Development of the Native Americans

Why weren't the native americans (in the north) anywhere near the level of advancement of Europe or Asia, when they:

Had Asian and/or European genetics
Had a geographically diverse and resource rich culture.
Had a significant level of warfare between what essentially amounts to nation-states, similar to Europe.

But they never developed beyond a tribal society and got pwnt by the Europeans without enormous resistance.

Other urls found in this thread: hypothesis

I don't know how similar their genetics are but the natives more to the South did develop. The Aztec empire for instance had millions of people.

Not to be that guy, but do you really think civilization worked out very well op?

IIRC they are eskimoes.

Pretty sure its because of the short amount of time they were there compared to gooks and Whites
Also Europe wasn't really Resource rich which is why Whites became more intelligent in order to cope with the inviroment

Corn niggers gonna nig in the corn.

Domesticatable animals

Varg go to bed.

Like seriously anons; ya'll even go to highschool? Or is this shit only taught in AP History.
It was literally the entire first three chapters of my history book.

jared diamond pls go

Agriculture was in no way limited by the lack of domesticatable animals. The Inca kingdom had thousands of different crops which provided a rich and secure source of food for their empire, with only llamas and alpacas as beasts of burden.

They never adopt agriculture.
No excess food = no population boom = less inventions.

Agriculture was devolved because there wasn't excess food, what don't you understand

Most likely just .
The southerners were the only ones with the aptitude for civilization building, for any number of reasons.

If you believe the evidence that there was a lost pre-historic civilization in the Americas though, then perhaps the whole area was just in an extended dark-age after it had collapsed a long time ago.

Maybe it was just from the great flood and they were slowly in the process of re-developing their civilization, or maybe they imported a bunch of mainland Asians that shit all over their genes and cultural unity and only the southerners maintained enough of the original threads to maintain at least some barbaric civilizations.

I believe it's one of the same reasons that Africa never developed civilization; resources were simply too abundant. Civilization is an adaptation to manage limited resources. If there are buffalo everywhere, you can just follow the herd.

I mean
we domesticated buffalo
surely if we could do it, they could do it

That proves buffalo were racist.

All the shitskins on the American continents have a White man knowledge giver story after which they genocided them.

Whats this from? Looks like something out of Africa Addio, but I don't remember it.

1) they are a whole race of hapas, its kind of like how literal jungle niggers accomplished more than their decendents once they were mixed with spaniard blood.
2) they arent fully blood european
3) they didnt have beer, beer was instrumental to the development of civilization
4) and this is most important Their religion is that of voodoo dances and shit and not based on memetics like the rest of the successful northern civilizations. .

Africa Addio. Maybe it was cut from the American version?

fuck nigger deer are domesticatable and people are doing it now. the feather niggers were just stupid shits that couldnt figure out how to do anything besides grow inedible species of corn, smoke drugs and fight each other.

Hmm, maybe. I'll have to give it a rewatch. Been like 10 years since I've seen it. Thanks.

Diamond's right though. It's difficult to build complex civilizations without large domestic animals.

Domesticating a horse is a heck of a lot easier than domesticating a buffalo.

Deer are very skittish and even with modern technology, we haven't yet domesticated deer. Only tamed them.

It feels weird to be defending non-Whites on Holla Forums but after securing the existence of my race it's the truth that I care about.

Technically, I'm not defending them. I am merely explaining why one particular group of non-Whites would find developing complex civilizations difficult. IQ probably also played a role.

You must be one those special fellows that creates a single low effort message to multiple individuals; devoid of all substance.
Another shitposter among millions.

They had llamas. Here's the Knap of Howar, which is dated back to 3000s B.C. Horses didn't get domesticed until 2000s B.C. So, civilizations can sprout just fine - they just can't connect to others as fast.
They had llamas - basically a subpar donkey. Also, they had roughly 14k years IIRC to domesticate other animals.
Yes, but we've only been domesticating them in a shortspan of time now.

It feels weird to be defending non-Whites on Holla Forums but after securing the existence of my race it's the truth that I care about.
Technically, I'm not defending them. I am merely explaining why one particular group of non-Whites would find developing complex civilizations difficult. IQ probably also played a role.

Ever tried to ride into battle on a Llama?
I said "difficult" not impossible. Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Cahokians, Anasazi etc all developed low complexity civilizations without horses. In fact, the last two were as complex as the civilization that built the Knap of Howar. Other European civilizations that emerged without the horse are Malta, the Orkney islanders (stone age Atlantis) and many others. Not impossible. Just difficult.

The reason deer are a poor animal to domesticate is because
1. deer are skittish. So domestication is 10 times more difficult.
2. They can jump really, really high so how does one enclose them?

Mainly lack of time. North america was covered by a mile of ice when our ancestors were first learning to plant wheat. They had to migrate all the way to south america to get someplace that wasn't a frozen or waterless waistland. even with all that they were not too far behind us in terms of development when our first ancestors showed up and sneezed, wiping out all of their countless generations of hard work.

We havent been doing it long. It takes hundreds, maybe thousands, of years to domesticate a species. A domesticated breed is distinguishable from its wild counterpart upon birth due them literally evolving into their new role with humans over a long time period. Technology wont change that. Dog and man had developed a benevolent symbiosis long before they were domesticated.

I understand your desire for the truth. Thats how we all should be. And to be honest the real reason why feather niggers never advanced past pre-bronze age nomadic tribes is because of their environment. The environment of north america, while not as much as subsaharan africa, is a land of plenty. Thats why they didnt develop any form of agriculture until just before europeans arrived. Up until that point in time the land provided enough food for them to walk a couple miles, find sources of food, and set up camp, and then repeat after a couple of weeks when all the food was eaten. Their populations eventually got to a size where that was no longer feasible because they couldnt travel far enough to expand their territory enough to provide.. so they figured out how to farm barely edible crops.

I actually know a feather nigger who going by appearance is full blood. Hes a fairly intelligent guy so I dont think extreme lack of iq is the problem.

Going back to the OP question: if they have asian and european genetics why did they never advance.

Perhaps its because they seperated from the blood line far enough back that they missed out on a couple of key genes that leads to civilization? Or maybe its more in line with the theory of why niggers never developed.. they never needed to and when circumstance finally did necessitate development of civilization they didnt have the amount of time necessary to evolve. And it is something that must be evolved to and cant be taught, which would explain why niggers have been in contact with civilization for over 1000 years and havent changed yet.


See this post for the reasons why deer domestication is not possible for ancient people.

Let's say that somehow you managed to capture a herd of deer and you are an Indian. How would you keep them enclosed? Your fence would need to be over 10 feet high. How would you even maintain that?

I dunno. I think he meant to quote me and respond but accidentally posted.

My guess is that they went to North America far earlier than is accepted today, like ten times earlier or more. This would explain how they could sit on their ass for long enough to develop highly dysgenic low iqs and bad tempers, while their asian relatives who toiled in the colder weather in northeast Asia developed neoteny and more complex civilizations than just loincloths and teepees. Also their is a high possibility that the higher iq Chinese, koreans, and Japanese had admixture from post-younger dryas whites spreading out after the flood broke the atlantean civilization.

Most of y'all are talking in circles, elements of each individual reason makes up a bigger picture.

Europe had better beasts of burden. Large scale domestication takes a long time and first requires a stable civilization and trade. Horses were never as scrawny as deer, and an ass was never as aggressive as a moose, bison were domesticate-able but imagine fighting a herd of them for their young. Indians picked up horses so quick that most high-schoolers aren't even aware that they weren't native to north america

North america had giant hordes of easy to hunt meat, if that source had disappeared they would have had to double down on agriculture but they didn't. same thing happened to the rest of the planet when mammoths died out, stupid neolithic humans had to knuckle under and grasp that agriculture shit real quick.

Look at some of their appearances, those long wide mouths remind y'all of anybody from the south pacific?

The americas weren't the new world, it was the the place a bunch of suckers who had lost out elsewhere drifted towards and resources were plentiful enough to spread across it for those who had nothing but conditions were rough enough that small groups of settlers from europe that could go back would go back. Abbo/lemurian genes crossed by water possibly as pacific islander's slaves.

Ice sheets, water levels, geography and firebirds kept people fucked right off from central north america. Firebirds are a part of native lore across the americas but are also mentioned in ancient texts all over the world as giant birds that could grab a man and fly off with him. I'm betting these things were originally vultures based on the descriptions and images that the inca and aztecs left behind, they could easily feed on the large north american mammals but as they began dying out the population couldn't sustain itself and began using a similar strategy to some eagles to fly their prey up and then let gravity kill them; nothing was big enough to sustain population clusters and eventually they couldn't find other mates.

the injuns never advanced that far because, like the niggers in africa, they never had to. they were able to get the bare minimum resources necessary through just a hunter/gatherer lifestyle, so there was never an evolutionary impetus to develop agriculture.

Haven't heard of any great South American plainsmen. Civilization is not as reliant on pastoralism when it takes less energy to forage natural resources.
You don't need a high functioning society when there is available food year round from being watered by melting glaciers.
Not that there weren't high functioning civilizations compared to other civilizations. The Incans built rodes at high elevations; two being about 3,000 miles each. Also Machu Picchu which has been called a great wonder of the world.

Time was a factor, but they had another obstacle to go around; longitude and latitude.
Knowledge and information in SA primarily traveled North and South. Whereas in Europe, ME, India and China it was mostly east and west.

"Plants and animals which thrive at a given latitude, will tend to thrive at the same latitude anywhere else on the planet… if there is an easy east/west overland migration route for those crops or animals, they will tend to successfully export themselves beyond their point of origin"

Goodluck trading crops from NA to grow in SA if you don't know the details of the climate the crop is meant be grown in. Or even Northern SA to Southern SA.

Jared Diamond is a fucking Jew who spent his career finding excuses for why niggers never developed culture.

Niggers had access to all of the beasts of burd4n Europeans did, plus WAY FUCKIN MORE. The same is true of American Indians, they even had fucking camels when they arrived, and European managed to domesticate bison and reindeer just fine. Fuck we even had messenger pigeons before 1000BC,are youtellin me ameriniggers didn't have birds?? They had birds which literally talked right after capture, no domestication required, they just failed to train them.

Also Europeans had a civilizarions in absence of fucking horses and cows, we used boats to get around. Why couldnt Ameriniggers do the same?

By the way just a warning
It explains some of the bullshit in this hread.


Depends on the species and the method used. The Soviets managed to domesticate the red fox with a few decades of selective breeding,
which is equivalent to what happened with dogs, those too aggressive toward us were tossed out and the more friendly were kept around and reproduced.

The Eskimo fucks came later after the Altlantean civilization collapsed and pretty much had to rebuild civilization from scrap.

all these uneducated niggers ITT:

This stuff isn't hard to find out. If you really wanted to go with the environemental argument they were jewed out by the instability of long term climate patterns which affected rainfall and so forth. It's a dumb argument though because all civilizations had to deal with it at some point.

The Lower Dryas catastrophe basically wiped the northern continent clean.
North America had horses, but were all killed when the asteroid caused the flood that went down the Mississippi valley.
Humans were also almost wiped out so human density was really really low(which is the main prerequisite for technological advancement).
You also have to know that the fruitful plains that you know today aren't good for farming without irrigation. Similar to Ukraine. And the East Coast had massive forests with take a lot of effort to change into farmland. Similar to Germany.
Add no major navigable rivers, one massive continent with uniform, marshy coast and you get bad starting conditions to start a civilization.
Featherniggers also don't have the drive to construct a civiliaztion, you need whites to seed it among the savages

Because they're not white.

The original inhabitants of the Americas were white Europeans; specifically, the Solutreans from what is now modern day France and Spain. Compared to the Siberians who entered the Americas 5,000 years later and became the ancestors of modern day "native Americans", they were much more technology advanced; in fact, their stone tools were STILL better than anything the Mongoloid peoples who replaced them were producing even centuries after the whites died out in the Americas (we have no idea why; disease, ethnic warfare, and miscegenation seem to be the most likely answers).

North America had similar civilizations, with large cities and structures, but they got wiped out by disease centuries before the white man showed up and forgotten about; the survivors all scattered and fell into the same lifestyle as more primitive farming communities or stone age hunter-gatherers who lived in the area.

See also:

Niggers didnt even have the wheel until Europeans showed them.

Got any source on this?
I keep hearing these claims but can't find a good read on it


Actually there is evidence that north american tribes had reached medieval age tech but then they were exposed to old world diseases and 95 percent of them died out due to their cultural traditions being helpful vectors of disease transmission.
When the pilgrims settled they had expected the coast to be brimming with natives but because whenever a village collapsed its last survivors were supposed to go to the next village and warn about what happened the entire civilization collapsed.

I can't imagine how anyone could call North American inhabitants medieval level. Their metalurgy was primitive where it existed.

Horses were once native to America, the feather niggers ate them all before the Spanish reintroduced them in the 1500's.

Most of what you said is just an excuse. We can forgive the North Americans for not being as advanced as the Aztecs, Mayans, Incans, etc. since their civilizations that actually were that advanced got wiped out by disease, but the reason both North and South America were inhabited by murderous, stone age savages is, as you said, because it takes a white man to create actual civilization.

And some species don't even take that much effort; domestic cats and ring-tailed cats both domesticated THEMSELVES, wild animals just walking into an encampment and playing cute so they could mooch off our food and belly rubs.

This guy is right. The dumb violent ones killed the smarter and nicer ones. It's the same reason India and the Middle East were once cutting edge but are now total shit. Tolerance of differences of opinion is truly a virtue until you get around highly intolerant aggressive peoples then you need the a fair society and the death penalty to balance it out. Read up on what the Aztecs did to the Mayas for an idea of what happened earlier on a larger(proportionally) scale. Also look at stuff like the war of flowers to see how the Aztecs maintained their level of civilization through the subversion of the more violent and aggressive tribes to the north of them.


Also, the diseases that wiped them out weren't, as is often said by (((public education))), Old World diseases like smallpox, measles, etc. Yes, smallpox and measles royally fucked their shit, but the collapse of injun civilizations happened decades or even centuries before Columbus showed up, so we can't blame that on whitey. hypothesis

shitskin populations will always ==ALWAYS== implode.

That's total bullshit. Corn and squash grows just as well or better in Iowa as Mexico. Europe doesn't even have the same kind of soil as central Asia.

Do more research OP you faggot.
Also, nu/pol/ reeks of summer, which is saying something.

thanks, user.

Environmental stresses that precipitated the forming of civilization that North America didn't have because wide open land you can just fuck around forever in.

The IQ of asians today is probably much higher than when the Siberians came over the land bridge. Thousands of years of warfare and breeding choices can make similar populations very different.

America's dirt worshippers probably had an IQ of modern Mexicans. Around 88. They weren't capable of proceeding past stone age technology. In some places that technology became very refined, but it's still caveman shit.

The Mayans even had a mathematical zero. The Romans didn't have that. They also had less time to develop civilization from the time they arrived in the continent till being conquered by Europeans than say, Africans or Asians.

Because they were caveman tier and also isolated. Also all areas of equator developed faster than the areas north or south of it, even if it did have decent land not at the equator. Something about it just makes civilization spring up first there. That's also where most pyramids are. Maybe ayylmaos have a fetish for it?

The following are dead links:


society developing around commercial and intensive farming over subsistence farming and nomadic herding/hunting along with population outbreeding leads to high IQ

this also explains that middle eastern cultures bring stupidity with their nomadic herding lifestyle and arranged marriage inbreeding and that the Battle of Tours saved Europe.

Francia, Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, Swabia, Aquitaine, the Lombard kingdom in Italy, and Pagan mercenaries from areas around the Rhine River all allied against the muslims trying to enter europe. tfw christian pagan alliance to remove kebab.

Domesticated animals don't need to be used for war as much as used as beasts of burden, which a llama obviously can.

Many uninformed anons. Reason is because of the horizontal shape of the asia/Africa/euro continent. The more nations/territory/peoples spaced out that receive consecutive daylight. That means more civilizations can trade along a route that has more sunlight and collective day than a vertical spanned continent. The rise and fall of civilization and technology and tech trade was basically expedited by longer stretches of connecting land trade routes.

So if one civi developed bronze or iron, it traveled faster within the continents and didnt reach the Americas.

Ahem…. Prepare to get WOKE gentiles. Time to preach the good word of the Book of Mormon…

Once upon a time the Injuns were once Aryan Hebrewz that wuz kursed by God because of their sinz, they were kursed to become brown cuz of their wickedness.

Theyz wicked because they descend from Laman the brother of Nephi and the Lamanites kill all the white and delightsome righteous Nephites that ACKCHYUALLY built tha aztecan pyramids but the brown Lamanites outnumbered the white Nephites and caused a violent white genocide like in South Africa.

The Lamanites killed all the white Nephites off and took over their civilizations and ruined them. Thatz why there are ruins in middle america but also why the natives lamanite scum are also shit people cuz they didnt build them civilizations. Thatz the story of the LAME-a-nites.


You do realize that Jared Diamond pulled everything out of his ass and has been disproven repeatedly, right?

Also, explain how traveling east-west gets you more sunlight than traveling north-south, since the fucking sun travels at the same speed across the sky. The only way this in any way makes sense is if you're talking about the days getting shorter AS YOU GET CLOSER TO THE ARCTIC POLE, which is fucking retarded. We're talking about Cherokee, Aztecs, Apache, etc. here, not eskimos. And even the whole "the days are shorter the further north you go" bit only applies IN WINTER.

Oh, and Eurasia not only has multiple mountain ranges hindering east-west travel more than north-south travel is hindered in the Americas, there's also the fact that Europe and northern Asia have really shitty weather and long winters, which would have more impact on travel and trade than just walking in a different fucking direction.

Shit, north-south travel should be easier because the overwhelming majority of rivers go north-south, not east-west, and both North and South America have a massive river facilitating travel (the Mississippi and Amazon, respectively), whereas the Middle East is an inhospitable desert, Asia has big stretches of more desert, there's mountains restricting travel, some areas (like most of Russia) are damn near impassible from snow in winter and mud in spring, and the overwhelming majority of rivers go north-south more than east-west.

So if anything, the Americas should have had an easier time with trade and travel, because vast stretches of the route have better climate for both travel and growing the crops needed by a technological civilization.

Get out.

A lot of that horizontal stretch is a desolate wasteland that didn't support regular traffic until a couple thousand years ago. Diamond is full of it.

Well done user, thank you.

Anthropology user here. As a species becomes more domesticated (Friendly towards humans/curious) they begin to exhibit flashy coloration traits like spots, stripes, and strangely colored fur. There is evidence the genes for these phenotypes are linked somehow.
For instance, spotted black and white milk cows compared to bison, or the pink pig compared to the hairy brown boar. These species can interbreed easily, and left to their own have been show to regress to their more 'natural' forms within very few generations.

Knowing this, what do you think it means for a human to have paler skin, and exotically colored hair and eyes?

Jared Diamond is a fucking hack. If isn't enough to prove that to you, his horseshit was definitively blown the fuck out when information was released to the west regarding the Russian fox breeding project. It demonstrated that any wild animal can be selectively bred in any direction, including toward and away from abstract traits like friendliness to humans or ferocity and aggressiveness. The project has been running for just about 60 years now and within 20 generations they took a population of trapped completely wild foxes and had over 30% of them completely tamed, not only tolerating human presence, but actively seeking human interaction. The changes weren't only behavioral either, as the population became more and more domesticated, physiological changes began to manifest as well. Ears began to droop, tails would be held raised vertically rather than low along the ground, fur patterns rapidly differentiated, and the females went into heat significantly more frequently than their wild counterparts. As well their adrenal responses were increasingly attenuated reducing the mean duration of their flight response when startled. Genetic traits affected as a group so even if you think you're only selecting for one expression you're dragging an entire cluster to the front to be expressed, or shoved to the back to be repressed.

This unpredictable nature of selective breeding is exactly what is at the root of the panic over colony collapse syndrome in the western honey bee. Despite what the partially informed will try to convince you of neither Monsanto, nor glyphosates, nor climate change, nor mites and parasites are to blame for CCD. We know this because you can put a hive of African or Africanized honey bees into a greenhouse in the central desert of Australia in summer, gas them with any herbicide you want, and sprinkle them with every insect targeting mite and parasite you can find, and they'll just sit there stewing in their hive, shaking off the glyphosates, eating the mites and parasites alive before flying out, shitting fury and stinging you to death, in the end being no worse for wear. Sloppy careless breeding practices and lazy beekepers who don't like the idea of their bees stinging or having to suit up before handling their bees has created the problem we see today. It's not that there are too many environmental pressures snuffing the honey bee out of existence, it's that the western honey bee has been bred in such a way and to such a point where it can nolonger cope with environmental pressures. Some day the western treatment of the honeybee will be in biology books as a practical example of dysgenics in action.

They did have the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Olmecs, etc.

But still they didn't have all the selective pressures that Europeans and steppes peoples did. The Americas are entirely a different animal all together.

spic here
spanish said otherwise, specially of the incans
But they never developed beyond a tribal society and got pwnt by the Europeans without enormous resistance.
huh? pretty sure they were beyond tribal you fagot
also. they got fucked up by diseases first. then things were easy mode, also lets just say some things were circumstantially in favour of spain at the moment

natives domesticated animals and plants as well

best thing i've read today

i love her

Ever tried to pull a plow with a llama?
Neither have I.

The Sami have not domesticated deer, they herd reindeer which are basically elk. These are very different animals.

Again, have you ever tried to plow a field with a llama? I suggest you become a European and plow your field with an ox instead. Your civilization building will go smoother.

I don't know why this never occurred to me before. Is it possible that the predilection toward body modification, hair dying, obsession with sex, and general helplessness seen in leftists the manifestation of that same trait cluster as seen in domesticated animals, but applied and rationalized through a mind capable of higher levels of thought and tool implementation? Is leftist thought and behavior simply the logical conclusion of overly tamed and "domesticated" humans?

Pic related: Were we misinterpreting the signs all this time?


Another trait of domesticated animals is they are all weaker and incapable of defending themselves from their wild counterparts. They cannot so much as recognize danger until it is often too late or have been trained.

wtf i love being outnumbered by the chinese and mudslimes 10:1

What do you mean?


Or when literally everything is given to you by nature, you don't have to work much. But look at the white in this environment.


The one thing that the Injuns are good at that even African niggers aren't is medicine. They helped whites cure many alments with trees and plants which would have been unknown to whites first coming too the Americas.

They witch doctor shit they do in Africa is laughable compared to the working medicines of the Injuns.

I'm going to go from memory, but the Native Americans did try to build a big city in the past, but they lacked plumbing and sewage treatment. They literally turned a nearby river to shit and then abandoned the city for the plains afterwards. I'm going to assume they never went past that, because they didn't have the Chinese to bring them gunpowder.

In the jungle regions, they did have empires. There was the Aztec empire and the Inca empire down South. There were other empires before them, but they eventually fell and were replaced. Also, the Aztec were very brutal and managed to piss off everyone of their neighbors to the point that they largely agreed to join the Spanish in wrecking their shit. Unfortunately, metal armor and humidity don't mix well at all. It's really fucking hard to move cannons and the armor only bogged them down in the thick brush, which made them easier targets and more prone to heat exhaustion. The Spanish under Cortez were initially chased out of Tenochtitlan. Cortez met up with a few other groups of Spaniards from Hispanoila that were tasked with arresting him by the local governor. Cortez kicked ass and took charge of them.

Cortez wrote a ton of journals about his journey. Disease utterly ruined the natives throughout the continent. One of the soldiers under Cortez's command made a comment that you couldn't even walk on the ground in the city as it was completely covered in corpses.

They did lack hard labor animals like oxen. However, there were agricultural gains being made in pre-Columbian America.


There are also still tribes in the Amazon that have had very little contact to no contact with the outside world. A large concern when dealing with them is trying not to get them sick.

Well it was half a shitpost but the implication was that since their populations are so large, it meant they had a lot of scientific advancement

My thoughts exactly. Scarcity necessitates an evolved intelligence. An age of decadence seems to do the reverse.

Ox and horses weren't like that originally you dolt. Go look up what an auroch is.

This. The Native Americans did pretty well once they got down to Mexico (presumably because of the vast deserts) and beyond (Mayan, Incan, Aztec) but in North America the resources were nearly as plentiful as Africa. There are a couple of areas (like the mid-west US with fewer resources) where they ended up building vast cities into canyon walls but that's about it. Nearly all people (whites included, see modern trailer trash) are inherently lazy enough that when given ample resources and left to their own devices they will just party and fuck as they devolve intellectually in favor of greater numbers (pretty much exactly like Idiocracy.)
The notion that whites did so well because they had so many resources is liberal propaganda to try to detach intellect from evolution, it's simply not true. Whites had so few resources that places like Britain actually developed rules like "the first one inherits the family wealth, the second one goes to war, and the third one becomes a priest/monk with a vow of celibacy" - which is a relatively kind and gentle way (aside from the guy going to war) to control surplus population, but ultimately is a form of population (and wealth/resource) control.
Just look at the Vikings - they had nothing but rocks and fish - just enough to survive but be very unhappy - and it drove them to pioneer new methods of navigation by discerning extremely subtle things we couldn't explain until the past couple hundred years. Until we have biological immortality and God-like control over gene modifications Humans need strife and resource constraints, without which it would just be a potentially great civilization devolving into bald monkeys.

The easiest way to travel in ancient times was with ships on water. Central America and northern south America were nothing but coastline so they shouldn't have had much more of a problem than the Mediterraneans. Sailing couldn't have been that difficult either considering Caribbeans figured it out just fine and so did the Pacific Islanders.

I heard someone else mention "the flood" and now you've said atlantean can I get a quick rundown on the idea behind these mythical events actually occurring and a brief summary? I can accept I'm ignorant but I can't imagine a way to find reliable information on either of these

Damn it why are all of our origins stories in the form of "white people built a great civilization, then shitskins genocide/miscegenated them out of existence."

When are we gonna fucking learn from this shit.

People who think this guy shows how whites are better at nature are dumb. You realize he's doing this in the 3 days it's warm enough to in the NE US. Other times it's rainy and cold and windy you have no chance of doing any of this in awful weather that will lower your body temperature and kill at nightfall.

idk. Mormons basically taught this origin story of the native american race as a reason to even hate the native americans even more and as why they should be wiped out and basically were

Mormons believed that natives came from a source that was originally white but then split into two tribes. One tribe,the Lamanites, was wicked and sinful and abandoned tradition so god cursed them with dark brown skin while blessing the righetous fair-skinned, white Nephites.

The Nephites built the meso american and missipian civilizations but were over run but the Lamanites. The lamanites outnumbered them and it caused a massive bloody holy war which led to the Nephites being killed until only a few were left. The Lamanites would remain and their descendants would become modern native americans, just as wicked as they were back then.

This was before colombus. The new world was discovered before colombus by some , i think norwegian?, fellow from europe whose bame started with a D and basically he brought diseases that they werent accustomed to and it collapsed

When i say medieval i mean barely medieval but still technically there. There are large buildings and shit buried under mounds that were once exposed to daylight that they built out of stone but after the disease wiped out 95 percent of them it set them back a ways.

Not to say they are equals to europeans or anything but they are far superior than blacks

>they didn't have a zero so obviously the mayans were at least capable of making a civilization, even though they didn't despite having at least 15,000 years and the most resource abundant land to work with and not developing fucking anything of value except a calendar and a placeholder for nothing(which was nothing new or novel considering the egyptians europeans did it first and then the chinese)
Go fuck yourself

I wish I had somebody like this in my cell for when shtf. The world could burn and all civilization collapse and this fucker would just make a new one in the woods with a bundle of twigs.

double nigger

Yeah. Fucking lights and water and hospitals and trucks are pretty fucking sweet. So is food and white culture

we need to build a society that teaches these lessons and we need to finish the fucking job. Jews are like 0.2% of the world population native americans, mexicans, abbos etc. many non-whites could be wiped off the face of the earth within a few years if we'd just actually go out and do it with a military Arabs and Niggers seem like the biggest issue but if we stopped letting them migrate to the west and stopped sending them foreign aid most of them would probably starve

This whole reserve system that Canada and the United States has made these Amerindians 100x way more insufferable them the ones in South America merely for their "gibs" mentality.

Also, most of the half white ones are essentially insane anti-white Marxist who occupy high position in power of things relating to "Aboriginals", like this cunt I find it kind of worrying tbh.

TIL romans were pioneers in nanotechnology.
Desire to learn more intensifies.

Look up the Lycurgus cup.
Ancient history is absolutely kept out of the limelight.

The knowledge to start an industrial revolution 2000 years earlier was also there but for some reason they never did anything with it.

I don't think you're correct and also the background doesn't look like a Northern climate. Definitely Central America or lower. If this was a climate where it snowed all the water in those exposed roots would kill that entire forest.

Here is the proposed migration routes based on precedence of genetic haplogroups.
HAPAs are subhumans.

tfw /his/ is a ruin

it's qld australia ya boofheads

I just had a LARPer idea for a fantasy world where the a Roman senator saw the steam engine and recognized its potential, and developed it for industrial and military purposes.
A steam punk roman legionnaire world where the steam engine exists before gunpowder.

Imagine a massive steam powered tank rolling through a formation of enemy soldiers.

Sorry, sometimes my autism needs an outlet.

The best explanation I've seen offered so far is that the process of domestication removes the selection pressures that resulted in uniform "drab" coloration.

As an easy hypothesis, animals in the wild (with a wide selection of potential mates) will avoid mating with others that appear unhealthy. Domestic animals don't have the same opportunity, and so will mate with whatever is available.

Another public school fetishist bites the dust.

I would wonder why East Asians didn't also acquire these traits. If we take the domestication hypothesis further and apply it to humans. Then one would think East Asians are more "domesticated", based on 2 things. Domesticated animals, like dogs, tend to be less aggressive then their wild counterpart. By all objective measures, East Asians are far less aggressive (with aggression being defined as a measure of "criminal" behaviors and spontaneous acts of violence) then any other race. Domesticated animals also tend to have exhibit neoteny traits and reduction in the skull, and East Asians have some pretty flat faces compared to the others.

True but my point is that there isn't much to prove in the affirmative that Amerindian people's were wholly responsible for the major civilizations that are found under the jungle growth. There is a classical and pre-classical period of mayan history with the pre-classical mayan peoples creating grand pyramid cities of stone only to disappear. When the mayans rebuild in the classical period, they are nowhere near as grand in scale or development of structures. Not to mention that the Aztecs didn't even really build their city. Then you have the ancient copper mines to the north that were mine by light-skinned people who threw magic stones at the ground to find copper deposits.

East and northeast asians have much paler skin than their southern cousins.
But as for the idea that the Chinese and Japanese are pacific people a brief look at their history says that they were butchering each other just as often and sometimes more brutally than anyone in Europe or the middle east. This is the branch that produced the Mongols, who went on an 'expedition' west and exterminated a muslim kingdom on the side. Japan, China, and Korea spent centuries fighting endless civil wars that repeatedly reduced their populations at rates only matched by the Black Death in Europe.

As for the flat faces, one of their migration paths likely went through Siberia. The flat features and generally lack of facial hair are likely traits to resist frostbite.

East Asians weren't advanced either

mayans and aztecs also had concrete
the rest of your post is nigger tier garbage though

im going to chime in as an expert in this field. they reached the copper age by the 3000BC-1500AD. they may have messed with bronze and iron but not in a large scale. the failure to master metals is the big reason why.

is that why the injuns dont grow hair because they're siberian mongoloids

True, but East Asians are capable of maintaining the civilization they learned from Europe, and fit better into white culture than any other non-whites (though not perfectly). The reason they werent as advanced as whites is that they don't have a predilection for innovation. They didn't explore or invent fuck all. Even today they just copy western technologies and improve on the engineering. They don't come up with new technological concepts or applications.

There's a chance that hypothesis will end up being wrong. First, the "Solutreans" is only a thing because a bunch of stone tools were found that look remarkable similar to stone tools built by the Solutreans culture in Spain. Not only were the Solutreans just hunter-gathers, so they wouldn't really be that much better then the other groups in the Americas, but the Solutreans most likely didn't even look white "white" as people think they would be, as they are the ancestors of the populations that would later become dominant on the European continent. There is no actual proof that the Solutreans physically arrived into the Americas and stayed there outside of the stone tools and that Caucasian skull, and I think the latter has already been proven to be genetically related to Amerindians anyway. At this point, the only evidence there really is, is Haplogroup X, and that's still up in the air.

Pretty much, though something else must've mixed with them since the can grow some pretty huge snozzers.

Asian civilizations seemed to keep reaching a 'this is good enough' phase around the time they picked up writing and how to forge steel. It's truly bizarre. Their ability to autistically keep re-engineering the same thing smaller and smaller though is pretty useful though.


Yes a concrete made by creating pyres around limestone and essentially melting it. And guess what, those same dumb primitives didn't have the wherewithal to realize all the runoff from that method was destroying the same bog soil they used for agriculture in their cities. Which is why the classical era mayans died out. You can bitch and moan about how "great" half your ancestors were, but the reality is they were died off becuase they were fucking retarded. And don't even try to justify the pieces of shit that are the aztec. Do us all a favor and shut your salty bean mouth while the wall gets built and you savages can finally realize the rotten shithole of a civilization that you fetid cunts have always wanted and deserve.

They were in the stone age you dumb nigger.

EARLY stone age.

Man, you sound buttmad about the fact that Mayans had the concept zero to say something that fucking stupid. The Clovis were just hunter gathers, its like saying the Roman Empire just stole all the accomplishment of the Neanderthal and the Vinca Culture. Also, what he said was true. The Maya Empire is impressive just because of the fact that it was all accomplishment done independently. Almost came close to independently inventing their own written language.

I bet you'll be even more buttmad at the possibility that medieval Europeans were genetically more violent then modern day Europeans. Get your fucking ego checked.

Injuns actually made it to the iron age, but barely used to to make crude arrowheads and trinkets.

Mayans did have a written language and even some books have survived. But they things are extremely heiroglyphic in a way that makes the egyptians blush and there's literally no way to figure out what they say anymore.

Seems to be that and seem to have a few sources that talks about DNA of Europeans being found in North America thousands of years before they are thought to have come here in the 17th century in large numbers.

The niggers just proclaim that people from history are black because the picture was in black and white.


No they didnt.

I'm mostly referring specifically to criminal behavior and spontaneous violence and aggression. It's extremely rare in East Asians, and that can be objectively gleamed from crime statistics across the world. Don't know what's the deal when it comes to war.

He must be thinking of the Bronze age. Oddly enough Africans got to the iron age.

Shows how much you know ;^)

I could be a nigger posting from Kananga, DRC for all you know. I'm just mildy inebriated, which means I shitpost with longer word salad The point was that their advancements weren't really new or groundbreaking and most likely existed well before any recorded civilization we know of considering how advanced the Danube River Valley civilization was. The mayans did have glyphic written language but, again, asiatic people were introduced to America, as far as we know, 15,000 years ago, when major civilizations already existed at least in mid-regions of Europe. Modern Europeans have existed for at least 40,000 years, if you want to sit there and wholly deny even the possibility of Europeans making their way to the America's is fine but if all you have as a rebuttal is accusations of "we wuzzery" and one of the example's being possibly maybe confirmed as native amerindian genetics then you don't have much to offer.

As for the East Asian behavior in war, it's because they're ants. The Japanese just a little less so than the jews of asia.

Crime is probably low because of all the countries on the earth asian ones are the most ethnically homogenous.

Ever tried to hook a plow to a domesticated bison?

Ever tried to artificially select for llamas that could pull plows?

Neither have the ameriniggers.

You know that's probably a lot more likely the answer.

I forgot, you make it sound like I give a shit how violent Europeans are or were. I do but only in that I wish they were as violent if not more so than their ancestors. It's not violent behavior that inhibits grand civilizations, it's the lazy niggershine behavior exhibited in most other groups of people. Niggers don't count as people because they're genetically more dissimilar from Europeans than Neanderthals

Pale features are a hominid admixture.

European skin was arrived at by a different method than East Asian.

It's not so easy to domesticate wild animals faggot

They weren't just described as pale though, they were also described as fair-haired "marine men" and I don't remember ever seeing anything about East Asian's making it to the northeastern regions of America, which is what I was talking about. But I'll admit I don't know the origins of a lot of East Asian features.

please stop

But no, influential city-states are the same as an empire. Saying otherwise is rayciss. You don't want to be rayciss do you? But yeah the climates of those regions vary pretty wildly.

user are you confusing teotihuacan and tenochtitlan

around 24 hrs of no sleep, a lot of work and half a pint of brandy to wind down is my excuse

Yes, actually. They can't pull as big a plow as a horse or ox, but they can plow just fine. In face…

Deer, moose, and elk are the same shit. That's like saying brown bears, black bears, and polar bears aren't very different.

Also, North America has huge fucking herds of the exact same creatures. So why could white people domesticate them, but feather niggers couldn't?

Also, draft horses, oxen, etc. were selectively bred. Aurochs and wild horses were physically and behaviorally unsuited to their roles as draft animals and had to be bred to specialize in different roles. Race horses, plow horses, cart horses, artillery horses, war horses, etc. didn't exist until somebody specifically bred them into existence. So why couldn't the Inca do that with llamas?

For them, it IS progress.

Originally they were squatting naked in the mud, living in a hut made from sticks and dung, raping babies, eating their neighbors, and cursing each other with voodoo. Today they do the exact same shit, but the white man, thanks to his prosperity and technology, has given them modern clothing, modern buildings, electricity, plentiful food to keep the niggers from starving, medicine to keep the niggers from dying of parasites and disease, and AK-47's that make it easier to kill their neighbors in order to eat them. Thus, the nigger population is booming because they're not all dying of disease, starvation, and cannibalism anymore, all thanks to whitey.

They haven't changed, but their circumstances certainly have improved.

Yup, and North America has the Great Lakes as well, should have been able to build a civilization and trade network there. You know, kinda like the white man did as soon as he took over.

Part of what makes white civilization great is that it's high trust, high cooperation. We're nice because we want other people to be nice to us, and in a civilization where everyone thinks like that, everyone is nice and you can trust other people. Thus, because whites can cooperate better than other civilizations, we get more done.

Then you get niggers, Jews, and other shitskins who see being nice as a weakness and relentlessly attack whites, who keep treating these subhuman animals the way they would treat their fellow whites.

Honestly, we need to just create the mindset that white civilization is for whites and everyone else needs to fuck off back to their 'civilizations', and never the twain shall meet.

No, they fucking weren't. Go look at a 9th century cathedral, an 11th century knight, medieval industry and machinery, 10th century literature, and then tell where in North or South America they ever developed anything remotely like it.

Otzi the iceman was one step ahead of 99% of feather niggers, and he was a white guy who died more than 5,000 years ago. The most advanced American civilizations were technologically on par with the ancient Assyrians, one of the oldest civilizations known to exist.

Also, with the exception of abos and chimps, EVERYONE is superior to blacks.

sigh.. it's been so long. that's some early 2000s shit right there

Report to the showers at once, Herr Goldstein.

Fuck off, Moishe.

He lives in fucking Australia, dumbass.

Also, cold, rainy weather is kind of what drove the white man to innovate and develop technology and industry, considering most of Europe has been a frozen wasteland for large parts of the year for most of recorded history, with only brief moments of warmer weather such as the 20th and 21st centuries and the Medieval Warm Period. The Little Ice Age even resulted in a year completely without summer.

So how, exactly, is shitty weather supposed to be a hindrance here?

why are you crying like a little bitch?
don't pretend to not get treated like a nigger when you post stupid shit. now stfu and cry somewhere else, you filth. dont ever direct your word to me again.

incans bred llamas to carry weight on mountains, because they lived in mountains
as you know, carrying pounds up a mountain is more difficult and a wheel wont help
im sure the only thing youve plowed is the shit in your anus and barely

fagot doesnt know wtf hes talking about
implying he knows what the fuck is a teotihuacan and hasnt been talking out of ass since 0
that would imply he thinks teotihuacan was the city of the aztecs. but both teotihuacan and the aztecs build their own cities.


im happy i dont feel proud being ignorant like an anti intellectual nigger would

Don't worry pedro, one day you won't have to wake up to the fact that you're a disgusting mongrel.

For a while now I've considered "civilization" to be what we call "self domestication".

It really is a form of eugenics. Which I'm not really against, however, the problem with that arises when kikes and shitskin are thrown into the mix.

Can you guys name 1 race besides whites who're attacked for being technologically superior over their conquered?

You never hear the liberals attack iron age civilization for defeating a bronze age civilization, the way they attack whites for using guns on the Natives.

I can't think of anyone.
I believe all of this is not because of jealousy but because of fear.
Fear in front of a superior race. Can't beat them fair and honest, so they have to resort to dirty tricks.

Isn't European civilization fairly new itself?

define "fairly new"

Indeed. That's why you selectively breed wild animals into progressively more tameable breeds.

Russians fully domesticated foxes in less than half century.

~2000 years or less

And Americas lack large domestic table mammals.

Let me ask you, if you had to choose between hitching a llama or an ox to a plow, which one would you choose and why?

Also your isolated example is an isolated example because of the very same reasons why llamas aren't used as draft animals.

Yes. Dumb. Elk and deer are very different animals in both demeanor and jumping abilities.

Because the Inca weren't magicians. There are limitations to what you can do with selective breeding.

I never said there was not. Someone claimed that white tailed deer are identical to reindeer. Why the Indians didn't domesticate the reindeer? I don't know. Maybe they were just stupid. Maybe there was little imperative to do so. I'm not an ancient Indian.

This is such a dumb argument. The Old World just had better animals and plants. Corn is inferior to wheat for developing civilizations. Llamas are inferior to oxen and cattle for developing civilizations. Horses are better than no horses. Jared Diamond is a hypocrite but he is not wrong for pointing out the obvious.

Also, all you people with photos of tamed zebras never even read his book. Look up what domestication is.

Also, WTF does this thread even have to do with securing our race's existence? The Indians killed off or interbreed with the Solutrean people and never developed complex civilization. They fought each other and conquered each other. Then our ancestors conquered their ancestors. Now they're politically irrelevant and will probably die out as a race. We should be focusing on how to avoid this same fate.

Asians didn't make the printing press. The Chinese 'printing press' was a handful of individual wooden stamps. Not too different to a potato stamp. No non-whites ever developed anything close to the Gutenberg printing press.


well at least you shut the fuck up with your bullshit for good lmao

I never left, salty little bean

Fuck off spic, when our traitorous """"government"""" stops protecting you we'll snipe you out, burn you out, gas you out, poison you out, starve you out and send you bean-filth fleeing back down to your desert, at which point we'll water the cacti with your failed-experiment miscegenated blood, you 80-IQ-average subhuman


Every civilization that didn't have perfectly clean drinking water sources died out because of filthy water.
Most civs that survived made beer or tea because it involved boiling the water.
Mudslimes got a free pass because they had extremely pure water underground.

but I thought beer dehydrates you

Who said something close to that? I was just offering a fact that supports the idea of Injuns not being as retarded as niggers or abbos for example. They had zero, huge stone buildings, complex mathematics and astronomy, canals and other agricultural shit.

They also were ridiculously primitive in comparison to Rome (who had contact with a larger and more diverse amount of peoples) in say, metalwork, animal husbandry and civic philosophy. You happy now? Spelled out like that? You fucking retard.

We're talking about pretty low alcohol content. The refinement of the fermentation process and yeast selection has increased attainable alcohol % considerably.

A simple algorithm for predicting intelligence among homo sapiens is length of time spent farming in cold climates. Farming in climates with harsh winters creates a powerful evolutionary force towards intelligence and long-term planning.

Some northern Amerindians did have agriculture, though not for very long time. Most Northern agricultural Indians successfully integrated into European colonial civilization. The descendants of Mississippian farmers were actually called "the five civilized tribes".

Europe had a constant back-and-fourth of warfare and trade with itself, and the east. The Mediterranean was always a hub of life and activity. Obviously Europeans are genetically superior, as well… but the constant warfare, trade, and dialogue between themselves and with sandcoons necessitated advancement, and so advancement was had. Native murricoons spread through the Americas later in prehistory, and a smarter person could probably come up with more reasons for their inferiority. They were just less advanced - someone had to be superior, and it was us. Why the confusion?

Why this dubs then?

Dubs confirm.


Double dubs

what is it with you spics and being so salty?
underaged beaner memers, not even once

spics are like lefties, that's the best answer.

not even lefties will get buttmad.I remember one time this spic tried to show how not mad he was by taking a selfie of himself laughing and posting in all caps.

Injuns are actually almost as genetically different from gooks as gooks are from Whites, if measured in terms of FST.

Someone hasn't ever even heard of the Korean Printing Press.
It's about 30 years older than Gutenberg's press, but more expensive, slower and much more complicated to use because of the fuck stupid lettering that is the Korean alphabet.
It was also made of steel as well, not wood.

Its actually simple; its because they lacked agriculture

Agriculture leads to settlements which leads to civilization and advanced development. The North American continent from a climate and geographic standpoint favored a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and hindered irrigation

The Aztecs and the Mayans did not necessarily have much in the development of agriculture either, however they lived on top of the Valley of Mexico, an area of high elevation to promote a more mild climate surrounded by tropics and deserts. Their civilization is unique because its one of the few that did not develop around agriculture, it developed simply because a large group of people settled there simply because they had nowhere else to go.

The fact they did not develop advanced agriculture was also their downfall, because they became especially susceptible to famine

Why don't you become someone like that?

The Indians didn't even have the fucking WHEEL and Europeans sailed across the god damn ocean. Low IQ, nomadic society and low specialization among the populace. Their language / religion was probably shit as well, did they even write shit down in the first place? They were a total fucking joke.

They actually discovered a white race in America recently. They're called the Cloud People of Peru. They were first discovered by Hernan Cortes in the 1500s and they were described as white, blond, and taller than the Spainards. The Spainards even allied with these white people and they took their lands back from the Incas, but then they all died to smallpox as they had no resistances to European disease. People thought this race of people was a myth until we discovered a burial ground with their bodies. Article below and pics related.

Mormons are of course claiming them to be Nephites but that remains to be seen since the bodies were only very recently found.

Francis Fukuyama master race doesn't even notice the Diamond peasants anymore.

I find "historical facts" backed up by conjecture and cartoon "migration routes" hilarious. I can't help but wonder how the average man can believe scientists can descern so much about the past and treat their claims with any degree of seriousness. This is no different than looking at a stone carving and concocting an entire story about comets hitting the earth. All you have to do is assign some dates, provide some colorful pictures, and point to archeological findings that you can interpret into your theory.

This goes for believing in ice ages that were never recorded, or even ascribing ice ages to cool periods that were never called "ice ages" by those who lived through them.

Keep trusting the historical jew while he stabs you in the back time and time again.

I'm eternally surrounded by them for now so I'll let you in on the little not-so-secret thing everyone knows. On average spics have a massive and unwarranted ego made of thin glass and deep down inside they know and understand their inferiority, but will never admit it. Anytime you bring up white people with one who is even somewhat sensitive about the topic you can feel the shift in mood it's fucking hilarious. Although yeah some few anomalies accept the reality and end up mostly disassociated from the rest of the bean patch but they don't really matter and shouldn't be treated all that different.

Forgot to remove sage

you know, the vikings that landed in 1kAD are basically a good argument for all this stuff. They found it too easy and boring there, then eventually just let themselves get chased off by the natives.
that is to say, shit was so plentiful in the US they got fat and lazy.
So mountain natives had it just hard enough that they eventually wound up building civilisations to make shit easier, but the plains injuns remained nomadic.

canids and other pack animals are easymodo though.
Give them a few hundred more years, their circuses are working on domesticating tigers
Even when weak, old, and infirm, their best tamers never get attacked by their own animals, even the new ones. It's some amazing shit to watch.

The "Out of Africa" theory has been greatly disputed. I would not be supprised to see that the Red Skins didn't come out of Proto-Asian communities.

However, we do see that the Aryan race camer from the frozen artic. Thers's a lot of proof to this fact. Considering that the Prot-Europeans came out of the Artic rather than Africa, it then stands to reason that other races came from the Artic. The Indians of Northern America could be of seprate species (or genius) than that of the Aryans. Due to this, they (and I hate this word since it is a misnomer but I use it for lack of a better term) devolved after their migration to the Americas.

Sorry to burst your bubble but just because OoA theory might wrong doesn't mean the land bridge is too. We really need to start having genetics info dump threads more often. Too many anons showing up not armed with the proper knowledge.


Bullshit. The corn we know does not exist as a savage plant; mesoamerican people made a long work of selection. The same with tomatoes.

two reasons: (1) r-selection caused by too much room; too clement an environment

Remember that the prototype of r-selection is a rabbit on an infinite field of clover. If life is good, evolution favors r-selection.

(2) no neanderthal DNA.

Evidently, neanderthal DNA is like a cheat code to civilization. Our ancestors fucked them then killed them and we kept some of their DNA.

Did they seem smarter than the usual Native American fare?

Dear and bison are domesticated. Incans even managed to produce lamas and alpacas from a wild species. They had few civilizations because injuns are fucking stupid

I have passing knowledge of a couple American Indian histories.

Regarding the Inuit/Eskimos/etc. They obviously lacked the environment and tools to develop agriculture. Some areas did have bronze and iron in the ground, but they burned whale fat for fires typically (wood being too precious to burn) and it cannot produce flames hot enough to shape or form metals. They remained in the harsh climates due to competition with tribes further South, and also because they were very spiritually connected to the land (when things like the Northern Lights and ice quakes are commonplace, one naturally becomes more spiritually inclined and less focused on comfort and prosperity).

The Mayans were worst affected by climate change, and this set them back centuries in terms of urbanization and population growth. Otherwise, the cities were not self sustaining enough: dietary necessities like salt were being imported to the capital constantly, so isntead of being subject to climate/weather changes in their local area, they found themselves at the mercy of the climates of various regions surrounding the Yucatan. I think I recall reading in Coe's 8th edition of "The Mayans" that many were assimilated into Aztec settlements anyway.

The Incans were by far the most advanced. They had the most clear hierarchy and class structure, with labor being organized on a family by family basis: land was assigned to families, they worked the land in turn, and added food to the stockpiles. Young boys were made into couriers and sent off to walk the winding Andean roads (as the local beasts were not suitable for bearing loads and had bad tempers besides) so that they would see the world before settling into life as a farmer. It was very similar to a socialist monarchy, in my opinion, and features a handful of primitive parallels to state institutions one could expect. "The Last of The Incas" is the best comprehensive history I've read so far. They pretty much didn't advance because their farms were so efficient (with higher crop densities than gardens now) that they didn't need much else once they'd conquered all their neighbors, so they sat around until the Spaniards showed up.

And I've not gotten around to reading about the Aztec or the North American tribes so I can't comment there.

Deer and Bison can be TAMED but not domesticated. While the Inca did manage to harvest llamas and alpacas for materials, they weren't much better than sheep for hauling loads. Their more impressive feat, perhaps the most important accomplishment of the western hemisphere in those days, was the creation of maize from wild plant species.

They curse their white ancestors for fucking indioes and indio ancestors for fucking whites. They, like all mulattos, suffer the cognitive dissonance that only a person denied a singular species can suffer.

There it is !
Oh, it makes me feel so good that someone on Holla Forums would know this!

The entire North American continent, from north of the Sonoran desert to the polar ice caps, had around 4 million people.
Subtract Alaska, and the number drops by 1-1.5 million.
Subtract Canada, and the number drops by another 1-1.5 million.
The entire area comprising what is now the contiguous United States had only 1-1.5 million Indians in it.
That's it.

The population density was too low to develop a more advanced, interconnected civilization.

The reason for low densities?
A low-IQ hunter-gatherer lifestyle requires it.
Constant violence and inter-tribal wars reinforces it.
Pre-European diseases, esp. tuberculosis, killed massive numbers of Indians.

Our current best research is that there were 1-1.5 million people spread out across the entire U.S.
The continent was nearly fucking empty, tbh.

And to top it off, Europeans didn't commit violence against the racially-mixed Indians, but rather intermarried with them, like it or not. This means that Americans have developed their own unique genotype over the succeeding 500 years.
No (((guilt))) required.

The region south of the Sonoran desert had ~7 million Indians living in it, with a greater pop density, leading to the more coordinated culture that the Spanish Conquistadors conquered to make Mexico. If you are looking for an atrocious clash of cultures, rather than a welcoming one, look there.

The calories in beer helped with their diet too.


except that didn't happen user

to clarify, RH-(Negative) DNA factor means that rhesus (RH) monkey dna isn't in the genome

>what is potato yes, I know it's not a fucking animal

No farm animals = no civilization

Get the fuck out of here with your a priori bullshit

domestication is just the process of taming carried out over multiple generations, you fucking retard. The original wild animals that modern cows and horses evolved from were just as wild and uncontrollable.

Don't forget maize

true but they did have a civilization
until the giants destroyed it

You know the major reason behind their downfall was the over production of the concrete they used to cover every fucking thing they built. The process to create that concrete required a process that essentially melted down limestone. The process also created a sludge that would end up in the same marsh soil the Mayans relied on for agriculture. They died out because they created too much local pollution. Kinda like the modern mongrels they've left.

very true, except…
"Their first goal, Copan, was a sickly village of mud-walled huts. But discovery loomed near. A native guide led them through the jungle to a riverbank. Opposite reared a hundred-foot-high stone wall—the edge of ancient Copan and of a new era in history. Quickly crossing the river and scaling the wall, they found themselves amid the fallen relics of a forgotten civilization.

“Working our way through the thick woods,” Stephens wrote. “we came upon a square stone column, about fourteen feet high … sculptured on all four … sides … in very bold relief … they were works of art … some equal to the finest monuments of the Egyptians.

“America [said historians of the 1830’s] was peopled by savages; but savages never built these structures, savages never carved these stones. When we asked the Indians if they knew who made them, their dull answer was ‘Quién sabe? [Who knows?]’”"


I'm not talking about all that though. If and I say if only because kikes greenlight what's made public in archaeology/anthropology and that makes it difficult to verify using DNA tests there were europeans who taught them first, they didn't last very long. In the pre-classical Mayan world there was a lot of history that's been lost simply due to the nature of tropical climates being shit for preservation. Such as there being only one artifact that has a record of very early monarchs in the pre-classical Mayan era. The problem is no one even knows how to translate that shit.

My general thinking on this is, Atlanteans were Caucasians and had a massive sea ferrying civilization and had colonized most of the world, (maya royalty, japanese anu, original egyptians before the mudslime genocide etc) and that is why all of the ancient megalithic structures all have the same design (pyrmids in Russia Kiev North & South America China Britannia etc)

And I certainly lean towards that being the truth. My only problem is that until we can have access to what would be needed to verify that, it'll just be a theory. A theory that's most likely true, but a theory nonetheless.

yes it will be hard to uncover and expose the truth as it always is and they will cover it up for as long as they can
and don't even get me started on how they were all built on volcanic lines or over underground aquifers to exploit negative and positive ion flow into the atmosphere

forgot second pic
also why were the tunnels connecting the structures lined with mica? a super conductor?

Yeah it'd be real nice if those shitskins in Egypt would just let Europeans study all of that without them shitting the place up.

it's sad isn't it, I still have paroxysms of rage when I think about the muslims destroying the library of alexandria and then its remnants

double chek'd
I know that feel. But I've gotten numb as of late. Not an apathetic numbness, though, more of a "Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed" kind of numb.

less war of giant powers
europe had bigger countries that wared with each other and advanced because of it
injuns were only small tribes, never unified in order to advance
same with nigs, they only started doing shit once someone conquered their tribes

Watch this:

North America was mostly covered by an ice sheet which was vaporized, probably by meteor (as indicated by ash layer with micro diamonds). Melting the ice caused a huge flood / scrubbed what was left of the very real advanced civilization that did exist off the coast of southern USA. (embed related, OP is misinformed)

South Americans didn't suffer as much catastrophe as North America. South still had city ruins to rebuild in, and some surviving northerners went south to rebuild as refugees.

The huge amount of vapor in the air became torrential rains recounted in all ancient legend flood myths. H2O is the primary greenhouse gas. The extra humidity ended the last ice age abruptly.

P.S. Most of your modern history is a deliberate lie, and "Out of Africa" is bunk.

They can be linked back to those gene pools but perhaps their split was far enough back that they missed a key gene

Thats part of the problem. They didnt have to think ahead. All they had to do to survive winter is kill one whale. And all they had to do was make a hole in the ice and wait til one came up to breath. The ones who moved further south had ample game year round.

And circumstance never required them to remain in one place, which also goes along with not having to plan, they would set up a little village and move after a while.

Somewhat. The modern societies of spics can be heavily compared to the aztecs and incas in both the types of societal structure they have and their tendency toward superstition and corruption.
