Black Lives Matter wants police officers out of Toronto schools
Black Lives Matter wants police officers out of Toronto schools
ahahaha I've always found it hilarious that BLM has been up to their "WE" shit up here. We have way fewer blacks here than you have in the US but even up here they act as if they are - or have been even remotely close - to being oppressed. The one good thing about them was when they called Trucuck a "white supremacist".
But black students are suspended at much higher rates than students of other races. That's proof they're being oppressed.
The oppression of blacks in Canada must stop! #blacklivematters
No, that's proof that they need to stop being cunts.
Yeah, I know you were joking.
Let them out, I bet the cops would love it. Niggers will start killing themselves even quicker.
Fuck off with these cuckchan-tier shitposts
did canadians even had slavery and/or discrimination laws?
There was a law called "restrictive covenant" which gave communities to right to refuse the sale of a home to unwanted minorities.
A good response to this would be to quietly, indirectly release the race based crime statistics that Canadian law enforcement were "forbidden" from keeping track of. Even just going over a year's worth of homicide/gun violence with pictures of perpetrators and victims would be wildly effective.
What the fuck. Canada does not have a slave history like the USA. In fact they were the most loyal to the British Empire, many were brought over after fighting the Americans in the War of American Independence. They have nothing to complain about there.
Furthermore many blacks were raised properly under the British system, which was destroyed by welfare, creating black sugar mama culture. Destroying the purpose of black men and youth.
Its also really racist to group all blacks together, many Canadian blacks who have been in Canada for generations are not the same as African blacks, such as Somalians or Algerians, who are hated by non-immigrant blacks.
I like that they just admit that they're criminals now.
The whole problem is mixed schools. If there were separate schools for human and nigger nobody would be against letting the niggers run wild inside their own building.
not ironically, BLM has actually called for segregation in schools. My sides still haven't fully recovered.
African-American "culture" seems to permeate like a cancer throughout the planet.
Ironic shitposting etc.
I realize that this is about K-12 but check this out-
Police precincts in college campuses have a historic precedent. Speaking of which, the whole reason for their founding was to arrest liberal vandals (apparently a campus would have been out of local jurisdiction).
Then is it really "African-American" culture? It may just be black culture.
What the fuck, why would you post that.
Seems relevant. Maybe you should go back to reddit if that shocks you, newcuck.
they are getting almost as bad as the chugs for blaming everyone else for their problems up here…. heres an idea jamal…. pay attention in class and do your schoolwork and you might not get suspended you fucking clown
That guy has a tiny ass dick. I'm far bigger.
There must be a lot of disappointed white women
top lel just let this happen.
This makes no sense. You've got to GO to school to walk out of it. The only reason a nigger ever goes to school is for a free lunch or to sell drugs.
That's ironic. The blacks are the only reason the cops are there.
holy shit I'm a leaf and even I didn't know that
Black lives matter spread like a disease and this pissed many people off. They have became terrorists but they are too stupid to realise the consequences yet.
How are police being there at all hindering people from learning? If anything, it's helping the handful of students who actually want to get an education. The police aren't there just because there are black kids, they're there because niggers can't behave themselves.
I don't imagine they're hindering anyone who wants to learn. The people pushing this are just preachy ideologues making work for themselves and the TDSB, being the morons they are, will go with it full hog like they did with their "afro-centric" school. Give it a full school year after they implement this policy and they'll be bitching that white parents are sending their kids to different schools.
Yeah, I really wonder what "walk out" day was like in terms of incidents reported and officer involvement. Something tells me things were pretty quiet that day without all the cultural enrichment.
BLM Toronto was given a platform by CBC 2 years in a row in February, Im not sure what they did this year as I just plain didnt bother watching at all that month. They ran a special called "Being Black In Canada" which you can still find on youtube, where they made claims like the underground railroad is a myth ignorant white people believe in, and that blacks are owed reparations by Canada because of supposed - but not actually cited - examples of British colonial slavery, which they attribute to modern Canada. CBC by taking the time to put on this big production, was effectively endorsing, and promoting those ideas themselves. It wasnt some hostile question session, it was one big set up to promote their ideas and the idea that blacks are oppressed and blah blah, cultural marxist kikery.
You can mix that with this Yusra cunt who pretty much openly called for the genocide of whites, bragged about how were being wiped out, and called us sub-human. She was never charged with anything, despite this being in breech of several laws. Laws dont exist anymore, remember, and are totally invalid. Promotion of genocide alone is a serious crime in Canada, its one of the countries who doesnt just rely on the UN, but passed their own laws.
She also has a closed twitter, but many followers. She can pretty much be planned to be taking part in the planning of a violent guerilla group.. and given the FLQ history, and Turdeau Sr having been caught false flag bombing peoples barns, and having had the Canadian forces use one of their aircraft to safely transport marxist terrorists to Cuba, who had assassinated our trade minister, without a scratch on them… I think its safe to assume BLM Toronto is a Canadian government front as part of a plan to annihilate whites, at some future date. They enacted the war powers act before on false flags and ran the marxist terrorists, thats the current leaders father. Whole country is one big lemming cesspool of marxist genocide lovers, and their puppet masters.
I cant remember what I saved her giant post about white genocide promotion and calling whites sub-human because they "lack melanin" under, and Im kinda surprised it hasnt been posted yet already. Someone has it.
So yea, to just make that clear, CBC denies the official history Canadian children are taught in school, they deny the underground railroad, as seen in video related. If they didnt, the interviewer would have objected instantly and said its factual history and you must be insane, or they would have put a banner like CNN did for Trump where it says:
I forget the exact line, but thats what they said. Railroad is a myth, blacks never escaped to Canada from America through a chain of sympathetic whites "all whites supported slavery" type stuff.
There are cops in Toronto schools now?
Toronto cops are extremely anti-white, they're certainly not there to protect our children but there sure is a weird push to get them normalized in our schools and transportation. I wonder what might have changed in the last few years to make people feel unsafe enough to tolerate this? What could have changed? It is a mystery.
They're only in excessively "urban" schools like Central Tech and Vaughn Road. I think it either changed with the "Summer of the Gun" business or when that dipshit niglet shot himself accidentally in a school stairwell.
No shit? Anyone who has taught or been in classes with niggers know exactly why this is the case. The real sham is they still get away way more than any other race because of shitty cuck teachers and the real rate should be way fucking higher.
fucking niggers
You know something, guys? I wouldn't give much of a shit if this was one of the duskier races. I mean, I wouldn't like it, but I probably wouldn't wish EbolAIDS on them, either. But every time I see a traitor (assuming that blob isn't a jew) like this, I can't help remembering the immortal words of Hugh Neutron: "Always shoot a traitor before an enemy, Jimjam."
Yeah, no. There's no way in fuck that's accurate any longer, considering how many that fuck in Ottawa has been shipping in.
She's actually on our side. with the wild cry of "White people fuck" she is telling the Aryans of the world to improve their birth rate. Truly the greatest of out undercover agents.
For once, we agree. Saves the white taxpayer money both now and in the future, as so many little nogs will have killed each other off before getting on the welfare train. Perhaps we should invest in our future and open some inner city abortion clinics with the money saved?