These results are a mixed bag indeed… some of them show that the baby boomers were protocucks in some aspects. Really makes you think
LIFE Magazine youth survey circa 1942
Its pretty obvious how things went to hell.
Like I said, protocucks
The full issue is online:
Find me the author of that and I'll show you a palm rubber
jesus christ
The Bride of Pepenstein.
You fucking dunce.
Well, we know one thing for sure: 6.9% of this survey were negro youths.
According to Kikepedia, the nigger population in 1940 was 9.8%. So either some niggers knew their place or the sample wasn't proportionate.
Some niggers still know their place, and they will all learn soon enough when they feel our boots on their necks again.
You're right, user. The "greatest generation" is the one I'm referencing.
Every survey before Pearl Harbor showed Americans wanted nothing to do with the war and saw it as a European civil war, kike.
From what I've heard, anti-miscegenation laws had support from both whites AND blacks. If you were a negro back in the day, you were more likely to get cucked by some oil-drilling hollywood director or media kike than you were to muh dik white wimminz.
The people who supported miscegenation in this (((survey))) were jews, plus the occasional muh dik nigger and raceblind white liberal or Christian, but the whole of the negro population probably didn't actively support it until the culture had changed to the point where THEY could do the cucking, and get away with it, and whites didn't support it until we had been conditioned to accept cuckoldry.
Hope you don't say that too loudly, if you have a daughter and you piss her off you're doomed to a negro blood-line.
From what I've heard, coloureds were perfectly happy with their lowly place in society back in the day. I'm not saying that they were a bunch of "based blacks" or even that they should have been anywhere near white countries, but as they aren't natural aspire-ers due to their lack of abstract thinking skills they have a greater predisposition towards accepting things as they are.
I am not sure what to call that generation that actually did the survey. It said high school students, so they weren't the only ones (or I am betting the majority) fighting in the war in 1942, it would have been their older brothers and sisters (in support roles) who did the fighting or their fathers.
Since the boomers were born between 1946-1964 it isn't them, and it isn't the Greatest Generation either, since they were actually fighting the war. I don't know which "generation" this is asking, and Internet searches are unclear and not unified in their date ranges.
Either way have a bump.
It's funny how these statistics are way better than the shitheap of today. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
This shows the poisonous flaw of whites. Their kindness/willingness to accept others as long as they don't mess with them (i.e. first statistic/benefit of the doubt) is precisely what leaves open a crack ideologically for the second stat to go from 93.1% to (probably) under 1%.
Maybe the beginning of the "silent generation" who fought in Korea
Being 18 in 1942 would also have allowed for a lot of them to actually fight in the WW2 though.
many of the >50% answers seem contradictory and paint a picture of very schizophrenic people
Most of things in pic haven't worked in a long time.
why didn't we listen to lindbergh
It goes to show that without a firm ideology in place that celebrates racial myth and history, basic prejudice is not enough to sustain a healthy racial dynamic. Those same faggots who said "lol of course whites shouldnt marry negroids" were probably won over 15 years later by the civil rights jews and fags, in fact I know for a fucking FACT they were, because during the 1960's segregation became fairly unpopular among white college students (yes, even in the sainted south, dixiefaggots). They never had any conviction, because their society went by "tradition", which is to say loose classical liberal principles which are easily hijacked by kikes with an agenda.
No, they absolutely were not, that's a myth that "paternalistic" southern halfcucks propagated but it was never true. If groids were ever happy being second-rung in society, then millions of them wouldn't have jumped on board with the civil rights movement. Even the civil rights movement didn't come out of nowhere, niggers had been forming unions and cooperating with subversive leftists for years before the 50's and 60's.
To think how quickly the kikes were able to cuck the youth.
Lol the youth were well on their way to cucking themselves. Racial cuckery in America has a looooonngg history; many of our forefathers were really not as based as we'd like to believe.
I'm terrified to know the modern figure for that one.
It's probably lower than 15%.
Slide thread
bubbo learn your history before you utter one more word
Then again remember that what people say is okay and what they actually would be willing to do are entirely different things.