Our lad Hbomberguy weighs in on the 'soy boy' controversy and it's beautiful

our lad Hbomberguy weighs in on the 'soy boy' controversy and it's beautiful

I'm convinced all of his opinions are completely bogus. He's also an old friend of Jim's and refuses to talk to him anymore.

Making fun of faggots for eating soy sure has pissed them off.
Gotta keep doing it, even if the meme turns out to be false.
Fuck these people.

why would anyone want to talk to some American edgelord retard who thinks "banter" is seeing how vulgar and abusive he can be. Seems any American who uses the term 'banter' has no idea how to do it and overcompensates for it, sorta like an autistic kid whose idea of comedy is being as edgy as possible.

Glad you feel that we abuse you. The abuse isn't going to stop. If I could, I'd fucking curbstomp you.

no idea what you're talking about, I'm talking about Jim's "banter" in streams and Americans in general ruining that term turning it into some internet bullying bullshit.


Funny how such a stupid insult can get people so riled up.

I like Razorfist, but his taste in video games is shit.

NeonRetro is SJW.

None of those things are "NeonRetro" which isn't even a thing anyway.
Fuck off, kike.

a e s t e t i c IS SJW.

What's stupid about it? seems to cut to the matter.

You can't even spell it right you fucking retard.
fuck off kike
consensus cracking control freak piece of shit.


I'm just saying that if you enjoy that visual style, you are likely a hair away from being an SJW yourself, wishing the whole world was a QUEER nightclub for your degenerate fetishes.

but he's already an incredibly effeminate looking skinnyfat? So if he looks the same as he does now after 30 days I guess Paul wins?

Hb has no T to lose, he is already fully feminized.
And that soy isoflavones are a literal estrogen analogue wasn’t even in debate 20 years ago, funny how it only became a conspiracy theory recently.

funny how you pol bigots deny science when scientists literally prove the Holocaust happened, global warming is real and god is fake, but immediately praise it when pseudoscientists """"prove""""" soy is bad for you.

It is funny isn't it? It'll be even funnier when soy is taken off the shelves.

That video and this thread and topic discussion has to be some of the lamest shit I've ever seen people waste their time ramble about. Imagine what you all could be doing otherwise.

that's because they act like women

Funniest thing is high estrogen diets give women breast cancer and black people have completely different endocrinal systems. Sure would be horrible if somebody pointed out these patriarchal white males were making this all about them…



soyboy is a halfchan meme

Ugh, this is beyond a bad joke at this fucking point. I remember when this faggot went after 666theheartless666 for making fun of a black guy with his voice all the way back in 2009 when he was a minor lunatic that had zero following. Shat up my inbox good after I constantly BTFO'd him in every discussion, but then a few years pass and it turns out he's become an e-cult leader of sorts. Fucking kill me already.


What exactly is his endgame here?

shh, just let him ruin his encodine system

if you're a vegan, take the hemp pill

Maybe the point is that soy isnt bad for you after all?