What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
"Had Andrew Jackson still been alive/in power at the time of the Civil War, he would have prevented the war from starting."
He's probably right.
He meant this by this. Get a clue.
I can't be the only one that finds this a coincidence right after Spicer confirmed Trump's going for the Glass-Steagal move, right?
Probably one of the greatest leaders to come out of the U.S.
On November 24, 1832, South Carolina’s Nullification Convention passed an ordinance declaring that ‘it shall not be lawful’ after February 1, 1833, ‘to enforce payment of duties imposed by the said acts within the limits of this state.’ The deadline was later extended; its purpose was to provide time for Congress to repeal the protective features in the tariff under this new ultimatum. The ordinance concluded with a threat to secede if the federal government attempted to coerce the state. Carrying out the mandate of the ordinance, South Carolina’s state legislators commenced preparations for resistance to federal authority, including raising twenty-five thousand volunteer militiamen, though they expected to avoid armed conflict. They summoned Robert Hayne back from Washington to become governor of the state and elected [John C.] Calhoun to replace him in the Senate, showing that (despite the threat of secession) the most extreme Radicals would not be in charge. Accordingly, Calhoun resigned his lame duck vice presidency on December 28, 1832, and took his seat on the Senate floor.
The nullifiers felt encouraged by Jackson’s support for South Carolina’s Negro Seamen Law and for the Georgians in their defiance of the Cherokees’ treaty rights, both of which might well be considered forms of nullification. But they were wrong to think he would support them this time. Jackson was the last person to back away from a confrontation, and he took nullification as a patriotic and personal challenge from a man he had already come to distrust and loathe. The president regarded the nullification movement the same way he did the national bank, as a conspiracy against republican liberty prompted and led by a demagogue’s ambition. Though he and Calhoun were both Scots-Irish cotton planters born in South Carolina, and both considered themselves heirs of Jeffersonian Republicanism, they actually differed significantly in temperament and outlook. Calhoun represented a mature slaveholding aristocracy and conceived himself its philosopher-statesman. Jackson thought and spoke as an outsider to aristocracy. He typified the slaveholding man-on-the-make made good, an old soldier rather than a philosopher. Like Calhoun he was preoccupied with sovereignty, but to him it represented not a theory but a matter of deeply felt personal authority. As commander in chief, Old Hickory would not tolerate mutiny. Calhoun and Jackson shared an old-fashioned concept of manly honor that required vindication at any cost. The most serious constitutional crisis faced by the American republic between the adoption of the Constitution and the Civil War was also a showdown between two resolute individual men.
Jackson’s response to the nullification crisis stands as his finest hour. He combined firmness with conciliation. The firmness appeared unmistakably in his historic presidential proclamation on December 10. Nullification, the president told the people of South Carolina, was ‘in direct violation of their duty as citizens of the united States’ and ‘subversive of its Constitution.’ In Jackson’s straightforward logic, nullification was tantamount to secession. The president must execute the law; resistance to such execution would have to forcible. Calhoun’s arguments for peaceful nullification were specious, Jackson declared. ‘Do not be deceived by names Disunion by armed force is treason.’
The proclamation drew upon the legal acumen of Secretary of State Edward Livingston, who had faced the foe with Jackson eighteen years before at New Orleans. Besides exposing the impracticality of nullification, it defended the constitutionality of protective tariffs and refuted Calhoun’s theory that states retained complete sovereignty within the Union. To many contemporaries, including the dying John Randolph, it seemed Jackson had forsaken the Old Republican faith and endorsed the nationalism of Daniel Webster and John Marshall. Back in 1830, as senator from Louisiana, Livingston had endorsed a synthesis of nationalism and state rights based on a theory of divided sovereignty, shared by both state and national authority; this was the standard doctrine in the Democratic Party and would remain so for many years to come. But in December 1832, Jackson insisted that his proclamation endorse the unqualified principle of national sovereignty.
In the face of South Carolina’s challenge, Jackson responded with both toughness and responsibility. The commander in chief reinforced the garrisons of Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney in Charleston harbor and dispatched two armed revenue cutters to the scene. People both within and without South Carolina started to fear civil war. Eight thousand armed South Carolina Unionists enrolled, ready to answer a presidential call to oppose the state militia. The president ordered General Winfield Scott to prepare for military operations, but like Lincoln a generation later he cautioned that if violence broke out, the federal forces must not be the aggressors. To deter the nullifiers from attacking the Unionists in their midst, Jackson warned a South Carolina congressman that ‘if one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.’ When Robert Hayne ventured, ‘I don’t believe he would really hang anybody, do you?’ Thomas Hart Benton replied, ‘Few people have believed he would hang Arbuthnot and shoot Ambrister . . . I tell you, Hayne, when Jackson begins to talk about hanging, they can begin to look out for ropes!’ In January 1833, the president asked Congress for power to deal with the emergency, notably by shifting the collection point for customs duties to offshore federal ships and forts, beyond the range of the nullifiers’ control. Angry Carolinians dubbed it ‘the Force Bill,’ thought the measure actually rendered an armed clash between state and federal authorities less likely. At the same time Representative Gulian C. Verplanck of New York, a Democratic free-trader, introduced a drastic tariff reduction backed by the administration, which would immediately cut duties in half. Jackson wanted to make sure of the loyalty of the rest of the cotton South, and on the tariff issue he was willing to compromise.
The really critical issue of the situation would be the response of the other southern states to south Carolina’s initiative. Only with their support could a single state make nullification a viable precedent. In the end, this support did not come. Not even Mississippi and Louisiana, where the percentage of slaves in the population was almost as high as in South Carolina, came to their sister state’s aid, for neither shared her attitude toward the Tariff of 1832. Enjoying newly cultivated, rich soil, southwestern cotton-growers did not feel as hard pressed as those in South Carolina, while Louisiana sugar-growers actually favored protectionism. So no call went out for a new constitutional convention to settle the validity of tariff protection. Instead, legislatures in eight southern states passed resolutions condemning South Carolina’s nullification.
While Jackson’s willingness to coerce South Carolina if necessary undoubtedly worried southerners and doughfaces, his new support for tariff reduction, his record on Indian Removal, his professions of faith in strict construction, and his undoubted devotion to slavery and white supremacy combined to reassure them. His Force Bill provoked eloquent congressional oratory on state and national sovereignty, but little serious opposition. The Force Bill passed the House with more than a three-quarters majority (149 to 48) and the Senate with but one dissenting vote (though nine southern senators, including those from south Carolina, stayed away). For the time being at least, the slaveholding South appeared content to rely for protection on normal politics, with a sympathetic president representing the will of a majority of the electorate, rather than on a novel and drastic theory about state sovereignty.
We already had this thread, Moshe >>9835475
hes giving them forewarning that he is about to fuck them in the ass really fucking hard, so that they know he means business.
Trump is our Jackson, a strong no-nonsense populist elected in a time of growing divide. Of course, we all know that this growing divide can only end one way.
Dunno how Jackson would have felt about all those banker Jews in the White House…
It means we hold to the constitution. Balkanization and civil war is what the kikes want. There's a reason why race relations were the worst since the '60s under Obama. Soros' color revolutions only work when CIAniggers are supported by a divided population, see: Ukraine.
A United States of America under the constitution and rule of law keeps the kikes awake at night. They will shrivel under the weight of JUSTICE like worms on a summer sidewalk.
Play the cards you're dealt. Mnuchin just took credit for stawks zerohedge.com
When the contagion of the Canadian housing collapse spreads, watch out. October of this year might be the October to end all Octobers.
See you in September, Anons.
Checked for Slow death via demographic replacement it is then…
Read a book. ;^)
Fall is always fun.
It's not, you're seeing what you want to see, distraction misdirection is for plebs, not people with more than two brain cells to rub together.
jews were part of the slave trade in the caribbean since it started. Then they carpetbagged their way in after the original founding fathers died, fomented probelms (Rothschilds moved operations to North America after big profits in UK/France war and revolutions) profited off of the civil war. The republic was mortally wounded after 1812 and it had to cuck under the Brits (we never got our sailors back). Civil war was the death blow, The rot set in and the final gasp was 240 years to the day (go look it up) when Comey refused to recommend Hillary for indictment.
This is the phoenix year, we rise from the ashes. Trump is the new breath and you seriously, seriously have no clue what is coming (you're either a kike or idiot) and thank fuck for that. Your world is going to be fucking rocked and the international kvetching will be heard to the limits of the solar system. You think Duterte is coming just for a round of golf? Who knows who else will show up at the white house for a conversation or two. Let's just say that some memes will no longer be dreams.
Source for the jefferson quote?
So there's around 6 million jews in America right now?
This. I don't understand why liberals are having such a hard time parsing it.
History and leftism are diametrically opposed. So they have no idea why the civil war happened or when it started brewing.
No one cares about your shitty thread.
lol reported
but what if i wish ca would secede though?
Then you're a traitor. Kill the secessionists and EXPAND the Union. You sound like a kike who wants whites to give up MORE land.
I think he means there is going to be an American civil war.
Muh books?
Compare this to that faggot Buchanan, who refused to deal with threats of secession.
No really, he was gay. Jackson referred to him as 'Aunt Nancy.'
I think its from Notes on the State of Virginia. In that book he also goes into why niggers shouldn't live around white people.
Take your meds
Anyone got that one redpill-tier image that shows the ship logs and revealed that colonial owners of slave ships were all jews?
I think OP was hoping (as was I) that Trump was getting close to naming the jew. Guess not.
Fuck off back to niggertits with your shitty slide threads.
Then we kill you before we kill our brothers, Moishe.
I'll just put my cock in your mouth instead of words, faggot strawmanning kike.
Sorry dude I'm not like you jews, I don't like dicks in my mouth.
Unity through no more things to be divided over.
time to give them a real 6 million to kvetch about
Mr. President meant that he wasn't going to let The Great Soros War happen, as he will be assassinating him shortly.
Soros and Rothschild swinging in a tree
Seems like Trump does indeed know the Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo was gonna happen and he's trying to stop it.
He's probably trying to imply
Why did the war start?
Andrew 'Kill the Jew, Kill the Indian Too' Jackson
Jews created the Civil War. Andrew Jackson fought the Jew.
He knew the jews were worse than the savages, and he had no love for the savages. Bless Andrew Jackson. We could use a man like him now.
Not gonna lie, Jackson getting replaced on the $20 bill would really put me down.
You mean you don't want him replaced with Harriet Tubman, goy? She's a REAL American hero. Jackson was a racist Indian killer. Lets go with Tubman. Shes a better role model for you go..i mean guys.
I wonder how many people would stop using $20 notes altogether if that happened.
10s or 50s if it happened, but it probably won't right yet.
California is no longer white land, it's a trojan horse for nonwhites to continue to politically control and invade white land.
Fucking love how the kike is still rubbing his hands even he's hanged.
Nigger, what are you doing? Webm the relevant bit.
Ignoring that apple pie was invented in 14th century England, and today is bigger in Germany than the US?
Almost 10 years ago Vox Day predicted the US would break up by 2033. Either Trump has been reading VD or he has reached a similar conclusion.
If Trump really has predicted the US will fracture in 2033 that would explain why he ran for president and what his end game is.
Tubman - gun toting republican
Jackson - fought the international bankers until his last breath, kikes fucked him over by putting him on a federal reserve note
Restart the empire. Make the don actual emperor of mankind and expand to the moon and mars.
There is going to be a civil war and he is implying he'll stop it
fuck off retard
oh shit nigger, are you retarded? cause you just outed urself u dumby
Wait, Tripwire is a bunch of SJWs? Kinda hard to believe whenever I play RO2: Heroes of Stalingrad…
It's where the wall is starting, and all the hit TV shows live streaming deportations will be located.
You really like your pet niggers, huh?
what a coincidence that saddam hussein and mumar gaddafi didn't allow the globalist centralized banks. guess who has them now.
who doesn't have them yet? who doesn't like gmos?
north korea and syria
the wall is never ever bro
oh and hitler was against this.
illegal immigration down by 70% since trump got in and that's even without a wall SO FAR
expect it. it's coming.
What has always confused me about illegals is that they are always so hyped about their garbage home nation, up until they are being forced to go back.
Here's my take on Trump.
>Regardless of what you think about "the altright" honestly a bunch of fags they have pushed some GOP further right, and shown what a scam American politics are.
Shit's gonna go down with-in 20-30 years, and how bad it is will depend on how much Trump succeeds, and how much he lets jews control him. There's either gonna be a lot of violence and permanent destruction of America this century, or a little a massive societal changes. either way:
he meant nothing
just more consequence free twitter shitposting from a powerless president controlled by kike son-in-law using his daughters emotions as a manipulating tool
Oh my poor soul. You don't know that Gibson is a kool-aid drinker?
Fuck off rabbi
Because congress will never sit again in Trump's term. You shills are fucking retarded.
What makes you think they'll pass trump's wishlist next time?
That would be a good thing really, a civil war would give you Americans an excuse to kill niggers again.
Because shit will go down very soon and the whole world will see that Trump was right.
==Jackson would have ordered the outright murder of African slaves and freed Africans…. just like Mexicans
without wall it's just back to normal after Trump leaves office and/or after Sessions isn't AG anymore
why do I feel like this half-assed thread is just some leftist journalist trying to get a fresh take on the "alt-right?" Fuck this thread.
Putting him on a federal reserve note was a deliberate insult to his memory. I don't approve of the reasons for ditching him, but he shouldn't be on it.
Because it's a shitty template threads and nu-Holla Forums is too retarded to notice?
Yep, you're a kike.
Fuck that, Trump is going to annex the world and export all the Jews to Mars, where an unfortunate cataclysm will befall.
That's you.
if you want to get real angry watch The View. They're pretty much telling the audience that civil war is inevitable and that we should be happy because more white males will die than anyone else.
lame thread is lame and that tweet means nothing because it could mean a bunch of shit. frankly we need the civil war.
Don't make me kek.
Oh look, mention nu-Holla Forums and the weebshits come out of the woodwork. What a ((coincidence))).
Reported for being an obvious faggot shill.
fellate a shotgun
I expect this place to be BETTER than cuckchan, which means no zero-effort template threads.
Both sites are owned by self-admitted jews and moderated by nonwhites. What the fucking hell do you EXPECT, you cocksucking faggot?
nigger what portion of this half hour long video does he talk about glass steagle. Aint nobody got time for this shit
Can't be divided if there's no opposition because you gassed them all
Who is Israel Zangwill
Who is Emanuel Celler
In other words, Holla Forums is always right.
hey, she never said on what side.
If only they knew.
They don't want it to make sense, though they're right in a sense, Jackson was pretty fucking far away from being an abolitionist.
He's not being removed, they're doing far worse. They're keeping him on there and adding Tubman to the same bill to add injury to insult, he's going to be on one side with her on the other.
I think that it's actually saying the opposite of what you're taking away from it, that the bank-note is more destructive. Because the bank note is "lying in the same manner as the murderous, but less destructive instrument of the savage". Make no mistake, Jackson knew full well who the problem was and why.
I understand the sentiment of wanting to protect the "Union", but it was a voluntary arrangement up until that tyrant Lincoln decided it wasn't. Secession gave the States more clout at the negotiating table because they had the ability to walk away from shitty deals.
Now we're stuck with lobbyists in DC initiating policy that the entire Nation is beholden to (same deal with Federal "judges" legislating from the bench).
I think we were at our best as a confederation, and I hope we return to one.
It's nice because you could then say "well CA has a lot of GRIDS infected 3rd worlders and we'd prefer they stay out of our State" so your in-State border guard enacts a ban on travel from CA.
Conversely, CA could say "those evil weapons of war are too prolific in the free State of AZ, so our borders are closed to them"