May Day Commie Chimpouts

Commies vs police day.

Any good streams?

Parisfags lit some cops on fire earlier

Other urls found in this thread:

Jack Posobiec was attacked by this guy.

Brittany Venti arrested

NYC Stream

Brittany Venti and Chad got assaulted by commies. Brittany confirmed arrested. Shit starts in the last few minutes but phone is dropped.

here's a periscope stream full of spics

Apparently Brittany fucked some antifa dude up and Chad is missing so no one knows it he was taken by antifa, chasing them down, or what. No one can find him right now.

Seattle March against Communism at 4PM PST will see lots of action vs ANTIFA

Jack Posobiec attacked again.



Arrest of Brittany Venti

This dude is in LA with trump fans.
Could be possible happenings if gommies show up.

is this streamer a homosex?

Why yes user i do believe he is a fag. A lazy fag, not live anymore probs sucking off sum LA twink.
Link to Tim Pool livestream. Things calm enough so far.


Some guy on the antifa side is getting really butt hurt and yelling in spik. I hope he trys to cross the police line.

Is that the shitskin with the big boobs who died in a Queens housefire last week? Damn, she gets around.

People are seeming pretty hostile, any chances of shit going down?

I'd say about 10%. They're angry, but antifa fags are outnumbered 5 to 1 and cops are all over.

Anything interesting come out of Paris riots?
All I see on periscope are the usual masses of black-clothes faggots setting fire to trash and using fireworks.

some cops get lit on fire

see vid in OP

Can someone please explain the context of that tape to these faggot commies? I assume none of them actually listened to the tape, and just assume Trump literally grabbed women by the pussy without their consent.
In my understanding of the tape, Trump was acting astonished at how omen will throw themselves at him because he's rich and would LET him grab them by the pussy if he wanted to. Like, he was speaking theoretically.


yeah, she's an ayy lmao octaroon

Betas cannot comprehend Alphas
I tried explaining this to my friends, but they think hair pulling during sex is "too rough"

She's also a professional attention whore. What did she get arrested for anyway? I'm guessing just being a disruptive retard?

I can't see this anymore as anything other than a commie donkey raping a nigger goat

Jesus Christ, what absolute pussies. Most bitches love having their hair pulled.

She was getting pushed by a group of communists who were locked by the arms.

Someone from Antifa hit her in the head with a stick while that was happening and she fought back.

She was streaming at the time so the violence by the communists can be seen.

Holy shit, as much as I dislike certain things about her, those Antifa fags are cunts. Any footage of the attack?

How much would these spics chimp out if the other side started burning Mexican flag?


Here is her recording.

lol. "Do you like your hair pulled?" is my go to pick up line. Works especially well on liberal women.

I wonder how they'll spin this.

What is this shit?


Cops arrested him right after, cops shoved a few of them away as they got upset at the whole thing.


>its an 'anarchists want rule of law' episode



They're cucks, lolbergs are just autistic liberals.
They always prostrate themselves to the left and pander to minorities, just in a different way.

Can we meme sanitation unions to attack antifa for encroaching on their turf?


What stream? Mine just went down



Just started again



Why is he such a focal point? I only heard about him a couple weeks back.

He's a legit journalist and /ourguy/

he's a public figure

Where is the Tim Pool stream from?


He works for (((the rebel))). I first heard about him after cernokike's deploraball. If you see any of his videos (I do not recommend) he even rips off cernokikes constantly repeating the last thing he said and desperately trying to appear CHARGED with the GORILLADICK MINDSET

Oh fuck, Antifa groups converging where Trump supporters are


The antifa have been near the trump people from the start. Trump supporters have been outnumbering them all day. If the May Day people join with them, that could be a problem.


There is also this. She left the antifa bleeding. NYPD took her amd the cuck in.


Kek. Must be that black blood.

every fucking time

Any good face pics and IDs of the Antifa who went to that rally in Kentucky where masks were b8?


Literally setting cops on fire in France. At least 6 officers injured. Most sources still calling it a march/protest and not a riot. Because nothing says peaceful assembly like riot officers an Molotov Cocktails .

Wow, what an anarchist who really hates the state. Fucking two faced scum

More video. Notice how the nog tried to steal Chad's backpack and antifa did divide and conquer.

Also, here's a tweet of the guy(?) who Brittany wrecked.

Animal nudity isn't against the law

Some worker's party rep in Belgium also got shanked in the thigh

they literally think its a taped confession of him raping a woman and bragging about it. like… they think those women that accused him during his run for president were raped by him, and he confessed to those rapes on tape. and this is that tape.
they literally think that. exactly as i said it. its how they think it. think it literally exactly sad.

Nigger trying to rob a guy at the beginning of that vid. nigs gonna nig

Hey Tim, shut the fuck up about your youtube problems jesus fuck

That was Brittany's boyfriend Chad getting robbed. They didn't get his shit though. It was 12 on 1 to separate him and Brittany and they both held their own.

Literally Antifa vs Chads






Tim predicts shit's going down, riot cops prepared

So what is Tim's deal? Is he true neutral?

based sign


He makes a better effort that the vast majority at staying neutral, yes. I think he leans left but thus far as kept bias free.

Coming soon to a city near you!


Supposedly BLM just showed up at the tim stream

Seems like it, he will tries to get both sides of story.

Someone else is gping to have to webm. Trying to get more info straight from the ground for you guys.

Chaos in Paris as annual May Day march turns into mass riot in protest against Marine Le Pen

He was a libshit until the Milwaukee riot and then after being shot at he learned to keep his mouth shut.

To be fair Paris has routine riots and has done for decades.

Almost forgot how homophobic Trump is. He really proved it when, uhh, well, HE'S A BIGOT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

that's Kiev user

I know, I was responding to your response of images of Paris.

What if this stream is just a meta Samsung commercial?

Tim Pool's stream is sponsored by T-Mobile.

Yeah still can't stand that Tim faggot.

Got any better streams? One that actually zooms in on the terrorists not wearing masks so internet people can do their thing.

It seems like Tim just needs to keep talking non stop about anything he can think of, even if it has little to do with what he's filming


wow, the french are actually fighting?

none so far.

It's almost like US people aren't use to violent mobs and explosions in the streets on a near daily basis.

I don't care what you fags say. I'm not a follower of hers nor a beta orbiter but Britney Venti a cute.

If you want to watch the dumbest coverage here is a live feed of "BuzzFeed News"

As expected from Buzzfeed

Y-yeah she is don't judge me fags

She cute, although an attention whore. Although I gained a bit more respect for her after learning she punched a antifafag in the face hard enough to make him bleed ( )

The Ruptly footage of today's events is good

She'd be cute if you put a bag over her head.




Multiple stabbings at UT Austin, One confirmed dead few more injured

No one is used to it except the (((moderate activists))) who always end up in protests no matter what it's about (Blackbloc, anti-whites, ect) and the football hooligans.

holy shit. confirmed dead? source article?


So smug

Shit. Could this be the catalyst for shit to really hit the fan?


dubs confirm catalyst

alex jones channel covering it now

here you go




Reddit detected.

That cop just wanted to see them titties close-up.

Your dubs suggest a happening user

1 dead, 3 injured in stabbing at UT campus; suspect in custody, police say

The marxists have turned Austin into a complete shit-hole. I would say load up the pickup and start commie hunting, but I wouldn't mind seeing it burn first.

No doubt the CNN photoshop crew is on the case as I'm typing this.

I'll start making some webm's

LA, BuzzFeedNews:
LA, Tim Pool:
Seattle, KOMO News:
Portland, Antifa:
St.Louis, Pro-Illegal Immigrants:



What a fucking mess. They're sp loud and disorganized. Nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. If you're going to protest, do it properly and bring some weapons. None of this loitering shit.

another one, also it appears we have a happening in Dallas again, some guy shooting firemen


Firemen? Don't fuck with firemen. Fuck.

Gut him

Is Tim redpilling himself?



Police statement on infowars

More happening here right now. Total chaos.

https ://

(Warning: Shitty thread at times - I'll try finding a better one)

Or not

Looks like that freak hit her first so she clocked it.
Sadly the cameraman is a fucking faggot.

Pic related is a stab victim from UT Austin. No idea what is going on with his haircut.

No, he's a hardcore cuck. He thinks we can all get along and that nazis are ebil.

Shitty stream*

(and.. AP just stopped providing the feed to RT. great.)

Muslim, BLM, or drug dealer? Place your bets.

muslim, soros stopped funding BLM

In Austin, probably all 3. Throw in 'community organizer', too.

Here's the tranny all bloody screaming and crying

More shit from texas

Radical student front

Supposedly he attacked a group of white men wearing shirts with greek letters

Well the St.Louis stream is dyed hair, betas, chanting fuck the police, let all the immigrants in, and look how oppressed I am.

revolutionary, not radical my bad

These faggots hate police and the state until they get a chance to get gibs by pressing charges

Socialism couldn't even beat the DNC.

Jesus Christ, clean the city hall

News chopper live stream from LA:

Antifa cuck getting arrested. See's camera and starts chanting like a retard.

Gotta try to make the news so he can get that faceburg cred.

Antifa arrest LA

He isn't resisting very hard at all and is chanting like a faggot.
This must be gay porn larp for him


When will they learn?

Not to be a defeatist faggot, but I can't stand hearing these fags argue in vain anymore. Neither side is going to change the others' minds. Two of my friends have been doing it lately, and now they're just fucking annoying to be around. I just want to chill with them but they always have to start drunkenly arguing about white privilege, racism, immigrants and all that SJW shit.
Anyway nothing big is happening until I leave of course so I'm out. Hopefully some antifafags anger the police and proceed to get their shit fucked.

The kekistan retard shows up around 30"
spills spaghetti

The larger part of the left protests because they just cargo cult activism from the 60's and are astroturfed by (((interest groups))). The anarkiddies and antifa cargo cult European antifa "direct action" because they think they can affect change that way. The right shows up en masse to celebrate Trump and/or because there's a good chance they can crack commie skulls.

Nothing is achieved other than the spiraling of politics into violence but everyone thinks they get what they want. Only one side really gets it, though.


100 years ago they would have drunkenly argued about how to get rid of niggers and retake the holy lands. Just like we do here. The wheel turns.

she seems to be perfectly fine and enjoying herself being held in cuffs by a neat alpha-looking cop in impeccable uniform
little slut

dem titties

From the overhead I see American Flags in the mayday side, isn't that racist?
Is there the possibility that confused groups of antifa protestors will standoff against each other?

Seattle has some sick jungle beats

We are ledgion

Shits low energy. Anything going on in Jew York?

My guy on the ground is reporting Antifa is getting the cuffs from NYPD.

out of jewgle, it's a nigger who attacked whites

I cringed when he wiped the blood from his face. Cops must test for STDs so often.

This is from today I think.




Just got back from work, Which stream hast the best happening?

get ready for spictalk


Against Marine Le Pen idiot

Bit late for a Paddy's Day parade isn't it?

Does that freak holding the sign have Mumps or some shit. Marxism really does attract the defects.

There's a shirtless nigger at the Seattle parade who's so dark the camera has trouble capturing him

Why aren't we throwing molotov cocktails at these people?

That shit doesnt work.

Sauce stream please
It's the low energy Seattle gimp march and beaner gathering
There's a Trump group that's supposed to show in about an hour

go away fbi

did i miss this or is it still happening?

I just got here but everything posted thus far is low energy as fuck so maybe we missed it all.

Fuck you pussies.

And what are you doing about it?

Is that fucking peter the deleter?

But if we kill our enemies, we'll look bad in the mainstream media owned by our enemies who are trying to kill us.

Anything still happening in commiefornia?

despite your dubs, you know good and well nothing is going to come of this. We'll continue to shitpost, Whites will continue to be butchered, the world will keep spinning

Some music for the day.

Acting hard when 5 seconds ago you were crying about FBI


Then kill the journalists, bomb the media HQs.

I swear to God man I would literally rather be a Stalinist than pussy soccer mom right-winger. Antifa just won today.

This is not an issue of courage, it's an issue of selective policing. Until antifa blow up a federal building, I don't see them being targeted as much as ring wing militias who can't even LARP about violence without being busted.


What was all that talk about disrupting may day from the commies? Look at what they did in France. These people are the barbarian alpha male fascists you wish you could be.



I think that might actually be him. Jesus Christ.

why do americans keep having protests for no reason

A rat is not a horse, because it entered a barn

Liberals and illegals and mudslimes are not Americans just because they have citizenship

why do "americans" keep having protests for no reason


what am i looking at?

Did you just come out of a 2 year hibernation or something?

didnt mean to quote that user

Have some tactical midgets


but you can punch a fucking faggot


A 16 year old Ethiopian

not surprised. NY girl.

I just want to kill them all.

I'd put her in cuffs.

phwew! wouldya just look at those doubles

I agree she is a cute. those tiddies too

Are those cuckolds appropriating European fonts now?

Sometimes the Don looks like an old Samurai in pictures I swear.

These commies seem to be real triggered by any insinuation that they need SSRIs. Could "Take Your Meds!" be a good chant against antifa? What were the major happenings of the day?

I've been feeling much of the same weariness from it all as well.
There is no reasoning with someone who, at their core, does not even want to know the truth. They are too weak to bear it. So what's the answer to all of this? Are we doomed to spiral down into the worst throes of the Kali Yuga? The fall is going to come no matter what we do to oppose it, so wouldn't it just be better to stop trying to hinder the inevitable? Would it be morally just to hasten the decline to rock bottom, so that that the rebuilding can start sooner?

I'm weary from opposing the chaotic flow of the masses into degeneracy.
Maybe I just need to quit taking this all so seriously, and just go back to doing it for the lulz.

Yes. Take life with sincerity, not seriousness. Everything is going to be A Ok.
t. Metaphysicsfag

This is brilliant. I saw a list of jobs they needed doing at rallies and one of them was collect meds for people, sounds strange but that what I saw, someone probably has a screen shot. was on the anarchism reddit I think

Very nice. Thank you.

Run it.

Yeah I'm just booting around a few streams but some Trump guy will just casually say "oh man ur too mad m8 you forgot ur meds" and antifa just loses it. I actually had to rewind a few times to make sure something else was happening that I missed. This seriously gets to them.

kill your local antifa

tbh this makes a lot of sense. It doesnt even take much Xanax to make you go fucking crazy is you stop taking it. We could be on to something obvious yet important and overlooked here.



Anyone have other active streams?

Ive been watching a lot of different protest footage today and the American ones are by far the most spergy. I think todays youth need conscription

Why does that nigger burst into flame?

Obvious baiting aside, he isn't wrong. We need to make sure they know they can't act like this without repercussion.
I know they're faggots, but you can never underestimate your enemy.
Just don't announce you're from Holla Forums.

because it was a napalm nigger
it's a shoop, you dolt



Where is that? Looks like cops getting ready to disperse.

Live stream from Seattle pro Trump group:


They've been doing that for decades and now we are winning. How's it working out for them? You dweebs are sitting here in awe of some limp wristed show of force when you're about to see real power. Doxing and ruining the lives of every last one of these scum. Direct action is fucking boring I'd rather see all my enemies be miserably cursed.


Lets get this party started

Oh shit dub may confirm stream anyone?

Portland Oregon

KEK they threw tear gas at the anarchist down there

I love those pre-recorded messages the police play. They sound so menacing.

post that stream

Top Kek.

https ://

tiem to get /comfy/


Looks like they pulled the permit due to violence and police are pushing them back.

its nearly happening

Camera man is wimping out. Running away from action now. Hopefully the action catches up with him.

Was watching Tim's feed and twitter. Too bad it Brittany seems to be a degenerate. Civic nationalism, not even once.


Komo news is fugged

Very well.


Kettle and mass arrest

cops have them kettled and now they are gasing them.

That's better. She still must be sent to a Lebensborn camp which I'd run for promoting degeneracy though.



Post the stream.


Thanks. /ourstreets/, please.



Just aim for the guy using the megaphone with a rubber projectile. He'll go quiet real quick.


What kind of extra faggotry is this?

Next they will be necklacing each other.



don't tease me user

lmao, he got culturally enriched

we need a new portland stream… this camera man ran away as soon as shit got real.

Anti-whites getting BTFO!

No arrests nessecary.

As an European I can tell you, this is only popular in Berlin namely Kreuzberg.
Your stupid commies are nothing but dumbass copycats.

yeah he sucks even when he stands still

As much of a faggot as Tim Pool is, he doesn't cuck out when the action starts.

I'm seeing guys in portland with NLG hats and facemasks.

Look at all that trash run away

Portland protest now deemed a riot and commies start sperging out again

Yeah, I remember back in Ferguson a bunch of niggers threatened to rape him, and he stuck to it

They seem scared and confused I think the bolice are actually doing their job.

Fuuuck, anyone got a stream?

https:/ /
There are a few periscope streams

Pellet gun, kek.

Did her titties get bigger?

Yeah, it was great to see that line of police rush into the herd.


Yeah I swear I saw NLG hats and antifa maks on the same people

dumpster flipping and window breaking in portland

Workin men have to clean this shit up


wow they really hate trashcans and signs.

Oh boy, they walked right into that pincer formation

They're like insects following each other. Absolutely disgusting.



Why are they arresting that child?

Her tears….and screams….

This was fucking worth the last little while of happening blue balls

It was satisfying

Antifrogs were throwing molotovs earlier.

Whimsical Bike Dude fleeing the riot

what an effective way to cause a revolution

Is that in the US? I know they had signs in English at the start but I couldn't really finger the location

Seattle heating up a bit. Trump crowd being confronted by disgusting commies

If all the memebers of your revolutionary group are arrested you win.

Not sure if talking about literal faggot or the camera being all over the place.

You really have to be IN one of these large crowds with stuff going on in every direction to understand the pandemonium that goes on. Sometimes you really don't know what direction to look when absolute chaos breaks out like this, people running into you from all sides, bumping into you, screaming on every side. Just saying user

Paris, France


My friends are in jail PLEASE HELP

Imagine not arresting these little shits, they would fuck wreck everything until there was nothing left. They're no better than angry hedonistic retarded cavemen.



topkek lads

NLG green hats spotted right on the side.


Anyone else catching NLG guys with bandanas

right wing bike squads

Checked for truth what can be done about this? NLG wants the dox

are there any streams that arent standing around filming nothing

This Portland d stream seems tk ha e stalled know action. Just looking at cops. Is Portland antifa kill? Is th3re a more happening happening right now?


Sounds like the Antifa documentary.

This overtones rican bitch really isn't doing it for me

A fuckton of them are arrested and will be snitching on their comrades soon.

So those busses were there on purpose good to know.

Too bad I was getting into the whole hide and seek / Milan hunt vi e I got from the cameraman following them. Would beepic fun to do with a couple friends I feel. Just run alongside and shitpost everyone

notice how the news crew ended up moving over to the trump side because the commies were getting too rowdy

Think its over bois


Anyone just see commie mask get grabbed in seattle i think?

They keep counting down, is that the time they have to disperse before the cops rush in? Either way its plenty of time for snacks before the main event

Countdown to going live

Have the Antifa actually bombed anything? I haven't seen them pull a Timmy.

I think its when the Trump protesters start marching again.

Commies in Austin have rifles

This bitch in seattle is going nuts lol



I doubt that, it's not even night fall.

Oh god this better show up in a webm later

Because unlike Europe, arsonists in the States can be gunned down on sight.


Same one talking about MS13 earlier to that anti-white that looked like he was 13?

these people are rioting and setting police on fire because of…?

years ago it seemed most protests and riots were because they wanted less government and more freedoms

now people are murdering innocents because they want less rights and more communism?

what the fuck is going on

was that in hte seattle steam? She's the one with black coat and purple inner lining.

Is this portland or seattle?

looks like LA

Okay gotcha. The one I was talking about was in Portland just a few minutes ago.

Too bad, snowflake, you aren't going to EVER live in a world where you aren't looked at as fucking shit.

yeah I think it's LA
good stream btw


why are the commies getting upset today anyway whats with all the marches

Oh fug I just got to that. That was fucking golden

Unfortunately in Murica we need to go a Franco style nationalist takeover. We need to let the commies show their true hand.

commie holiday

cheers and ofcourse it is

Best girl is thicc af.

gloomtube has multiple streams up

You have to go back.

If you're looking for action, could be worth checking for Venezuela streams. Last I heard they had the armed forces deployed to support the police.

That is if the internet is still available in the areas where it's happening (doubtful).

Some people are saying this is Austin in the youtube chat, can we get confirmation?

1/8 nigger is still nigger.
I'm not saying don't fuck it but wear a condom, you degenerate.

I think it's an internet blog given sentience and tits and made natsoc

Sex for procreation only you faggot.

Guess it's Austin afterall.


Kek old man


Fuck that, goy, I want to eat that pussy.

Lmao "praise kek doing the lords work"

but is 1/14th still a nigger

what about 1/28th?

Chants are so monotonous and unoriginal my brain starts mishearing it out of boredom

lmfao infowars right fucking there

Sex is for sex, but fucking animals is disgusting.

Sorry but apparently that was disinfo.


You need to work on fractions

The commies are chanting. Whats with the red kkk hoods?

Trump supporters cornered?
Trump guys in Seattle, march starting


Why do they wear masks anyway, I thought sjw commie agenda was for trying to do away with all anonymity for safe spaces & control

Glad we agree. Now get in the gas chamber.

Oik oik bang bang top quality banter by anti fa per ussual

Now they're chanting "fuck USA". They should be deported.

they are chanting "oink oink bang bang" and "fuck the usa"
what the fuck am I watching

shame not in LA

Dubs confirm give 'em da gas

ultimate faggotry

It doesn't count for them since they're on the payroll of jews.

I'm sure the Islamic State will give them a warm welcome.

The meme magic begins! Keke, bless our warriors in the streets and aid them in spilling commie blood!!!!!!!

mein gott satan


remember that autistic kid in highschool who didnt shower enough and had trouble making friends?

this is who composes antifa and who they mean by "the workers"


Just checking back in.

Anything worth watching currently?

If so, please sauce

Thanks for heralding in gas'oclock, satan

"ah-ati-anti fashista"
what in the fuck language…

Austin Antifa looks like weakling veggie faggots. That sardine stack is easy picking and stampede who make them fall like dominoes.


Kill no one, throw fire bombs at a few cops, and accomplish nothing. Yea that does not characterize these people at all.
Fascism and Barbarism are completely incompatible. They are definitely barbaric. They act tough and like they don't care about the law but look what happens when the police push. They without question bend. This isn't the Clankening. This is faggotry. You know why the clankening was successful because the useful idiots in that CIA debacle were RIGHT WING NATIONALISTS. Until I see these people fighting the police to the near death I will not be worried they have gained heart.
True Fascists fight for the soul of their nation and race. Any acts of barbarism are performed only in the name of WAR. War is obvious and direct. If fascists were fighting the police it would be with guns and as an army.


Sadly they are Kekistan faggots from reddit or 4chan

Says San Diego march but looks like bullshit injun dances in chicano park.
Fucking San Diego Indians were drab Kumeyaay, not these aztec larp shits

Were they chanting "kekistan" or "make a stand"?

Okay, stream is definitely Austin.

I think I saw a kikestan flag over there


fucking reddit. some things never change

I am pretty sure that is the LA stream from earlier, just a different angle.

But I am just checking back in.

Oh nvm, he is hoping back and forth

I kinda regret not going now
Turn the West coast red again

If you can look at it and tell it's not white, it's not white.

https:/ /
pro trump speaker in seattle talking about taking back the west coast

https:/ /
Portland, I think someone just said watch out pigs are coming


Any links for the Austin stream (not the gloom tube).


What stream is that?


Any active streams left?

give me a happening


portland, heating up



Probably. I flunked out of highschool. Could you tell me what I did wrong?

This prosobiec thing looks like an australoid

you didnt take it seriously enough

if you wanna be a national socialist get educated user

Seattle. Streamer is heading to Westlake where antifa apparently is gathering.

multiple no step on snek flags

You went from 1/8 to 1/14, instead of 1/16

Does anyone recognize the big green spiral flag in Seattle? I can't read it.

How fucking beautiful.

Has the city of Seattle logo

I try to educate myself. They removed the GED program from my country so I lost the only interest I once had in finishing formal education.

Oh alright. That was more of a slip of the mind I think than a fundamental misunderstanding of fractions. I'm fairly certain I know what 8+8 is.

remember to hit H if periscope chat shit gets annoying

Earl Grey tea, two streams at once, feeling comfy

It's the flag of Seattle

stream keeps saying it's Ended for me.

I never go there, so I didn't know that

Why would anyone fly the flag of Fagtopolis?

yeah it is now, I'm hoping that he comes back


His major issue is that he wants to be attacked. I tried to point out no human seeks out getting his ass kicked. But he's going around acting surprised he hasn't had the shit kicked out of him because of all the libtard stuff he is wearing.


This bitch is crazy.


lmao some witch is hexing people in portland

Do we have a picture of "don't take my picture, my mask is off" girl?


Happened at the LA antifa riot moments ago. commies vs Dumpsters

Probably oe of the witches that tried to put an hex on Trump



It's Portland now.

Is there a better portland stream that does not need an APPlication? I know people there. There are going to be a lot of random hippies who show up out of tradition for mayday weedlmao without any clue of what's going on.

Got it, I'll name who I can


Can't wait for this portland bitch to visit the maglite dentist


As long as you can count to 100, figure out which number is greater with decimals, make change and tell time math isn't really all that important. Learn it as it is required. Fractions are useful in building shit though, so it might be work taking some online basic math and light geometry if you ever want to build shit that is measured properly.


Have a window open with the seattle trump people marching and it struck me they're the only people I've seen today actually MARCHING


burned out old hag

Fish mouth on the left, fish mouth on the right. that HAS to be some sort of birth defect related to development. Like premature babies that never had the chance to grow right or something.

I wish police would go "my gun says no" but they're being recorded.

Portland sure is full of angry little faggots

I love this one dude shitposting them irl and they are so assmad about it telling him we need you to leave and stop mansplaining us but the cops are right there so all she can do is shriek

what the fuck are they doing to that person with the backpack? Do they have shekels in there or something?

millie weaver a cute

These fags were arrested in Portland

I hate this.

Isnt Antifa being funded by china?

Scenes from Portland



the memes have gone too far


left wing cuck squad? wat?

Is that guy carrying a flag that says "left wing cuck squad" with an image of a unicorn ?

Get to work faggots

Ironic faggotry is still faggotry.

I almost wish we had some real communists still around, who'd actually kill them for being so fucking dumb.


Didn't all the real ones starve to death?

Disgraceful desecration of a nice flag.


As much as I'd love to bomb Buzzfeed Hi feds, I have no bomb making skills, go away, we lose all progress if we do that shit. It becomes "muh evil nazis bomb buildings hue hue hue". We play the long game.



Many based whites fell for the communist meme once. Only idiots would fall for it twice.

Basically "Help us Holla Forums" without having to say it directly.

has any raw footage been uploaded yet?

That and of course there are no real ones, because the REAL™ thing hasn't even been tried.

is that the hillary spider meme that they've somehow adopted non-ironically?

u guys been drinking your bone broth?


You mean kike spider?

I've got lots from the Twitter journalists. I linked one above you links the other ones.

Seattle and Portland not too bad. Not too great either. Flecktarn knight in homemade armornspotted. Also Seattle is rolling joints in the middle of the scrum to make a point about aomethong, buds not bombs

Should go up to portland bitch and go lemme check google on my phone yup Trump is still president, good job antifa

Meanwhile in Sweden of all places.

4th one is wearable

Antifa doesn't know what optics are. Anybody who isn't them hates them because all they see are a bunch of faggot kids in black attacking people and destroying shit

antifa getting some shields for riots.
Make note for next battle

2 and 5 are the only ones I like.

That shit tier of a shield does nothing against a good slingshot

EVERYBODY, Save ALL photos and videos of property destruction and send it to the Portland police (check ) also spread it around and make sure people know it is antifa so that people will immediately associate them with violence

Police confiscated those shields kek

Oh shit someone make a webm of this

What do they do, they force you to fuck their wives?

Fucking kek portland pd is using paintball guns on antifa right now. Sings like hell and let's them identify antifa later

a simple piece of plywood does a damn lot
also antifa btfo

You mean become a whiny little shit who doesn't want to work?

What else are they doing? Hippie communes have a shelf-life of one generation, these fucks have nothing better to do but fuck other people's shit up.

Are you new here?

No, someone make a webm of that confrontation where the police cleared them out, you mung bean.

If the Wiemar taught us anything, it is that the fire will rise from the darkest cesspool of filth.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Gook Commies

I've shot steel balls that can go through that and have enough energy left to hurt.

This is why we spread images of violence! Alienate antifa from everybody else even the liberals and they will die out very quickly

So apparently homeless kids told Antifa to pick up their trash and Antifa said no and that's what started the fight. Lol the homeless should kick their ass.

It's the Innsmouth look, these people aren't human.


great post

Yea but chances are they have much less energy after going through something then if they just hit flesh.

That gives me hope…

I'm sorry friend I misunderstood

If I hit flesh directly I suspect that I'm going to make a hole in someone.

Seattle antifa getting btfo

Are we co-opting the *? fuck yeah 14**

LOL homeless ppl throwing rocks at antifa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Antifa hate the homeless

The short answer is, yes.


no shit,
If a shield, even a shit one, is the difference between a hole in someone and not a hole in someone then it counts a fuckin lot

Where is the rubber bullettime happening? Seattle or portland?

It's ok.
This thing going on in Portland right now is probably the highlight of this microhappening so far

This has become tradition. Every mayday Seattle antifa riot and get btfo by the cops

By the police?

Isn't the last time Seattle PD did their job in 1995 during WTO meeting?


Look at their propaganda. Gaze upon it and let your sides ascend this moral plane.

link so others can join in the fun

I said enough energy left to hurt, not to make them bleed.

My mistake…its Olympia right now on KIRO

where did you see this ? any pics/vids ?

This is what propaganda on SSRIs looks like

The stream link was posted earlier

KIRO reporting from Olympia right now.
ANTIFA confronted by homeless, rocks were thrown. Homeless junkies are pissed lol

The Portland homeless are chaotic neutral, edging towards evil. They are drugged out and violent. My brother gets roughed up by them all the time when he does street photography. They think everyone is a gman.

Also Seattle heating up maybe?

Oops, it's washington, not OR

Kek irl



Antifa coming back!

already gaining ground, not sure if was posted before. https: //


Fucking love line formation battles

Behold the antifa

Checked. They are all grouped up. Deploy gas now

Checks out

Oh they're running away again to go smash more trashcans

Antifatsos making a move. In fear fornthiz trash and around the corner

Remember to always upvote stuff like that and concern trolls that make antifa sound bad or scary to push away any recruits they may get

throwing molotovs at police is too scary for american antifa


The only thing not scary to antifa is getting into groups and beating on old people and women caught alone

This is hardly new. Around where I live homeless people get PISSED if they see you littering. It's not uncommon to see homeless people picking up trash for no reason other than to clean it up. This is usually after they pick through the garbage looking for recyclables to trade for beer money.

With pleasure satan

Breaking windows now lul


Fucking useless cops

window breaking has begun

It riles them up like niggers at a KFC


Showing Olypmia right meow

sigh, we barely ever get any political protests in aus, when we do the turnouts are always minor and it's always cut short due to most people just going to the closest pub

No we want police to stand down for a while then move in an arrest. We want antifa to destroy shit, it pushes normies further right


how predictable

Olympia is happening right now. Not THE happening but it's locals and homeless Vs. Antifa.

Screencap any and all faces and even bodies from Olympia Washington! I know a thousand locals! If any are antifa, other than evergreeners, I can and will destroy them! I even know the degenerate dealers!

What the fuck

Oh they attacked the starbuck, nevermind. KEK.

It isn't dark yet? How long til nightfall on the left coast?

Another hour or so

Antifa trashcan shields confirmed.

Trash shields for trash humans.

about another hour until sundown

What a surprise, the commies can't take the heat.

sick dubs. Think it will last? Or will the fun end before the sun sets. Usually the nigs come out at night right?

They get ordered to attack Starbucks because Starbucks makes make out of the insurance

I don't think anything is gona happen at sundown.

makes a profit out*

Last year it calmed down b4 dark. Hopefully it gets better

Fucking reee they cut away from olympia!!!!!

why did they cut away from antifa getting put to the ground???

what a letdown

There any streams without the cringey donation alerts and commentary?


Sad. On the one hand some homeless are utterly broken degenerates. Just today I was buying a coffee and some crazy homeless junkie was throwing up all over the coffee shop and screaming about some bullshit.
On the other hand, many of these people could be redeemed if given a hard disciplined environment.

I've always thought that we will get most traction recruiting from people who need our message most. We don't have much to offer a comfortable unaffected baby boomer living in their white suburb. Take a homeless man, break him down with propaganda, reprogram him with our ideals and train him and you have a die-hard soldier that will do absolutely anything for the cause.



darn. my midnight riot fetish hasn't been fed since blm and the reds tore shit up in Milwaukee.

Commies are getting BTFO on mayday. Fucking beautiful. ANTIFA is done.

No clue. I was hoping the locals would have went all out and we see it. But someone said they would tip him 2 bucks for arrests so I guess he cut to a feed that had arrests.

Nice fucking trips, guy.



Media will spin it into "the evil natzees did evil shit" or just completely ignore it

Fuck of hope they left the mas. Of 50 or so up to get arrested on stream




Shit what is stream plox need stream I know all oly streetkids!



Prepare for trouble and make it double

God I would love to run this trumpet news shekel bigger over with my car

watch the kiro stream user

wtf this dude is just re-streaming the local news and people are giving him money.

He's back to Oly. He got his shekels.

Kek, you just know as they're lying there they're thinking, "I should have stayed at home".

Thanks user

I guess capitalism works.


two carpet baggers showing same thing getting paid

Any alternative JewTube stream that doesn't flash on & off some retarded red banners that ruins recordings?


jewtube doesnt need flash anymore

Whatever happened to that patriot tard No Thiefs?

lucky is streaming trumpet, trumpet is streaming local news lol. I can't really blame them from profiting. But I think the inception should continue and someone stream lucky and so on and so forth.


rofl! I know the people throwing shit at the antifa!!!

Is that another Holla Forums mom?

He's talking about the retard that is flashing a banner overlay jewing his own channel

Tell them to keep going. Kicking ass and taking names. Tell them to go for the masks. They shit themselves if their seen.

Come on

Oh ofcourse

Fuck my hardware and stream suck.

Snot bubble or nose ring?

apparently Antifa is acting up in New Orleans

It's ANTIFA. Magnets are their greatest nemesis.

need stream

here's some antifas I caught Holla Forums

Also those molded kevlar suits…. will bike cops become the first space marines?

Don't have one. Someone gave a heads up on trumpet channel about happening in nola

Kek. Awesome synchronization right there user. I had to have an MRI on my leg for tendon damage from a fucking horse jumping on me. That fat faggot couldn't have gotten the procedure he needed just so he could have metal in his face like a cow. Magnets and shit

Communists just wish they were as attractive as Nationalists.

Have fun with this one

pritty shit happening they could even muster a proper riot
still some pritty good moments ill catch u cunts later

UPDATE! NONE of the Olympia protestors are locals! Only evergreeners and foreign shills!!!!


New Orleans news

Of course user, in Auburn all those fuckers came from Atlanta….

Speaking about atlanta (which deserves to be firebombed):

Not long after Aline Mello, a 28-year-old Brazilian immigrant and Dreamer, arrived at Atlanta's City Hall for Monday’s May Day rally for immigrants, she texted her mom a photo of herself, huddling under a pink umbrella and holding up a sign saying, “We are HUMANS.”

“She didn’t want me to come,” she said of her mother, who was at work cleaning houses. “She’s scared. Many older immigrants just keep their heads down, but we want to make our voices heard.”

“We grew up here,” said her friend, Diana Chavez, as she nodded, an immigrant from Mexico who moved to the U.S. in 2000. “We belong here. It’s important to let people know we’re part of this nation and we work hard and pay taxes."

Hundreds rallied under gloomy skies in downtown Atlanta, holding “ICE GET OUT” banners and “NOT ONE MORE DEPORTATION” placards, to protest recent arrests and deportations of immigrants and call on Atlanta officials to extend more protections to immigrants.

Like many, Mello and Chavez were motivated to protest President Trump’s immigration policies.

“I wasn’t that vocal until Trump started campaigning,” Mello, a DACA recipient who works as a magazine editor, admitted. “We can’t trust him.”

Outside City Hall, immigrant advocates linked up with a wide range of social justice groups fighting to raise the minimum wage, combat racism and sexism and protect LGBTQ communities.

‘’We want Atlanta to be a real sanctuary city, not just a welcoming city,” Carlos Medina, a volunteer with the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, told the crowd. “We want a fair salary: $15. We want the people to respect gender identity. And we want them to stop the deportations.”

After the rally, more than a hundred immigration and social justice advocates spilled into Atlanta’s City Council chamber to demand the city raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and demand the city comply with Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to detain immigrants only when they have a warrant.

“This is the most speakers we’ve ever had,” City Council president Caesar Mitchell informed the crowd to loud cheers.

He looks a bit like Cracker Joe.

they are barely covering the May Day thing in nola

What does the Gothic font on his shirt say? BJRS?

Here's a template. Please meme responsibly.

gotta catch'em all, user.

oh dear kek its not even fair

What a surprise.


Anyone catch the guy giving the finger to the camera?

something I just snatched



You just missed getting a picture of the monobrow monkey.

I wasn't fast enough

Fuck I can't hear what they're saying.

No fucking way. I do not believe this is real. This has to be one of us with more balls than brains. This is an user who has gone feral in his lust for shitposting.

Usually I'm into gauges and piercings and such. (Not all alternative, goth, etc are libtards) But now they all seem like brain dead morons. I hate what this movement has done. smh

did we ever figure out what those green hat wearing fags are about? Do they just watch antifa and get them out of legal trouble as a witness?

It's always so easy to get these goons when they're wearing stupid accessories.

That's an average looking guy to me. What makes him jewish? He doesn't have a sloped nose or kike eyes. You'd think every other white posted on this board is a jew.

No, gauges and piercings just make them all look like un-hireable morons with a negative body-image and no self control.

They're there to protect leftists

The memes grow more powerful by the day.

What does that mean?

Are you really that blind Shlomo? Beady eyes, rat ears, thin lips, oily skin, shit nose, shit hair.
It is a kike, you kike. I can spot them from miles away.


Holy shit they know bike-fu–abc-news-topstories.html

That's it, I have to punch something now

Seattle bike cops have essentially resurrected the art of Cavalry and modernized it.

Thin lips is the only thing I can agree with. His nose is normal, his ears are normal, and his hair is normal. The dude looks like an average american euromutt.

Yep. It's a jew for sure , compare

It is a kike. His nose and ears and hair are jewish. I train myself once in a while with images to play spot the kike. When I suspect a kike it is a kike.

I get what you're getting at. Guess I'm just paranoid of paranoia. I'll have to train my jewdar more.




Not sure why they haven't arrested the guy grabbing the cop's baton

Think it's this one

Hone your skills, know your enemy and you'll be a destroyer.

That Seattle cop just smiling back at the mad nigger


What are? The CIA to these normalfags?

The cops looked smug as fuck.

We are the Big Guys fam.

Yeah, pretty much.

lol they cant even do their chants right

We are now.


The fire rises.

Its called rent seeking user.

Was one of those little twats just trying to dox a cop to his face?

Kek. Where's my fucking jewbcuks at? Oh yeah we do this shit for free

You motherfucker!

This shot is kinda comfy.

Even comfier.


Yes they do this everytime. They fail though

Anything still going on in Olympia? I'm going to reward soda-thrower with a beer when I see him next.

I missed the game cause watching these streams, was going to watch replay at 10

What, do they just read off their last name and pretend to look up their info?


Fuck niggerball

Yeah, same here. Here's hoping for another great season.

Sounds like someone who needs to learn what actually being doxxed is like.

you fucking millenial

Exactly. Watch some NHL instead if you absolutely must watch sports.

They read their number/id on their vests which is useless. They also take pictures of their faces.

antifa everybody


That Jonestein-esque Trumpet News guy was talking over this cuck when he was addressing Kek or something like that.
Anybody have the full interview?

This has gotten retarded…. Well, when new thread goes up, requesting pics of the street kids in oly who did epic stuff. I don't need faces, these are my old friends. I used to even sell weed to them when I was growing it there legally, at half price. They love me, the degenerate bastards. And no, I am not high, I don't bother now that I live far away from hipsters in a place that I can legally retaliatw with violence. Free state that is all white > weed


The cuck spider got stepped on.

If dubs a commie gets maced.

Do you feel it user's?

Anyone have a good stream?

Dont ask for dubs


Is that one of /ourguys/ LARPing? I think that seriously might be for real. Like, I think they think they are somehow trolling or meming us, but instead, it only goes to show how our own memes have fully infected their own easily influenced and malleable minds. We're literally bending them to our will, Holla Forums

For those of you interested here are a few videos of the riots that went on in Paris. A total of 6 cops have been seriously injured by firebombs.
