Apparently justice Kennedy is going to resign

It's from Roger Stone and filterman but Roger was Trump's campaign manager.

I'm starting to think that stacking the supreme court is Trump's way of consolidating power.

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It's not Ginsburg or Sotomayor, but still breddy gud. Kennedy has been more liberal than you'd expect for a Raygun appointed.

Also Roger says that Napolitano going get the spot.

We wouldn't have Niggercare if he didn't cuck out.


Stone is never right about anything.

Kennedy is old as hell. I believe it, most of the current Justices want to go.

There has been talk of Kennedy stepping down for awile. If Roger stone is saying it then it must not really be happening now.

Ya because the GOPe will confirm a libertarian TV judge. Why not say he is picking Judge Judy next?

No more jews on the supreme court.

Judge judy is like Holla Forumss fave jew though, she's cool.

roger stone is full of bullshit

He speaks the truth about the Clintons, their pedo networks and the murders they commit

Hopefully Tweety Bader Ginsberg will get exposed to sunlight by accident and the left will start committing suicide en mase.

With how ubangu killed people I think we should allow Trump's goons to kill Sotomayor. Put Tommy Sotomayor in instead :^)

But when it comes to predictions he literally just makes shit up and acts like we should believe him when he's been wrong about everything.

isnt this guy supposed to be dead from Polonium?

Ginsburg is 84. Kennedy is almost 81. Breyer is almost 79. We just need Father Time to do his work. We'd have Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, that cuck Roberts, and 3 new Trump appointees.

They'll probably just make a body double in case ginsburg dies so they can keep peddling kike shit

Kill yourself

He looks like a Jew, but he isn't.

Ginsburg is going to have an accident soon.
Four supreme court justices.

An "accident"

Ginsburg will die

Ginsburg will be found facedown in a guac bowl. Mark my words.

They tried to kill him with poison, Clearly he's doing something right that has the deep-state shitting bricks. And yes the guy lies, who fucking cares. There is such a thing as strategic lying and double bluffs, Roger isn't a dummy and they don't call him the hatchet-man for no reason!


that was an act

An act! what a convenient answer. So you have irrefutable proof that it was an act, because if you have access to information proving beyond doubt that it was "An act" why not share it.

He's not dead and nobody's seen hospital bills or any proof besides his words.
"SHE TURNED ME INTO A NEWT! I got better…"

Sorry friendo that still isn't proof that's conjecture.

Imagine how many white, Protestant, conservative judges will be on the Supreme Court by the end 2024… Jesus quads and all the dead ones will be Jews.

Jesus quads and all the dead ones will be Jews.

Quads and the supreme court will get two new closet WN Protestants by 2024

guac my life into pieces



Wew lads

i think that was just Balognium

Well you stupid nigger, since (((Roger Stone))) hasn't brought any proof himself, I don't think anyone else needs to do anything besides offer conjecture. After all you can't prove a negative you mongoloid.

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On Infowars tonight, it was explained that the hospital toxicology tests were seized under national security. Roger Stone is having private tests done immediately. Alex Jones is openly stating, Stone is going to die, its too late to prevent terminal cancer from that kind of hot particle.~John White

So if John white is on the money and "toxicology tests were seized under national security" how could Roger stone give evidence also as he states if he truly has been poisoned by polonium chances are his health would be rabidly deteriorating. So if he dies of polonium induced cancer i guess that'll make you the mongoloid.

Very true, but I guess we'll have to wait and see user. I don't trust him and Jonestein even a little.

He's such an attention whore

Mods bumplocked the thread because they can't handle these digits.

Didn't Gorsuch start a "Fascism Forever" club in high school or something?

75 should be an age limit for every politician/judge. I hope that walking cadaver Ginsburg will croak this year.
