Now i had a brief argument about North Korea with my dad, he said to me that NK is National Socialist...

Now i had a brief argument about North Korea with my dad, he said to me that NK is National Socialist, because "muh juche", keep in mind that he is a libertarian anti-collectivism.
He told me that NS and Communism are the same because "both are socialist and populists", i pointed out that while the party had the supreme control over the SU in Germany the nobility had intact power and influence, that the great industries supported the NSDAP, that the church supported it, and that it wasnt absolutely controlled, that it wasnt really totalitarian like the Communists are, also he said "the only difference is Nationalism vs Internationalism".
He left, but he had me thinking, what is the best way to refute this.
Any advice?

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Your dad's a faggot. No wonder you're a faggot too.

Private property was not abolished in NSDAP Germany.

this sums it up accurately

First post worst post, as always.

I pointed that out, but he refuted saying, that "it is like in china where property is concentrated on the hands of the leaders of the communist party".
How can i make him see reality, i have redpilled him to a half way i think, at least on race and muslim issue, but he neither wont budge on the JQ.


what a low quality thread

Is he relgious? Just show him the March to Zion Doc and a few autism stat fliers.

No, that meme only applies to when kikes are trying to spin shit on an important, newsworthy thread. It doesn't apply to someone calling out your blogposting faggot ass.

Kill yourself

bump because I don't understand economics or the difference between normal socialist parties and the national socialist Germany's economic policies

The Catholic Church fought National Socialism every step of the way, bloc voted against the NSDAP, and only supported NatSoc once Hitler was actually in power.

He is half-hearted religious, he has admited that jews are in places of power but he thinks it is because "they are smart"

It IS because they are smart… Doesn't mean it's good but that's the fucking reason obviously

You can watch Ellen Degreele's Epic Waffen SS story on Jewtube or something similar like TGSNT and they gloss over it briefly.

Basically Natsoc is just what he saw as old school scoailism, like neo-liberals vs "classic liberals". It's a system that takes whatever pragmatic economic policy that helps the entire volk, usually favoring the lower and middle classes.

Care to post your sources, bud? Pretty sure Catholics hated Weimar and the degeneracy of it's society.

Put him in a home.

It's probably not hard to find instances of business owners who weren't party members.

For instance, the director of Coca-Cola GmbH in NSDAP Germany was a man named Max Keith. According to Snopes: the Normalfags Most Trusted Internet Source™, Max Keith was never a party member: Director of Coca-Cola GmbH isn't owner, but you get the idea. If they let non-party members run companies, I find it hard to believe that only party members were allowed to own companies. Look up other large companies that were operating in Germany and research their owners.

first post best post

Though we're not mad at you user. Your father's failed you. Read up and rise above him petty "ideological tags"; there is a 100% chance he knows jack shit about any of the ideologies he so proudly discusses, including democracy.

Have him read the following books:
Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
The Jewish Century by Murray Slezkin

Two of those are in kikes' own words, wherein they brag about being venomous parasites on our civilization, and aim to destroy it and our people. If those don't sway him over to our side, I doubt anything will.

With hereditary leadership given to the next kong jong sons in the line? Did you dad even read Hitler's last testament? Especially who he suggested be his successor? Of course not, fucking normalfags.

Your dad is a retard. Show him the nepotism stats and how even accounting for merit kikes are ridiculously overrep'd.

I'm lucky to have a dad I share a lot of things with, including politics. Don't sweat this shit

also, slide thread

redpill him on both jews and white demographics

Post stuff that is of interest to us, faggot. No one cares about your personal relationship with daddy.

It's not a source for that claim per-se, but the reason Mussolini gave the Vatican sovereignty is because that was the only pragmatic way to kick them "out" of Italy. They had too much sway on the Italian people and were no allies of his.

That's your problem right there.

Do you mean this?

>For whom should we fight on?
>For the coming man.