Did i fuck up?

so i started talking to this girl i met at a concert.

"im not a part of any skinhead group or anything like that, and im not a fascist, but i am a white nationalist and believe that white people are being screwed over and supplanted by rich globalist who benefit from progressivism and multiculturalism"
"there is no such thing as multiculturalism, only replacement and the destruction of heritage and cultures. doesn't it seem odd that white countries are the only ones forced to take refugees? doesn't it seem odd that the media and hollywood always rail against white people while pushing for more minorities."

did i lay it on too thick?
what can i do to fix this?

i have talked to her about politics and she can hold a conversation

she agreed with me on nuclear disarmament and that "mutually assured destruction" is bullshit

she believes "new wave" feminism is shit and will only hurt women in the long run

she said there are too many illegal immigrants coming to the US but that the wall wont work, and that we should put the military in charge korean dmz style

she identified as a right leaning centrist

Other urls found in this thread:


you sperged out too early and lost your chance at true love

True love doesn't exist

Leave, you pathetic cuckchan refuse.

Looks like you saved yourself a lot of future trouble. Social carpet bombing gets all the shit out of the way early.

how should i have done this then?

keep crying bitch

Your first mistake was to talk politics with a woman. Don't do that, that's what men are for.

Seems like it.

most modern white women are only good for sex. fuck em' and chuck em.

As a guy with a former feminist, now fully redpilled girl I have found that slow and steady is best. Women react strongly against being pulled too quickly out of their comfort zone.

Ignore all the losers whining about women not being able to handle politics. My GF is a petite, soft spoken, woman who objectively looks like she has no political opinions beyond the mild feminism that all women are expected to have. But in private, she is more dedicated to preserving our race than the loveless losers whining about women being incapable of being White nationalists.

When the war comes to Europe, we will need every man and woman. Society will not function without women. And when we win (and we will win) it is women who will be essential in imbuing pro-White values in our children.

However, objectively (in a cold calculating sense) you are more productive to the cause as a single man. For some reason, love never deradicalized me. But for most people having a significant other or especially children makes you more moderate. Also, being single is cheaper and you will have more time to get active against White genocide.

Never forget that women were the main voter group that got Hitler elected. Never forget that after WW1 primarily women were responsible for holding the German nation together and they suffered horribly, sold all their stuff, but in the end pushed through until Schacht got the situation under control in 1924.

Lads, is it normal to think that love is something that you don't seek, but that comes to you?

Yeah, you fucked up. Should've ensnared her by her heart strings before you went all natsoc.

That's where you fucked up

Indeed. Also, Hitler always made sure to have women visibly around him to attract younger men to his cause.

Why did you feel the need to justify your position by dismissing others first? Women resent weakness, you essentially asked for permission to hold your ideology by attacking others first:

Never ever apologise, women respond to conviction and strength. Don’t be a sperg but don’t give the impression you are unconfident with your ideology. Use humour as well, just because peoples Pavlov-tier programing kicks in around the subject doesn’t mean you have to respond in kind. If someone asks you if you are a Nazi (and starts having a little fit) just say “well I’m not one of these people who think’s Hitler did nothing wrong” pause for a moment and follow up with “he lost the war for a start” and laugh. You haven’t sullied your position but you will have placated the person you are talking to.

You fixed it. Don't date leftists.

Women follow strong men.

you revealed your power level to someone who wouldn't be ready for it for years and years to come, possibly under normal circumstances never in this life or before the end times begin

you should've asked her some sort of question that would gauge whether or not she trusted the government before november 8th or not, then another one gauging whether or not she trusted the democrats

if she displays no critical thinking skills when it comes to politics, look for someone else since shes very likely to be very gullible
furthermore, if she shows signs of being a leftist in the first place, she probably isn't worth your time

You definitely laid it on too thick. When talking to women you don't reveal your power level at first, you let it out slowly and when you get the chance at fucking her and/or trapping her so it's a pain in the ass to get out of the relationship, reveal it full on. Maybe you should talk to a church girl about traditionalism. Marry her if she's the one.

Hold on, let me tell you where you screwed up.

Come on user, it's 2017.

But you're the one getting banned

i prefaced it with that because its true.

im not a member of any skinhead or "neo-nazi" group and i don't agree with fascism.

im a right leaning libertarian who believes in white nationalism and is anti corprate
its not me taking a half hearted stance it's me taking my own stance while still wanting to preserve my race and culture

but user i did have sex with her…

not with an adult dose of redpill that's for sure.
basics in convincing someone is to first grasp the entirety of their thought pattern, arguments, and points of view.

1st when she asked ya if ya didn;t really believe in the nazi stuff, that was a loaded question that implied her point of view from the get go, and like a doofus ya stepped on the mine, associating yourself with the skinhead label. Instead ya should have countered with another question like:
and then ask more in depth question, like do you know what their philosophy stand on? no? then how are you basing your reasoning? is it their look? are you revulse at anythign remotly reminiscent of Nazis? what do you know about nazism?

once ya get enough info about their point of view, ask for the usual double standards:
then you drop small redpills, don't ideolize white supremacy yet, if she is even remotely sympathetic to communism, or socialism, compare the death tally of communism to Nazism, then ask why is socialism viewed favorably but not meritocracy/capitalism?

discussion can fork a lot depending of answers, ya can redpill her with raw data. golden rule is as follow:
in other words, ya first need to shatter ALL their illusion, anytime ya sense a resistance to any argument, ya missed something, root out their ideology, break it appart with the socratic method and lay her illusions bare, only once her anchor points are removed can ya instill new knowledge.

(trips of truth)


Then she probably doesn't give a shit about sex and is a whore. Discard and move on.

This. Slow and steady. It also helps if youre handsome and witty. Use emotional arguments with women, "blue/green eyes, blond hair will disappear. Isnt that sad?" "My children will be white and I dont want them growing up in a world that demonizes them and blames them for all its problems." "We reserve the right to our own homeland. Every race desrves that." Of course youd say these things in a non-political and more emotional way to get their sympathy for our race, then youll get there devotion to our race.

4 years ago, since Ive found Holla Forums Ive fucked and and turned 5 women over to our races cause. The 6th one Ive stayed with because she is honestly the most promising and of great german/scot stock with an amazing extensive family who are all pretty fucking based.

You can call me degenerate for being a man whore but the grills I plowed through will no doubt settle with a white man of worth to bear them children. Its a fucked up world we live in and all is struggle so you do what you got to do.


This as well.

if you told her you liked saga instead her reaction would've been less visceral
every woman i've ever talked to has said she doesn't like right wing views because they make other women look down on them, so if she saw another woman saying skrewdrivers words she might've been more slightly more receptive

fucking blogposts. In the rare, rare chance that this might just be some cuckchan sperg instead of a sliding shill:

Redpill on corporations and banks first. Discuss the movement of money. Every time you bring up the CEO/board mention who's black, white, asian, jewish, whatever, offhand.
Redpill on government and corporate revolving door, regulatory capture, mention again who is behind it.
Do the same with how terrible Hollywood is.
Eventually the penny will drop that it's jews every time.
This is about a 6-12 month intensive process. In the meantime, be the best boyfriend humanly possible. Amazing sex, be available to talk and just listen to her, actually give a shit about her as a human being and take her personal mental, emotional and spiritual growth seriously (if you go in with MGTOW/anti-woman mentality then you'll fuck it up because that mentality doesn't engender true loyalty)

3/10 made me waste my time writing this.

Ah. This worked wonders. I saved a bunch of natsoc/nationalist qt photos that had been posted to Holla Forums over the years and used it as propaganda as well. Show them what you want in a woman and theyll conform if they deem you a worthy man to conform to.

Moving way too fast there with politics, you have to work it in slowly like its just funny memes at first while providing increasingly more hard evidence against the jews

Most girls dont give a damn about the flow of money and all that bullshit. Win the emotional appeal case for your race first then enter the jq and fiscal side.

Yes, by making this thread and so did the idiots who bumped it and didn't tell you to fuck off.

That isn’t how it would have sounded from her perspective. You told her you were a white nationalist, that = Neo Nazi, KKK, Giga Hitler, flashing images of 6 million dead Jews to most people. Not only that but you primed telling her this by displaying weakness.

Try and see it from a normalfag's point of view.


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

It's the (((corporations))) that pull all the bullshit. Making it illegal for locals to collect rainwater in third world countries (Nestle), giving away "free" infant formula to stop women from lactating so they have to keep buying formula which is shit anyway (Nestle again), giving massive loans to dictators who put the country in debt then move to London. Any bleeding heart liberal cause can be tied directly to kike corporations, almost every single time. The money and the cause are always linked, which is why the money's important.

Skinheads are fucking autists and you're part of the problem.

Back to halfchan with you

That faggot sperg isn't getting laid at this rate. He and retards like you can make excellent cannon fodder though.

user look at those three bits I highlighted just for you, look at em and tell me what you think the answer to your dilemma is. She's a woman, many women I've talked to have that same process of thinking, if you can really call it that. She's a woman. They do a shitload of gymnastics to support autistic logical inconsistencies, it's how they are. I know every fat sweaty faggot on here will sit all day and type at you on how to "debate women" or "unbrainwash women" and blah blah blah and I'm not saying I'm a Casanova intellectual whatever either. However, you had the perfect opportunity to stop that shitstorm before it kicked off and you blew it by spilling spaghetti. You don't argue facts and cold logic with women, especially ones who are already ideologically and morally opposed to whatever subject it is, you argue with them by pointing out shit like what she said. You should've asked her how using strict military measures to enforce borders leads to an inclusive multicultural world. She apparently, although I sincerely doubt it just knowing how women are, identifies at least a little bit with the right. And if she supports such strict border control then she probably at least knows a little bit how important borders are. You should've asked her that, didn't even need to be an asshole or aggressive or anything like that which FYI is the quickest and easiest way to shutdown any and all discussion with a woman by the way, all you needed to do was have her elaborate. You can shove apples in a horses mouth all fucking day long but it doesn't mean the fucking thing will eat em, women need to be guided down a particular train of thought process. Guided, not led. Be nice, be gentle, but be stern and have them elaborate on whatever dumb shit they say and then have a casual discussion about said dumb shit and let them see for themselves on how they're wrong. Or even right. Another important thing FYI is making sure that they feel comfortable and secure in what they believe in, we do it on the Internet via discussion, research, debate, etc but many women aren't willing or even capable of confronting their own biases and beliefs head on. As men we're aggressive, comeptitive, and confrontational it's in our nature, and that applies to many if not all areas of our lives. That's not the case with women, next time you see a group of them having a discussion, whether it's families or total goddamn strangers, just sit there and listen to them. To avoid arguments they'll compromise on many if not all issues including whatever they say. Best way to prevent that is to make sure not only you, but especially she as well, regularly reinforce her. Even if it's showing her whatever the local niggers in your town did that day on the local police station shekelberg page every day, a constant barrage of info is needed to maintain the strength and stability of the steel of her mind or else it'll corrode the second she encounters opposition.

Just laugh at a woman's politics. Don't debate them.

kek, 8pol is fucked
mods asleep

There are ways to talk about NatSoc without triggering the brainwashing. The trick is subtlety and using the words of the Jew against them.

That being said, women are fucking retarded idiots that are genetically hard-wired to be marxist-leaning morons when it comes to establishing long-lasting first-world nations. Everywhere they go, they leave the ashes of our forefather's prosperity in their wake. The 19th Amendment in burgerland was one of the great fuck-ups of our nation.

Understanding that women are emotionally compromised by our society (and their very birth) should tell you that you shouldn't try to engage them on philosophy. They are nothing but brainless automatons that simply want to cuddle cute shit and engage in fleeting superficial activities. The trick is that those activities USED to be channeled into homemaking and raising children, because that is what the other "queen bees" do and promote.

Nowadays, It's better to just use soft words not to convert them, but to simply gauge their worthiness to be a wife and mother to your children. If they are salvageable, then keep them around. If not, fuck and chuck at first notice.

wow that's some evil shit right there. citation?

hard to believe it would actually stop anyone from collecting rainwater

They've already done it in America.

https:// www. google.com/search?q=EPA+cant+have+rainwater+barrels&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=Americans+can%27t+collect+rainwater

You need to keep it positive and light with women in the initial stages. You can get 1488 ragey only after they've accepted you as their protector. Then it turns them on.

No politician's tin star lap dog is gonna come onto MY property and stop me from collecting what falls on it.

as if collecting rainwater would make any difference whatsoever. that's just plain bizarre. i suppose that using an atmospheric water generators would be "unlawful diversion of water vapor"?

maybe i'll start collecting my own water, just to be a belligerent asshole.


If she wasn't attached to you after having sex it's because she's been plowed by so many different cocks that it doesn't even affect her anymore.

just looked up my state laws, turns out it's encouraged here.

It's purely for power. They do it because it gives them another angle at which to attack people from. In this case, your home even isn't safe from their control. God forbid you live on land that has a stream running through it — the waterways of the USA have become a "loophole" that the govt uses all the time to subvert and supersede private property rights.

Resist……….and get ready for the Waco hit squad to come and breach-bang-clear-shootyerdog your ass at 3am.

strange that it's illegal in the first place. i really doubt it would have any impact on the water table. municipal water can't be that lucrative and i seriously doubt that it's a real concern for nestle either

if you see her again (very possible, bitches love dem bad boyz they feel they can tame) trick her
ask her to explain to you what is so good about multiculturalism
and when one of her arguments is simple propaganda bullshit, say you don't understand and ask her to explain it to you
only then you pull redpills in moderate doses, like crime stats for the last month in your city

fuck her right and she'll be back
you did furck her right, right?

No, you didn't fuck up. She's fucked in the head. Your 20min chit chat is no match for her 20 years of indoctrination.


Also you should read "Confessions of an Economic Hit-man."
Really anything by (((Naomi Klein))) or (((Noam Chomsky))) but then take the time to ferret out how it's actually the kikes behind everything.

purely profit driven

I live for these moments.

Check up on the (((bottled water))) scam too. It's ridiculous how that all works.

Don't try calling her 20 times like a beta cuck, the best thing you could do is forget about her. If she sees you're not a beta cuck she will probably come back to you. Otherwise move on.

if you are passive like a woman yes