Swedish Nationalists (Nordfront) are about to start marching. Antifa are out in huge numbers.
Stream 2:
Swedish Nationalists (Nordfront) are about to start marching. Antifa are out in huge numbers.
Stream 2:
Other urls found in this thread:
Pics or didn't happen
Piss off you yiddish sewer rat. It's live right now.
Oh shit this is gonna be fun
You could provide a picture of two. Your thread is beyond lazy
He linked a youtube stream and another stream. What use is a fucking picture.
Coming from the shit head who cant use the links I provided.
There you go, all you needed is some effort. It's not that hard.
Is the jewtube stream lagging for everyone or is it just me?
Go jump off a bridge cunt.
Thanks for adding nothing you kike.
Yes but the other stream is decent. (((They))) are probably fucking with it.
Still salty are we? It's not that hard to make a good thread
The Jewtube stream is gobshite by the way
Yeah though so. The other stream is a kike owned stream isnt it?
Oh boy, I hope ANTIFA overwhelms the cops, attack the nationalists and proceed to have their asses kicked hard, the lack of habbenings in the failed Coulter rally needs to be compensated.
I forget sometimes that you euros have been up to this shit for decades over us. We have a lot to learn.
So far I've only seen about hand full of antifa niggers and the rest is just regular people. I don't think much is gonna happen but the media will spin it as always.
The Poland march yesterday was excellent as well.
This shit fuels me with joy.
the stream quality is bollocks
The recorder has his bitrate set far too high for his mobile bandwidth. It can barely stream more than the keyframes.
aaaaaaand it's offline.
Well done to the guy with the potato phone and shitty connection.
Any other streams? Ain't working for me.
Blame the kikes for throttling the stream
You got a link for that?
Pretty damn impressive.
meant for
Why these guys don't have someone with a speaker rallying them? National Action had one guy that did it very well.
I mean, video very related, this fucker makes me want to RAHOWA
Yeah, that speech is amazing.
Thanks brothers.
It's a shame antifa will pussy out against such numbers. I'd love to see those commies utterly brutalized by this march.
It doesn't matter if they run away or don't show up, someday you'll be the one hunting them and they won't have anywhere to run.
Born in the right time we are.
Another stream for those with a kikebook.
I wish we would have been born during the time of space exploration, but I can deal with that.
the fuck is that garbage music they're playing?
Pff try to watch this for more than 30 seconds I challenge you.
Apparently there's some fucking "kurdish dance" arranged
They were shouting "YALLA YALLA FALAFEL FOR EVERYONE" (falafel åt alla) previously.
Impressively degenerate, really.
**I don't have kikebook and the Swedish shit won't load==
Yes its slim pickings right now.
I will post if I find some but they shoahed the NRM live stream,.
The nose knows.
You can listen to it here
What a big fucking surprise
For once, instead of another thread filled with kikes demanding all users of Holla Forums cheerlead for zog controlled opposition of Wilders, Le Pen and The ZOG Emperor Trumplekikeskin.
We finally have a good relevant thread regarding a genuine group of nationalists meeting up, and now we get the same groups of kikes swarming in and attacking OP and the genuine nationalists in the world as well.
Well done Polskis and Nordic Front, better than the kosher clowns Holla Forums is more recently known to be shilling hard for.
They really try and try to make it look like the Northfront is fucking small.
They're also avoiding as much as possible to actually show them on screen or air their speeches and such. It's entirely focused on the counterprotests.
That's some swell Music
Yeah it's easy to see. From photos, camera angles to the (((people))) they interview.
They also are fucking with the nordfront stream.
Why are they talking in English?
Have some more
Last year, 350 people showed up. This year, 550. That is not accounting for the massive amount of people that were denied entrance and stopped by the police from marching because they showed up an arbitrary amount of time too late, 2 minutes and such.
Thats how the kikes work yeah. If they where honest for one day they'd hang the same day.
NMR must be literally shaking in fear
Wow.. thank you very much user for introducing me to this
Pär Öberg dropping the redpills about the kalgeri plan live on stage, jews hates him!
No probably mate.
It looks like good programming music, thanks user.
What a fucking parody of a parody.
N-nothing to see here goys! Nobody listens, give up already OY VEY
Looks so comfy. Seems like the weather is also pretty nice in Falun today.
Yeah they seem to shutting down any form of watching NRM. Sorry lads I wish my thread could of been more fruitful.
Go to their twitter, they are posting pictures there live and updates. @nordfront. And again, you can listen to the speeches live here.
Looks like they are waking up.
So Soros is using clowns now?
Pretty sure it's one brand of mud going snackbar on another.
Notice the nose of the girl.
He was the whole time already.
That's it, National Socialism is over. Pack it up, how can we defeat an enemy like this?
Very hook like.
Jesus even the news reporters like the ultimate cucks.
National Socialist, long time NMR member and mother of 8 BTFOs feminists
Let's compare and contrast
I d-don't think we can, user. They're using the clown as a deep metaphorical message to show how we're losing ;-;
We order, they chaos.
Really swell they keep showing the commie side and acting like its all big.
They need to form the narrative. You can't have people thinking for themselves mate.
They shut down the Nordfront website?????
Yet leftypol is always crying how the media hates them instead. The media loves them, regular people hate them
Been getting ddosed all day
Kikes also fucked up the youtube stream.
Probably just crashed, the Norwegian site is still up.
Yeah, it's that.
vile kike rats.
I'm sceptical of such claims. How? Couldn't it just have been bad reception/not enough bandwidth?
I say this because it is not the first time similar shit has happened. Now their site is down too. You really think the kikes don't have a hand in taking down shit?
Throwing mad shade at the so called "working class" of the left.
Oh sure. I was just talking about the youtube stream, there it really looked more like technical difficulties, but I might be wrong of course.
Please explain.
Yes me too. Everything for them seems to work just fine, aside from the kiketube shit
The so called "workers parties" the social democrats, the communists, the clowns and the anti-fa, have, as Fredrik Vejdeland just said in his speech "Have not hammered a nail in their life!". NMR is mostly composed of working class people. I'd say 80-90%.
But do you see any masked faces here? Leftist are all cowards.
Why do they use leftist as an insult even though they also have leftist views
If you want to cling to a useless left-right political view, National Socialism is centrist, not leftist.
This. Remember that Hitler was appealing to both the lefties and the right wingers when he started his speeches. That is why he got so many people to join him.
Lurk moar you fucking mongrel
Jörgen Kromann is a fucking savage, has spoken for almost a minute, and he has called the leftists animals, prostitutes and whoresons and is singling them out from the crowd and roasting them!
His speech was extremely motivating, so high energy! I felt my blood heating, just by listening
I hope there is a video of it with subs.
I'm certain they will upload a video in a few days, but if for some reason they don't, if they loose the footage or something,
Good lad
Is this movement still growing or has it stagnated over the years?
It's growing fast. Kike media of course says it isnt
Sebastian Elofsson speaking now, only 22!
It is growing faster than ever
I like this fucking stream they only show one side to "not give the Nazis a voice" but we just know they are afriad of waht they have to say.
Here in the UK we hardly have anything that compares nordfront or polish nationalists.
To elaborate, last year on the 1st of may, 350 were there. This year, 600. gets 300.000-400.000 unique visitors every month
Peter Hultqvist, defence minister of Sweden, getting called the fuck out
Fucking really? Now they not only going after pre school children, but also for the senile?
To clarify, NMR has a long standing feud with Peter Hultqvist, he keeps talking shit but refuses to show up and debate, so Pär Öberg brought out a paper cut out of him and debated it.
It was pretty funny actually.
He then threw "Peter" off stage, to the chanting of "Peter Hultqvist, traitor traitor!"
I don't know how the fuck you guys find gems like this, but God bless you for doing so.
Apparently, the Livestream is coming back up!
Watch here:
Forgot to embed
Not listening to kike owned media helps a lot. What I normally do is look up artists from a band I like and see what other stuff they've made, be it solo projects or stuff from other bands they play in.
Also thank you
Other way around, man. Thats a good thing.
Why no sound?
For those that are wondering what is covered on the banner, it's the jew star.
According to the police, it could be considered "aggression against a group of people" (read wrongthink) and on the paper it says "censorship by the state".
On the livestream? I have sound, try refreshing. Are you watching, this official one I posted earlier? You can also listen to Radio Nordfront watching and commentating it in Swedish here
Yes, Simon Lindberg talked about it in his speech. Called out the Jews and their lackeys with full force.
I like to think that we both dip or toes in order and chaos. The Meme War for example is pure chaos mixed with a bit of planning, which is good. And when it comes to planning we have structure/order mixed with some chaos.
The lefties and commies have no structure aside from a few paid Soros faggots that probably don't even know what to do themselves. And of course the commies or anarchists are against the idea of leaders and leadership.
That is why we easily fool and throw of the kike media. We win and that why we will order them.
That aside we have people from all kinds of fields with all kinds of experiences, the lazy communists barely do.
Is there some way to get a such a flag?
To all English sympathisers and friends!
I'd like to recommend Radio Nordfronts English language podcast, Nordic Frontier! If you want to know more about NMR, the situation in the Nordic countries or just want to listen to some thing the isn't pozzed, it is a great alternative. Give it a try. This is the newest episode.
fun Poland protest fact:
Gotta love the Poles.
Did not know there was an English offering, will give it a listen. Thanks nordfriend.
Yes its a very comfy podcast. I enjoy it.
NRM seems really good except for the retarded agenda for wanting to create a Northern European Federation. Number one reason they haven't grown so big in Finland.
I enjoy it, very chilled out.
t-thanks lad.
Don't wish to derail thread but if anyone has other good suggestions I'm interested.
The Golden One
have an appearance?
He is Civnat.
Didn't see him, but he has been on Radio Nordfront before.
Since livestream dosent work for me and the linke posted earlier is just a pile of poz might aswell give it a try
(PS: Holla Forums doesnt accept pdf?)
I think Holla Forums does let you post pdfs, at least it used to I think.
He was in Germany for a march instead.
The Golden One was demonstrating in Stralsund in Germany. Together with the nationalists that run the swedish media house "Motgift" (antidote).
Contact them.
Their stupid öeader thinks "swedes are the real jews"
Out of curiosity, what would you use it for? Are you a member of NMR? In which case you should know.
You can usually buy it here:
However, they are out of stock now. As
said, contact them, and they might get you one or at least tell you when they will get them back in stock.
Not a memeber, dont even live in one of those countries.
Just mostly agree with what they are doing and even if I am broke would like to throw some money their way, but I also dont want/not able to just donate.
As has been said, make contract. I don't know their international shipping policies.
I make sure to look into it thanks user.
Hello where is proofz
Nice, gonna listen to them in the future.
Makes sense, since he believes Germany to be the heart of Europe.
There is hope yet.
There's only like 3 people that live in the Netherlands though.
There is a big gap between want and do.
Putting your money where your mouth is is hard enough let alone get off your ass.
Not enough people in swede care enough anymore. Their king and queen and the freemasons in their government are shittin on their own country.
Just stop goyim give up
Yeah, let's all just take the black pill and kill ourselves. You first.
Are Mediterraneans governable?
Look at all these scared children :^)
They need free gibsmedat and white women to cope with their traumas :^)
Anyone have a webm of those rapefugees capsizing their own boat?
I need to get this taste out of my mouth.
So not only they got uniforms, riot squad shields with custom text but also VIP protection-tier communication devices so that each "security" group can tell the others if something happens and they need backup.
Would operate with/10
Yes each "nest" operates in groups, handling different places and responsibilities. Each nest is from a different local area, with a leader.
this. 63% and #2 on list reporting. The Netherlands needs external help -QUICK- or it is lost.
There are far too many compared to locals (17M TOTAL inhabitants in the nation, including old people, newborns, "new dutch", females, faggots and useless local liberals).
I've lived here 3 years with my aryan gf; things go from bad to worse every single day that passes by and not just on the news. I've been waking up to cars on fire exploding, walking to buy cigarettes to find the shop rammed by a stolen bmw and robbed, females despise local men for being absolute pussies (quite frankly, they are 100% correct. The tallest, biggest aryan men in the world and they've become fat faggy vidyanerds by the thousands) and every day niggers and muslims outnumber locals by double digit multipliers.
Sound like the "Beautiful Ones" experiment.
Can you donate Bitcoin to Nordfront? Not like I'm donating or anything, just curious
You can contact them and ask, I'm not sure.
I had to look that up. Seems exactly what the plan was for boomers…and we're the litter being cannibalized and abandoned.
I would check on their website if I could, but it seems they are suffering from "heavy traffic" on their site right now.
What a coincidence :^)
Yea you can
Oh wow, this is amazing. I'm 12 minutes in and all they have done is march in some nice little uniforms. I guess all the kebab shops and all the leftists are quivering at the fact that a bunch of like-minded swedes are walking around. Even the guys with shields are wearing chinos to limit any combat effectiveness. Let's just walk around and sing the goys back to sleep while we let abdul rape the daughters of tomorrow. 45 minutes of literally nothing. What a bunch of faggots.
Not even a jew. But as a white male living in africa, seeing what the fucking world has done to this race of ours… I have lost all sympathy for the Swedes. They funded the communists in the wars against the white man, and like the wheel turns, you are now reaping what you sowed. Sweden, Denmark, London, etc, deserves everything it gets and I pity the white males who would side with our bretheren in the yesteryear. But now, it is too little too late. Am I being a fatalist? No, of course not… But are you too fucking effeminate to do anything about it? Ofcourse. You are the majority and yet you are cucked to the brim, belittled to do silly little marches. We settled things in blood, only for the world stage to turn upon us. You gladly berated the south of this once beautiful continent where blacks and whites lived both freely and harmoniously despite what the history books would tell you… But now, now reality comes back to roost in your own home towns and you weak faggots have nothing to say but accept is as you bite the very bullet you bought and paid for.
my consolation to you ungrateful and traitorous fucks. May God bring peace upon your heathen nation should you wish to repent from the hole you have decided to dig yourselves into.
And my apologies for the foul language. In these days and times, one cannot help but think and feel emotionally attached to the days that can no longer be reached. Or the loss of my loved ones that can no longer be reconciled. Death, Love and Loss, Murder, Rape (the real kind) , Stress, Constant and imminent threats and living with one's head on a swivel. Addictions to alcohol or tobacco, some whom have lost the plot to psychedelics and done a full 180 only to become a victim of the stockholm syndrome…. All these things I have seen and it horrifies me to see that a majority of a nation is too weak to defend its own country. You are now in the grips of a slowly dying country. Expect downtown burundi in about 3 years. I am apathetic to your views based on your nations' actions and can no longer side by you based on those transgressions of the past. The UK will follow shortly and our hope will lie in Eastern Europe, (Which we hope will not be muslim by the time it gets to that stage). I can but only ask you to stand up and man up. Hiding your power levels is a jewish meme, and yet the great Carpenter, Jesus Christ Himself is aware of the miscegenation's and rape and murder of all of our nations and countrysides. But knowing full well, you are mostly a pagan nation who would mock my views, or that of my countrymen. Or ignore the views of our prophets such as Siener van Rensburg. Ignore it at your own will, but my heart bleeds for Sweden despite my harsh reproach.
Demonstration in Norway also today.
Come to the USA to get weapons and small unit tactics training. Call it a "hiking trip" or something.Great too see so many people coming out and standing up for the movement. If it doubles every year within a decade Sweden will have a Fuhrer.
Weapons? What are you talking about? It's about a revival of folkish traditions, not a guerilla war..
Not weapons themselves, just the training. Maybe riot control training would be more useful at this stage with the shields and constant protest harassments. There are private companies that do it or just see if you can find a sympathetic riot cop to teach you guys. Maybe the French National Police riot squad as well, much shorter drive. They grow angrier by the day.
Fuck off spic
Decided to use your observation to make some propaganda.
Antifa just set cops on fire in France. Keep LARPing about gay ass tradition bullshit while the real alphas get shit done.
Holla Forums pls go and stay go, setting people on fire from a distance while hiding behind a crowd doesn't make you alpha in the slightest.
Better then dressing like a Jehovah witness retard and marching with the help of cops for an hour. That really hurt the system didn't it.
Yeah, killing cops is clearly how elections work, retard. Just because the government is the enemy doesn't mean attacking government workers will solve anything. I wonder how popular leftists have become among the military and the police in the US after that strategy, you can just see entire crowds of veterans lining up to help leftists take power.
Every so called NatSoc, white nationalist fascist became the biggest democracy supporter in the last 5 years.
You really had to contort your mind to come up with this shit didn't you. Next you're going to tell me that if you kill your enemy, they win.
Doesn't mean jack shit when more than half the military and police is black or brown. And 60 year old disabled veterans don't have shit to do with this.
I've not followed you swedes in your endeavour, so I know nothing about nordfront.
Yet, I see a million men marching under the tyr rune, and think only of tyr, who would break an oath and allow his hand to be torn off in order to bind the wolf and protect his kin.
Godsspeed swedes, bind the wolf and protect your people.
Who said anything about 60yo disabled veterans? There are plenty of 30-50yo veterans who have experience killing mudslimes and are still in good physical condition.
Isn't it a problem when nazis is more democratic than you…
And guess how Hitler got into power: he was elected. He participated in violence but the police was nowhere near being the main target, and even then he still needed to get elected to take power.
If you're going to kill someone, it should be the actual enemy instead, rather than going out of your way to kill police officers that are only there to ensure order during the protest.
And even after that, it is still strongly conservative.
Yeah because clearly you can only be a veteran if you either participated in WW1 or are a nigger.
The NSDAP was beating up the members of the rivals KPD and SPD regularly though.
Indeed they did but as far as I can recall, the KPD and SPD aren't the police.
I just gotta say from a burgers perspective it's really nice to see Swedish youth finally standing up for themselves
I'm surprised they can pull that off without there being problems. I suppose it being small and local helps weed out subversion if they know the character of those around them that they've likely grown up with.
Well you have to go through a background check and a character evaluation if you want to be an activist.
Big support!
I love how as soon as keyboard warriors see other people doing the things they are to afraid to do, they start trying to dismiss it.
Like who, exactly?
When is the official video comming out? Support from Greece!
Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
It's absolutely beautiful.
Yeah it means the right is a farce. The masculinity and might bullshit is LARP from nerds on the internet. The left will win in open combat every single time against you losers.
Fuck order and fuck cops you dumb faggot. Cops are enforcers of our current situation and you suck them off at every chance.
The guys that set those cops on fire. The guys that were in the phalanx that marched up to the police. The guys that beat you faggots up at every Trump rally.
It is guerrilla war and any faggot that says other wise will die in their home
don't you have to go pick up your wife at her boyfriend's house now Holla Forums?
Maybe you guys wouldn't be called cucks so often if you didn't run left-wing cuck squads.
Hope for sweden?
Giving a bump for Nordfront.
Faen jeg vil ha tilbake Sverige som jeg husker det som liten…
What the fuck? Why are they so aesthetic and why do no other countries have nationalist movements like this?