Has "anti-SJWism" reached a point where its like beating a dead horse...

has "anti-SJWism" reached a point where its like beating a dead horse? it feels like since it became a normie thing that sjws have mostly died off

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Just watched jasons new vid huh?

Attacking safe spaces and triggering is now a low hanging fruit. But there are other aspects that are still the majority


It has become so big that isn't even noticed as you would notice a limited internet clique.

It's a position that immediately identifies you as a reactionary.

And for good reason. Grow out of your 4chan contrarianism.

Yes, the twitter-radical left is collapsing upon itself due to HRC and media channels simply growing tired of them, they either have to fall in line with mainstream media (thus losing their often tankie fanbase) or accept the harsh reality that their movements is just a lot of likes and upvotes, with no connection to actual feminist, leftist or anti-racist activism groups.

Like the bourgeois Maoists of the 70s, they pointed the finger at their sugar daddy one to many time and now they're not interesting or fun any more.

That is not to say they're not around, my own activist group is getting into fights over a separatist feminist movement (no boys allowed club). But other nonsense grouping are definitely feeling the pressure (some afro-swede separatist grouping raged upon a black marxist who talked at events for free - apparently he's hurting the economic interest of black intellectuals, go figure).

I think it's time for Holla Forums to get over it's phobia for anything carrying the name feminism, and look at the movements for what they are rather than what mspaint images say they are.


If you go to the Reddit leftist subreddits you'll see it alive and well. People post-ironically calling for the death of white people and such.


It was never a serious debate tbh

Most of the "anti-SJWs" are Holla Forums-level memers who've clearly never read the lit that created these "SJW" ideas. They pick at low-hanging memes like trigglypuff because they know if they ever read post-colonial shit, even if the post-colonial people are wrong, they'd never be intelligent enough to refute them with anything other than posturing and humor to distract from how stupid their actual points are (and always have been). Even leftypol's "anti-SJW" people are at this level, from what I've seen. They have no conception of the historical context being discussed, nor do they honestly respond to the arguments, even of people I don't disagree with. Like, I find the whole "PIV sex is always rape!" thing to be fucking ridiculous, but even I am not retarded enough to turn on a camera and just stare with a clearly forced "shocked" reaction for eight minutes in an act of self-masturbatory crowd-pleasing. Also, it isn't mainstream. It's >YouTube mainstream.

Off the internet, in the mystical and horrifying even to me land of of the 3D normies, feminist-ish ideas are basically the norm, and I'm saying this as a motherfucker stuck in the deep south.

In general, the whole antifeminism, anti-social justice thing only ever took off because the internet, even the liberalnet, has always been a go-to for social outcasts with borderline child-like understandings of "dose meanies!" It's like the pop-science of social critique.

>>>Holla Forums

Oh hey, supposedly this is a meme exchange now, how wonderful :)


every time


I didn't say none of them did, I said the vast majority of them don't. The vast majority of SJW's don't know what the fuck they're on about either [hence me claiming there's low-hanging fruit in that territory as much as any other]. Read next time.

I don't need to refute post-colonial people. They do so themselves. Watch:


grow up tbh

Also, I never said they were correct, I said the vast majority of the popular anti-SJW's wouldn't be capable of comprehending them enough to give a legitimate response to begin with. Read.

Did you watch the video?

I'm about to, but does it matter? Did you even respond to the original point? No, you used the "post-colonials are irrational!" meme to attempt to invalidate a point that had nothing to do with actual validity or non-validity of their position. You'd be wrong even if they were wrong because, again, I n e v e r s a i d t h e y w e r e c o r r e c t .

It's been at that point since August 2015 when Gamergate started dying tbh

literally wat


We're exchanging memes, friend :>)

woops, left my "shitposting" flag on

nice damage control. The point of the thread was about SJWs, most of which you admitted, know nothing. Yet you attempted to cram academics into that category, in an attempt to force a false dichotomy between defending SJWs and not knowing what you are talking about.

Which is a bullshit claim to make. Does one need to know the fine details of Hitler's arguments in Mein Kampf in order to conclude gassing Jews was grossly unethical?

Were did I claim you did?

They've used the term SJW so liberally that it means absolutely nothing any more.

IRL is not like the internet. SJWs run rampant IRL.


It's used as a term of abuse for anyone who constructs an obloquy against the current grain of ideology present on forums or anyone who would dare proclaim halfchan once lacked great cross/pol/lution.


Nigger, you implied it strongly. Fuckin, here, I'll show you.

There ya go. You directly imply that I agree with the post-colonial people, entirely missing the goddamn point, and now you're trying to do a gigantic damage control by saying "Oh, I never said you said that!" Fuck off, tbh.

woah, woah, woah
Ya never heard anybody classify academics into the category of SJW's? Ya never heard anybody say we should "ban social justice courses," which would themselves be run by, oh wait for it, academics? Ya never heard any of this? Now you're just being intentionally dense.

The thing about it is, you don't know what the fuck you're on about. I never created a false dichotomy, you'd know that if you'd done a lick of looking into the more popular figures in the crowd, as well as just the little ones who nobody gives a fuck about.

So you believe the dichotomy to be true?


No. You appear to have some sort of issue where you are confusing what I typed with what is in your head. Is their sufficient B12 in your diet?

I'm not gonna dignify this boring invocation of Hitler that you're using to make particular people look bad. Oh wait, fine, fuck it, here I go!
No, you don't need to read Hitler's writings "to know that gassing the Jews is bad."
Ya do need to read 'em to grasp why the stupid little mustachio'd fuck did it to begin with tbh.
Furthermore, this is a false equivalence. Anybody with any sort of relevancy in the "social justice" side of the isle is not suggesting censorship, or muh genocides, etc.
There is no angry mob of Amazonian women outside your door waiting to steal your art. And this is why I said "read a book," because if you think there is, you are severely uneducated.

I never said there was a dichotomy to begin with. I use the term "SJW" in the same way I see normal people using the term "SJW." There are entire pages dedicated to singling out individual academics essentially to say they're worse than Hitler. Does this mean I think all Tumblrinas are the same as, like, Bell Hooks? No, of course not. I'm saying, this is how that side sees it, and it is a term of their own creation. Argo, I'mma use it in the way I see others using it. We clear?

Ya clearly implied I agreed with the post-colonial crowd, I inform you it's irrelevant whether I do or not and that wasn't the point, now we're here and you're going with this sub-ironic pseudo-meta bullshit trying to get your ass out of looking like a damn moron. Ya fucked up. Get over it.

That poster made a valid point, since you're essentially arguing that criticism of Hitler and Not Socialism is invalid unless the critic has an in-depth knowledge of Mein Kampf.

This thread is pretty much a clear indicator of why the Left in most developed nations is dead: You're too terrified to confront the rampant idpol, afraid that it might drive away your "guaranteed" core of those that feel "oppressed by straight white males", and only "straight white males".


No, he didn't, he made a shitty point which I just responded to in the post right above yours, and beyond that, it's an obvious attempt to make one group of people look worse than the vast majority of them actually are. It is, in itself, a strawman.

P.S., I'm not "terrified of confronting the rampant idpol - oh lord!"
Furthermore, I nor most people on that side say that "Straight white males are the only oppressors!" Again, this is why I say most of you people haven't read shit, because ya clearly haven't. Ya don't get the actual academics, nor do you seem to get the actual Tumblrite fuckers.

*Nobody. Are you really this fucking stupid where ya can't just autocorrect the obvious in your head? Are all of you this autistic? Holy shitballs.



I'mma go do something else now, I have clearly already won tbh.

Ah yes, the retreat to Ivory Tower po-mo navelgazing that has done so much to further the cause of the Left, such as promoting the subaltern colonisation of contextual semiotics through memeing on imageboads

Besides, you do make some pretty stupid arguments, such as at >>983974:
You would look outside your door if there were such a mob. A book wouldn't exactly help.

Your go-to insult is "read," but reading evidently hasn't yet taught you how to avoid self-defeating analogies. Also, your arguments haven't yet been backed by anything one would specifically derive from reading much beyond Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit. Based on the caliber of your posts so far, there seems to be little virtue in reading whatever you've read.

this is why anonymous internet arguments are always trash

No, SJWism did.

This is funny because retarded liberal whites are supporting """decolonization """ of South Africa by burning THEIR OWN artwork.

I've been here a long time and I don't think Holla Forums as a whole has ever had a feminism phobia. I remember when it was pretty common for redditors to come here and post ridiculous bullshit like the notion that the concept that there were two genders in European culture was invented during the Enlightenment.

I used to make the argument that I thought the "all sex is rape" argument made some sense from the perspective that the economic coercion of capital also puts coercive pressure on women's sexual choices. I never really received the kind of rabid hate you'd expect from a "brosocialist board" mostly polite disagreement.

I think Holla Forums has been so close to the issue that SJW vs. anti-SJW shit is old news but it still matters to normies and I still think SJWs could be the greatest obstacle a true revolutionary Left could face. As you can always dig deep into some post-modern book and lift some phraseology to justify your opportunism, even to make it seem revolutionary.

You're right that its falling apart but will normies see through it? I kinda doubt it. A lot of people aren't politically sophisticated enough to see the difference between post-modern babble and solid revolutionary thought.

It's certainly not considered to be edgy anymore, but these people are still in positions of power, so it's not like we're finished.

Yeah I have actually

Literally wat

Lets face it, the vast majority of anti-sjws aren't he same as leftypol/ anti-sjws (i.e. who point out the simple fact that idpol is spooked).

They are either memers ("i'm a vegan pansexual crossfit trainer who identifies as an attack helicopter") or reactionaries (pol, the chans etc.) or extremely misguided normies that focus on the tiniest flaws in feminist arguments because it triggers them, but they can't come up with a more complex ideology that gets past the whole "at least I'm not a regressive leftist!" nonsense.

t. Sargon of Akkad

But regular normies were never anti-sjw because the most watered down aspects of the ideology that best fits their everyday lives. I mean, if you are a liberal or a conservative its hard to construct a rational argument against gay marriage in a country that prides itself on being progressive and promoting equality (unless you are a conservative Christian in which case you are an expert on mental gymnastics).

Normies also don't have to share their precious , limited, personally important cyber space with some of the more wacky elements like Headmates or kill white male esque weirdos and frankly if it weren't for other internet users, especially anti-sjw's, I wouldn't have known they were a "threat" to modern society. And that's kind of what it comes down to, all this dumb shit on the internet becoming a big nameless, faceless blob that they feel is threatening their very existence. No wonder we have an alt right who think dyed hair is Satan.

To add to that I do get geniually worried when I see sjw-ism in real life. I know a few examples were stuffy feminists would be bias in how they hire or treat people in the work place, but I can't imagine its any worse than the normal bias people have.

Besides, I wonder when pol/ will wake up and realise some of the positives that Tumblr has given them like traps, idpol, special snowflake-ism, freedom to dress how they want and so on.

Meanwhile we should drink ourselves to death because of the state of society and hope that nuclear war ends us quickly.

Isn't that what the sjw's suggest? I don't know because although I've never read Marx I know for a fact his books are basically religious texts for statists :^)

Fuck off, you physically can't see these people as anything other than boogie men can you?

But there isn't, and you think that there is. That's what he;s saying.

Which makes it automatically wrong? Your whole premise seems to be based on nothing but a dislike of certain people on the internet rather than having an actual point.

Pretty sure they are still the dominant force within the "left". If anything, its become a dead horse to beat for anyone but us.

False. Ideas such as "you can't be sexist against men" are still very mainstream and unchallenged in the media.

This is blatantly factually incorrect, unless you're using an extremely no-true-scotsman definition of "relevancy".

And the response is, what, "I win all internet arguments in this thread forever"? It's even more stupid than posting a meme. Posting a meme at least serves a point as a joke. Declaring victory in an online argument for no reason makes you look like a twit.

I didn't say what I personally thought of the issue. I said the analogy made no sense. Why don't you follow that guy's advice and "read a book"? Just start with something your speed like the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew and work your way up.

The main point he's made to advance his arguments so far is "read a book and you'll know I'm right" which isn't much of one at all. Nothing he did evidenced any knowledge of the "books" that show his arguments to be correct. He doesn't even mention the books in question, let alone use what he's learned from those books to back up his own argument.

My anectodal opinion
Internet was less normie in the last decade. Internet exploded in size this decade. (I read an article from 2013 estimating that 90% of the internet at the time was created in the prior two years). This os interesting because personally I started to notice a change around 2011. By 2013 I recall seeing SJW bullshit everywhere. While GG was kind of retarded, the increased hostility seem to spread normies - I think mostly from reddit and youtube - and by earlier this year it was basically a complete joke online.
Unfortunately it still infests leftism like a fucking disease.

Pretty sure that growth is mostly internet usage in the developing world, not the developed world. So, i don't think it has anything to do with the SJW stuff that started shownig up in the 2010s.

Oh I'm sure thats a large part of it, but surely the increased use of smart phones, increased access to Internet as well as broadband services in remote areas (but still developed countries) and more young people who are reaching an age where they can access social media has an affect? Not because children create content, but more and more companies are finally understanding the size of the market for online content and services (think back to 2011-2013 in particular)
Compared to when I started browning a certain image board in 2006ish, the internet has changed dramatically.
Fuck, I remember when people started saying meme irl around 2011-2012. It was fucking surreal after the previous 6 years of epic wins on Holla Forums.

Why should we? You've offered zero reason in your post. Why your garbage ideology has any worth in the 21st century. Feminism is the most cancerous form of idpol there is. I can't even comprehend what a feminist group in the first world actually think it has to accomplish. Let alone consider joining one for any reason whatsoever.

It certinally has gone some what mainstream but the sjw crowd still hold a lot of sway in the media.

Even more anecdotal but I remember when it during the 90s and early 2000s and it was a lot of right wing whacko pages, sex jokes and porn images, and personal webpages. Ever since shit like Facebook and Youtube (after the google buyout) it pretty much became as bland and uniform as TV especially on the big websites.

The internet was way more epic before everyone started associating their personal reputation with their online presence and developing a personal "brand" online.

fuck off, left communism is the most brocialist tendency out there

This has got to be some meta joke about antifa.

Especially if it turns out that MtF Trans outperform Women El Classico in sports because you just know that China and Russia in their endless thirst for gold medals will start transitioning their male athletes to take advantage of the superior height, bone structure, and (for a little while) muscularity.


Fuck, it's really hard, to write this post with one hand.

Also pic related, their meme game is occasionally on point.

They are the same shit mate. Both of them are the two sides of the same coin.
Watching enemies everywhere, any attempt of debate or analysed their position or reconsidering their objectives and the means of carry them out is considered as reactionary movement or [insert label here].
Any radical bastardized recycled ideology does the same thing.

I don't see any SJW's any more.
Only in Right wing propaganda.

Have you cut off all social interaction with normies somehow? Pls tell me your secret.

they literally only exist in colleges and those shitty academic circles. If you are a normal person you wouldn't even know they existed if not for the internet

Oh good, they only dominate in Education then. So no influence then. And they aren't getting funded in the millions and the neo-liberals aren't using them by injecting them into corporate culture. Ellen Pao wasn't a hero for being a woman despite being a terrible example of a human being, now she strongarms Tech companies for the wrong think of their investors.

Luckily they are only taking over Silicon Valley, that isn't influential.


I can't believe I had to come all the way to Holla Forums to see someone say that.

The only reason to criticise SJW's is because of the damage they cause the left to do to itself. In pretty much any other context someone who starts shitting on SJW's is probably a Nazi or closeted Nazi nine times out of ten.

Not at all.
SJWs are indistinguishable from nazis in the sense that they preach divisive ideas that generate hate between groups of people. The only difference is that they play on the opposite hate team from the nazis.
There's lots of reasons to hate SJWs without being a nazi.

And you should fuck off back to reddit

How much of a faggot are you? sjws are annoying, obnoxious, counter productive whiners. Nazis are calling for extermination and go around killing people. YOU should fuck off back to reddit, your "everyone is equally bad and everyone is dumb except me" liberalism would be welcomed there.

SJW's don't want white extermination? They do, they just haven't the stomach to shoot someone in the face, so they use existing structures to destroy instiutions that aren't self hating.

Damn living in a civilized social democracy is proving pretty worthwhile.
Why didn't you all just get born in a social democracy that isn't Sweden? Has proven superior on pretty much every single facet of life.

Underrated post.

It's not as much about beating a dead horse as it is that every anti-SJW is a massively triggered hypocrite that do the exact same thing and can't survive without their own safe-spaces and gender studies-tier breakdowns of everything they come across.

Where do you live?

Bet he won't answer that.

you forgot your shitposting flag, anfem.

Copenhagen, Denmark.

That is all that nazis are as well.

As someone who also live in Denmark, i have to say you overestimate the education system. You can easily go through it to a pretty high level without reading any books at all (up to university level at least). And plenty of people do.

How does reading help you when it's put through the literary criticism machine in University and the text becomes irrelevant.

The Danish media are as daft as the Swedes due to post modernist trash and self hatred. You don't enjoy living in Denmark because it's a social democracy, it is because Danes are decent people on the whole.


Hva? Du er lidt uklar, mener du inklusive folk som har en universitetsuddannelse?

Det kan godt været at det er fordi jeg lever i en Københavnerboble, men langt de fleste mennesker jeg snakker med, som har færdiggjort deres kandidat (Hvilket alligevel er en meget relevant del af befolkningen), har forholdsvis velovervejede holdninger, med hensyn til politik og samfund.
Uanset om det er fordi folk rent faktisk har læst bøger eller om det er fordi at der blot er nok folk som har læst bøger til at det gør en mærkbar indflydelse på samfundsdialogen, så synes jeg ikke det er urimeligt at tildele uddannelsessystemet en vis del af æren.

Sidst, så selvom at der er mange der ikke læser (ligesom der vil være i en vilkårlig kultur), så er det min oplevelse at der er en vis respekt for dem som så rent faktisk ved noget om hvad de snakker om. Anti-intellektualismen har aldrig rigtigt taget rod ligesom i USA, uden for udkantsdanmark.

Do you actually live here? If not then I won't even bother.

The telltale sign of somebody who has not read a single book in their lifetime. really knows what they're talking about.

I hope you are aware that it is a minority of the population that has a university degree. This is true even for the younger generation. And yes, i was commenting on the education system below university level. And why are you changing to danish? That's a bit rude on an international forum.

And what do you mean with "velovervejede holdninger, med hensyn til politik og samfund"? I assume you're a socialist. Most people here still support capitalism. They're lacking in class consciousness. Otherwise we would probably be a socialist society.

Are you replying to me?

Whellp, it's been fun.

it isn't

Just to make sure you're not some Amerilard who once went as a tourist. Falseflagging scandinavian is a real thing.

Looking at Danmarks Statistik's numbers from 2015
It's about 34% of the population between 15-69 living in and around Copenhagen, that has done higher education (Here defining higher education as being beyond secondary education, excluding the trades). But around a fifth of that population is in the age group 15-24. Removing them from the numbers and recalculating, the total is about 48% countrywide, which is a pretty significant part of the population if you ask me.

Generally, I feel like while political engagement is at a historical low, people's choice in political affiliation is still a conscious choice based on policy, which is in sharp opposition to places like the USA and to some degree the UK.
Specifically, on-topic, I was thinking of kneejerk trans-bathroom-ism and people using the "høn" pronoun. They haven't really had a strong presence, and critique of it has been pretty reasonable, most of the time. (Though reactionism is still a pretty big problem)
While "communism murdered ten gorillion" memers, who think that leftist politics = 60-80's USSR certainly do exist, they're not a regular appearance in any sort of serious political discussion. I talk with a lot of people who vote left or center-left who have sympathy to socialism (Non-meme socialism), but simply see it as a political impossibility in Denmark / modern Europe.

Yes, I agree. But most of the time it boils down to the standard SocDem situation:
Right now we're in a lull where reform is working pretty damn well for most people. Standards of living is high, and most issues seem like they're solvable within the current political paradigm.

(Me again)
Just to clarify, I of course don't think that they're solvable within the current political paradigm. I just think that it's not completely unreasonable to believe that they are. Leading to my description of people as generally having "velovervejde holdninger".

You could've just told me you were Holla Forums in the first place and saved me the energy of trying to get a rational discussio out of you, you deluded cunt.

They are all that as well as posing an actual threat.

SJWism will hand Hillary the election, SJWs are far from dead. They won.

Oh wait, I just realized that I actually made a mistake in my calculation. I thought that the number seemed really fucking high in hindsight.
The accurate number for percentage of the population between 24-69 that has completed higher education according to those numbers is 35.2%.
Which makes a lot more sense considering the low numbers outside of Copenhagen.