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Assuming this is true, good.
Then why did you sage?
he gets the rope
I always sage. I rarely consider my posts worthy of bumping. Even if the article is good. tl;dr I bump only if my post truly adds to the discussion.
I think that Trump is just fucking with people
Holy shit, Trump is mobilizing the lolbergs to become more right leaning and less of a brown hoard free trade loving poz fest.
He literally says the most batshit inane stuff purely for our entertainment. Trump knows how the rabbit-chasing deal works
Like it fucking matters, do I need to link the the new cuck budget that trump will pass? It's been a fucking ghost town round here all day because either iamkikey is deleting the anti trump threads as soon as they are posted or the five group of kike shills that stump for drumpf are too embarrassed to show themselves.
And what has Trump been doing while he's had the media chasing rabbits? How may bricks for the wall have been laid? Has Obamacare been repealed? Is Hillary being prosecuted for her treason?
I think it's time people stop pretending Trump has everything figured out, it's really getting old. Spicer says batshit insane things because he's batshit insane, it isn't part of some bigger plan by the 4D chess playing kiked faggot we elected.
Wow. I hope people dont miss that part. Thats big.
It's all an act dude. Spicer has the cell phone number of most of those puppets. There is a politco article that goes into detail about all the benefits trump has given to the white house press pool.
Wtf i hate lampf now
I don't expect him to have everything accomplished in 4 months but he hasn't made any progress on any of those promises at all. He's got the house and the senate that should be enough. Obama didn't even need that much to implement all of his communist bullshit.
The alt-right is too busy crying that the wall wasn't magically built in 100 days. They probably haven't even noticed.
Why didnt you run if ypu could do it better. Dont answer, youre filtered.
Candidacy not presidency*
I'm too young to run but one day I'll be giving the go ahead for the ATF to pay you a nighttime visit faggot
Why is Holla Forums so ready to believe when the kikes 'report' anything happening inside the admin? Bannon being in trouble is a wishful-thinking lie spread in the hope it will force Trump to react. Loads and loads of bullshit.
I think he is co-opting terms. He did the same thing with fake news. The media started to use 'fake news' to explain why he won and he took it and pushed it back on to them. This is an attack on the 'alt' prefix to take away the meaning the media keeps hyping.
Its a massive project. Right now its in the planning and bidding stages. Theyve already built some test designs but it wont be underway until October at the earliest.
Yeah on paper he does. But the hardcore neocons typically vote the same way the democrats do. He doesn't have a majority until guys like John McCain and Linsey Assram get replaced or die.
Anyone wanna take bets on what the new narrative is gonna be?
Nazi=Jewish puppet
That will be their new one.
You're a retard.
I'm here, so what? Bannon wasn't meant to be fired, now come back when Hilary is in prison for treason and D.R.E.A.M.E.R spics are deported.
He really did give the best answer possible on that one.
Dubs don't fucking lie. This is the contract of a lifetime. People really didn't think they'd have to go through thousands of building contractors and their designs, before narrowing that shit down and finally deciding on what would work?
GG you fucking idiot. Filtered.
Nah, thats the old one.
Yeah, I'm going back to cuckchan regularly now for the first time in years. This place is actually depressing being in now.
Go back to your safe space, bitch.
Later faggot.
You too bitch.
You wouldn't think the budget is going to be cucked had he not attacked that nothing airbase in Syria.
Prove me wrong.
Ahahaha, the fact that he trolled the shit out of everyone by calling him alt-left is hilarious.
Imagine the media shitting their pants:
It's not even his budget, it's fucking Ryan being a faggot all over again. I swear, people don't fucking learn do they?
It's so obvious it hurts.
Big surprise. Fuck off back to kek posting autist.
on one hand, having the house and the senate is better than not for Trump. on the other, it's not ideal bc of neocohens essentially working with dems to push the same bullshit they have for decades together.
This election is really making it obvious to me how little the voice of the people matter. Regardless of if Trump was legitimate or not, he got elected because he of the platforms he ran on and now that he's in and hasn't accomplished anything four months in, it doesn't matter if he was a jew stooge all along or actually doesn't have the power to change things even though he wants to. It still shows that there is such a fundamental problem with our government that even the people voting for someone who was outspoken in their support for nationalism, tight borders, non interventionism etc, that person getting elected, and having full control of the house and the senate doesn't do anything!
If he was a false piper jew puppet, then that proves that unless you have money and (((contacts))) you can't hope to become president or have any power under the current system. If he was legitimate and lacks the power to enact his plans then the system is broken as the power lies with unelected officials activist judges and members of government with no term limits or accountability. The fact that the foreign policy, the budget, the DACA program are the same as we would've seen under Hillary shows how powerless we are to effect change in the direction of our country, either because access to the presidency is unattainable or that the presidency is a powerless figurehead meant to convey the feeling of power to the people while distracting from (((certain people))) who actually hold the power.
imo, Trump was legitimate if a bit naive. He has boomer era trust of jews, but having worked with them for so long I think he must have recognized their nature by now. He ran for what the people wanted, and him winning the election blindsided the media and everybody so badly I honestly think the jews weren't expecting him to win, which to me indicates that they didn't plan for him winning which I think they would have if he were totally working for them. That said, I think something has happened that made him go full neocon post inauguration. (((They))) probably threatened his kids' lives or something of that magnitude. He strikes me as a family man, and his nepotism with Ivanka and Jared doesn't help that thought. It's a little bit like if, in the wizard of Oz, you saw the man behind the curtain, replaced him with Trump, only to discover that the controls move themselves and that even the man behind the curtain was just a ploy.
More like threatened to expose his past sins.
I would argue the one benefit of this is we have proof the republican seats are just as bad as the left when it comes to genuine solutions.
He's actually right ya'know.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE why is every single fucking rich person a fucking kid fucker? I let myself think Trump might be one of the few good ones, I had no idea he even knew epstein. also reading that was kind of hot, thinking about being in her position
t. was CSA'd
well that's a bittersweet benefit then
Honestly I think that that whole thing was th Clinton's accusing Trump of what they were guilty of.
He talked about Bill and Epstein back in 2015 at CPAC and banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago.
"Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life." "
Link to the original article, took some digging appreciate it user.
Topkek, I guess it's why they all do it
Nigger you gay? Tits or GTFO.
Although his attorney claimed he never spoke to him, hmm.
Shills btfo'd
You think?
lolbertarians have to go on the day of the rope
What, you thought it would magically fix itself?
fugg I forgot about epsteins book, didn't know trump was in it. Do you have a copy of it or something? It'd be pretty useful for tracking down people to tip to the FBI
well no, I just wish that weren't the case. Like I'd rather have proof of republicans doing their jobs instead of proof they aren't
yeah lol le 888dchess look he just btfo the press with le epic alt left meme, never mind he hasn't done anything substantial in office that improves quality of life for whites or that his foreign policy is reversed, just look at the based black trump supporters and listen to centipede music over b a s e d trump ecks dee
do you see how ridiculous you sound? I didn't know people could be this pathetic, I'm sure the only friends you have are at (((trs))) with based jews who support based israel, kys neckbeard
Here ya go user.
Are you planning to commit suicide by shooting yourself 12 times in the back of the head?
Oh yeah forgot, guess who's on the list, Jeffrey Soros, nephew of George Soros.
I couldn't be less surprised tbqh
hopefully not, hansen didn't get whacked and he caught a full on rabbi so I should be good
Did anyone watch the Harrisburg rally?
Did you catch the bit about the Egyptian "American" who was returned to the US?
''Did you look to see why she was imprisoned.
Text from WaPo article:
She went on to found the Belady Foundation, an organization that aims to shelter and rehabilitate marginalized street children.
operating an unlicensed organizations, inciting street children to join pro-Muslim Brotherhood protests and sexually assaulting minors.
Government prosecutors accused the couple of human trafficking and sexually abusing children in their care, potential charges that carried sentences ranging from five years’ hard labor to life in prison.
Some spic who was tipped off to the FBI about it's possession died of a """lifelong illness"""" after serving 18 months in jail for """"obscuring evidence"""" after attempting to sell it, nothing to see here goyim ;^) .
To clarify, second part was from NTY…
And from the NYT:
Hello TRS.
Anons, I will pay top dollar for video of shills committing sudoku. If ANY of you 400lb hackers on steroids can hack some shill webcams and capture their last despair-driven moments as they succumb to their exit bags, I guarantee I will have those videos in LCD frames in my den for perpetuity.
sounds like a jewish name, plus her hair/posture/demeanor seems pretty jewish to me. my therapist is a jewess, and while she does try jewish tricks I know how to avoid them and she does actually have a lot of experience working with victims of CSA so I still go. It has helped my jewdar though
ok well then no tips for me nothing to see here mr fbi pls move along
GREAT work detective! Do you think she supplied Espens "lolia express" with homeless kids thus has evidence on Trump and others? We have to dig further.
still doesn't change the fact he's in epstein's book
Fuck off schlomo.
Good. Don't let those commies divide you.
Does no one think anymore? Do people here think Trump is as stupid as the left believes he is?
No, YOU fuck off, Schlomo.
It's called preemption by accusing your enemy of what you do.
It's a classic Clinton tactic.
angry that your narrative is dying, schlomo?
She didn't thought. Trump didn't even accuse Hillary or Bill of it either, why wouldn't he? Unless there was an unspoken agreement of abstaining from such extremes when both are guilty.
He is by far better than any other candidate in the world.
that's true, but the least smelly shit is still a shit
That doesn't mean you let your guard down. Trump said he doesn't trust anyone he hires. Why would you trust him?
But user, he said his biggest weakness is that he's too trusting.
Saved, desu
good to know that the pills are not yet black, just a nice shade of burgundy
I'm on it
Why is this good? Muh BASED jews at Kikebart, or are you faggots still pretending he's a crypto-WN?
How will Drumpf ever recover>
are you telling me this is all lies and slander and that shills are fucking retarded?
Totes forreals not a shill guys!
Fuck off, kike. Jeff Epstein is a BASED nationalist pedophile, like Roy Cohn.
Trust nothing, not even the atoms in your body.
You know what they say about atoms.
They make up everything.
We all knew Trump had the votes, the question was how hard the kikes could rig the voting machines. Not hard enough, it turns out.
I'm really hoping they all drink the cyanide tang or whatever the fuck it was.
Nigger, these posts:
Weren't about some old suit, they were about Trump getting some child trafficking freaks outta prison in Egypt.
Sad indeed!
They need to go.
Keep trying to gaslight you faggot ass shills.
Maybe April is just his cursed month. We'll get back on track now that it's over.
Being slid.
Best month for kikes and shills to push their agenda.
The worst part is that half of them are just legit retards.
Cool story bro. You forgot to add he hasn't gassed the kikes and gone 1488 yet.
Excellent article from Sundance about this exact thing. Pretty much goes into the fact that K Street had no fucking clue he was going to get elected, they don't have any laws to lobby for (i.e. get passed), so Ryan is flapping like a dick in the breeze.
Today has been a shit day but this and
Made it all worth it.
feels good man
This 4D chess. I won't explain. But Trump knows what he's doing. He saw it coming from 1000miles and now BTFOed the shills.
>mfw he does it on national holocaust day
comfy af
I wish people would read Machiavelli and Art of the Deal pages on how to deal with the media. It really illuminates how Trump operates and how he is able to operate
I'm noticing a new pattern in shill behavior.
I was expecting big things from this timeline. So far it's exceeding expectations.
Shareblue's face when
Is it absolutely not possible there is another angle here?
like maybe she actually didnt do what youre accusing? or maybe what if she did, but trump wants her connections?
All the kneejerk assumptions about trump's motivations so far have been proven ill advised so far, when will you learn?
I think there should be a ban on people who actually point out that they filtered someone. It is so damn depressing reading them, the equivalence of "LALALALA I'M RIGHT UR NOT."
But this is meta discussion, so I apologize.
No he's not.
you mean the guy who ran Breitbart Jerusalem?
this is who Holla Forums will make it's stand with?
fucking pathetic
The same Steve Bannon that was editor of the jewish "fight all of isreal's wars goy" Breibart, filled with hundreds of the most foulest obnoxious jewish hasbara cheering on every kike and kike-alike in world politics to convince the goy they should die for isreal?
It's almost like all anons on Holla Forums have undergone brain surgery that has brought about collective amnesia and now we all subscribe to every neocon kosher clown outfit out there.
Choke on a shower head, kike.
Liberal in a classical sense, you morons.
The modern "liberals" are an insult to the term
Thank fuck you guys stuck around. Since the news about Bannon potentially being let go, TRS was all over his dick.
Ignoring that he loves Jews, and hired them on the regular.
Classical liberals are still leftist. They are like classical marxists. Nobody gives a shit about how their ideology is more right than their more modern libshits. On the board where everyone is ready to gass the kikes any liberal approach to the subject is damnable. There are no good jews.
shills btfo
concern shills btfo
And fuck you and your first post, those cunts were "concerned" about Bannon like there was no tomorrow, acting as if Bannon wasn't just already fired, but also strangled to death by Trump himself.
That's not entirely true either. E.g. Illegal crossings are way down, because border patrol are now actually allowed to do their jobs and the President isn't acting as if illegal immigration is an act of love.
Seems like the easiest/most realistic way of killing DACA is to wait it out and not renew it. He also has more than enough people to deport until then.
No its fucking not. Classical Liberals let Marxists, kikes, and multicultural slowly invade out countries.
How a Jew can lose so much health in so little time after directly exposing itself to BTFO is astounding. I believe those stories way back somewhere in February of Kushner rapidly losing ten pounds since inauguration day because of Trump bullying. Jews will go from "rapid hair and weight loss" to "automatic kidney failure" in about 100 years at this rate.
Bannon might get kicked out:
Bannon won't get kicked out:
I think he's creating a label for the more rational/centrist democrats who might be a bit bewildered by all those SJW-Marxists and their cute little ideas.
We all know those don't exist.
Basically this. Holla Forums is chimping out in a few of their threads about failing at shilling here.
Your (((concern))) is noted
Yep. "Alt-right" is a marketer term trying to conglomerate real ideologies like "progressivism (media leftism)" is to the left.
As is (((your))) affection for jewish neocon propagandists such as loyal servant to the kike J-Bart editor Bannon.
How is criticism of jews and their slavish acolytes somehow a bad thing?
Why do kikes like you feel comfortable on Holla Forums promoting jew enablers?
Nice try at backtracking Shlomo, but you came flying in with a substance free derail attempt shitpost as the first post and got caught on it. Now you're trying to play it off as others being pleased with neocohen policies. Fuck off and get gassed.
Can you explain how your shilling for a neocon zionist kike-alike [Bannon] isn't to be construed as shilling for neocon kikery?
Literally none of this happened in any of my posts you fucking retard. All that happened is that you got called out for your pathetic derail attempt and are trying to shill the same narrative that kikes have been pushing endlessly. Keep going, let's see how Jewish you can get. Also what is it about you jews and projecting about sucking cocks?
Today in "Les Echos" (french newspaper) :
Trump is most likely being cucked HARD by the neocohens at every level through the military.
He had to either signal "I'm a total cuck" or take a false flag.
He doesn't have any power - your country is beyond fucked, lads
Reminder that France has the highest Jewish and Muslim population in the EU. Reminder that France called for taking out Gaddafi. Reminder that's it's France that claims they have "proof" Assad used chemical weapons before any investigation even took place.
And he'll be able to easily do it, because it already happened once with Gorsuch. The same Gorsuch that no one noticed due to the Syria distraction.
Didn't mean to sage.
What next start up a Holla Forums foundation for Ezra Levant's Rebel Media, to fight the globalists?
Any poster on Holla Forums pushing for and promoting any of ZOGs agents should be gassed on sight.
Which is what you are doing here.
Why don't you fuck off?
What about Webb, Manchin and Flynn?
Is Trump coopting the alt left? Top kek.
I really hope you're getting paid to be ignored here. And that your mother dies of breast cancer, faggot
we gotta samefag here boys
I love how Holla Forums has regressed and been shilled to point that merely questioning a pro-Israel crypto kike who used to run BREITBART JERUSALEM is now considered being a kike shill.
But Im sure its all intergalactic tetris and Im a jew for questioning people who shill for israel constantly.
I need to speak with your supervisor Abram, this is unacceptable.
Trump is right here, the "Alt-Right" is not a thing, just a jewish attempt at subverting the movement, here's how it works:
so what do they do?
That's the purpose of the "alt-right" agenda
U wot?
She's almost-certainly a Muslim to boot.
Jim Webb is a huge cuck with an Asian wife. Get real.
That reminds me of someone…
MFW our attempts to co - opt the term were successful
Oh so he's not blackmailed by kikes, he's just a kike himself. Thanks, I feel better now.
Boy, sure is quiet on this board ever since Mulvaney confirmed construction on the wall started.
The construction of "the" wall has not started yet. The temporary wall has started to be built today though. Pic related
True, Mulvaney did say it was just the wall the 2017 budget allowed. Still, alt-right fags can't bitch and moan about Trump caving on the wall now.
I think milo was trying to be that guy
Hey shills, has Bannon been fired yet?