How do national-socialists view disabled people.
Newfag here intrested in National-Socialism
How do national-socialists view disabled people.
Newfag here intrested in National-Socialism
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This post is for the newfags who have been around. Disabled or not as long as they are your racial brother there is ZERO reason to gas or harm them. This can be solved though. Through programs that Hitler invented "eugenics" this stuff can be weeded out and solved before its an issue. I mean Joseph himself had one leg smaller than the other.
Dont believe that kike shit, Natsocs didnt go around shooting gimps in the street like a bunch of nigger chimps.
who gives a shit
as long as they arnt disabled because of their own weight because they ate so fucking much, what do you think if pol had a wonderland we would go around fucking gassing and killing people? that shits fucked up, we would push state propaganda and health programs to fix this shit, like in china their playgrounds have exercise equipment and old people go there and work out
This. DO NOT listen to jew shills trying to persuade you that National Socialists/Nationalists/Fascists just went around murdering everyone that was undesirable, jews included. It's a big fat fucking lie.
True, but how many mudpeople where in Germany-Austria at the time? Also, look at how being nice left them. Not only losing, but having their name tainted for (until someone rises to power) all eternity.
Im talking purely about out people. If they have the spirit and mind and are on our side why would we hurt them? They are still our family.
Fuck any other race though, KICK THEM OUT. Our lands must be 100 percent white once again. But most importantly destroy Israel.
Also, about cripples and mental midgets:
Only leftists praise physical and mental deficiency, while championing the abortion of healthy children.
NatSocs are infinitely more compassionate, because our goal is to heal the crippled and prevent others from suffering the same fate, while at the same time ensuring optimal conditions for those who can make the most of their mental and physical gifts.
Eugenics, you fucking dipshit. Do not post until you have read for an entire year or more.
On Tuesdays they burn the cripples
Im pretty sure people who were a complete drain on the state were gotten rid of, unless there was some program to keep specific people alive if their family were contributing enough to warrant it. People with down syndrome, the types who smack their chest with their hand and drool on themselves. Im pretty sure they were gotten rid of.
We deal with you by sending you to the sticky first and then reminding you to lurk
Now that said, Goebbels himself was physically crippled and had a deformed leg, he became extremely ill as a child and developed paralysis for an extended period. Obviously that didnt stop his extremely gifted mind from contributing to the Reich.
It should be in the QTDDTOT thread, but I dont think its quite a "What does Holla Forums think about?" because hes actually asking about our ideology, which happens to not actually be as well understood as it could be. We have people actually arguing its an individualistic anti-worker ideology which threw socialism on the end because it was a meme of the day. That says it all.
It depends on the day to be honest. Most of the time, I don't have to deal with them, so they aren't much of a problem. When I do have to deal with them though, it's fucking annoying as hell. Really sucks that they're required for impregnating.
Artificial wombs could solve that, but children without good mothers are defective. Its like having 2 fag parents, or a single father.
Depends heavily on the circumstances. If their disability is so extreme they can't contribute to the economy/society, would dilute the gene pool if allowed to breed, and their future lives would be effectively nothing but hardship due to the extreme disability - euthanization.
If the disability isn't very extreme and doesn't massively affect their ability to contribute to the economy/society and if it won't be inherited to future generations they can be left alone, however if it can be inherited to future generations - sterilization.
There will have to be a lot of exceptions and rules put in place to minimize accidents however. Waivers could be in place for exceptions and a two doctor approval system would help.
Damn, I just realised I said 'we'. I'm not a natsoc.
what a fag
You must be lost.
says the redditspacer :^)
An important part of white identity is altruism. It obviously doesn't help us when we're surrounded by muds with their palms upturned, but caring about your people is a large part of what makes white societies superior.
There are good arguments for a neo-Spartan type of eugenics program, but if it was government sponsored it would cause a lot of heartache and division and give rise to sentiment that the leaders of the society were unfeeling monsters who care only about the existence of their banks and a future for green paper.
they must be hanged on the day of the rope
This board is National Socialist. I was just going to let you be a retard, but since youve decided to accuse me of being the foreigner, I placed a report. Spacing after greentext is not reddit spacing. Back to cuckchan, lolberg race traitor. Those who turn away will be turned upon.
Spacing after everything is. I see the autism is strong in you, if you report over something both spoilered and explicitly a joke
I am here solely to save my people, by any means. Just because you would not consider me to be a socialist doesn't make me a traitor. The fact that you are willing to d&c over what you think is 'anti-worker' and 'not socialism' proves the night of the long knives was not a mistake.
Okay, but are you asserting image related is a jewish hoax?
I think it is quite reasonable for a society to choose *not* to spend millions in taxpayer money to keep, say, a child born without a brain alive. Also, how do you feel about a ward of the state, say with Down syndrome, exercising the "right" to pass on her genes?