H-hi Mr. Anonstein is this the outfit you wanted me to wear for the audition?

H-hi Mr. Anonstein is this the outfit you wanted me to wear for the audition?

So when will I know if I got the part?

Didn't she cut them off for feminism?

It was the right thing to do, that way women all over the world will know that they too can have surgery.

She's such a smart young woman I just really appreciate all her hard work.



they're all gone for good sorry bub

Yes, and then decided to whore it up for every publicity photoshoot afterward.

For a breast man like myself, watching women too dumb to appreciate their body disrespect their tits when they could have simply lost weight is one of life's cruelties.

No, this is not the right outfit at all. I need to know you have the right glutes if you should ever have to do a scene when scantily clad. Turn around and show me your big bum.
*scatological obsession intensifies*

lmao bye bye

She needs help breaking on to the silver screen.

She doesn't

Pro tip: it will never happen and has never happened for tv actresses

I'm truly surprised that she haven't accused anyone of rape yet. I mean, she had humongous tits, and she was underage and starred in a Jew-infested sitcom. How come nobody raped her?

Too obvious?

It's because of her tits in the first place. Look at the fridges they cast for womens roles in practically every movie since Current Year, if not earlier. They're not attracted to anything but little boys, so that's who they cast and who they rape.

But so far not only Jews were accused. Anyone else could have raped her, and she is pretty much irrelevant now, and looking for attention. This is her chance.

could make an exception ♥


She probably has, along with most female stars in LA. They just don't say anything because they've "made it" and don't want to lose their high status position. The women (and even some men…*cough*Feldman*cough*) who excuse people of rape are the ones who don't have anything to lose.

She isn't anyhere near a high status

First off, look at who they cast. The girl from the Blurred Lines video said in an interview she was specifically told she wasn't being hired because she has big tits. They're all pedophiles with low testosterone.

Second, her personality is repellant. This bitch cut off her tits, claimed she did it to fight misogyny, then started dressing ten times as slutty oblivious to the fact that everyone knows her smaller tits (which now make the rest of her look fat as fuck) are covered with ugly scars because of the reduction surgery. So she covered her instagram with pictures of her ass which she always puts some retarded caption like "Oops, stop looking at my ass you disgusting misogynist perverts!" while posting a dozen pictures which you'd think were for her gynecologist.

At this point even if her tits grew back I wouldn't want a thing to do with her fat ass. She'd need to own up to her bullshit and apologize for it. Every time I see her she just pisses me off. And there's some retard viral marketing her on here and Holla Forums. So sick of seeing those gossip site links.

Back to Holla Forums

gross, her tits are way to big and her face is asymmetrical

How is that not high status? Just because she's not A-list, doesn't mean she's on our level

Suicide yourself.

her face is fucked

I think you need to look up what asymmetrical means bud.

It means not symmetrical, exactly what I was trying to say.

lol the first pic looks like Blaire White

She's half Blaire White, half Shrek

Bruh, look at this dude.

The guy you were replying to already said her face was fucked.


Nice small low quality picture. You still prove that her face is asymmetric though. Also, her head is slightly tilted in this picture, so it skews the results. Nice try, CNN

It's bigger than this >>983985
I may have tilted it to far in the other direction trying to straighten the picture up

Well that's odd, I didn't know it wouldn't link if you did that…


The ICE agent is waiting in the living room.

A great summary on why this fat bitch is retarded.

I've seen multiple women online that could easily lose weight but as this is Burgerland, surgery is 100× more plausible to them than exercise.

Mr. Freeze?

nICE to meet you!

Begone, Whore of Babylon!

I'd still consider breeding her for the lulz.

None of the Jews were interested in her during all those years she had the mega-tits, so she decided to cut them off to lure them in this time.

Emily Ratajkowski? First of all, her boobs aren't actually all that big compared to most Hollywood models. They are about normal. And second of all, the reason she is not getting hired is because she can't fucking act. At least she wasn't dumb enough to complain about being too hot and sliced her tits off.

Jews are immune to massive tits as they have the khazar milkers already.

I want to suck on these perfect Jewish tits.

Actually this level of symmetry (asymmetry) is completely normal for people.

Tiny bit of asymmerty makes a person more attractive

Any more pre-medical experimentation pics?
