Attention Autists: Operation Heilcat Begins Now

We turned the innocent OK hand gesture into a white supremacist symbol. We got a green frog classified as a "hate symbol" by the ADL. But, can we summon the powers of Kek yet again to take things even further?

Operation Heilcat begins now.

Autists, let's turn cats into symbols of the forgotten reich.

There's 2 very important reasons why we're doing this, and why we've selected cats.

1. At this point in time, it's crucial that we move the Overton window back to our side. The only weapon the left has is accusing us of being "Nazis." They've exhausted every other name in the book, like racist, sexist, bigot, xenophobe, and more. Nazi is the last one they have left. Eliminate the negative public stigma around this word, and we've eliminated their last, and only weapon against us.

2. Animals are cute, everyone likes them, and liberals tend to love cats. You know there are millions of single feminists living with half a dozen cats each. So naturally, this would bother them quite a bit. Just imagine if simply looking over at their furballs reminds them of the German Reich–perhaps the thing they hate the most. But most importantly, the cute animal factor allows us to sneak in more blatant national socialist imagery onto normiebook–people will respond more positively if they are bundled with a cute cat. This is crucial.

What to do:

Well, we can star by hijacking yet another Facebook emoji much like we did with the Trash Doves. This package includes a cat doing the OK hand symbol, so it'll play into our hands even more. It's called "Business is Good" by "Korawia." 2 for 1 deal, as it'll allow us to continue growing the "OK sign is white power" meme while cementing the idea that "Nazis" have adopted cats as their mascots to spread hate.

Then of course, the weaponized autism Nazi Cat memes. Or, Heilcats.

A good entry would be to get troll accounts to concernpost using hastags like #TakeBackOurCats, alerting other liberals of what is going on. See attached image for reference.

Kek wills it. This could be our greatest achievement to date. Bringing back the reich with, cats.

Other urls found in this thread:

mods, Holla Forums was giving me errors when posting–mistakenly put it up 3 times. If possible, please delete the dupes.

My apologies.

We really should make them think that we all want to be called Nazis so the word is desensitized and it'll be easier when we take over. When called a Nazi, thank them for recognizing it.

This is gay.

You're gay.

You reek of outsider influence.

Who is this "we" you refer to?


gimme a break fam. just spent 2 hours photoshopping the first pic.

This is your brain on Toxoplasma Gondii.

Jesus. All I wanted for the these heilcats to catch on, and then Joy Reid tweets out how cats are racist.

Fuck. Tough crowd.


not easy to impress the 8ch master race, eh

Nah, you come across as the creator of this shitty emoticon pack and you're trying to foment viral outrage to propel yourself to fame, much like that "Sarah Andersen" has done with her "poor me, evil Nazis are corrupting my work, btw have you seen my work? Yes, I'm an artist, want to pay me?"
Much like the shill Ben Garrison has also done to raise his profile. Prior to his work being "hijacked", ostensibly by Holla Forums but likely by himself, he was obscure and virtually unknown.
Scandal and persecution memes are great for business.
And why is this obvious?
It's obvious because you obviously aren't from here, so why would you be claiming you are Holla Forums and shilling this here?
You want to harness the Andersen/Garrison effect for your personal gain.

I love the idea. And I like people who are actively working for the cause. Ignore and filter the shills.

TRS terms, 101.

D&C shill entry level handbook

I didn't make the emoji pack.

I was sifting through and found one with a cat doing the wp sign and thought it could be useful, much like the trash doves.

If they were my emojis, I wouldn't have made them in thai, or whatever language they're in.

I had to go with the runes to play off that gibberish. So, not mine.

I'm not all that well versed with Holla Forums, I'll give you that. Hence why I mistakenly put this up 3 times.

Can a guy get a break here? Not everyone is from CTR or shariablue.

Still trying to push this, eh? You know that is exact same 'white power' hand sign used by Alex Jonestein? It's same bullshit.
You do not know how memes work, dear plebbitor.

k, you got me. Kek did not assist with this one.

It was all me.

WTF I love cats now!

Do tell us who is being divided.
OP refuses to even explain what he(?) means by the "we" who came up with the plan he is describing.
His language makes it obvious that he isn't a Holla Forumsack, so how the fuck is it "D&C" to point out this outsider's behavior?
Who is being "divided", who is being "conquered"?
But OP isn't a Holla Forumsack, so again, who is being divided?


You reek of outsider influence.

You should be Thai for all I know.
But ok.

As much as I resent OP for not even trying to fit in before pushing his Holla Forums tier operation, you are spot on about that post.
It carries the foul reek of TRS, the miasma of which is unmistakeable.

Cat is out of the bag now (no pun intended), by "we," I really meant just me.

Should've known Holla Forums was too smart to pull that one.

Fair point. Although if I was the author, I would've at least made a few more usable emojis. Literally the only one we can use is the OK sign.

I would've at least thrown in a peace sign or what could be interpreted as a roman salute. Not my pack fam.

Despite this being somewhat of a potentially decent idea you've royally fucked this thread up. You need to lurk for 2 years before posting again because this is embarrassing. Perhaps Holla Forums will run with this concept, perhaps not, but one thing is certain: it's time for you to stop fucking posting until you lurk for 2 years.

Are you retarded? Next thing you know the word 'nationalism' will be deemed a term originating from TRS.

I like your idea OP, it's retarded, but the right kind of retarded…it's something that will truly "speak" to women, especially middle aged and old, in their own idiotic "language" and possibly erode the jew-trained repulsion of national socialism

this has potential
since when do we care about form over substance like massive normalfags?

I explicitly stated that this idea had potential. Why are you TORpedos always such massively thick cunts?

So, we make a bunch of photos of really cute cats shoped onto nazi uniforms? Sounds fun.

But Hitler liked DOGS

I support Operation Hellcat.

its because I identify your post as the most demoralizing (polemic works that way)

and also because you replied to everyone

Do you know why Pepe was so succesful? It grew naturally on imageboards, mocking openly the furfag artist behind the shitty comic.

Forced memes never work. This little more than a overglorified forced meme

Here's few examples from days of yore how meme magic works.

This caused some minor triggering when someone posted the A4 print on some pool chain link, some HIV positive niglet was denied access from some pool as a result
Following terms popped up but were quickly forgotten
Above are old IRL memery

Here's some modern examples
One of these are not like the other, but one thing apply to both of them. Normies/moralfags/kikes picked it up and invented some bullshit narrative around them. Essentially these two got unexpected attention after (((MSM))) started to talk about absurd shit like nazi frogs.

Yes both memes got famous due to stupidity of the normie - in other words on accident.

I guarantee you normies do not give shit about some obscure imageboard memes unless they are hosted on considerable platform and attention

perfect for this:

There is a website called "cats that look like hitler" thats been us since i was a child.

Have a blast guys


Top fucking Kek meme magic once again.

Fuck off back to trs or whatever shithole you came from


Evan is a pretty cool bloke




Get a load of this guy.

Wasted opportunity right there.

Ignore the shills, OP.

Your idea has massive potential.

Sieg Heil!

This isn't the worst idea. Definitely better than spraying leftists with super soakers filled with paint.
Worst case scenario is what? I think it's worth a shot. It softens the image of Hitler and makes it more "PG". Like OP said the other buzzwords have lost their effect, if we can get people to stop caring if they're called Nazis / stop thinking Nazis are bad to begin with then it's checkmate.

You're obviously not a native of Holla Forums

However, objectively speaking this is a good idea. Technically we were already doing this but I'm pretending that OP was just asking us to do it more. Neoreactionary cat says civic nationalism is doomed to fail. Only ethno-nationalism will prevail.

thank you, user.

I appreciate your kind words.

You know how I know this thread is filled with newfags? Pic related hasn't even been posted yet.

OP's idea isn't bad either btw. Mainly because if we manage to get cat ladies labelled as some kind of OCD super racists it would be hilarious but certainly make even more normies ask questions about why the kikes are labeling the most random shit as hate symbols and what else they could be overreacting to?



The autistically desperate faggots trying to shut this thread down for the most inane reasons are all you need to know (((someone))) is very scared of this idea

You realize none of this actually advances the cause in any meaningful way, right?

Get out yid. You and your kike kind are not welcome in our world.

Everyone and their dog likes dogs tbh.
Except for Merkel of course. And Muslims, and blacks/Afrocentrics. Maybe you're right and dogs should be a natsoc symbol.
The only thing I know that's good for cats is this one 'muh holocaust' graphic novel in which all the races were different animals. Jews were mice and Germans were cats.
That and the fact that cats catch rats.


We can do better than that. Why not a nigger-slaying stormcat god of our ancestors?

M8 there goes another example of furry natsoc
If you didn't know


sounds like fun #takeourcatsback

Drive a wedge between normies and their pets

They're not even good at it though; dogs are better ratters.

Dogs can smell evil.

Not going to lie, I kind of want to read that (no furmo).

Fuuuuuck. Did a quick search for the author and found some gold on amazon.

And then you hit the actual reviews:



I second that; it's perfect internet-stupid, and your rationale is water-tight. It could always just never catch on, but the reasons stated give it a solid chance.

This is retarded.
If someone doesn't recognize this as thai then they're a fucking potato and useless.
If someone recognizes it as thai then the entire deal will look retarded.

This is a very (((smelly))) proposition, on top of feeling too damn tryhard.

God I hate them so much.

That's fucked up man. They obviously are yanking on it with fishing line.

Kill all furfags. Every last one.

what you wrote's not an argument either. the absolute worst case scenario is the plan fails and literally nothing comes about from it or the mental left gets triggered and begins a felicaust which would be kinda sad but make them look bad

Meme it.

i was just talking to my husband about this exact thing….

jung meaning of synchronicity

there is already a nazi cat meme called misunderstood nazi cat



You're an idiot.

Attention goon: fuck off with your forced meme.

Yeah, because it literally happened before:

t. your institutional memory and shill detection system

Semi-OC drop from Russian Holla Forums

yeah ok chaim

btw u can see a reflection of some creepy stuffed animal it's scared by


Go back to cuckchan. There's no reason for those with enough autism to unironically worship kek not to spend their own time on associating cats with nazis. Remember how pissed off the MSM got over this guy who trained his gf's dog to give a roman salute to troll her? He got put in fucking jail over it. It clearly hits a sore spot with the libtards, the potential salt reserves this has is enormous.

where was he from?

That's Count Dankula's girlfriend's dog, and he's probably going to political correctness prison for a stupid prank that was to annoy his gal and had nothing to do with jews.

Scotland, of course. I don't know what the hell happened to them, their banter used to rival that of the aussies, but now they're weak as fuck.

I find this more sad than anything else.

Poor little bugger seems to be a constant tool in Dankula's arsenal of "Ah'm boared, so 'tis time to triggah me bird."

what a fucking joke. Europe is fucked.



This is my new White Power Cat symbol.

isn't that some Holla Forums cat?

What an absolute abortion of a webm.

lol yeah.

I find it ironic that some of the nastiest, most violent white have been cucked. This was the herald of one of the more nigger-like clans, the Macphersons. "Touch not a cat bot a glove" basically meant "don't fuck with us".

A cat-nazi insignia similar to our now plentiful Pepe nazi insignias would be breddy gud, but I don't know if it'd be considered a rehash or too tryhard. I'm not an advanced-level memewizard, so I wouldn't know.

For you.

Bonus webm.

My fucking sides.

We must ensure the existence of our people and a future for shirokoneko.

One does not simply become a white nationalist symbol

There is already a powerful meme like this, it's called kitler.
Google cats that look like Hitler not sure is any kitler memes are still alive by that name but that was the general idea.

By fusing kitler with this idea you have a powerful propaganda tool.

Use some of these:
http ://

lost my shit

Honestly cats may be an even better symbol for National Socialists and Libertarians than even Pepe.

Well there's Bastet, but she's a goddess of peace and joy. Here's a nugget of meme magic though, her symbol resembles a Pepe getting cozy during the end of the world.

I am dissapointed.



The Weak should fear the Strong

Wow don't just watch stab the rat a bit. Fuck that mind you my cats have caught bigger ones I put it beside my size 12 boot and it was as long as it.

"muslims hate dogs, so naturally, we went with cats!" how the fuck does this make sense you dumb fuck nigger? is it summer already?

so this shit is pro muslim basically?

lol make all things nazi symbols and you take away the power of the word nazi. Fuck normalcy bias.

Waste of dubs

I could be taking a liberating shit in the forest instead of making retarded cat memes, you waste of the miracle of life.

Fucking top notch


Shit, my mistake.

This is a fantastic example of tactics suggested by CultState:

"Mass media is in a position where their revenue sources are so spurious, they have to engage in clickbait to pay the bills. Exploit the attention economy and overload the public with unsubstantiated fears of their impending demise at your hands… only to give them access to hilarious memes making fun of the wolf-criers instead. The world has already been trained to fear everything you are and everything you believe in: All you have to do is show how nonchalant you are with this new found power and drive your accusers mad that you aren’t abusing power like they are."

this is really happening. Oh my God.

This is actually a good idea. Meme it.

Only pic I've got.

Nah he can keep posting. 8/pol/ has gone to shit anyway. All the oldfags left for NNTPchan.
