fine, because they were real, they existed and you could clearly see the value their factories produced in the form of commodities.
See 'Antisemitism and Not Socialism' by Moshe Postone.