Fewer than 3% of migrants who reached Italy after crossing the Mediterranean in 2016 were deemed refugees...

Fewer than 3% of migrants who reached Italy after crossing the Mediterranean in 2016 were deemed refugees, UN report shows

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Anyone have the vid of a boatload of the retards scuttling themselves in order to get rescued by a ship, only to find out the ship had no way to rescue them?

Unless that's some kind of delicious pasta made from lower primates, that fucking annoys the piss out of me.

Time to just ship all the recent arrivals back then, with a brilliant 97% accuracy in returning those who took advantage of a crisis.

Free healthcare, food, shelter and monthly welfare with no demands to work or contribute.

Deportation is the solution.

You spelled "oven" wrong.

Okay Satan, gassing it is!


Holla Forumsacks in the region should "acquire" some boats, head to the afflicted area, offer to smuggle them across for half the going rate, seal them in the hold and…

drive a boat out
pick up reegees
tie brick on them for life jacket
drive just far enough to not see land
push them all overboard
go back for the next batch, refill on bricks


Bricks cost money. Can't we just tie them to each other? It's not like they can swim or anything.

We should kill them in such a way that it actually saves money, like use them as fuel or something.

Does anyone have that old article on Holla Forums's proposed mobile gassing ship for refugees? iirc it was one of the first times Holla Forums got mention in the press and was published around the time the migrant crisis started getting attention. I can't believe I didn't save it.

That boat doesn't look so bad. I mean, they are wearing life-vests and sitting in an orderly manner.

Send them to a forced-labor camp making bricks.


Gonna kindly ask for the sauce, captain.

Relevant video. Evidence of the collusion between NGO’s and people smugglers.

What a surprise.

you could torch those rats so easily, dump fuel on them then fire a flare gun. you'd think the sailors would already have a system in place of who gets to fire the flare the next time it happens


They truly don't have souls, do they.


They tried to make the sailors feel pity about them, it didn't work out.

Who would have guessed it?

Odd that they float better dead than alive.

10/10 infrogaphic

Is this some fucked up google translation from polish to english? Also fuck poland, they're responsible for the jewish problem we have today. 90% of the rampant anti-white pro-gay shitposters are from poland too.

Whoa, didn't notice that

Where the fuck do these boats come from?
That looks like a zodiac and the price must be a minimum of $10K.
How the fuck do all these africa tier niggers get a hold of hi tech western boats to cross the mediterranean sea with?
I would always expect pic related for a vessel from africa.

People smugglers don’t smuggle them for free, NGO’s also have very deep pockets.

what the fuck are you talking about ? Poland is one of the EU countries who are holding out and telling the migrants to fuck off. The EU is threatening to sanction them for not taking in more immigrants.

This "refugee" business is going to be the unions downfall.

In healthy societies, one is taken care of in old age by one's kin.

In his decadence, this childless faggot wants to be taken care of by millions of illiterate Congolese.

Take your meds and stop wasting trips with nonsense you fucking mongoloid.

Notice that poor paint job? And how they put extra layers over one part in particular, the name of the boat?

I think they're trying to hide where the boats are coming from.

I can't even find a zodiac online that is that big

They are smuggling people in broad daylight. The NGO’s act against existing laws but the EU still plays along. They don’t have to hide anything.

Are you sure? I don't think they'd put in all that trouble into hiding the name of the boat.

Well makes sense to cover the names if the ship has one or any other identifying marks.
The NGOs will be moving these ships back into areas the smugglers can get them back.
If a ship with the same name on it appeared repeatedly? People may get suspicous

That darker blue is exactly where it would be

The NGO’s cooperation with people smugglers has been fully proven and talked about for over a year. The EU are aware and approve of this as it helps get as many people in as possible whilst maintaining a layer of deniability for them. They collect people barely out of waist depth waters off of the Libyan cost, do you really think identifying the same smuggler boats being used repeatedly would stop anything? Cause any fresh awareness?

This is an invasion, orchestrated by NGO’s that work hand in hand with the EU. It could be stopped with far greater ease that it takes to continue to facilitate it but it marches on. They will admit today that 97% of these men are invaders but tomorrow they will be straight back to calling them desperate refugee children that HAVE to be allowed in.

They won’t stop until they are stopped.

Good observation.

Pretty much.

Fuck, I'm going to regret this, but…


most larger marine engines are diesels

Now play both vids at once

I did it.

I just looked for myself and I can't figure out what kind of boat it is but it sure does look pretty brand new and I bet sells for more than a new moped.
and don't forget the motor on it

Jesus Christ almighty look at all that cannon fodder.

I've seen Cubaniggers floating across the Straits of Florida trying to get to the US. They use blue plastic barrels and ratty tarps or whatever else they can get their hands on. There's no way in hell these Africans can afford those boats.

(((something else))) is going on here.

How many brain doctors do you reckon are on that craft? 600 I'd say.

For fuck sake, Italy. Your country founded fascism. grow a pair and start dealing with these illegals.

you shouldn't be ironic like that user

The final chapters of The Camp of the Saints come to mind. To fight this "passive" onslaught of the 3rd world shitskins into white countries, you need a certain kind of man. A man who is willing to slaughter millions of "innocents" in order to protect his own people. Knowing that if those "innocents" are allowed to pass peacefully by, they will be the death of everything he holds dear. So many white men today are cowards who could never pull the trigger in such a circumstance, even if they knew failure to do so was essentially suicide, not just of their own, but of their own bloodline and race.

Too expensive. Send em all to Africa, stop sending aid, let em wipe each other out and come colonize the continent in a few decades with much less humanitarian tactics than our ancestors.

Fucking pathetic swimmers. Why cross a boat across an ocean if you drown in a few feet of water?

I can't spot a single woman or child in any of those pics or the video.

is there a single woman or child in that entire picture?

user is kind of a sicko tbh.


Nothing but imported rapists. The jewish media will encourage white women to fuck nonwhite males, count on it.

(checked m8)
It's truly depressing, dude. It's government-funded, media-sponsored, university-supported cucking on a mass genocidal scale.




How did you interpret it that way? Your country is importing them, acknowledging they are invaders but letting them loose anyway. Presumably (certainly) under the impression most will leave Italy for Western Europe. You aren’t fucking anybody over but yourselves and other Europeans.

The Roman were fascists.

How bad is it in Italy? My parents may be bluepilled but I still dont want them getting culturally enriched.

Don't act like you don't like it.

That may be the smuggest Pepe I've ever seen.

Rome isn’t in a great state but Italy relies heavily on tourism so the hotspots are kept safe enough for the average Burger tourist. Other parts would however be more advisable. Rome is grubby and has a gypsy problem. Best to visit for a couple of days and the visit the south that is beautiful and far less affected. The Amalfi Coast is one of the gems of Southern Europe.

Any capital/ large city in Europe is prone to risk (with the exception of Eastern Europe) of Saracen attacks. Statistically speaking you will be fine but why risk it. Paris is an exception, do not go there, you will be atomized.



I was sincerely planning in taking my grandpa's old refrigerated van down to the Balkan Route, rerouting the exhaust inside and offering free trips across the border.

But then I didn't fail out of medschool and I'm pretty sure 'gassing migrants' wouldn't get me approved for intermission


The UNHCR is an arm of the UN who openly endorse the mass movement of people anyway. It is their desire, their plan. They wouldn’t release these figures if they thought there was any chance of the flow stopping.

Will the “rescue” missions stop now this is an official UNHCR fact? I bet you the “rescue” boats are prepping for another day of importation today, business as usual.

Oh mon! Mon!

You… I like you.

:^) Checked

You didn't try to debunk anything I said.

How is it better that in your ideal world Italy has 180,000 people instead of them being split up? How is that not selfish? I would prefer Italy getting some that share to weaken migrant shit in other places in the world even if that means taking some of your migrants. (if I'm correct about you being from one of those places) Why am I wrong?

What happened to the 'clandestini'?

I found this online, 8 metres (26ft) 30 person.
https:// aceboats.en.alibaba.com/product/60490267448-220648655/30_persons_passenger_boat_large_durable_salvage_boat_rescue_boat_8m_with_engine_for_sale_.html

Shit. Didn't even notice. I should have said something like "You… I like you… and if quads, all rapefugees collapse now from embolisms."

They shouldn’t be anywhere within Europe. Italy ferries them in, knowing they are not refugees and then simply turns them loose. I am not suggesting that Italy be burdened with them I am stating that they should not be tolerated. It is an open invasion, even the UN admits as such. Why are they being picked up under the guise of being refuges whilst simultaneously being acknowledged as economic migrants?

Your suggestion that it is selfish would only be valid if A: These invaders were not already distributing themselves through further migration into Europe (which they do) B: This situation were unavoidable (there is no established policy in place which states Europe has to admit anyone capable of clamoring onto a boat and setting sail in the vague direction of Europe).

Stop playing into the hands of the architects of this plot. The solution isn’t “pulling together” and sharing the suffering. The solution is to end the suffering so there is no suffering to share.

My country won’t be taking any because we left the union and I am thankful everyday that we did.

At least you answered some of my questions, but you did not answer the most important one.

One more time; how is it ==better==, not good, that Italy get's 180,000 instead of dividing them equally?

So more migrants are going to Germany (my other country) now? Hell I'm glad, but don't be a hypocrite.

NOBODY should be taking in ANY migrants, cuck.

This isn't Britain's fault (for once). The Cuck Union is letting this happen because they know migrants are unattached to local / regional / national identities and thus have no scruples to support the Cuck Union. Brussels is destroying Europe in an attempt to reign over the Muslim ashes afterwards.

My God I don't think I would want to cross a large lake in that thing.
I completely forgot about the chinese aspect of todays modern world when purchasing any consumer item.
When you thought you would have to pay a huge price to get a sea worthy boat the Chinese come to the rescue and for the price of 3 pair of european faded levi's you can float 30 niggers to Italy.
Thanks user for the enlightenment.

Seriously though, how can a liberal-democratic government (= every western European country) deport hundreds of thousands of people? A fascist one, sure no problem, but a liberal-democratic one?

And another problem endemic to western countries: courts.

Let's say that Marine becomes President of France in about a week and wants to deport rapefugees. Do you really think the courts will give her carte blanche to do as she pleases? Of course not. They'll block everything like they did with Trump.

Omnipotent courts are one of the many perfidies in a "democracy".

Good observation indeed.

They cant, but that’s not a problem for them because they don’t want to. Most don’t even want to (attempt to) integrate them.

I am increasingly of the opinion that this might start WW3 between nations who eventually work through electing Civic Nationalists (who will be ineffective) and then actual Nationalists Vs. the countries that remain locked under Globalist rule. Once a Fascist government starts removing these invaders they WILL be waged war against, if they find allies then we could have a real shitshow on our hands.

I don't want migrants.

For fucks sake! Answer! My! Question! You arrogant, tiptoeing, bitch!

What about proving a migrant used a fake refugee status. Hell two of the biggest migrant exports are from counties that are doing just fine. Pretty easy to prove they are not refugees. And what about migrants that commit serious crimes? Think the courts will have much harder time keeping them in if there's a push to take them out.

Plus the majority of migrants are single young men. So they can't use the "I have a family" or "I don't have a cock" excuses.

Awesome! Got anymore of those?

Or maybe a video of a migrant rapist getting beaten up? Or anything of these bitches getting fucked over and them crying?

Human rights laws routinely facilitate the courts to decide that illegal migrants who have raped children to remain in Europe as their “human rights” might be breached if they are deported.

You are trying to reason with a rigged system.

Nothing that isn't trivial as fuck, I'm afraid. Most of what I've seen is along the lines of "Oh no! Da streets are not paved wid gold! I bought dis crowbah for not'ing!" Pieces of shit are having their way and fucking loving it.

This. It's time to be unreasonable.

Why would Italy care to stop them going north to Germany and Sweden? Italy was sending them back but the EU (spearheaded by Germany) put heavy sanctions on them until they had to give in.

I see no reason Italy should bother, if Germans want their brown cock so much, they can have it.

If you're coming from America it's not a safety issue, you'll still be safer in any European capital than in 99% of America (with exception of Paris maybe).

Fucking kek. Here's a shorter one with better timing.

Is it that shallow? I would think that big a ship would be stuck there if it was honestly shallow enough water for those people to stand.

I doubt they're all really that stupid, so much as just not being able to recognize what kind of ship it is. Some of them probably drowned quickly due to the horde pushing them down as they fought to climb onto the boat, while others probably drowned over time due to not being able to be fished out and eventually getting too tired to keep themselves afloat.

It looks worse than it is since they're likely making themselves look helpless due to thinking it'll make the people on the ship more likely to try and get them out. Like all those times you find economic migrants wearing life preservers and floating in 2-3 feet of water.

Reading comprehension, man. He's saying they should learn to swim before sailing the sea.

And I don't think swimming ability factored into their deaths.

I couldn't really tell from the comments above; was it settled that Italy has a unique culpability to accept concerning their inaction to stop the boats of technically illegal migrants? - And on that last bit if by a technicality it was a legal migration for the sticklers, an equal and appropriate response is simply prevent such a heavy flow of migration seemingly taking advantage of a system flaw.

What I cannot fathom is the obvious and apparent lack of thought given by some possessing the strongest of emotions towards these types of issues. Why are people not dissatisfied with how poorly the handling of that situation was? It's annoying when people cannot clearly explain their belief on whether these are economic migrants or not, yet can point out the racist tendencies of others without fault.

How far off shore was this? Surely the people on the ship called the coast guards or whomever, so if you can keep yourself alive in the water long enough eventually help would absolutely come and you would survive. If you can't swim at all then obviously you're fucked. The better you can swim the better your odds in that situation.

In any event, why expect a person from the Middle East or Africa to know how to swim? When I was young I did a year of swimming lessons. Imagine swimming lessons in the Middle East. Yes, just in case we go camping. No, in that case I'll be packing items to combat ISIS thanks.

Also, that was a vague statement. Keeping yourself alive in the water should not allude to help "absolutely coming". If you're only talking about this event then it the point is moot, as it implies that the person could simply swim in one spot awaiting his turn to climb up the side of the ship.

Yeah, that's the implication. But for some reason climbing the ship was impossible, wasn't it? I don't see anyone managing to climb the ship.

If only I had a u-boat, I'd sink all of their boats. Stay out of my ancestral homeland REEEEE

By fuck! I think this is a huge call to action. Maybe we should make a new thread about this. Make every normie on the internet aware of this shit.

10/10. Superb.

As punishment for this, the entire Italian population, especially the Poop, is relocated to Libya while the French, Swedish and Dutch push their migrant populations into the area that used to be Italy. 10 years later, the Italians in Libya and the migrants in what used to be Italy switch and everyone lives happily ever after.

It's almost like these people know that Europe will cuck for some - or in some countries most - of them and give them free shit…

Takes a while for anyone to come out and do some rescue mission and not that long for someone to drown. In the confusion they probably dunked the heads of their mates under the water as they were fighting to grab onto that net on the side of the boat, resulting in the majority of the deaths that would have occurred.



I swear, niggers were designed by nature to die in job lots. Whether it's drowning the second they come across water deeper than a rain puddle, getting eaten by the local wildlife (lions, crocs, huge snakes, etc.), or being killed off by each other, niggers exist only to die.

And they never do shit about it. You watch videos of niggers drowning, they just let it happen. You watch niggers being doused in gasoline and burned alive and they just sort of flop around for a few seconds, then let it happen. You watch niggers getting beheaded with machetes, and they just sit there waiting for it to happen. It's like they know they shouldn't exist.

remember that sub saharan nog's have an average IQ below the where you're considered mentally deficient


Who knew Pepe was a primate?

Orangutans are aryan

I know it's almost like it's a big act to try to trigger sympathy and fear among the masses.
Like when you pose a dead child on a beach and then put a picture of that on every single paper and every single news report.

All that is left of heaven is an ever-expanding nightmare of open, wounded flesh, in which all souls are doomed to wander aimlessly and be confronted with their deepest fears, only to later have their memories erased to be terrified once more.


I'm crying
I love this place so much

They should put on a dingy outside of Africa and let the noble savages save them.

The vid is beautiful on it's own. But this just made it even more glorious!