We turned the innocent OK hand gesture into a white supremacist symbol. We got a green frog classified as a "hate symbol" by the ADL. But, can we summon the powers of Kek yet again to take things even further?
Operation Heilcat begins now.
Autists, let's turn cats into symbols of the forgotten reich.
There's 2 very important reasons why we're doing this, and why we've selected cats.
1. At this point in time, it's crucial that we move the Overton window back to our side. The only weapon the left has is accusing us of being "Nazis." They've exhausted every other name in the book, like racist, sexist, bigot, xenophobe, and more. Nazi is the last one they have left. Eliminate the negative public stigma around this word, and we've eliminated their last, and only weapon against us.
2. Animals are cute, everyone likes them, and liberals tend to love cats. You know there are millions of single feminists living with half a dozen cats each. So naturally, this would bother them quite a bit. Just imagine if simply looking over at their furballs reminds them of the German Reich–perhaps the thing they hate the most. But most importantly, the cute animal factor allows us to sneak in more blatant national socialist imagery onto normiebook–people will respond more positively if they are bundled with a cute cat. This is crucial.
What to do:
Well, we can star by hijacking yet another Facebook emoji much like we did with the Trash Doves. This package includes a cat doing the OK hand symbol, so it'll play into our hands even more. It's called "Business is Good" by "Korawia." 2 for 1 deal, as it'll allow us to continue growing the "OK sign is white power" meme while cementing the idea that "Nazis" have adopted cats as their mascots to spread hate.
Then of course, the weaponized autism Nazi Cat memes. Or, Heilcats.
A good entry would be to get troll accounts to concernpost using hastags like #TakeBackOurCats, alerting other liberals of what is going on. See attached image for reference.
Kek wills it. This could be our greatest achievement to date. Bringing back the reich with, cats.