Based Construction Worker VS ANTIFA

even normies hate tehse fuckers. hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!


OP why are you so low effort and cuckchan tier.


dlet ths

It's so funny that these fucking middle class champagne socialists think of themselves as the proletariat because they work in the food service industry (assuming they work at all). The real working class are Americans who went to trade school, plumbers, electricians, welders, carpenters, machinists, you know… people who actually PRODUCE things. Guess what you commie pieces of shit? Those kind of people generally LIKE this country and vote Republican.

NSDAP when?

Video related happened a few months back.


We really need an IQ test before posting

I don't see a difference. Both should be replaced by fucking robots, unless they are teenagers seeking summer employment while in school. Tradesmen are a fucking cancer.

Wasn't worth it's own thread tbh.

I love when commies encounter the real working class

Also, saging the shit out of this because it doesn't deserve to be on the front two pages

Although the construction worker is pretty based

We need to get on twitter and call out this antifag for patronizing women like they can't defend themselves. DnC these shits.

They try to take the moral high ground, but they assault women more than men

and what the hell is your reasoning for that i wonder?

He's a commie that has had his ass ravaged by the fact that the working class isn't with them.


Dare I ask just what your master plan is to keep the economy from collapsing while robots are somehow magically able to do everything for us? And while I'm asking, what the fuck is the point of kids working summer employment if they're just going to grow up and watch the robots take their jobs, as well?

None of them work. They are in school for sociology degrees, paid for by their parents.

Are you now or have you ever worn a bowtie unironically?

same here n igger, she's a guil ty pleasure of mine. Her pussy must taste awful though even though it would probably feel like heaven due to its size and softness.

same here n igger, she's a guil ty pleasure of mine. Her pussy must taste awful though even though it would probably feel like heaven due to its massive size and softness.

last test
same here nigger, she's a guilty pleasure of mine. Her pussy must taste awful though even though it would probably feel like heaven due to its massive size and softness.