Yes, actually. They can't pull as big a plow as a horse or ox, but they can plow just fine. In face…
Deer, moose, and elk are the same shit. That's like saying brown bears, black bears, and polar bears aren't very different.
Also, North America has huge fucking herds of the exact same creatures. So why could white people domesticate them, but feather niggers couldn't?
Also, draft horses, oxen, etc. were selectively bred. Aurochs and wild horses were physically and behaviorally unsuited to their roles as draft animals and had to be bred to specialize in different roles. Race horses, plow horses, cart horses, artillery horses, war horses, etc. didn't exist until somebody specifically bred them into existence. So why couldn't the Inca do that with llamas?
For them, it IS progress.
Originally they were squatting naked in the mud, living in a hut made from sticks and dung, raping babies, eating their neighbors, and cursing each other with voodoo. Today they do the exact same shit, but the white man, thanks to his prosperity and technology, has given them modern clothing, modern buildings, electricity, plentiful food to keep the niggers from starving, medicine to keep the niggers from dying of parasites and disease, and AK-47's that make it easier to kill their neighbors in order to eat them. Thus, the nigger population is booming because they're not all dying of disease, starvation, and cannibalism anymore, all thanks to whitey.
They haven't changed, but their circumstances certainly have improved.
Yup, and North America has the Great Lakes as well, should have been able to build a civilization and trade network there. You know, kinda like the white man did as soon as he took over.
Part of what makes white civilization great is that it's high trust, high cooperation. We're nice because we want other people to be nice to us, and in a civilization where everyone thinks like that, everyone is nice and you can trust other people. Thus, because whites can cooperate better than other civilizations, we get more done.
Then you get niggers, Jews, and other shitskins who see being nice as a weakness and relentlessly attack whites, who keep treating these subhuman animals the way they would treat their fellow whites.
Honestly, we need to just create the mindset that white civilization is for whites and everyone else needs to fuck off back to their 'civilizations', and never the twain shall meet.
No, they fucking weren't. Go look at a 9th century cathedral, an 11th century knight, medieval industry and machinery, 10th century literature, and then tell where in North or South America they ever developed anything remotely like it.
Otzi the iceman was one step ahead of 99% of feather niggers, and he was a white guy who died more than 5,000 years ago. The most advanced American civilizations were technologically on par with the ancient Assyrians, one of the oldest civilizations known to exist.
Also, with the exception of abos and chimps, EVERYONE is superior to blacks.