Trump still wants Glass-Steagall back

Trump still wants Glass-Steagall back

Post yfw the kikes are terrified.

kikes btfo?

they all need to go

Congressional republicans are rats, every single one of them are just as traitorous as the democrats they pretend to fight against.

But Holla Forums told me that drumpf was a zionist!

You should support Putin instead, goy! He's more kosher!

It's virtue signaling. Congressmen don't have the spine to do this.

they are worse as most of them LARP as conservatives but every single one is a neo-liberal globalist.

You mean the astroturfing shills?



Wtf, I'm a national globalist now!

Yeah, I'm so upset he blew up all that sand. Terrible.

Die in a fire.


bad goy

Trump said he was going to bomb the hell out of ISIS.
The airfield in Syria wasn't controlled by ISIS, obviously, but the tunnels (in Afghanistan?) he fucking rek't sure were.

Bye bye reddit.


What realistic/visible/tangible impact will this have on low working class user?

He calls them out and they appear:


Thats the point. Them so blatantly sandbagging everything that Trump tries to do, which is what the people who elected him want him to do, is going to kill the gop.

Goebbels Law user.

Not even a Geobbles quote, idiot.


One doesn't cancel out the other. Both happened. Both count. Yeah, he bombed ISIS-K in Afghanistan, but he also bombed 20% of Syria's airforce, needlessly forcing Russia to spend more money to re-equip them, and called Assad an evil dictator who gasses beautiful babies that are children of god (read: filthy sandnigger spawnlets).

So wonderful, he bombed ISIS-K. That's what I wanted. But he's also picking on Assad, and that's not what I wanted. I refuse to pretend otherwise. My principles come before my loyalty. I reserve loyalty for people who stand by the principles I value. Blind loyalty is for subhumans who don't think for themselves.

Do I regret voting for Trump? Of course not; if I had to vote for him again today, I would. But neither am I going to delude myself with post-purchase rationalization every time Trump does something I don't like.

He's right, on both counts.

Boy you're cute.


will all you retards stop derailing and get back on topic?

I wish they'd just leave altogether.

If they haven't got instructions on a specific topic they'll try to change the conversation to a different one where they have their prepared posts.

It's another "Trump may do this" thread, not much else to discus.

Yeah, because shills would correct you when you're making a mistake.

maybe you should run for president yourself next time

I think I'll give it a try, do you think you can donate to my campaign user-kun :^)

The meme is that the quote is intentionally wrong. Thats the whole fucking point. If you arent a shill you need to apply for a job because you are working for free.


Trump is not going to be "perfect" and there will always be anons arguing if he should of done x and some where everyone generally agree's that they dont like he did on y.





You impatient niggers need to chill.

Trump never rejects an opportunity to pander to kikes… or niggers… or women. Much of Holla Forums echoes T_D with "it's just strategy!" but President Trump has jewish children and jewish grandchildren, and he's always condemned anti-semitisim and championed Israel. We elected him in an attempt to stop the demographic shift - he was talking about rejecting birthright citizenship on the campaign trail - but lately he's reassuring DACA spics for some reason. I'm not 100% sure on what's in the budget, but I don't think he's got the wall funded or the tax cuts in place. Obamacare is still a thing and liberal judges keep pushing his shit in when it comes to keeping terrorists out or defunding sanctuary cities. Use your own brain, faggot.

Never have I filtered someone so quickly in my life jesus christ.

If you memeing fucks continue to pretend to be retarded we'll be surrounded by actual imbeciles before you know it.

You dont belong here return to reddit. LURK MOAR.

I thought I was the only one who understood that the slippery slope applies itself like this.

Pandering is cheap, just look at King Nigger pandering to the Christian right:

Ask your handlers what happened afterwards.

It's from Mein Kampf you retard.


Can you refute that comment, or did you filter it because you can't?

forreals. Besides the big show is actually two years from now.
then the libtard fear of "everything he does passes" comes true.

nice dubs, will call them this from now on.



Why is this not attracting more attention? Surely this is something worth more discussion about.
