These things are cheap as fuck
There's an ISIS video of one dropping mortar rounds on Iraqi humvees
Why has nobody used this for domestic terrorism? It's literally impossible to get caught, just file the serial numbers off
These things are cheap as fuck
There's an ISIS video of one dropping mortar rounds on Iraqi humvees
Why has nobody used this for domestic terrorism? It's literally impossible to get caught, just file the serial numbers off
Because Muslims are dumb and it takes them awhile to catch onto new technologies. But you might start seeing more of it now that the example's been set.
you first
Actually, I think buying a few of these now before they ban civilian use of them for something like this wouldn't be a bad idea.
Thanks FBI
just like ars you can build your own.
way ahead of you
And do what unless they got like 60+ of those a drilled there way through a tower wont be able to do much. Besides just hurt a few people when 100 for a shot gun can do a lot more.
and drilled*
are you retarded?
here are the main reasons it hasn't happened yet:
1) Contrary to what many burgers believe, the government is pretty competent at what they do… "competent" being measured by outcome and NOT by efficiency.
2) Think of the terror attacks that has happened in US soil, most/all of them were better off carried out the way they did (personally) rather than by drone. NOTE: most drones can only carry a FEW pounds at most… and we're talking about a few $1000s
3) In the theoretical event a drone would be used for nefarious purposes by islamic jihadist/white nationalists/etc, the thing that would make that event particularly "controversial" (for lack of a better word) is the material that it carried AND the effect that the usage of the drone had.
this, I'm so autistic I had to write 3 paragraphs to say the same thing
I've been saying this for a while. In the past 5-7 years auto pilots have come a LONG way. I've been flying model airplanes for 25 years and am blown away by the gps guided auto pilots available today. I have a drone that can either be controlled by a standard remote or I can program the entire flight plan from takeoff to landing using my iPad and just press go. They could set this up ahead of time and trigger it remotely from the other side of the world.
is wrong. You're limiting the possibilities to quad copters and the like. Sure small ones can't carry much but the same GPS guided auto pilot can be used to pilot a huge gas powered long range model airplane that is carrying a large enough payload to do some damage. It would be nothing to have a 50-100 mile range and carry 20lb of explosives. All of this stuff is right off the shelf. The most difficult thing would be getting ahold of the explosives which ISIS seems to have no problem with.
Dear alphabets and nigger-tier "OMG I bet I can make these radicals be my pets" middle class faggots who hate their dads: Those who conduct memetic warfare cannot be expected to conduct physical warfare.
Professional provocateurs, such as the FBI, CIA, and DEA, have a deep dependency on action-reaction-solution methodology to justify funding. This cash cow, unfortunately, also results in ridiculous plots by mid-tier IC careerists to try and win accommodations by superiors.. such as trying to turn the chans into an overt physical terrorist organization… every attempt to do so has failed. EVERY. SINGLE. ATTEMPT.
But why the fuck would we do physical violence when we outright control the cognitive paranoia of Baby Boomers? We can literally create a psyop out of boredom, explaining why a hand gesture is the new white supremacist gang sign, and have a pile of shit-tier aging progressive altruists shitpiss their Depends in bulk in the hopes their Gen X cucks follow suit to win 50% of the estate.
Why engage in violence when we can make others who aren't us do it for us?
Drones are a great anomyous weapon, especially when made of C4 and given autonomous flight plans based on schedules/events. But why the fuck would we do that when IC "use-it-or-lose-it" funding guarentees the chase to reach expedutire quotas will convince some unstable STEMlord minority will do this for us… and by the way… will most likely target a Jewish banker with said technology?
Your entire IC plan is fucking dead from the jump.
also pic related. If someone had used a larger drone with say 2kg of explosives on it's belly that day could have turned out a lot different. I would assume after this incident that intelligence agencies implemented some kind of block of GPS/GLONAS/Galileo signals around world leaders like this. However even if they had GPS jammers a terrorist could still manually pilot it if they had a forward camera feed.
tbqhfam, this. as much as I would like to program a facial recognition system for jewish noses and upload it to a fleet of 100s of drones made entirely of an explosive compound save the electronics and carrying a couple more pounds, and then let them all loose on wall street or somewhere I know soros will be in the vicinity, activating them when I'm in a non extradition country… I can't engage in meme warfare from a shithole, if i get caught I can't do it from jail, and every country that doesn't extradite is either tiny, shitty, or dangerous as fuck, or all three.
are you trying to tell us there's gonna be a false flag where a federal building gets blown up?
something funky with those post numbers mate.
Nah, it's just my go to pic for when an "anonymous poster" walks in here and asks if somebody wants to meet up and help him bomb a local mosque/synagogue.
Where to get drones that you can use fly w/o appstore/goyware?
sage for FBI thread
Hey are u trying to fool us? Why blow up stupid federal building full of worker bees when you can instead blow up bilderberg meeting or other high-profile target?
because if you tried that you would actually end up in a serbian basement getting tortured in some new fashionable way that is taking the private security firms by storm.
Feds actually have to obey laws even when it puts them at risk. At least I'm pretty sure they do.
Domestic terrorism you say? thanks for the tip FBI
I'm sorry, where have you come from again that you haven't heard about all the shit the nsa, cia, and fbi have been doing? I mean they're here logging american communications and shit without warrants right now.
they really want it to be a thing that anyone other than the left does. more than half of ic budget is for preventing "domestic terrorism" even though it almost never happens. off the top of my head mcveigh was the last actual domestic terrorist. everyone else was a fucking foreigner libshits let in.
What are Ruby Ridge and Waco?
Because Islamic terrorism in the West is largely a myth used by Kikes to get totalitarian laws drafted in.
That wasn't terrorism, that's just what happens when you combine lazy parenting with mass-immigration. Your kids hang out with the "exciting brown guys" and end up getting doped into prostitution.
tl;dr terrorism doesn't happen because no one is actually planning it in the West (apart from the Zionists).
If they want to drop a bomb on someone, they have military drones, they don't need to cheap it out with something from Walmart.
This boomers/gen x generational D&C to fraction the right-wing is becoming increasingly obvious.
Brexit proved this is a lie.
If it weren't for the Gen X and Boomer vote to leave, the progressive remainers would have won the vote.
Someone is 40+ and fancy flustered
Here's an idea: Next time you're 20 and have the energy to rebel, how about you don't fall for the glitz and glamor of Wall Street wealth and, instead, slaughter Baby Boomer faggots where they stand?
I get it. Baby Boomers have a monopoly on rebellion. They saved so many browns and so many faggots and so many feminist, I mean.. how could you possibly rebel against that as Gen X?
It's up to the red-pilled Millennials to do what you couldn't not: Piss on their humanist legacy because we know it was all a scam to begin with.
plebchan is using their captchas to train ANNs used in self driving cars…we could do something similar here, but not with cars…you all see where I'm going with this I hope.
fug wrong image
why do you even have that image?
Go on, do it Holla Forums, just do it. Blow up a few trucks using drones, you'll never get caught. This is a great idea, just do it you fucks.
I'm not FBI, you can trust me.
Now go blow up your Hillary voting neighbors sedan, just do it.
Calm down, FBI. If you don't improve they might dock your pay.
Comey pls go
why not hook a loudspeaker up to one of these and yell at dindu's and jews on a college campus
This only shows the impotence of the "day of the rope" racial warriors more than anything else. Don't pretend like your pacifism is totally calculated and thought out.
As stated in the OP you won't and can't get caught if you do it right. And lmao at you trying to piss on alphabet men while LARPing as some master manipulator yourself. You don't control any paranoia you fucking fag.
You could use one to drop a dildo into your gaping ass
That video was fake.
Hello officer, would you like to see my ID?
Alphabet baitposting aside, why hasn't anyone used a drone to stream aerial footage at protests and whatnot?
There was drone footage, but police can ban them at will
h ttps://
shit aol article but best I can find at the moment
remember when the police banned helicopters from video taping them burning dorner alive? helicopters had to get extreme zoom shots only? they can do the same thing with drones and more easily
Well, shit.
I wasn't aware of that.
Seriously goy, er, guyz, no FBI. Why waste money on drones when you can save sheke, er, bucks by buying a newspaper and some matches?
police can just ask, and FAA will immediately grant, an airspace ban, saying civilians can't fly shit (including drones) within X miles, and I assume from 0 - Y ft, they aren't banning 747's at 40k feet.
At the pipeline they banned it within a 4 mile radius, and you can only fly a drone up to a couple thousand feet, so you can't fly over the ban zone. You also have to be within visual range of the drone, 4 miles is prob well outside of it.
This means the only people getting shots are the media jews with helicopters and $50,000 extreme zoom optic cameras mounted on them
They envented a gun awhile backago to use for drone==Someone cite this sorce==
Also the parts them selfs might have identification numbers on them too. So best bet for the people that are bored or just want to let the fire rise is to;One, dissiaemble parts, copy parts in a 3d scanner then print out in a 3d printer. As for hardware buy used or go to thrift store. Also that gun i said knots the drone off this gps cords so if you can make a bypass that'll help the other parts should be on what you plan to use them for
actually it's way less than "a couple thousand feet"
h ttps://
I don't know what the business rules are, if you have a business selling the video the drone creates your really gonna have to pay the regulation jew, the relevant general recreation laws are:
- Less than 55 pounds
- Pilot in visual line of sight
- "may not operate over any persons
not directly participating in the operation"
- Daytime only
- Real aircraft have right of way
- Max speed 100mph
- Max height 400 feet
- Air Traffic Control permission required for Class B, C, D and E airspace
- 1 drone 1 pilot, each drone must have 1 pilot
- Can't pilot from moving vehicle
- Pilot can't have mental problems that would hinder flight
More jewry (you have to have a license)
- A person operating a small UAS must either hold a remote
pilot airman certificate with a small UAS rating or be under
the direct supervision of a person who does
How to qualify?
-Demonstrate aeronautical knowledge by either: Passing an initial aeronautical knowledge test at
an FAA-approved knowledge testing center
Have a pilot license (not a student license)
- Be vetted by the Transportation Security Administration
- Be 16 or older
- You have to notify the FAA if you fuck shit up that costs more than $500
- You have to keep records and make them available to the FAA on request