Hey, Holla Forums, I work in construction in a southern state which I won't disclose. I understand that the argument for allowing illegal aliens to stay because "who will work xD" is bullshit, but I feel that there is some truth to it. It seems to me that modern white people are unwilling to do manual labor, and of course it's an obvious necessity to have hard workers willing to do it, and I'm not tooting my own horn, my job is relatively easy, but I wonder what the future of the USA will look like if younger white people don't realize the value of manual labor?
In a nutshell: How do we Make America Work Again?
New PC with no memes, have this horrific Pepe I spent way too long making. I am not an artist.
Samuel Lewis
Get rid of the fucking dole.
Evan Taylor
Either 0/10 or you're complete moron.
Landon Robinson
Post it in the Holla Forums thread for shitty Aku art. Look into Mike Rowe. He's been spearheading a campaign for years now about promoting blue collar work.
Kayden Carter
I'm still going to steal that pepe
Jacob Gray
Why? I go to job site after job site and all I see is illegals, I assume they're illegals because they're spics speaking spicglish. I suppose it could be the "willing to work for less" thing but I don't see how it could be this prevalent.
Gavin Thomas
>mfw i got my job because when trump won half their workers illegals quit
Liam Murphy
I honestly thought about Aku while I was making it haha.
Don't you dare you son of a bitch
Jaxson Sullivan
White sons have to see their fathers as role models, and their fathers have to be worthy of that. Fathers have to actively help their sons prepare for jobs and adulthood rather than saying "just get good grades and you can be anything!" The Electric Jew tells kids that blue collar work is embarrassing, degrading, and beneath them. If kids saw the adults in their lives doing these jobs and being proud of them, then they'd be much more likely to do them themselves.
Nicholas James
From personal experience as a former carpenter, I won't do it again. I hated the pieces of shit I worked for. All assholes wanting to pay super cheap, or worse the union niggers wanting to pay enough but expecting you to always vote leftist shithead and they try to get you to believe the union is your family, not the real family you're providing for.
Robert Martin
we cuckchan now
Gabriel Taylor
this, a lot of kitchens and delis had "Help Wanted" signs. Probably the first summer in a long time where high-school kids will get an opportunity to earn some extra money and not shitpost here posting selfies etc
Sebastian Jenkins
I believe that to be true, I don't understand why it's viewed with disdain.
Thankfully I'm kind of my own boss. That does sound horrible though, literal brainwashing almost.
I was a little unclear at the start but I meant the younger generation, most older people have their heads squarely out of their asses and know that they have to do what they have to do. I know people my age that would rather take home shitty pay at a fast food job or at a walmart, not to disparage anyone working there, than to do honest work for honest pay.
At this rate we won't need a wall, but we should build it anyway.
Angel Murphy
White people are unwilling to work for a mediocre wage which has stagnated over the past 50 years due to inflation, women joining the work place, guest workers such as the H1B program and illegal aliens.
If it makes economic sense to work construction; white working men would line up in droves.
Logan Anderson
It's cool now though. I work as a delivery guy for an auto parts store making around 900 a week. Bout to need a gym membership before my gut grows too big from the wife's cooking though.
Benjamin Reed
Well I'm not sure about other places, but around here we have plenty of people willing to do the work illegal immigrants do. Problem is that most Americans don't like to work for the shitty pay spics have been working for, and companies have been getting by for so long relying on cheap labor over healthy business practices. I personally think this is more reason to get rid of illegals. More jobs, less welfare, and shitty businesses that have been taking advantage of cheap labor are either forced to change or die off and be replaced with businesses that know what they're doing.
Aaron Lopez
When robots take over their shitty retail jobs they're going to have to find something to do. And with a bunch of jobs that need filling, well, guess what…
Zachary Harris
There is no truth to this. The less people in the job market means you can sell your labor at a higher price. Then more people will come back to the workforce because there is good money to be made and then wages will normalize.
Aaron Wood
They are unwilling to do manual labor for the poverty level wages that illegals will.
Anecdotally, the company I work for employs a mix of white, black and latino guys out on the shop floor, but with a majority of white guys. It's hard, dangerous work.
Andrew Jones
I'm glad you're living high on the hog, user.
I feel that I should reemphasize that I was talking about younger white people in their early twenties. It does also make sense that it would vary from region to region. I fully agree we should deport them all.
This is true.
I wasn't doubting the laws of economics for a second, user, I'm essentially just wondering why my generation seems so damn lazy.
Zachary Harris
Kayden Edwards
I’m not a Burger but the same is true on many employment sectors here in Bongistan. Instead of Mestizos we have migrant workers from else ware in Europe (we also have slave-tier illegals from the third world who take jobs out of the market but are a different matter). I imagine the cause and effect is however similar as it is on your side of the Atlantic albeit the motivations may differ slightly.
Migrant workers in Bongistan exist within a different economic sphere to native workers. Someone from Romania for example migrate in, take a job at minimum wage (or below) and dedicate themselves to work their fingers to the bone for 15 hours a day 7 days a week, they can live in meager quarters in a shared multiple occupancy property, live on basic food and enjoy no leisure other than cheap beer. This individual will be a hard worker but this is because the incentive is different for him over a native. Should this Romanian live in this way for 5 years he could well save enough to buy a house outright or start a reasonable business of his own back home? But were a native Brit to do the same he would not be able to do the same here, the money saved would buy a home (nor would he obtain a mortgage having worked such a job).
Migrant workers earn more than native workers despite the fact they pull in the same wage and employer’s capitilise on this. If you are technically earning 4X minimum wage (because of the disparity in equity between nations) then putting in an extra hour every day is probably tolerable (just as natives probably do without complaint in higher paying jobs) but to a native living hand to mouth with no long-term advantage it is a poor deal.
When it comes to Mexico I should also imagine migrant workers are willing to work very hard for low pay because they don’t want to be in Mexico because it’s a mess.
You have to incentivise it. Give young men an honest opportunity to become homeowners or make savings towards future plans and they will work. To achieve that you have to close your borders to migrant workers who only offer advantage to employers.
Adrian Mitchell
>>>/polblog/ Fuck off, faggot
Nicholas Russell
You're full of shit, I live in the south too and in one of the fastest growing city's n the country right now, probably even the same city you're in and have YEARS worth of hard earned experience and not a single contractor will look my way, it's not that whites who work it's that contractors want to pay out as little as possible and whites whont stand for that but illegals will
Angel Allen
Everything outside of 300k starting is considered unfashionable. Any honor in the work is hidden under 80 years of kike propaganda.
Gotta make blue collar work fashionable again. Think small white towns with white picket fences. Clean, crisp, no frustration living. A small observation. Just look at pro America art during the 50s to see what I mean and who it features. You don't see that anymore. It's all faggot flipflop wearing fagtrapreneur "next facebook" shit that is being shilled.
Don't let the disgusting slobs, even on Holla Forums fool you, how something is presented is just as, if not more important than what is actually being presented. The part of our brain that see's things and thinks, "oh, that looks attractive, thus it must be healthy" evolved a long fucking time before the part that (may or may not even be there in most people) will think, "hmmm, this looks ugly, but maybe it has a point." This is what makes Holla Forums more effective than Holla Forums. Presentation.
Jayden Turner
Angel Stewart
Modern white people are more than willing to do manual labor, if they get paid for it. But the wealthy think all manual labor is worth less than minimum wage nowadays (which isn't even enough to afford a home and food).
Owen Miller
Another problem is the lack of company loyalty. It used to be that if you did a good job and worked hard, companies would keep you on if you had seniority and a good track record. Some time in the 90s, companies had senior employees train lower-level employees, then kaid the experienced guys off in favor of the cheaper newbies. Now they're doing the same thing again except they're using shitskins as replacements. As for the quality of the product going down, they don't give a fuck, they just send out a reolacement or a refund check and write it off on their taxes. Corporations have no loyalty to either their employees or their customers any more, no pride in their products or their reputations.
Jose Cooper
Construction workers are largely migratory (as they are becoming in large parts of the world). Basically, they work in a more developed country for less money than the lower class there could afford to work. Then they take that paycheck home to povertistan on the off season, where it can support a massive family. $500 USD / month in the US = functionally homeless. $500 USD / month in El Salvadorian jungle = Bill Gates of El Salvador.
All of this works because our current currency system is fucked. Developing countries with plenty of cheap local agriculture know that they can artificially deflate to increase exports without suffering real negative consequences to cost of living. Juan Nicaragua doesn't give a shit that the one H&M in the tourist-heavy rich beach town is going to be too expensive for him to afford. He wants a roof, water, some plantains, and maybe an education for his four kids.
The reason above is also why most migratory workers in the US are from Central and South American shitholes and not Mexico. Although the peso has been down trending, NAFTA keeps their cost of living relatively high. They don't gain enough from legitimate migratory work to make it worth the trouble. Comparatively Juan Guatemala's country has no manufacturing, no functional government, and very little gdp per capita.
Samuel Adams
This is decent post.
Carson King
Oh yeah, you mean the cuckservative perfume salesman?
Matthew Martin
Thanks to the proliferation of neetbux, people can not work and live the same lifestyle as if they did work full time at a low wage job. They see it as foolish, and a waste of time. They're content, and they aren't hungry. They literally have no need to work, and don't have the morals to stop them from being a louse.
Julian Murphy
Gee it would have been nice to have had a job during the economic crisis when I turned into a fresh 18 year old, unfortunately I was unwilling
why do you think theres so many jobless bums and losers in our generation you fucking idiot?
Aaron Brooks
Was raking it in for my age before and during that 'crisis' at your age. Just got to be motivated and in the right industry at the time.
Matthew Jackson
Lincoln Edwards
fucking sexy pic user. Custom paintjob? ZX10's don't like yellow. If so, is it yours and what year? Brilliant.