Brittany Venti Attacked by ANTIFA

Conservative girl with nice bit tits get attacked by ANTIFA. NYPD then arrest her instead of them.

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Sorry Brittany


rip titties

she looks part black to me


She doesn't look pure white.

Last week the post was she was killed in a house fire.
WTF Holla Forums?

She's a nigger. Does this really matter?

doesn't look like her in that pic

1/8 boon

she's a nigger


She looks bad in that, here are other pictures of her


Attention whore, but a funny one no doubt.

Top kek, I think you meant to say cam whore

That schnoz. I don't trust it.


If you can't see the nigger in that picture, you're demoted to 4cuck.

Where was her HWNDU nuffin boyfriend?

She looks like a trap version of that Jew kid from the gif where there's an Israeli flag in the background and he rubs his hands extravagantly. Someone post that shit and tell me she doesn't.

Why does she look like a negroid in that picture?

dem tiitays

Because she was being arrested.

As you shouldn't, user

Idk I'm oddly turned on by the picture of her flicking off the camera.

If she's a jewess I take it all back tho.

Who cares about this cam whore. I just want to see some tittes.


Mate, she looks like Anderson Silva.

I was under the impression he was the one they were trying to swipe the backpack from. Either way, this thread should fuck off.


She's a nigra, autist user, a nigra


I will always appreciate her for being top tier newfag bait on Holla Forums but Holla Forums is no place for dedicating an entire thread to an octoroon.

Now put tits on him.


that looks like a nigger to me


While this thread still exists,
I have to ask OP, how do you not see that she's a chimp whore? Her "act" is to chimp out on cam for money.


I don't follow her and I just know about her from HWNDU but its always nice to have a tactical QT at events like that


Dammit user stop ruining my fantasies


I miss Anderson Silva from the UFC 100-50 years. Such a fun guy to watch; you wanna hate the cocky Brazilian fucker but he ends up being too interesting. Sad when he broke his leg.

Wow Antifa hit a new low, attacking a feminist. Those misogonerds better check their face masks before I white knight them.

sam hyde looks potato as fuck without his hipster specs on

Octoroon or not, still well bred genes; very pretty girl.
Can never have enough pretty girls holding signs naming the Jew. Perhaps when whites conquer the earth and regain colonies the half breeds who pass a genetics test can be given a Madagascar option.



She's out of jail^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Take your octaroon attention whore and go back to cuckchan. Enough. ENOUGH
I can't take any of you faggots anymore. You are here since the fucking election and you were lurking back there for the one chance you had to go on the maymay magic shitposting threads to let your autism out. Then hwndu came and you spergs got the guts to go on a shitposting spree on the whole board since then. Your threads are shit , your posts are shit and by no means you are welcome here. LURK FOR ANOTHER YEAR OR TWO OR GTFO YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS.

This is essentially the same level of retarded knuckle-dragger chanting at HWINDU. Drones droning loudly & getting triggered when anyone disrupts their pathetic cult's attempts to disrupt. All these kike puppets are indistinguishable.


Nice divide and conquer tactics kike. Go back to something awful and gas yourself.

women are attention sluts and conservative ones are the most annoying since they cuck the (((conservatives)))

kill yourself OP


Reported for MGTOW. Gas yourself cuck.


not good, but not suprising. another one down. when will we replace words with bombs. just a joke FBI, no one would plan a bomb on an imageboard they would just do it on their own in secret.

is conservagirl pulling a product placement stunt?

Umm excuse me? Take your gross misogyny elsewhere. These fascists have just attacked a woman and that is disgusting and NOT OK. Antifa are clearly neckbearded MRA virgins whose fragile masculinity breaks when confronted with a strong WoC.
commies attacked a girl and she got arrested over it. this is good shit to spread, fag

This thread and everyone that posts in it should be permab&

Seriously, stop posting on my pol.
All of you.

Sage goes in all fields.

Maybe yall should go post on

Is she just a camwhore or does she do actual journalism?

What the fuck is with all these shills in this thread?

Dunno. Maybe this is an e-celeb that the kikes don't own?


If I picked a fight with a girl and got my ass kicked, I wouldn't want people to know about it either.

Im a New york mongrel she is something similar. Italian/Irish/German/Iberian/Nigger/Caribbean Native American.

No. It's a degenerate shithole that lacks constant moderation.
It does have some potential, as to why I directed the newfags itt to it.
This includes yoy

What attracts you mixed breeds to places like Holla Forums anyway? I always imagined it would appeal only to pure huwites.


No, your mother is just a coal burner, and you're a nigger. Halflings are disgusting. Just as annoying as the beaner children we've had flooding Holla Forums lately.

You shitskins who keep coming here and announcing your nigger blood like its something your proud of is just retarded as fuck as it is annoying.

Some of us aren't austits and fuck anything that doesn't get away..

Sage for off topic

As long as you don't breed with them, and you learn something, stick around.
Just stop talking about it.
Fucking race trading degenerate.

Literally muh dick nigger, kill yourself.

I hear ya. For the record I don't want kids.
I'd never knock up one, but I've seen some 10/10 non whites I'd pow pow pow.
I'll shut up about it now. There is no point with disagreeing about our tastes.

she really isn't

You're an animal with no selfcontrol. You don't belong here.


I hope you'll let actual nationalists know during the final race war that you're an oil drilling degenerate race traitor so that you can be strung up on the same tree as the monkeys you fucked.

Enough with the D&C
He needs to shutup about his degeneracy, but being this austic when he may of some use isn't helping anything

In the meantime, we need to stick to the jewish question, then the dotr.
Until then, don't acknowledge d&c shills

Very talented fighter, that's for sure.

w… wh…


I'm sure most of them would fuck a 10/10 too.
I really could care less about what people do behind closed doors, I still have their back.

Maybe vaccines do cause autism.

alison quinn. he's faking it

Screencapping this thread, well done 8ch/pol/
this 4chan now, 90% civic nationalist or lolberts, judging by todays posts


There's either a massive influx of newfags or shills, judging on by how off many of the posts are in their peculiar verbiage and structure. It's apparent that they're not from around here.


She's being called a journalist by normalfags.

Fuck off, faggot.

Nobody cares who's fucking whom.

It's finally anchored good
nigra's the female nigger retard

hi newfriend

The bog or the noose, I don't care which one but all of your type of filth is going to get cleaned out one day.



She's 20? Wew.


Her massive bangers hypnotize normalfags in to believing whatever she wants them to.

We have weaponized tits. This is our most powerful form.

Oh god Satan!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck is wrong with it!!!


while being trolled on a live stream she claimed she was one eighth

Yeah yeah, whatever faggot.

what up fam New Yorker here
Irish/German/Swiss/Polish/Puerto RIcan

We certainly don't want a 1/8th nig helping our cause, it should only be whites!

Top fucking Kek, she might be an octboon but shes honorary af and dem tiddies too Would donate sperm to her.

The future North American race called Nuu Yawkuhs?

She's absolutely gorgeous. I want to see in full prison garb.

Kill yourself you fucking cuckchan nigger.

I thought this bitch died in a fire last week. OH WAIT it was fake ass shit for da viewz

You can always tell a non-white by their feet.

No shame, bud, octoroons in good standing could be considered full blooded germans by the reich. 1/16th babies are white as can be expected too, so donate away.

She's portraying a character that you want to and can troll.

She lies on stream all the time. It's an act.

Ok. Guess the question won't be solved until she publishes her 23andme results

Yes I fucking mmayad!




I KNEW SHE WAS /ourwhore/

Its uncanny.

Again, very Irish. Could just be a potatonigger.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Irish? Same thing, really.

Nah. Her lips have got the dimple. She's either tatty nig, or poach nig. Either way, she's got the genes for stonking great tits.

It's an act, but she actually could make some camwhore $$$ waving those titties around instead of talking so much. 30 seconds of that voice is enough.

Fuck off kike.

Brittany Venti needs our financial support

Let the puppies breath and free Brittany's jugs

Don't be dour, Patty. I'll be gentle~