Should socialist states enforce secularism/atheism?
Should socialist states enforce secularism/atheism?
Secularism? Yes. Atheism? No
To end religion, you don't attack it frontly, you just push it outside political revendications, and wait for the evolution of material condition to make it wither away.
Very vague question tbh
I don't really think it matters
If one agrees with Marx [which I actually don't on this point] religion would basically disappear once the material conditions which give rise to it are absent.
Personally, however, I don't think you can ever truly "get rid of" religion in itself. I think religiosity is simply here to stay, regardless of enforcement or not of secularism. I don't think that's necessarily a 'bad thing', religions tend to conform to the realities they exist in [i.e., the modern-day-death of the Protestant work-ethic].
However, if by this post you simply meant "should a socialist government take a hard-line secularist stance?" then yes, I'd agree to a point, however in constructing a new society one should always try to find the useful aspects of all prior ideologies and societies.
anything else is just fedoralordism, or theocracy in the other direction.
Make sure it has no place in politics, allow everyone to have their own respective religion while not allowing them to impose the views/laws of those religions on others. Allow places of worship to exist, they serve as community builders even if they are religious. A lot of people in the first world especially mainly go to their places of worship as a social thing, rather than a religious thing.
Eventually it will become just a social thing and nothing more, but if you actively try to remove it, it will resist and become stronger.
Secularism denifately.
But as much as I would personally love to enforce state atheism, i know it to be counterproductive and not really that usefull for the revolution.
If you dont choose both you are retarded.
Yes of course
Replace the concept of statehood with sovereignty. This applies equally to anti-state socialism, especially given that whole thing about the Anarchists and the Catholics…
Hey how about you just leave us alone?
Well we don't have that now so who cares, there's no point in enforcing something because of what people did 100 years ago or so. Reminder that Catholics may have been doing burnings, but they also put a stop to the practice altogether (including non-catholics practising burnings)
Dont you dare merge christ-chit and Tomoko
No. If we are to get anywhere, we must enforce Satanic Communism. It is the only way
You can't get rid of super-natural belief, it's imprinted into our brains.
ok rebel.
par for the course for chan christians tbh
This is the first post I've replied to from you in…ages.
I'm assuming you think all Leninhats are me or something.
Rebel, how the fuck did you guess that?
Rebel stop bullying muke!
Dank meme
Again, sovereignty still exists in Anarchism
Also, Catholics.
But it was you, yes? And actually whilst that's true, you do seem ever so eager always to talk about me on the board whenever someone brings me up. Move on, nigga.
I can tell by his whiny tone.
But mom, he started it!
No, material conditions will make religion disapear on its own.
And propaganda against religion makes the religious people turn conservatives.
I can't speak statistically, but the majority of religious people [or at least, Christians] I've met have always been basically Liberals.
Well yea this time it was me but so what?
Also when have I spoken about you? Bar that one shitposting thread 'I'm doing a rebel'.
I think you're exaggerating how much I care in your head.
And it will be the next time I call you out, and the time after that, because I can tell it's you
because you reek of desperation and need for attention
g e t a r o o m p l s y o u l o v e b i r d s
Rei is shit
20 years too late for that debate tbh
Rei is cute, but Asuka is better.
Stop bullying Muke! He did nothing wrong!
I'm joking Muke, I got no beef with u or Rabel
lads stop fighting!!it's my birthday stop ruining my birthday
secularism only.
If religion is truly an opium of the masses, as Marx said, then it should naturally fade away, as society moves toward the socialist/marxist ideal.
If atheism is correct, then surely it will prosper naturally, without the violence of a state behind it?
I would hate to ever witness a new "League of Militant Edgelords "-fiasko.
Based Augustine packing heat as always.
yet p much everyone in this topic agreed that religion shouldnt be persecuted
There are many MLs that want to forcefully prevent religious organisation.