1) Real sexism is almost no shelters for male victims of domestic violence.
2) Real sexism is men getting harsher punishments for the same crime.
3) Real sexism is countries with compulsorily military service for men.
4) Real sexism, courts that takes children from fathers based on gender.
5) Men cannot even vote or get citizenship without enrolling for the draft.
6) Real sexism is numerous government departments dealing with women's issues but none dealing with men's issues.
7) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted but female genital mutilation is not.
8) A young boy raped by a woman can be forced to pay child support to his rapist if she gets pregnant, that's real sexism.
9) Many countries do not even recognize female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault” that's real sexism.
10) Real sexism is having no special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
11) There are drives to fill quotas for women for the high paid roles but not in the dangerous jobs dominated by men, thats real sexism.
12) In the army, police, fire service or any other position women have to meet much lower physical standards than men.
13) Real sexism is services for men only given a fraction of the funds that services for women are given at a government and a social level.
14) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender, the perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male.
15) Most divorce laws are skewed against men, men can lose half his properly, money and children to a woman who decides to leave him.
He is expected to pay for this betrayal, especially if he has already provided for and supported her, this is real sexism.

Social sexism against men
16) Real sexism is being mocked when raped because you're a man.
17) Men are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic at all times.
18) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator. This is real sexism.
19) Real sexism is having your gender stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
20) Men’s lives are given less value in any emergency situation.
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Young boys are given less care and attention by parents than girls and beaten over twice as often as girls by parents.
23) Violence against men by women is much more socially acceptable.
24) Affirmative action for women only in jobs, education, grants, etc.
25) Men enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job) This is real sexism.
27) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned. This is real sexism.
28) Men do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public as women without people questioning their sexuality.
29) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – if she rejects him he is often labelled creepy or needy.
30) If a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, If a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
31) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
32) Men are excluded from many positions such as babysitters, etc.
33) Young men having to pay higher car insurance is acceptable but the idea of women having to pay more for health insurance is not.
34) Despite the fact that the real victims of sexual discrimination are men the term sexual discrimination usually excludes men and the vast majority of surveys and news stories about sexual discrimination dont include men.
35) Our culture and media makes the assumption of men as guilty, violent offenders where as women are given special treatment at every turn.
36) In modern movies and TV violence against men is glorified but violence against women is regarded as especially horrific.
37) Many news reports will read the number of people killed and then highlight women and children as more tragic than male death.
EG: "37 people were killed in a bus crash including 17 women"
38) Men are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving manual labour, that women do not wish to perform.
39) Real sexism is a society where men are taught that a man's role is to work, provide, pay and die in order to ensure a woman's happiness.
40) Real sexism is the fact that men working longer hours in harder more dangerous jobs to earn more money to pay for women's choices is being turned into a weapon against men.

We know it's an MGTOWcuck by the agenda you try to spread. Get out with your (((made-up))) anti-family bullshit cult. It's like you want to slave hard your entire life just to purchase superficial stuff and then leave it to some old uncle when you die alone… You guys are pathetic, emotion-ridden and merely misguided traditionalists that deny reason because you fell for a bullshit meme designed by some jews to make you hate western woman and castrate yourself. Spend some more time near the redpill threads and lurk a lot more before posting again, shill. Also, get a temporary ban to help with your discipline as you cucks probably can't even stop masturbating to jewish porn.

Fuck you and your entire circlejerk.

Just another abusive FEMINAZI who screams "MGTOW" to falsely accuse someone everytime the reality of men in feminist society is shown to him.
Yes just like we are divided with cattle but still use them for our benefit.
Similarly women should be kept as slaves and used for breeding.
Women have always been known to be highly evil all over the world, and necessary steps have been taken to keep them in check!!

Why is this cunt still not banned?

Yes you're right. Things are not fair. Now learn the meaning of sacrifice and become a father. The father your children need. The father your nieces and nephews need. The father your wife or girlfriend needs.

Wow, so poetic. Empty words.

That cucked argument has been going for years and gain zero ground. Not to mention this mgtow bullshit is self defeatist from the outset.


OK, you're not MGTOWs. Just shills. Different words for cuck, though, so who cares.

whiny cuck
whiny cuck

Well we made fun of shills for being bad and they did get better. This MGTOW anti white women blackpill thing is sorta a fracture point. But still too transparent. You have to try harder retards. You have to blend in so well that you actually become part of the discussion. And then suddenly one day you wake up and you're one of us.



I refuse to become a father unless things are either fair………. or we start being unfair on women! I am a man!

This is a man's world

How dare men be the victims of discrimination? We should discriminate against women instead…………………. especially since they are inferior and highly evil/immoral creatures.

Hitler was a feminist and all you feminazis should be brutally killed or captured to make way FOR THE REVIVAL OF PRE-FEMINIST ERA!!

Enough of this discrimination! Enough of this oppression! Enough of disgusting people like you!

You're pathetic. Thank God women have innate instincts that prevent them from granting you children.

Dumping some Zyklon Ben untill this thread gets deleted.



Checking that epic fail
Fuck off you hypocritical cunt, you might aswell be a drone floating through life.

Stop detailing or fuck off.

That's why they put the chemicals in the processed food to stop the men and women instincts from working, which resulted in dysgenical breeding.


On a board of National Socialists.


these ones describe you delusional MGTOWcucks. Wageslaves and faggots "gone their own way" to have fun in the YMCA.

He's retarded for that but correct none of the less.

but wage slaving away for a wymin that'll cuck you for alimony is alright, goyim!
Yup, wymin alright.

jesus then become a woman and see how easy it is dude.

Your anti women dnc is obvious. Go be alone and masturbate yourself to sleep. also kys

don't give the faggot some ideas, you know how turned on those MGTOW and alt-right cucks are to traps and spooks

We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children

What part of that do you not understand?

I mostly agree, though these 3 aren't sexism.

3 - women should be barred from all combat roles and none, regardless of gender, without military participation should be able to vote - if you're not willing to defend your country, you sure as shit shouldn't have a say in its rule (mind you, I'd give voting rights to women joining in support roles).
Just this would already fix the "sexism" part of it as vast majority of women would not enroll and instead simply would give up their political representation and influence.
17 isn't even factually true anymore, there's plenty of pussies and crybabies everywhere.
20, women are objectively worth more because they produce lives in a situation where both are equally in danger.

You're a feminist faggot who supports female choice. You should be burned to death in an iron cage!!
The birthrates in the pre-feminist era were twice as high (if not far more) than what hitler could achieve.

Women should NOT be allowed to choose what to do with their bodies. They should only be FORCED into submission.

Divorce should be banned

The feminist laws on wife-beating and marital rape should be repealed

Feminazi arrangements like dating/relationships/modern marriages should be finished and arranged marriages should be revived, with fathers picking for women

Women should be banned from public places

We should not allow them to hyphenate their names

Women should not be allowed to own wealth or property

Girls should NOT be sent to school and jobs should be closed to women

Women should be forced to wear a headcovering to show that they are the under authority of a man…. only whores should not be expected to cover their heads

Women should be expected to strive to serve and please their lord and master in silence…… never disobey him


Epic comeback "dude".

Takes one strong man to wipe that whole generation clean, fuck off retard.
Post discarded.

Do any of you really think you will stop the degeneracy that's spreading through all of normie culture? Do you men who think you have good women think you will have good offspring also? Both sides here will never see the true path to happiness. Only the true residents of this board know the path. Your all so pathetic arguing about 3DPD.

Auatraloids fucking terrify me. If you want to deflect from jews and freemasons by starting an argument about women, post human women. That animal should never have been taught English

No one here buys your shit. No one likes you. Everyone thinks you're an idiot. You're using Nazi as a slur when we are unironically Nazis. You don't belong here. Go cry in a corner with the other MGTOW idiots.

Alimony is capped at 30% of your income, and you have to be absolute trash to lose full custody of your children, as this is an institute designed for niggers and drug-addicts.

But hey, you got to wageslave hard to buy that new car, better castrate yourself than having some of those "expensive kids", oy vey goy- I mean, fellow MGTOW. Woman are evil!

fuck you materialistic newfag

You're a nazi and a feminist which makes that word fit you perfectly.

All you feminists should be tortured and killed.

Blaming the victim huh? Well


I'd enjoy torturing you to death. Victim blaming is only acceptable when the victims are men!!

The children are the property of the father

No it doesn't, you fucktard. The only way we're going to get the west unfucked is through unprecedented unity and persuasion, which they've progressively eroded until destruction by exploiting useful idiots like you on both sides of gender to promote conflict.

Women aren't innocent but also aren't the enemy you twat.

And quite frankly, if you'd send women to a battlefield, I'd have you killed before ANY enemy - and Adolf would too, scumbag.

Hope you're earning those shekels for your replies. You should ask for a raise, as this is demeaning yourself. But hey, I will promote you - here is some gore for your enjoyment.

Women have always been known to be the most dangerous creatures in the world. They should NOT be allowed to leave the cage.

Yes women ARE our worst enemies, and they have always been…. that's why the Jews freed them.


That's going to be feminazis like you in the future…



Kill yourself, feminist troll

Woman's shaming tactics of exclusion as opposed to reason.
kek. Fuck off slut.

Where? Do you think we all live in the same place?
Empty words, roastie. Fuck off.
Indeed, but especially women are subhuman walking retards who should, and will, never be given a position of power again. You prove our point time and time again, go back to sucking cock and making dinners you are filler at best and nuaiance any other time, you have nothing of value to offer so tits of GTFO.

What use will millions of shrieking and useless cunts will be when many more men will die in the upcoming war? Suck my 7" cock you shameless beta orbiter, there's fuck all you'll do when strong men like me will wipe out whole generations and force you into cleansing your sins through hard labor.

Larping this hard with a mediocre dick.

If you're not a shill, which is not the case, that is the most pathetic cult I've ever seem. If you're not willing to pay 10% of your income to have more children and not having to raise them and chose instead to fail the most basic human task, that ALL your ancestors managed to, you're beyond brainwashed. Here is to clear you up.

Women's mental and physical inferiority isn't the main issue.
It's not just about SUPERIOR and INFERIOR

It's about GOOD and EVIL

Women are cunning, manipulative, deceptive, quarrelsome, jealous, scheming, thieves who love abuse in general……. I've missed out countless of their defects.

faggot please, you're worthless trash uncapable of thought. You're not threatening to anyone - least of all to me, especially in person.

Women have participated in plenty of war efforts (supplies, factories, nursing, etc.) and are NEEDED to change the future, wether your dumb ass likes it or not

Your immunity to "shaming tactics" as you're "too rational" is on par with evangelical creationist arguments. Hope you had a great assignment.

Normies are so dumb…

You're pathetic. Learn what it takes to be a man.
My husband works, I take care of the house and the kids. That's the way it's supposed to be. Men and women have very different biological factors which determines gender roll, though you seem like the kind of person that would hate that term.
Man the fuck up.

Wew, genuinely surprised a woman is incapable of reasoning and critical thought. This is sarcasm by the way for your retarded tier double digit IQ. Keep sperging out daft cunt there is no point of corrupting my superior seed for even the slightest chance of having it spoiled in this matriarchy ruled side to side with her jewish overlords.

Please, do go on and post your amazing jaw you lying omega faggot. We don't need to stand "side to side" with women when we can kill all that stand against us and have contributed to this mess, especially the weak men like yourself. Women are opportunists, yes, but why should we "show them the light"? Of what benefit is it? Your subconscious is admitting to the very thing I was on about, women have no position of their own and will follow who ever the fucks in charge, doesn't mean we should forgive them or waste resources reinstituting these wastes.
Fuck off faggot twiglet, your beta tendencies radiate off your post like nuclear waste.

Perfect. Let the resident grils troll this fucker to tears

hahahahaha are you gay

Tits or GTFO fagett.

Yeh Yeh… The struggle to spread the MGTOW cults carry on in this shill's life. But hey, he doesn't have a family so he has all the time in the world to spread his (((ideas))) and tell others not to reproduce and instead perform self-castrations, as having kids is "expensive" and the laws are "bad and skewed in favour of woman" (who of course, come into court wihtout ever being abused by their junkie/nigger husbands).

Why don't you try to spread this in Israeli forums, as they have real great family planning?

Oh, who am I kidding, you're just here to slide the forum. Hope you earn your shekels for wasting your time doing nothing

I expect feminazis to troll… that's pretty much all they can do

it's showing more on them than achieving anything else.

Yes women are needed to give birth to sons and shut the fuck up/stay inside their cages so they don't come out and destroy the feeling of brotherhood and civilization in general………….. Wake up!!

If you came to my house you'd learn what it means to be a woman
You mean bitch-up? No way!! But I WILL make you bitch up.
Now get the fuck off the internet you disgusting, evil piece of shit……………… and keep that man-made invention back down!!

Read posts 9834449 and 9834507……. then kill yourself you falsely accusing feminazi

You appear to have autism. Here, let me place the proper warning for you.

Nah, I'd rather see the cunts destroy themselves. Once I grasped the real ugly nature of the feminine, I could muster only contempt for it.

Otto Weininger was correct: women are "Jews" are women. They're the same damn thing. The same damn modus operandi. The same method of being. The lies, the whining, the parasitism.

Tits or GTFO dumb cunt, no one asked for your opinion.
What term? What factors? You seem to hate the factors which contribute to your barely human IQ that prevents you from forming coherent arguments, you pseudo intellectual walking fleshlight. Go back to making dinner and pleasing your husband.

Nah, I have all the time in the world to amass wealth, gain power, then have two kinky Slavic girls from bumfuck nowhere Russia carry my kids when I'm 60. I'll still be hot, I'll still be powerful, but by then you cunts won't have power and I'll be passing down my genes and you'll be tending to your cats.

It actually isn't that funny. The difference between a man and a woman in domestic violence is, a man has a suboncious belief he is physically stronger. Therefore, he is liable to use his body as a weapon (if he's a beta-male with a domineering personality, then he might attempt to "attack" the other emotionally). A woman, however, realizes her lack of physical ability when compared to a man, so, in order to do damage she'll use weapons. Maybe purposefully or because they can't quantize how much damage a given object will do, they usually take extreme measures from throwing sharp things, burning things, etc. Doing worse damage than a man "ever" code.

OP is samefagging with ip switching. Clearly not an oldfag. Suggests that he is JIDF or Shillblue to me.

You should really stop reaching for "SHAREBLUE SHILL BLORK BLORK" cudgel. It's got a limited cachet and its running out of juice.

3DPD are bad, but don't let that stop you from having kids. Save up and head to a surrogate agency. A lot of guys i know have done it and are happy. The kids are healthy and mentality well. Also doing this pisses off the left, feminists and cucks to no end.

Yes. My ex threatened me with a loaded gun. The difference between you and me is I have been abused and I still have my confidence. You never had abuse or confidence.

Not to mention abuse and mishandling of her children. Try telling the police a woman hit you then wait for the police to arrive if you hit a woman, both very different situations.

All high profile feminists, as in the ones that have been consciously pushing for these exact problems to be created are Jewish. Your MGTOW shit is playing into the hands of your abuser.



just fucking wow. I sincerely hope you're shills and not what's supposed to be the crowd that's hoping to overthrow jews.
You're beyond retarded, the three of you - what the hell do you think you're going to do? raise an army of only young white males to take to the streets, murder off subhumans and cage women?
Are you even aware of the current political landscapes, since you're on a fucking political discussion board?

Nobody's fucking telling you to reach compromises, just to apply literal national socialism - in which women are NOT property, but valued companions.

Women have always been disliked…. and rightfully so!! Hitler was a product of a post-firstwavefeminism society so he was too indoctrinated.

His father was a much better man than him

But why should we let them destroy themselves and everything?
After all this is OUR CIVILIZATION!!
This is a MAN'S WORLD!!

We should swiftly put women back in their cages to end this madness once and for all!!

You feminazis will pay dearly for your lies, discrimination and abuse….

Yeah, I see you're spending it well propagandizing your (((bullshit cult))).

So you will slave hard your entire life for Mr. Shekelenstein and YOU will have power, not him. Sure… You will also get millionarie investing in the stock market too eh? Then you'll buy all the material stuff you were made-up to want by consumerism, and ONLY then, when you're 60 and not able to defecate on your, about to die alone, you will try to sprout out some kids you'll never raise with some money-digging slut that will get hold of all your money after you die. This is what cults do to your mind. Meanwhile Ahmed has 6 kids on welfare and retains his culture…

Mods are asleep though. Usually it's no point replying to shills anyhow, but lets have some fun and break them, containing their faggotry ITT.

Huh? Did I swap to an ID that was used before in this thread for something SB related? Or are you just spamming (although SB occurs more than once in this thread)?

This is the gayest shit, just marry a traditional white woman if you're white yourself.

Kill yourself, weakling.

Keep your tears flowing, manlet-shill.

THIS is exactly what I mean:

Look at this faggot.

You fucking serious, nigger? that retarded halfling was literally no more than a psychopath.
The values you so despise come exactly from France and Napoleon ruled exactly right after the revolution.

(You) are a fucking jew

Yes in many Countries and landscapes because i have wealth to travel and experience whats really going on.
user… Do you not see the riots going on and the political movements that are starting?
We are not, we are changing the battlefield.
Like my Wifu?

See, now here is a reasonable solution.

I don't understand why MGTOW and NatSocs are enemies. Our theories could be complementary, given how woefully inadequate your treatment of female psychology and the overall female problem is.

You should learn from MGTOW's expertise on female psychology and use it to put the cunts back in cages. Otherwise they will make a mockery of civilization and destroy you with their inanity and pettiness. Your current total surrender and "MAN UP FOR THE ALIMONY MEATGRINDER" chivalry will lead to your destruction.


Yea, we will gather an army of strong men and men that have had enough of being second class citizens and snap all twiglet jewish necks, women will fall in line since they're submissive and have no position of their own, those who have to die will.
Politically INCORRECT plebbit retard, suck my cock.
Wew lad. Women are "valued companions" now a days, of what benefit is it? It isn't. Beta orbiter fag. Why don't you post your jaw and prove your test levels?

Because of retarded "MUH feels" women who vote for them to stay. "Not all refugees" eh? Not in my country anyway, I can leave all my money behind for my kids marriage is a scam.

GOOD ONE!! I learned at an early age that women are our slaves, they're to do what we say and only what we say. When I'll marry my wife she'll become my property… that means she's my slave and nobody elses. Women are supposed to be seen and not heard. In my house my wife will know not to speak unless she's spoken to and if she does speak out of line there WILL be consequences. She better NEVER USE THE PHONE unless I know who she's talking to. There's no reason she should leave the house without my supervision. I'll raise her up right… I'll groom her and raise her up to be a obedient woman who is proud of her bruises

All women are beneath me and belong at my feet.

A woman is nothing more than a sex object, a baby making machine and a personal maid

Women are only made for cooking, cleaning and serving men like me!

See, I caught this cuck already
He is a big fine catch, you can tell by the way he jerks back and forth just like a hooked fagett.

You forgot to mention how we're also automatically assumed to be perverts and kept away from children. when all we wanna do is teach the little boy the best waya to piss off his sister and be cool.

The irony is that this is exactly what they want, in addition to misbehaving and getting smacked upside the head from time to time.

They disgust me.

…. hes going to reproduce you dumb fuck.

Your meme is wrong, user. The part saying Persians doesn't have persians at all. That's a romanized god from greek asia minor, killing Molech. Might be Mithras. Persians don't wear Phrygian hats.Neiher do turkroaches.

Your extensive knowledge of MGTOW-cult talking points just showcases how much it is a Jewish-OP.

Then why have an entire cult-idelogy dedicated on "stay away from evil white woman goy" and to oppose family based on falsehoods.

The fuck? I've only smacked a few girls before, and that was after they had slapped me. They were absolutely shocked and disturbed by the very concept of it. no one touches me without retaliation in kind.

Oh well I see we will never get anywhere.
Anyway I should thank you for taking the brunt of the female assault so I can be left in peace.
Christ knows what the crazy cunts will do when they don't have enough chumps to shake down.

Maybe feminazis like you who're indoctrinated with misandry want to do such things but not anybody else.

Women are more LIKELY to abuse and even kill children

Women are far worse even worse as parents. They should never be given the children alone….. actually women should not be left alone in OUR CIVILIZATION and OUR WORLD.

They should either serve men or be left to die outside our world

Are you fucking blind? Are you stupid? Or are you just pretending?
You don't really think we're "winning" currently, do you?

You two are without a doubt retarded and harmful to any society you'd belong to, since you're clearly not capable of processing words and concepts.
In fact you behave exactly like the neurotic women you claim to despise.

They all want to be "dominated" and that includes getting beat.

I will tell you a little bit of history that perfectly illustrates this principle:

Psychologists wanted to include something called "Masochistic Personality Disorder" in the DSM, but it was roadblocked by feminists.

Why? Because battered wives have a very nasty habit of returning to their abusers, even when they're "liberated" from them, and making masochism a disorder would shed light on this unfortunate fact and ruin their pity party gravy train.

Of course it disgusts me.

Can we get some constructive progress going here? It's just the same broken shills who spam every thread about women with d&c who if gnuine, will never have love or a wife, let alone get to breed, use reddit spacing, and act like niggers

go back to plebbit

Most of it is faggotry but its true that its a huge problem that white guys dont get married or make babies because women rape you with no vaseline at divorce and you loose almost everything if you are average middleclass.

But yeah, you're so fearfull of being "cucked" and having your "well-being" lessed by having children that you need to resort to CULT-like mentality. But hey, not everyone is able to reproduce anyway, and only nu-male trash like you would get dragged to such bullshit circlejerk, so nature goes on…

Woman are not evil, having a "skewed legal system" (muh laws are bad) is no excuse to sacrifice your people and self-castrate, "going your own way" (and away from white woman, goyim) is just a distraction and is outright faggotry.

GTFO back to your own reddit-containment circlejerk and stay there, filthy trash nu-male scum.

Yeah because calling for a restoration of times when the fertility rate was over 5 is Jewish propaganda aimed at white genocide.


Stop trolling, feminazi

We should send feminists like you back to the spirit world

You're an indoctrinated feminist who believe women are godly and good just like men.

This couldn't be further from the truth!!

The nature of women has always been known to mankind, and necessary steps have been taken to keep them in check!!

Alex Jones just got buttraped to the tune of $45k a month and lost his kids. You completely lose your credibility when you sweep this shit under the rug. It's fucking pathetic.

You "Nazis" run like little faggots at the slightest criticism of the ravenous cunt. You'll never achieve anything until gynocentrism is overthrown and your "solution" is to take it up the ass and be a good cuck.

Blabla bullshit, dimwitted niggershill.
I've never said anything of the sort and your ridiculous attempts at distortion only prove your malicious intent.

Running away from woman and into jewish-ops won't achieve anything. You're just misguided traditionalists, you get your frustrations and unfounded fears get used to destroy you. You're the one who can't take criticism and is blatantly spamming and forum sliding trying to cover up for your false anti-family ideology getting debunked for the millionth time.

Before you go back to reddit, check what Hitler did in regards to family planning - he was one who got the birth-rates way up and restore family unity, despite all the attrocities of the kike-Weimar Republic, without demeaning woman like a brainwashed slave as you're doing. There was no woman in the NSDAP, redpill yourself more and stop being a cunt, and then you may join us when you see how real man deal with such "issue".

The problem isn't women it's jewish cultural marxism and especially jewish judges. Your fight should be against jewish laws not victim blaming and crying like a bitch projecting your own inadequacies. Furthermore niggers like you want a 10/10 woman who is perfect in every way but my guess is you are a fucking fat slob mt dew drinking faggot with next to zero social skills and zero hygiene who has done absolutely nothing to improve themselves. If you want a good woman you have to be the ubermensch.

Meanwhile as you are cucking out to the MGTOW lifestyle more and more women will turn to shitskins. You will die old and alone and your obviously weak genetics will die with you. That is what jews want. Does that sound like winning to you?

And FWIW I think the laws are terrible too but not having white babies isn't the answer. There are PLENTY of traditional girls out there for the men who are worthy. Did you lift today? Do you have a study schedule for reading? Are you eating properly? Are you doing ANYTHING to improve your lot in life that will help you move out of your parents basement? Are you still watching porn?
Sort yourself out.

Ah, see here a kike that is coming out of the closet.

This whole thread reads like Shareblue vs FBI vs SA vs CIA

The problem is and always has been women. That's EXACTLY why the Jews unleashed them.

Do you know what has been said about women all over the world, since the beginning of time? Men have accurately pointed out their nature and done what is needed.

Stop being such a white-knight. You're defending your own worst enemy!!

I refuse to become a father unless things are either fair………. or we start being unfair on women! I am a man!
How dare you even suggest that I do??
All those falsely labelled "traditional girls" are all treating their men like 2nd class shit/slaves.

nothing is "fair" you faggot. Stop being a bitch and BE a man. What, exactly, do YOU have to offer this perfect woman that you are looking for? Are you the ubermensch? Or are you a fat soda drinking autist wanking it 5x a day? Get your shit together and you will find a good woman. The laws and current cultural zeitgeist suck ass but you're just using that as a crutch because you are a fucking loser. You can fix the laws AND have babies at the same time. If you are waiting for the laws to change then you are going to wait until you die or at least until a civil war because there is no way 2/3 of them are getting reversed without it.
you are such a douchebag

Your ad hominem shaming tactics will have no effect, feminist scum……………………………. Men should tell women NOTHING IS FAIR and put them back in their cages!! They deserve it far more than men do anyway.

I don't have to offer anything to a slave you dumb fucking cunt. How dare you coerce me into the feminist arrangement of dating/relationship/modern marriage when you know how severely discriminatory it is (in the woman's favor)?


I refuse to be a slave of women!!

The next time women march, men should gang up and

Women who resist too much should be burned at the stake….. because after all

Women who don't obey men are committing TREASON!!!

the post

you sound like a god damned woman you faggot

While the person you're replying to is a controlled opposition, discredit by association joke, you are not much better and I'm going to give this more seriousness that you probably deserve.

By your logic, it's not niggers fault for the high black crime rate and fatherless children. It's purely fault the Jewish rap and gangster culture right? And MGTOW guys aren't stupid cucks, they just fell for the jews tricks.

If you're not going to call out women's fault for falling into it, you're not being consistent. All you're doing is white knighting, and redirecting with your strawmen and ad homs isn't going to fix a damn thing.

So what do you want, all women fucking the top 10% of men and all the other men working and paying taxes to pay for those men's children? That's literally a state established cuck.

What do the lower males spend all their time doing in primate societies? Trying to overthrow the dominant males and get at the women. You can't have a modern society like that. That's why marriage exists, so that the majority of men can have a wife and family to be fulfilled so they will work. Men won't work if you give them nothing to work for, and you wonder why MGTOW is happening? You fancy yourself the ubermench? How many kids do you have? None right?

Then maybe seeing the consequences of that will bring some of these women back to reality.

And yet when there is a tread pointing out the problems with these laws, all you do is make strawmen and deflect. Your behavior shows you aren't actually on board with changing the laws, you're just giving it lip service.

And when they decide to divorce you, keep you from seeing your kids, and lie in court to fuck you over, you're just retroactively unworthy? They just weren't alpha enough right?

Lots of people don't have time to do a lot of outside improvement because they are working 50-60 hours a week to support that family, and then the rest with the kids and trying to keep up with the woman's bullshit demands. Just tells me you haven't been there.

On one had you say they're not worthy of the women, and on the other you're complaining that they are turning away from them. The truth is you want them to keep supporting the women, while you think you are the alpha who's going to get to fuck the women while they pay the bills. "You've got to keep working for our society, but you're a piece of shit that doesn't deserve a woman or respect."

Your "only the supreme get women" mentality is not going to work, because the working non-sport-fucking men are what make society. And if they are not allowed women, then there will be no society. It's as simple as that.

good luck with that
you'll probably produce downies or dwarfs
sperm doesn't age that well brah

Of course it's not their fault thats just their nature. It's like asking if it is a dogs fault for pissing on the floor. It's the jews fault that we have to live around these low IQ creatures to begin with. By my logic niggers wouldn't be in our lands. Or they would AT LEAST be segregated and we wouldn't be forced to live around them or have our children go to school with theirs.
You're right, I'm not consistent and thats because women and men are different. I hold men to a different standard because as the MGTOWs say women are like children who follow the pack. You are foolishly expecting them to act and respond like men when they are not men and did not evolve to behave anything like men. Women must be LED by strong men. Right now western men are weak and western women have absorbed cultural marxism. There are lots of problems here leading to the current fucked up cultural zeitgeist around women but the solution certainly isn't giving up on white women and expecting them to learn their lesson while you are paying taxes for their shitskin offspring.
No my point is most men I've met IRL who spout this MGTOW cuckoldry are beta male losers who have nothing to offer a woman. Thats not to say there aren't reasons to be pissed off by the current situation but it also doesn't mean you should just give up. You don't have to be the best looking man in the world just have your shit together. What's cuckoldry is not having white children while paying into a tax system that pays for mud children's upbringing while MGTOW's die old and alone.
Being the ubermench is not a destination as much as it is the journey and the self improvement. Women do not want men who play video games and don't wash their face. They want MEN who have their shit together and are improving themselves for the future. I have 2 children fwiw and we plan to have three more.
>Then maybe seeing the consequences of that will bring some of these women back to reality.
Women never learn until it is too late. Did they wake up in brazil? I would rather white men MAN the fuck up start calling out the jews and get their women under control before they all start fucking niggers. But to get your woman under control you have to be the strong successful leading man. Going your own way doesn't get white women under control it just gives them a reason to fuck shitskins.

What is there to argue if I agree that they are bad? My point is if you are not striving the be the best you can be nobody gives a shit. An overweight neet says they are "going their own way" and women just shrug and fuck shitskins. If you had a shit ton of rich successful men in the MGTOW movement then they might be able to make an impact. Otherwise you will just be viewed as a loser. I'm also pointing out the hypocrisy. MGTOW's want good women as all men do, but are they good men to begin with? You'll never find a good woman unless you are a good quality man. That doesn't mean being chad thundercock with a trust fund or only going after the prom queen. Simply stop making excuses and be the best that you can be and the rest will sort itself out. That applies as much to a pipe fitter or labor foreman as it does to a CEO. But yet these losers will make excuse after excuse as to why they are losers.

Nigger please. I own two companies and employ 75 people. I work 80-100/wk and so does my business partner and we're both married. Yet we still find an hour a day 6 days a week to lift. If you are not in top physical condition you will never be able to perform at your highest levels. Keep making excuses for yourself as that should help you get ahead……right? The moment you make excuses is the moment you have failed. People think it was so much easier in the 50's. My grandfather worked 7 days a week 16hr a day to provide for his family because thats what it took to be successful. Yet he still managed to find time to stay in shape and unlike his lazy brothers who died of heart attacks at 50 years old he lived well into his late 80's. My own father worked two shifts during my entire childhood and still managed to get a black belt and finish college during that time.
Yeah and? They need to turn back toward women and get their life sorted out so that they ARE worthy of a good woman. I'm not saying they can't do it. I'M SAYING THEY CAN DO IT no matter what they start with. Even a 40 year old virgin NEET can turn their life around if they put real effort into it. But if you don't have your shit together why should a worthy woman want to mate with you? If you are a loser why would women care if you "went your own way"? I'm not picking on MGTOWs to be personal about it I WANT THEM TO BETTER THEMSELVES to the point where they can make stacy cry when they shoot her down for being a harlot.

sounds like a good plan

In which case, they aren't really deserving of much respect and they should be under control just as a child. I don't expect them to be like men, but if not they should not have authority. You can't blame men for women's behavior when all control has been stripped from the men and the system is set up to use women to exploit them.

But anyway, I think the real problems are:

a) Corrupt power structures use women as a tool to implement taxation and control measures beyond what they could normally get away with. It's not just coming from the outside, the government and courts push it for them own benefit. The solution would be to support legal reform and other such efforts instead of telling people to man up and be an ubermench whenever the issues are brought up.

b) As I said before, the natural mating system of humans gears women to go for the top 10% of men, and such as system can't work for a human society because we have to work to live, and men won't and shouldn't be expected work and be martyrs to support other peoples kids or a family they are excluded from.

You're still pushing that strawman. Does that description fit Brad Pit or Donald Trump? Yet they still got divorced and fucked over. Guess they were just losers. They maybe able to afford it, but not all men are so lucky.

All the other routes have been tried; MRA failed. You say fight the laws and how are we going to do that without a united front, and anytime that is attempted even people like you who say you support the idea put it down. So if you have the answers, then what is the solution to fix the laws? "Improve yourself and work harder" is not a means to that end, it's just whipping the horse.

Many of us had our shit together, until the wife decided she wanted more than she could ever even get, took the kids and manipulated the courts. I even had the discussion about working more or getting another job, and the response was "Why would you want to not see your children?" If you think working 80-100 hrs/week keeps you safe, think again. Maybe you won't get divorced, maybe you will. A lot of guys thought they were the shit until it was too late.

All that does is get you fired, arrested, and oscticised. We need a real plan, not something that clearly doesn't work.

That you say nothing of how to fix the actual problems, only "work harder" so you can lose even more once the courts set their sights on you.

Apparently anyone who doesn't work 80+ hours a week is a loser. Where did you get the capitol for your businesses, all on your own?

Bullshit, that leaves 8 hours a day for everything else, including sleep. Either he wasn't workign very hard, or at all during much of that time, or he's lying about where he was some of the time. Even assuming it was true, You're idea of being a real man is being a slave. And then your kids start asking why daddy's never home and your wife is fucking someone else because you're "neglecting her."

When are people like you going to learn you can't shame men into continuing to buy into this fucked system. Holla Forums is a constant reminder of how everything is designed to fuck over white men, but when it is pointed out only in this particular context people say man up and do it anyway, don't try to fix the problems just suck it up. Usery is debt slavery, are you going to tell people to just keep taking out those loans? If you weren't such a loser you could make those payments with your devalued money.

This attitude is why they are leaving, and you're just giving them a shove.

Most of your points are bullshit OP men and women are not the same. Bitching that they aren't treated the same is egalitarianism bullshit. Lurk moar.
Kill yourself Reddit cuck.

Kill yourself OP