Real Polacks vs America

So the gathering in Pikeville was good. Not as many people as I had hoped for but certainly enough. The problem was that AntFags have a relatively effective tactic; make ugly sounds and screech at people.

In response, the TWP speakers talked into a microphone. This is good but here is a better idea; sing nationalist songs. We need to get everyone singing in one voice. Watch this video of Polish nationalists. What POWER they carry! Listening to that even normies will want to join in. The power of hundreds of men singing, chanting in unison is far greater than two faggots with a whistle. We need to encourage nationalist gatherings to sing in unison when and where they meet. This also imbues unity within the group. Having hundreds of people marching and singing/chanting projects strength. Normies love strength.

We need songs. Dump your songs here so we can disseminate them to nationalist organizations. If you are a part of one already, encourage your group to adopt certain nationalist songs or chants and make sure everyone knows them. No stupid songs. We need a blend of classical American patriotic songs and nationalist ones. Also, the lower the tone the better. AntFags have a shrill, whiny tone of voice when they chant "no FaSHysts No Kay kay Kay, no Nat-see yu es eh"
Our tone should be deep and powerful. Like these Polish nationalists.

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty good idea. Have a bump OP.

At 1:57 the crowd is chanting "Polska cała, tylko biała" which can be translated to "Entire Poland, only white". That's the level of redpilling that is in Holla Forumsand

Indeed. if we fail in America/West Europe, Poland may end up being the last bastion of our race.

Here is another I idea I though of after posting this. We need to have more rallies on Independence day. American patriotism is already at a highpoint on that day so we need to take that civil nationalism and forge it into real nationalism.

Also, niggers love looting and robbing people on the 4th of July so having nationalist marches on that day would certainly drive home the racial element for many, many people.

Anyway, if you aren't out there flying flags and chanting "Entire America, only White!" at least have a cookout for your neighbors and fly lots of flags. While enjoying the food, make sure to drop lots of subtle and not so subtle redpills about race, the founding fathers, our immigration acts, everything. Use your cookouts as networking and redpilling exercises.

Maybe some simple German matching songs so people can easily join. Other than that, maybe "Stand up and be counted" or something like embed related.

Perhaps just a chant.

To do this, we need songs every one knows.

What's a good song for the United States, aside from star-spangled banner?

That's a brilliant idea, lets get some proper nationalist marches going in july.

Meme it gentlemen.

Btw the first the only song they sang was Polish anthem. The rest were chants

Could we get enough anons together? We would have to enlist 4chan and probably wouldn't stay silent and would show up with gay Kekistan shit.

If many normies will unite behind this edgy shit then I'm all for it


Reminder to filter kikes

We need strong chants people!
Identity Evropa has a pretty good chant "One People, One Nation. No Immigration"
We need to get the TWP and others to chant powerful slogans.

I'm thinking something along the lines of "We will not abide White Genocide!"

(((The Economist)))


How about you niggerfaggots stop creating individual threads for every single idea or topic related to the antifa-ggots? You're shitting up the board worse than the e-celeb bandwagon. Threads are meant to encompass a discussion where information is shared and updated. Shit like this is just fake conflict for the sake of media kikes. If you think marching on the streets changes the world you need to lurk moar.


We won't let that shit happen, we all die together or not at all. We can't be the only whites left.

Truth but us Poles have few conflicting ideas, this is a message to shitskins and our brothers in the West that its okay to love your people. Besides the catalog is awfully slow lately.

There is a very big difference between the nationalists in Europa and America. Me personally, I wouldn't go near any of these NSM type people simply because they give off the worst optics possible. Just look at the difference between the pictures.

Fuck, I didn't mean to put that pic twice.

Fucking hell I'm a wreck with my posting right now.

wtf? KKK started using those stupid cuckchan symbols?

Worse.. Shitskin of Cuckkad symbol..

This is another important topic. I have always been pushing people to start thinking about a Golden Dawn America.

Look at the differences between those pics you posted of American Nationalists vs European nationalists.
The European Nationalists are all calm, clean, organized, and have uniforms. They project strength.
The Americans have no uniform beyond "let's wear black", almost no organization, and each one seems to think he needs to personally show off. That is not strength. Strength for nationalists is unity. Diversity is not your strength, goy.

Another difference I have noticed is that European nationalists carry only one flag. Again UNITY!!!!! Americans tend to have a mix match of different flags. Why? Either all carry American flags (Golden Dawn carries Greek Flags) or choose one of the several nationalist flags (like the Nordic Resistance)

The underlying theme of this thread is this; we need to project unity. Stop trying to stand out in a crowd. The crowd should be the centerpiece. Our goal should be to create a unified bloc of nationalists that project strength and unity to the normies.

What even happening with Golden Dawn lately? I know they started out as neo-nazi skinheads but had given handout to Greek citizens which leads me to believe they have actually become NatSoc.

From their own words it's supposed to mock us ebil natzees

They won 7% of the vote and have seats in the EU parliament.

It's like y'all ain't even American.

I kinda like the kekistan shit.

It's a good meme, and praises the frog god.

Very well put.

Too instrumental, we need something purely vocal

That's excellent. Imagine how much better it would have been if the Nationalists at Pikeville had broken out into this!

This particular vid wouldn't work well, but it is a marching song. It needs no instruments.


Actually to further expand on this:

We aren't going to be getting teenagers waving nazi flags in public (yet) the Kekistan bullshit is a great gateway for younger generations.

When we do get to the point of a white ethnostate, they'll be there to work on it.

While we may not use the kekistan crap, there's no reason we shouldn't be supportive of it for the time being. It's useful, and is the halfchan version of full/pol/ so that we can get more people. I'm no PR faggot, I'm just thinking about recruitment. And the kekistan shit helps with that.

Some one post a better video, all vocals, and subtitled so we can meme it.


Wanna bet? Also, Kekistan is some civic nationalist displaced refugee oppressed peepoool retarded niggershit. Go all the way or go home.

The 'oppressed kekistan people's thing is an ironic meme you dip.

Literally something made by Sargon of Akkad. They're false worshippers.

Even for him it was an ironic meme.
Even on zuccerbook it's an ironic meme.

Her ya go

AND it infiltrates our memes. Daft faggots.

These kinda pages are always riddled with shitskins and beta cucks and unaware leftist who saw it being reposted on dumblr so they flock there. sage for double post.


if you don't have a rigid ideology for people to adhere to you will start to get internal fractures that will kill any movement. if they don't come into this proudly wearing the swastika they will never because they have their kekistan shit that doesn't get them in trouble

Look into popular sports chants. Most Americans already know them, as they're all short little memetic cultural songs.

Check 2:15 in this video when they got the Na na na chant going on. Even with it off sync, the antifa instantly broke ranks when it started up. Shit's incredibly effective.

The Battle Hymm made an appearance after too. Also a really effective song with a strong right past, however very few people know more than the chorus. Having a drummer and a loudspeaker play it out like they did is probably the optimal use of it.

I actually wrote something as a marching song for us a few years back as a shanty of sorts. Never posted it, but I suppose now is the time if that's what we'll do.


–[ending chorus]–

Proudly wear your swastikas yes. But don't be these people. They are only doing this because of the attention it gets them.

Instead, be like these people on the right. If there was a war between American Nationalists and European Nationalists (for some reason) the Europeans would win. They are just more professional.

Notice how Golden Dawn doesn't need Swastikas. What they have are the unbreakable bonds of shared race and cultural pride.

appropriating symbols for attention seeking is for losers but that is what kekistan is in essence.
it has no history and no roots to any real people, just like those two who probably don't even know who GLR or WLP are



The 'One People, One Nation, End Immigration' chant at the HWNDU event comes to mind.

Tbh, Generation Identitaire is the master race. Just have a crowd of young people dressed like normal high school/college students and young professionals. A somewhat uniform look or aesthetic, without being a uniform. Also, something you can fight in.

I am not arguing in defense of Kekistan. I agree with your analysis here. Flying Kekistani flags is not the way forward. Instead, we should all advise our organizations to become more like this.

Ex-normie. That stuff didn't really turn me off at all.


Also, black in the spring and summer is ugly as fuck. They should be wearing red, white, and blue.

weren't lots of the people there southern? That would never do. The problem in the US is that we have so few shared songs, they pretty well all suck. That's why you see war movies and they sing pop songs, mickey mouse, fresh prince, etc.

I know of about 50 people from Texas, myself included who were going to go, but after it got coopted by the NSM and ARS and after Heimbach wanted personal information to "register" everyone we all decided not to go

Maybe so, but we aren't trying to recreate the CSA, we are fighting to secure the existence of our race. Petty political squabbles must be set aside for the sake of our existence as a people.

I agree, that was a bad move on their part. This isn't about showing off or virtue signaling. This is about bringing our message to the working class in Appalachia.

Glad to hear you're strong in Texas. Respect.

Not welsh, so of course this wouldn't work

fun version(s):
What's the good of wearing braces,
Vests and pants and boots with laces,
Spats or hats you buy in places
Down in Brompton Road?

What's the use of shirts of cotton,
Studs that always get forgotten?
These affairs are simply rotten:
Better far is woad.

Woad's the stuff to show, men.
Woad to scare your foemen:
Boil it to a brilliant hue
And rub it on your back and your abdomen.

Ancient Briton ne'er did hit on
Anything as good as woad to fit on
Neck, or knees, or where you sit on.
Tailors, you be blowed.


Romans came across the Channel
All wrapped up in tin and flannel:
Half a pint of woad per man'll
Dress us more than these.

Saxon, you can waste your stitches
Building beds for bugs in britches:
We have woad to clothe us, which is
Not a nest for fleas.

Romans keep your armours;
Saxons your pyjamas:
Hairy coats were meant for goats,
Gorillas, yaks, retriever dogs and llamas.
Tramp up Snowdon with our woad on:
Never mind if we get rained or blowed on.
Never want a button sewed on.
Go it, Ancient B's.


checked. I like when anons get the chance to share the shit they make, maybe I incorporate some of those lyrics into some of my own nonmusical art.

Capped for posterity.
This needs to be composed.

can you spell that out for us those of us who don't know orgs?

anyone know if they ended up pulling this shit?

I know, but it's a realistic concern when you have large amounts of southerners, at least many of the ones I knew wouldn't join if it were sung. It's not a political squabble anymore, just cultural and historical.

Honestly if people aren't willing to set aside petty differences for the greater good I doubt they'd be any use to us.

It is well known that the fbi have intentionally created artificial divides between organizations and occupy many leadership positions with agents who fill their followers with hate over petty differences. We will not triumph over our enemies as Southerners or as Yankees but as White people. CSA enthusiasts need to get that through their heads.

What are those things the blond guy in the back is holding with the red white and blue lion rampant? Drums? That's actually really cool, too bad the kekistan sperglord in front is blocking the view.

You're rationalizing something they've done their whole lives. They may not mind it being sung and may not speak up or would only joke about it, but there are songs people won't sing. Of the southerners I've known, that was one of them. Since most people don't know the words anyway, it's a poor choice.

no shit
where do you think you are?
has nothing to do with it. That's like saying 'get it through your head that we're going to do [urban thing X]' and expecting the rural guys to fall in line and then chastising them when they don't. It's like attacking someone on your own team who showed up and pulled his weight, but who isn't cheerleading everything done no matter what.

Here is some good pictures.

This was a major improvement from years ago. The antifa had time to plan this for a very long time, and they failed to do their mission.

The American movement is working to get on par with the Europeans, I mean hell Heimbach met with the leader of the Golden dawn a few times. It would make sense to get some of these older klan and NSM guys out since they've done this from years. Look at old pictures of the golden dawn, seriously it's pretty goofy. You can't pop out an American movement in a few years, you actually have to get on the streets and be active.

Literally my first thought. We could sing Battle Hymn of the Republic. To Southerners, if it makes you feel better, the South sang this song a lot too, despite the whole "Let us live to make men free" part referring to the slaves. It's so POWERFUL.

"GLORY GLORY HALLELUJAH!" would obviously drone out "REEEEEE!!!!"

Here's a little bit of melody added to the chorus. What do you guys think?

"Men of Berkeley stop your REEEing
can't you see their black masks bleeding
hear their words of autistic screeching
to this battle field.

Men of Berkeley stand ye steady etc."

My autism strikes again.

Agreed, we need to put this to music, any one have a few guys for a choir?

shilling for myself here

I can't sing worth a damn but I think this melody is good for the chorus.

For anyone interested in the sheet music.

… I am impressed

Another one of my favorite songs is "The Battle Cry of Freedom"
It has various versions, original is Dixie version but there are remade versions for the the whole of America.
Embed is the dixie version
Link is the new version

here's one version of the lyrics.

Yes we’ll rally round the flag, boys, we’ll rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom,
We will rally from the hillside, we’ll gather from the plain,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
The Union forever,
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor,
Up with the star!
While we rally ’round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
So we’re springing to the call from the east and from the west,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
And we’ll hurl the rebel crew from the land we love the best,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
The Union forever,
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor,
Up with the star!
While we rally ’round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
And we’ll fill the vacant ranks with a million freemen more,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
The Union forever,
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor,
Up with the star!
While we rally ’round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave!
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
And although he may be poor, not a man shall be a slave!
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
The Union forever,
Hurrah, boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor,
Up with the star!
While we rally ’round the flag, boys, rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.

You're right about them not knowing the lyrics to some songs. But I suspect most know the Battle Hymn to the Republic.
In any case, if they cannot bring themselves to sing that, there are always chants. If the 100 or so guys at the Pikeville rally would have chanted something like "One People, one nation. end immigration" or something along those lines, I think they'd have made a much better impression upon the public than a few sad looking people throwing a Roman Salute. It's just a dumb decision.
And before anyone here says "Hur dur Muh PR" name for me one revolution that succeeded where the revolutionaries didn't care about their public relations. The idea that you can just put a bunch of poorly dressed people with ridiculous tattoos standing alone throwing up Roman Salutes and expect the public to do anything but laugh is ridiculous. I would think that they were agents sent to make us look like idiots but I know many people here actually think that's a good idea. Stop it.

If you simply MUST throw up a Roman salute to feel good about yourself, don't be the only loser doing it! Have 40 people do it all at once. One poorly dressed guy in clothes that don't fit doing a Nazi salute looks pathetic.

We could just hand out fliers withe lyrics on them at the start of the rally. They'll learn it fast enough, and that way no one would end up left out.

I don't think the theme of freedom meshes well with the whole NatSoc thing. Good for pr and bridging the gap with lolbertarians and patriotards but ultimately I think freedom and individualism leads to degeneracy and awkward solitary salutes, we want to foster a mentality that subordinates the individual to the greater group.

A very good idea. Antifa's only tactic these days is to hope that they can drown out opposition with ugly noise. But for most people the sound of a group of strong men singing the Battle Hymn will strike a good chord, even if they do not know all the words themselves. America lacks many of the cultural songs that Europeans have. But this one song is part of our culture.

I imagine a rally where antifa is screaming and blowing their whistles and then on a cue, our nationalists begin singing the Battle Hymn. people will hear it and immediately identify with the singers. Then a short speech must happen and several speakers deliver a concise and consistent message. Then more singing and then we all march away chanting pro-White American slogans. That will be a propaganda coup.

I agree with you on both points. However we must understand that
1. freedom is just a word. It means whatever you want it to mean. The word freedom was used in Germany to mean the freedom from foreign oppression and alien domination.
2. Freedom is a very American word. The more we use the word freedom to mean freedom from alien domination and strong borders, the more people will feel compelled to stand besides us against the Jews.


I hope to sing that as we launch our final assault on DC. Great stuff.

military marching/running cadence would work well here

They didn't set cops on fire, they didn't threaten to bomb the system, they didn't beat up their enemy. These nationalists are NOTHING compared to antifa.

I know what you are getting at, but we do worse than any other people if our freedom is stifled. You can have heavy duties to your people or family or clan and still be free in every other way. We need people that the plebs, who are willing to easily subordinate themselves, look up to. Nondegenerate exceptional individuals.

I want freedom for my children, which means getting them out from under the nose of the jews and not having them spending most of their lives working for LaQuanda and her 13 niglets.

stop that. it is fucking gay.

soooo 99.9% and 0.01%?

I like the acknowledgement that Western Europe and America WILL, not may, fall.

Eastern Europe is the homeland for the white man in the future. It's up to Western Europeans, Americans, Afrikanners, Australians, etc, to be the soldiers and liberators for Eastern Europe.

Yeah. We're real cowards compared to AntFags

I don't blame him, at the core he knows something is wrong with modernity and feels a return to a primitive tribal state is the answer. He doesn't know he's a useful idiot. Kind of feel bad for him tbh.

wew. Shortest war ever incoming, we'll all have a 7:0 KD by the end of it.

I'd feel bad for the younger ones, not for the adults ones.


one thing that struck me as odd when i lived in america was that only one person actually sang the national anthem.
here in Europe most i believe correct me if im wrong songs are sung by everyone, not just some pretty lady.

Harlan county here
wasn't able to make it, but all the newspapers were screeching and kvetching and saying how there was literally 0 support for this and how all of pikeville hated it and it was going to fail.
glad to hear it wasn't a failure as (((predicted)))
have any good specific details about the day?

They used to have everyone sing it, but now, in the age of celebrities and individualism, they have made it into this gay solo shit.

fuck, fuck an arab
fuck allah

Illiterate niggers not welcome here. It clearly says, in the next sentence, that 23% mixed with Asians or Africans


I'll go ahead and share a song I've written as this seems like the thread to do it in.

This is sung to the tune of "Cara Al Sol," the anthem of the Falange and the most popular song on the Nationalist side of the Spanish Civil War.

This and the entire Deutschlandlied are great. Maybe even some Kaiserreich songs

Relatively equal numbers on both sides. No violence. However when the police arrested some particularly stupid faggots (they had one rule; stay behind the fence) the townspeople cheered. The (((media))) says that the town rallied with the degenerates but that is not true. Only a few cat ladies from the town did.

It probably would have been better received had the NSM not been idiots. It is to that end that I want to brainstorm on how to better connect with the public.

Either the battle cry of freedom>>9835954
or the battle hymn of the republic

Can you imagine if these "Marxists" had staffed Stalin's army in 1941?

It's hilarious because this faggot didn't even see any violence. It was just the appearance of police and the violence they "represented" in his mind that frightened him. Oh yes and the comments underneath it are everything you'd expect from these pathetic basement commies.

checked. Hopefully I won't be too old when it starts.

Here is a list of patriotic songs and lyrics. Sing them as you beat the shit out of commies. They will strike a chord with red blooded Americans. Even the lemmings… especially the lemmings.

Battle Hymn of the Republic and Battle Cry of Freedom will sound the best, although "Battle Cry of Freedom" with muh freedom seems like it'll go along with the cuckservative/civic nationalism narrative more. Regardless, well-dressed white males singing classic American songs fighting gutterpunk communists dressed like ISIS is very good optics for us.

Writing English lyrics for these old German songs (so they can be sung along to easier) sounds like a very good idea, my only worry is that they are overly reliant on brass sections when we're going to get a drum and vocals at most during a march.

I salute the composers of Holla Forums, we must remember that all these classic marching songs we love today had to come from somewhere. Keep up the good work.

set your lyrics to music - production kind of blows but i only spent about an hour on it

Golden dawn has some pretty neat hymns and anthems. I hope to see this sort of thing grow in the US. I enjoy our old songs, but rising to the times is important as well.


They broke rank because some masked retard threw a smoke bomb upwind, or so the narrative goes, not from muh powerful chants.
That said, I agree that it can be a powerful psychological tool, both for us and against them, to chant or sing in unison. Still, this doesn't need its own thread.

That wasn't really my point. It's pretty LARPy for amis to translate German songs to use for American nationalism. I more so meant them for Germanons. Besides you'll have to change stuff to rhyme and in my opinion you either lose meaning or lose the "sound" of the songs. There are many brilliant English nationalistic songs that would sound terrible translated.

excuse me if I'm dense, but who is WLP?

jk, it's turner diaries dude innit

Every revolution needs its own music, I dont think moonman is going to cut it lol

How much of a portable audiopropaganda unit could be built into a rigid frame backpack?



We also shouldn't fight back against antifa since fighting is something they do.

Eighhhhhty Eiiiiiight
Patch on my armband
Pick up you weapon and follow me
Right wing Infantry

Bluue collaaar
Pissed off patriots
Pick up your wrench and follow me
Proud working men we see

Big red helmet
Right wing fire squad
Pick up your hoses and follow me
Right wing safety squads

your left,
your left,
your left,
right x2


Shootem in the face shootem in the face KILL



And remember, faggots, this isn't campfire music, the key is WAR MUSIC.

Pipes and drums happened for a reason.
That reason is the type of sound and its psychological effect

Flutes sound gay as fuck btw so leave the revolutionary war sound at home. Simple chants with a bit of drums is the most intimidating. See: Spartans banging on shields in unison shouting ah oooh ah oooh ah oooh.

Its needs to sound pissed off and marching towards war

Exactly. Bagpipes and flutes and accordions and other instruments traditionally used in American patriot songs are for victory marches not battle songs.

Compare SS marschiert in Feindesland versus Seig Heil Viktoria for example. Former is marching song, latter is for triumphant parades.

Nigger, this is the sound of you getting fucking colonized.


Wholeheartedly agree with the singing idea. Coordination and unison will scare the fuck out of antfags and display our strength through unity.




Wrong, pipes and drums are anglo-celt war music.
The why is twofold.
1) the frequencies are at both ends of the audible spectrum and thus overpower human voices.

2) the high pitch, almost discordant, high pitch sound has an effect of pushing a human into fight or flight mode, and the rhythm from the drums effectively make them enjoy it.

My sides.



ya'll are faggots for not knowing about this version.

Are there any pictures of just the League of the South, or Heimbach's Trad Workers Party without the National Socialist Movement people with their terrible flag in it?

The right-wing Woody Guthrie.
The racist Bob Dylan.

Love this guy's work.
Funny how folk/punk retains the anti-war and anti-establishment core, but back then it was because of muh greedy white warmongers and now it's because of greedy warmongering kikes.
Keep the core message but change the bad guy in your scenario the music seems radically different.

Yeah. In Europe, Antifa shows up and your people get stabbed. In America, Antifa shows up and they get pantsed, duct taped to a telephone pole, and called nigger loving Communists.

Someone needs to make a war song with the Stuka sirens incorporated.

See vid related, if only the voices were a little louder

Fucken subscribed

That's the version I listen to most, martial industrial music is nice.

Sweet jesus, this goy has it

Shanty's have the added benefit of a caller which helps make sure faggotry is kept to a minimum and lets newbs get into the chorus right away.

I sing at church a lot, I will stop smoking cigarettes for a while if we want to sing something official

Stop smoking entirely.

Nice… I like it…

We should try and get production values up.

As a shanty with a repetitive chorus, this song also works.

It is good that shanties have a caller, and that newfriends can get into it without too much hesitation.

Imagine a formation of white cis males in alt-knight regalia with helms and shields to match marching down on AntiFa singing.

This is so fucking cringy.

Step 1) Wear tan workboots, black jeans, plain white t-shirt, and an m-1965 field jacket.
Step 2) Learn to march and use military formations.
Step 3) Make sure everyone in organization knows how to talk to the cameras and do pr
Step 4) Stop using that stupid flag

Meaning 73% of those who had a parent from outside of Poland were from somewhere in Europe. Satan uses half lies and context.

It's maybe a bit to Irish but I tweaked the lyrics to describe dismembered communists so there's that…


While goin the road to sweep the fight… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
While goin the road to sweep the fight… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
While goin the road to sweep the fight,
A stick in me hand and fire in me eye.

A woeful damsel I heard cry,
Commie I hardly knew ye!

Our drums and guns and drums and guns (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Our drums and guns and drums and guns (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Our drums and guns and drums and guns
My friends and me nearly slew ye

''Oh Commie my dear, Ye look so queer.
Commie I hardly knew ye.''

Where are your eyes that were so riled… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Where are your eyes that were so riled… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Where are your eyes that were so riled,
When my heart you so defiled?
Now how does it feel to be exiled?

Oh Commie, I hardly knew ye!

Where are your legs that used to run… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Where are your legs that used to run… (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Where are your legs that used to run
When you went forth to carry a gun?
Indeed your dancing days are done.

Commie, I hardly knew ye!

Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg
Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye'll have to put out a bowl out to beg

Commie I SWEAR it to ye!

We're rolling out the guns again! (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
We're rolling out the guns again! (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
We're rolling out the guns again
They never will take our sons again
They never will take our sons again

Commie I SWEAR it to ye!

Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg
Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye'll have to put out a bowl out to beg

Commie I SWEAR it to ye!

We're rolling out the guns again! (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
We're rolling out the guns again! (Hurroo! Hurroo!)
We're rolling out the guns again
They never will take our sons again
They never will take our sons again

Commie I SWEAR it to ye!

I'd march to that

You do know Poles aren't the only ones in the fight, right?

What the Hell was Mike Penisbitch doing there? How fucking difficult is it to purge one goddam Jewfucker?

We need to remind them who the president is.

Hail to the chief, who in triumph advances,
Honour'd and blest be the evergreen pine!
Long may the tree in his banner that glances,
Flourish the shelter and grace of our line.

U.S. Field Artillery March

Over hill, over dale, we have hit the dusty trail,
And those caissons go rolling along.
Countermarch! Right about!
Hear those wagon soldiers shout
While those caissons go rolling along
For it's hi-hi-hee in the Field Artillery,
Call off your numbers loud and strong. 2! 3!
And where-e'er we go, You will always know
That those caissons are rolling along

To the front, day and night
Where the doughboys dig and fight,
And those caissons go rolling along.
Our barrage will be there,
Fired on the rocket's glare
While those caissons go rolling along.
For it's hi-hi-hee in the Field Artillery,
Call off your numbers loud and strong. 2! 3!
And where-e'er we go, You will always know
That those caissons are rolling along

With the cav'lry boot to boot
We will join in the pursuit
And those caissons go rolling along
Action front (At a trot!)
Volley fire with shell and shot
While those caissons go rolling along
For it's hi-hi-hee in the Field Artillery,
Call off your numbers loud and strong. 2! 3!
And where-e'er we go, You will always know
That those caissons are rolling along

Should the foe penetrate,
Ev'ry gunner lies in wait
And those caissons go rolling along
(Fire at will! Lay 'em low!)
Never stop for any foe,
While those caissons go rolling along
For it's hi-hi-hee in the Field Artillery,
Call off your numbers loud and strong. 2! 3!
And where-e'er we go, You will always know
That those caissons are rolling along

But if fate me should call
And in action I should fall
Keep those caissons go rolling along
Then in peace I'll abide
When I take my final ride
On a caisson that's rolling along
For it's hi-hi-hee in the Field Artillery,
Call off your numbers loud and strong. 2! 3!
And where-e'er we go, You will always know
That those caissons are rolling along
(Keep them rolling)
That those caissons are rolling along
(Battery Halt!)

After watching the first clashes Americans had with Antifa I'm pretty disappointed. People always say American Antifa ist weak, which is true but also goes for the nationalists. It really seems that for all this a gun behind every blade of grass talk alot of the original vigor is gone and only Alex Jones tier sovereign citizen tier guys are left to oppose them. Did television/hollywood screw with people's perception like that? Has it always been like this or is it just this current generation of millennials?

It doesn't rhyme though, how about
"America mighty, only whitey"
"America's height, built by whites"
"All in your sight is made by whites"?

Hmm. I wonder…

Yea in Europe Antifa has thrown grenates into police and sets entire banks on fire. The entire regions police has to come and use water canons to put them down and separate nationalists from Antifa. And in the end police and Antifa Always Battle it out while in the side alleys nationalists and Antifa do the same

In the USA Antifa and nationalists played push the trashcan.

I'm not trying to shit on your movement but punishing some dreadlock girl in the face is not the same as dodging Molotov cocktails and bricks.

Nice variant of a great song, 9/10.

is that even possible?

Good idea.

suggestion: Battle Hymn of the Republic, sounds great in male unison, references God to trigger commies, features battle imagery to inspire us. Other songs too, but that's my contribution.

Another riling up chant could be "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" to reinforce mortality imagery. Since communists ultimately want removal of all liberty, it's a fair chant to counter their bullshit gymnastics chants.

Forgot link

We need power lyrics, lads.

Divine folly of honor
With no one to deny us
The stench of glory proffers
We inherit
Beyond the shrouded forest
Our dead brothers are before us
They wear their wounds with honor
We inherit!

Versus? What an odd choice. There is no greater shame than starting WWII because you were oafish idiots. You made it happen.

What did he mean by this?

Do you need a history lesson? Poland started WWII.

Yes, go on.

No, you lurk and fucking read up. At least about Danzig.

You mean Gdansk, where the earliest settlements were Slavic, which was occupied for ~100 years by Germans who literally ethnically cleansed the local Slavs, and which was then retaken and resident Germans forced to emigrate with economic and social pressure which has since been romanticized into "mass murders" for which there is no physical evidence?


Good chat.

It's the Norwegian version of the march. I would like to hear a German version redone in simmilar music.

There is no chat when your only game it to point fingers elsewhere.
It were those dirty nazis and not nigger polacks beating kikes with pipes.

It's almost as if every event has others that led up to it.

It's almost like polacks are the gypsies of western Europe.

Obviously they didn't do a good enough job.

Gee I sure do feel enlightened now "dindu nuffin" subhuman. You wish. Fellating the Germans doesn't make you one.

Probably that untermenschen Turkroach or a 1/3 American again, don't reply to those failed genes wishing to be included.

Nobody cared to even buy your alligiance long ago. So, here is America. With a large German community. And a few polack outliers. We stole your pierogies and made them better.

You stole Europe's whiteness and bastardized it into a cesspool of kikes, niggers, spics and other assortments of subhumans exiled from this great continent. How's your decolonization going, mongrel?
Also, pic related doesn't include feather niggers since reserves are somehow considered a country within America, doesn't include illegals, spics who are """white""" and cryptowhite kikes. You'll be the next Byzantines, next Turkroaches larping as Assyrians because the soil you live on use to contain Whites. Fuck off 1/3 Amerimutt.

We did not ask to be the lords of the known world. My boys have been taught why Europe hates them. They smell out kikery just as I did as a boy.

Stop making excuses for angols.

Start crying about lack of culture now.

Perhaps you should never stir up America. You made that mistake again, with your kikey ruski bullshit again.

We act because we don't care who ir right. We are the principal in this school.

When you all keep fucking up on an international level with our gay pull-hairing we will start bombing.

All good men in America are descendants of the original, adventurous proud British men spreading civilization. No surprise when Italys subhuman cowards fled to America they soon ushered in a golden age of Fascism, no surprise when Poland joined the E.U and all the subhuman immigrants fled elsewhere we are rapidly coming back on track, and absolutely no surprise when many of Germany's failed genes, degenerates, drunks and many other genetic anomalies surviving on the basis of numbers alone were exiled to America Germany was lifted from its chains, only for the very same subhumans to continue fooling natural selection elsewhere, marching into battle wherever their jewish masters tell them to. If I were a German I'd be sick to my stomach hearing millions of you mutts wishing to associate, its why I'm abstaining from any rude remarks, American subhumans are to be expected. Fuck off mutt.

When you tickle at America, don't forget we have the blood of kings. Your foolery in some mudhole being your pet project doesn't matter. We are LIVE and particularly LIVE. Talk more shit, play in your sandbox more. Let's see how that works.

You have no idea about American culture. Germanic kin stick together and are magnetic toward eachother. I don't even have to be in uniform and the germanic women stop in their tract because of how I hold myself. I can only hope they find a man better than you.

My wife incorporates me in her girl talks. Asks of me of what men are good for her lost girlfriends.

Yea but we cant chant fashwave songs.

That's why Hitler didn't see us as Slavs and wanted to include us as Greater Germanics as we, and especially the Bohemians (Czechs) , Slovaks and the Baltics have been canonized as Germanic by classical civilizations? That's why he annexed Prussia and others before him Germanized the region full of Polish blood, you fucking retard. You know jack shit about Hitler's motives there, he wanted us to be but a blip in history like any other warring but now united enclave within the federalized Holy Roman Empire, fuck off ignorant subhuman mutt, the difference between you and me is that I'm proud of my country and don't have to LARP.


(they need to be songs which lament white genocide and cultural marxism, while raising out culture and heritage up, and the values we hold as important - not just the sound of the music)

Video related. An example of nationalist Irish music.

America has the most culture. Europe is a brownout. We still have German communities
Knowing how to cook and brew and being a long line of builders.

I'm not moving back. We are America.

Anti-white D&C isnt accepted, report them and they will be banned.

We were sent to kill the pioneers. We stayed.

You will never understand what America is about. Many of you just weren't called because you weren't heinous enough.

America is about sucking off whichever and any jew at the top, sucking your population of its wealth and swarming any real white community with double digit IQ ""'inteligence""" so that we can all either laugh at your retardation or cringe and fuck off elsewhere for the cycle to repeat.

You all fuck up by asking for America to intevene. Take it up with your leaders. Not US.

It will be extremely painful. Every time. When will you learn?


This guy is pure cancer and is flooding shitposts when he isnt posting anti-white D&C. Get your reports in.

Europe and Asia called America. We were happy being isolationist. But we are soldiers now.

You asked for US and you don't know how we work. They don't know how and why we work as we do and that is always dynamic.

If we do not know what we are doing what we are doing it's going just as us ever

It's gottten too far off from Danzig. Polacks still have to answer for this.

I thought I posted this here already but I think I accidentally posted in another thread. Here is a list of patriotic songs with lyrics.

Another song that might work well is We will Rock you" because everyone know the words. This will get all of the normies singing along with us in their minds. It is also just great optics to be singing this at antifa.


Could be just the angle (have similar autism). Notice the dude to the left, its centered

Video related is the type of stuff we need. Thats how you stir emotion and get a reaction.

Enough of these latter day faggots.

I just realized the religious aspect might help. The left is used to fighting the religious right and thinks people like Pence and deVos are right wing extremists and America is like Poland in that everything has to have a religious aspect because the Christian identity is so strong. This leads to cringe moments like Trump awkwardly proclaiming how much he loves the Bible but American normies eat that stuff up.

Might be going out on a limb here but it may also help alienate the atheist commies from their brown shock troops since niggers and spics are heavily Christianized.

Or perhaps sign on, do a few years and come home an evil animal. Being a dog that God decries is better than all.

No one has mentioned "Men of Harlech" yet?

Just change the refrain to "Men of Europe" and "White Men will not yield" and we're in business.

It's got a good cadence, easily reworded, and makes good for a rally or to hold position (it's the story of a siege defense).
Not fit for a charge, though.

The goal should be to induce pic related inside the heads of your people

To expand, there are two kinds of martial music: 1) To fill you with resolve, to call forth the army, and to hold the line.
2) To wind up the inner animal, focus its energy forward, and cut loose its chains.

My favorite of the bunch.

Any veterans here can tell you a good marching song/cadence is easily adapted to whatever unit is calling it and sounds fucking epic if it's done in unison with enough dudes. When I was active duty, I heard a 200 man company of marines sing this and it rattled windows.

Also, whether you're into Christianity or not, old hymns are something a lot of folks know, can be adapted, and generally have a majestic, euphoric tone when a large enough congregation is there.

I still dream of the misty treeline surrounding our enemy, and the thundering choir of the Carnyx becoming their world before it descends in on them.

Agree&lify. Harvest the salt from subsequent meltdowns.

Oh god… Not that movie….

Came here to request this. GLORY, GLORY HALLELUJAH!

It's actually sort of a hard song to sing for the average person

How about it normalizing our presence and views, oh bearer of the great nose?

Paddy Tarleton - Battle of Sacremento

Paddy Tarleton - Shut Your Lyin Jew Mouth

Paddy Tarleton - Globalist Bastards (Will the Wetbacks Be Deported)

He makes really good songs.

Where did we land here?


A whole thread about music for Holla Forumsacks to march to and not one mention of Shadilay.

That's your input? A meme that the normies won't even get? We should be out there raising awareness by way of a 30+ year old pop song that no one outside of our circle will even get the reference to? Christ, you could have at least suggested some Wagner. It would have suggested that you've been paying attention, considering Wagner is the go-to Holla Forums source for nationalist music.

Go to bed, young'n. You have school in the morning. Fucking Shadilay, when we're talking about actual RL attempts to attract normies…

I actually like Shadilay and all but its shit tier as a battle hymn and definitely isn't something that can have hundreds of people sing along to.

This isn't about theme music, this is about music to elicit a psychological effect in your troops.

And this isn't music for a parade march, either.
No, niglet, it's the music to to make your worthless ass suddenly want to charge the enemy line

I came up with a name for him: Skatebeard the Pirate, Fright of the Red Sea.


Why dont you stay in your mixed race shithole and leave us alone we are almost fully white. We dont need you burning everything down and importing your nigger soldiers.

According to Heimbach the girl with the swastika tattoo is actually a Pikeville local. Who knew?

That's based. They should sing Rota. Fucking love that song.

Goddamn those are some based Hungarians.

Deeds Not Words -The Dropkick Murpys

Where you gonna run to? Where you gonna hide?
Bodies on the floor no one's getting out alive
Death is in the air there's trouble all around
Now you got it coming This time you're going down
Deeds not words you should've told the truth
You're a liar and traitor and now we got the proof

Liar and a traitor
And now we got the proof

Hindsight's twenty twenty it's so easy looking back
You made all the wrong choices Now you gotta live with that
But living's not the problem I got better plans for you
Like a bug I'm gonna crush you and then scrape you off my shoe
You've been thinkin' that you're safe but you're too blind to see
You turned your best friends into mortal enemies

Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna hide?
You're running for the door now
No one's getting out alive
Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna hide?
You're running for the door now
No one's getting out alive

Better watch your back you'll never get away
No talkin' your way out there'll be nothing left to say
I knew you as a child I hate you as a man
You're a two faced rat that nobody can stand
Deeds not words you should've told the truth
You're a liar and traitor and now we got the proof

Liar and a traitor
And now we got the proof

Deeds not words you should've told the truth
You're a liar and traitor and now we got the proof

Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna hide?
You're running for the door now
No one's getting out alive
Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna hide?
You're running for the door now
No one's getting out alive
Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna hide?
You're running for the door now
No one's getting out alive



please excuse this post:

i meant to post it in this thread:


I've had it as my ringtone for months now. Haven't you?