Mayor Asking FBI For Help With Investigating NIGGER Crime, Rising NIGGER Murder Rate

Baltimore’s mayor is asking for help from the FBI, as the city struggles to contain a soaring murder rate. But will bringing in the feds stop the killings?

The mayor pulled no punches earlier this week when she said the murder rate is out of control. She wants to bring in the FBI to the city, but will it make a difference? Some people are skeptical of that.

Violence in Baltimore has reached a crisis level, with the number of killings shattering a 20-year high this early in the year, Baltimore’s mayor was blunt.

“I’m calling on all the assistance we can possibly get because I can’t imagine going into our summer months with our crime rate where it is today, what that’s going to look like by the end of the summer,” says Mayor Catherine Pugh.

WJZ has learned Mayor Pugh wants manpower and technology from the FBI.

“Murder is out of control,” says Pugh.

The mayor met with the special agent in charge of the Baltimore division of the FBI, but wouldn’t provide specifics. She says they’ll come out next week, and the FBI isn’t talking.

WJZ spoke to public safety expert Rob Weinhold, who isn’t sure the FBI alone will be effective.

“I don’t think relying on federal resources is a new strategy at all, in fact, I think the devil is in the detail. You can talk about the FBI and that’s fine, but I’d actually like to see more emphasis on drug enforcement administration, ATF, and the Marshall service to get these folks who are wanted on warrants off the street,” says Weinhold.

The Bureau has 56 field offices nationwide and provides assistance in gang and drug cases.

President Trump has advocated sending in feds to stem violence in Chicago and other cities.

The FBI helped during another crisis-point Baltimore: the riots, using a video-equipped surveillance plane to monitor lawbreakers, alarming privacy advocates.

As WJZ reported this week, the feds also worked with city police to take down a street gang, arresting the member accused of murdering three-year-old McKenzie Elliott.

“If we support these police officers, who are out there working for the community every day, we’re going to be able to turn the tide,” says former U.S. Attorney for Maryland, now U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The question remains: will more FBI help effectively stop the bloodshed? The mayor believes she doesn’t have time to wait.

“We are looking for all the help that we can get,” she says.

There have been other plans like this before, including the “War Room” effort, whether this effort will be anything new and different will be revealed in coming weeks.

This week, Baltimore reached a grim milestone: 100 murders before the end of April. It’s the first time that’s happened since 1998.

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Great thread, OP.


FBI blacksites just for interrogating niggers when?

it doesn't need one, it's fairly obvious you slimy kike

Fuck off.

Why is he holding the gun wrong way?

ding ding ding we have a winner! having (((kike))) for dinner. I'll not do the job of the SPLC you filthy scheming hebe.

Are you fucking retarded? I'm asking for the article you c&p this shit from, you inept mongoloid.

Perhaps it to injure or kill more innocent bystanders instead of his market in a spray and pray type shooting situation as instructed by JEW media.


Tired of winning yet?



Don't you do it FBI. You let those niggers rot.

Listen to these dubs FBI, you don't want to upset Kek do you?




Thanks the thing will get hot in may,June, July and maybe one more month.

what do these four murderers have in common?

not enough money for all those programs?
not enough chances to go to school?

Facial hair?

Glazed eyes.

Wide noses?

No empathy?


Who could have fucking predicted this?

Poverty creates criminals?



It's happening in Columbus, Ohio too.

Here's a hint. Would you like to buy a vowel?


blacks need an inverse welfare system
less children mo money

That makes no sense. That'll just make welfare queens with a single child depend on the government even more.

first we need to reduce their numbers , there are too many of them

Then they can pull their pants up, learn to speak, legally change their name from Shaniqua Flavalava Lonquoia Angelina Jolie Fontava Count Dooku von Egyptianswereblack to Sarah, pay $50 to take a grade school equivalency test, and get a FUCKING JOB.

No. They should be incentivized to have nuclear families first. Niggers will act less (albeit slightly) like niggers if they're raised with fathers and mothers, not just they're mothers.

How are they gonna do that if they're not even raised properly?

They'll never do that while the kike media is pushing out the cool ghetto image

dey dindu nuffin?

This as well. The "ghetto king" image that glorifies going to jail and spending days fucking whores and doing drugs is killing niggers' ability to make families.

Around Niggers Never Relax

That doesn't rhyme. Rhyming is important, things that rhyme stick in people's heads.
Around Blacks, Never Relax

That's a tall order. Surely there must be something in their culture that can be used to bootstrap nuclear family values. Let's see…

Aw gee whiz, back to the drawing board.

You don't think your arrow of causality is backwards? Something to think about.

Poverty expands criminality


IQ Under 75?

Cell number

dey all be innocent

Wow, that African prince was so poor and oppressed as a child that the EVIL and HEARTLESS white person couldn't even help but contribute against his debt for slavery Reparations.


Did I see that right?
That fucking pistol didn't load the round correctly..
Too bad those guys didn't have the right angle (I'm assuming) to see that the pistol was nothing more than an inert brick at that point.


I know he works as a cashier but the guy has work ethic, even throws his gloves away after a robbery, good on him

Niggers will never change.

They are too stubborn to change because it requires mental heavy lifting as a group to become anything remotely bearable.

While the jew teat is still hanging out of it's dress, the groid will keep suckling on that until he gets thrown into the yawning grave.

ad infinitum

Yes saw that right away, the chromed barrel made it very noticeable.

This got attention on Twitter, i remember seeing alot of comments about the guys reaction and not a whole lot about another nigger being a typical nigger.

Regardless if it was bricked or not. The way that fucking ape waves a gun in the poor man's face is enough to set me off. Put a bullet in that fucker's head and he'll never rob another place again. This world has too many human rights. The victims are prosecuted and the oppressors are protected.

That nigger had a significant size advantage on him, and the feed failure could have been cleared in split second. Handing over the money was the correct decision, there is absolutely no reason to stick your neck out there for a fucking corporate sandwich shop. They don't pay the cashiers enough for that.

Now, if the nigger tries to make you go into the back room, that's another story. Then you fight for your life, not for the cash.

oh wew the round wasn't even chambered, you can see it stuck and the slide locked back because of it. That's probably why whitey never flinched, although if I were him I'd have also grab that shit out of the nigs hand and chambered it proper

No, guys.
They were about to get their life together.

It's also the bucket of crabs thing. The moment one of them tries to uplift himself by studying, or applying himself at his job, or speaking and dressing presentably, he's shunned.

You'd be surprised how many niggers hate Obama. For all his faults, he at least spoke and dressed like a human being. Niggers expected the first nigger president to go to the UN and say "Kim Jong Un nigga why you is whey dey at bruh? Sheeiiiit nigguh stop wit dey bitch ass ICBM nuclear ass crackas."

If anyone deviates from that worthless nigger subculture, he's shunned, he's a traitor.

To be fair, Obama's a Mulatto.

The entire beautiful state of Michigan is mostly yellow and here with my luck I was born, raised, and live in a dark orange area.

Can confirm. Niggers suck.

If anything, it's anime that pacifies niggers. Telling a nigger to start a family is impossible, but tell him to watch these cartoons with manly men and big titty white women and they'll sit down for that. And before you know it the whole population would be neutered.

Speaking of anime, know why niggers shit themselves over Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo?

It's because they remind them of the father they never had.

Dear Northern Aggressors,
Enjoy the spoils of your genocidal war.
The Confederate States of America

This won't happen as long as they get bennies from the gubbermint. For enough nigger women shitting out a ton of nigglets and living off welfare is an easy and achievable dream job.

I'm suprised the white chasier didn't get arrested for not giving the nigger a reciept.


Dear kike-financed traitors: You’re the ones who wanted to keep niggers in the country, not us.


Ban assault muslims.

why are you worried about trying to fix niggers? it is an exercise in futility. the only solution is removal. getting them to act docile for a brief period of time will only quell the appropriate racism of whites towards niggers, which only means more time for them to become further integrated into america and the white gene pool before we eventually come to the same correct conclusion that they must be removed, only next time it will be more difficult. zero effort should be put towards helping niggers or any nonwhites in white countries for that matter

tellin cops to ge fuck themselves 24/7 all over the msm had nothing to do with it

spontaneously exothermic ahkbars

thats because it's not news. Niggers kill, rape and rob so often that it doesn't even make the news when a triple homicide happens and the victims are other blacks

We need to start using the words "Africanizers" for blacks and "Europeanizers" for whites because they capture the effect that each race has on an area.
The higher the % of blacks there are in an area the more it comes to resemble Africa. The more whites the more it comes to resemble Europe

This writing sounds like it's from a high-school newspaper.

Your map is shit. When was it taken? Using counties is a horrible way to show representation of race. Census tracts would be better.

Must have been a high point.


bring it


Here's just MS, since doing the entirety of US is a pain. It's not as fucked as OP's map makes it look.

It's still fucked. I wouldn't live there.

I will never get coalburners. How does anybody find this attractive?

they all murdered white people in a brutal fashion and the stories were under-reported by the media?

Nice trips for a nice map. Got any other states?

that nigger could've easily beaten that manlet to death with that brick. Manlet's not stupid enough to let it happen over (((someone))) else's money

remove their violence gene with CRISPR

Hey now there's an idea. CRSPR delete MAOA-L
Blacks have it at 40x higher rate than whites.

The fact you guys are starting to suggest we should start gene altering niggers is absolutely horrifying to me! Why would anyone, in their right mind want to domesticate the nigger? Just genocide the whole lot and fix the inherent problem.

i'm probably not the first person to have that idea :p


gene editing with CRISPR was discovered during some black project a decade or so before its public discovery by academics. for all we know, there could be genetically-altered nogs walking around as we speak.

Better plan: Float the conspiracy theory that this is already being done through blood pressure meds and HIV treatments.



A hilarious lip-to-brain ratio

no no, user, 0 children most money. 2 keedz no money

black people are surprisingly nongullible, by and large


Is there a name for this little skipping move they like to do?

I believe that is the "Stanky Leg"

About that.

i stand corrected

Coloradofag here, that map is off. It signifies that El Paso county has the most blacks when that is clearly wrong, El Paso county is the most conservative white county in colorado, all of the blscks gather in Denver.

Depends, is there a name for this?

No we need biological bomb that can cause the niggers to be infertile. That will save the world billions dollar.

Denver user here, this is true.

the fbi are niggers

It's the Niggening
Everyone was waiting for a chimpout, but the the reality is that it's just a gradual downward spiral into degeneracy.

Have no fear though, we are still full steam ahead for a second civil war. We just need to reach that plateau of hopelessness that's going to come when everyone realizes Trump was just another sell out.

"Rape" is a bullshit crime.
No, it wouldn't drop 83% in an all white town, it would drop 100% because White people simply don't rape unless you include "I was drunk".
False allegations.

I can do all of them. Which one do you want specifically?

I can do other races, as well. Like, whites, asian, hispanic, etc. Won't have jew information until next census. The one good thing Obama did.

They count Latino and muttato as the white in the statistics so it would be about 90 - 100% drop.


There is nothing "inherently" wrong with niggers.
ALL of the problems we have with them arise because of allowing them to reside in human living spaces.
A sane person doesn't allow a cow, horse or goat to live in their home, likewise a sane nation should not treat Blacks like humans.
They should be contained in designated areas of Africa, all international aid shut off and nature allowed to take her course.
The nigger population would collapse back to sustainment levels.

I know the stats.
The problem is that they rely on female honesty and are therefore worthless.
Read Kanin 1994 if you want to know why.

Also, stats are wayciss user.

His moms a Jew.
That makes him a Jewlatto.

my sides, can't say I was expecting that lol

That point would only make sense if you think white females brag about being raped by black males, while black females downplay being raped by white males. That stats show us that that isn't the case.

White females are typically ashamed of having sex with or being raped by black men, white black females are typically very proud and brag about having sex with white men.

Even white trannies smack blacks around when they feel like it.

The FBI doesn't have the manpower for this. They need to call in the national guard and give them orders to shoot any nigger that steps outside its home.

WTF is a girl in a wheelchair doing watching this nigger parade?

it's coded language

they mean it's quite "dark", what's causing the rise

The numbers would actually be even better than that due to the homogeneity of culture. Eliminate blacks from the area and you have no more white on black crime, plus the decrease in population would result in prices dropping (at least for a time until word spreads that the niggers are gone and people flock to fill up those slots).

There'd still be a jew epidemic, though, so fuck NYC.

Muslim Migrant beats rapes US woman while chanting Allahu Akbar


How dare you unda-estimate da scope ada shoah, you antisemitic bastid!


how tall are you?
unless you're 6'3 shut up

Any white who puts forth any effort whatsoever to bettering himself and is capable of throwing a proper punch can beat out any random street nigger.


I just hate that manlet shit.
I'm 6 foot, just above manlet status.
In 10 years I'll be manlet status, because the kids keep getting bigger & bigger from all the steroids in our meats.


MD has some of the strictest, most onerous gun laws in the country. White, law abiding citizens can't have AR or AK or over 80 other guns, there are $500 mandatory safety courses just to get a permit to buy a handgun, and virtually no CC.

But niggers have too many guns…. ffs

You made the space colonisation looking very appealing now.

It stems from years of emotional neglect and the lack of family cohesion and installed morals.

This happened right outside Camden Yards. These people were all having drinks at the bars before the game when the niggers swarmed in.

Ever seen how many women are dying to get fucked by serial killers? They love violent and psychopathic men.

And this is the feminists' s fault for making the white men wussy. I say we shall take it back and restore every thing back to the natural roles.

the "you are not the father" jig

Fact 10 always bothers me because that fountain is so obviously Baroque that it hurts to imagine someone thought it was from classical antiquity.
Point still stands about niggers being totally incapable of even the most basic of whites' accomplishments but fucking hell this mistake must be rectified.


If you've got a more fitting image I'll shop it in right quick.

Any angle of the Pantheon, inside or out really.

Here we go, thanks for the pics. I especially like the added contrast here because they're both dome shaped, but one is obviously superior.

Was it autism?

Still white compared to the east coast. We outnumber the darkies a hundred to one. Once Trump deports all the spics, Denver will be a nice city. If only we could deport liberals it would be a utopia.

No it isn't austism

What did he mean by it?

I was out driving with mah old man and we saw a nigger walking by, which is pretty rare and my Dad just shouts full volume "Holy fuck user, we're in Africa!"
It's the little things in life.

Is this the same nigress that wanted to give them room to destroy or did they replace her?


This is a new one. The last two mayors have been niggresses, and both were abject failures, so of course the niggers of Baltimore elected another niggress…

They are all a failed attempt at evolving from apes?
Bix nood?

firearms would have put a stop to this in 1 minute

Why did they voted the nigeresses in instead of the nigger as the mayor?

Muskegon or Detroit?

Niggers are primarily located in the Delta and Hinds county (co-incidentally where Jackson is located).

t. Mississippi user living in the only white city in Hinds because it's close to work

That looks great. Didn't even think of the dome contrast, it's an excellent touch.

and that's not how you spell "convolutions" (btw there's no apostrophe in the possessive "its") or "calendar." also, native africans have woven plenty of textiles, though i guess we can't prove they didn't steal the idea from egyptians or some other superior non-groid culture.
fix that spelling, ffs. if you're playing the intellectual superiority card, try not to look like a semi-literate nigger.