Mass Casualty Incident Declared In San Diego; Active Shooter ‘Down,’ Police Say
Religion of peace?
Mass Casualty Incident Declared In San Diego; Active Shooter ‘Down,’ Police Say
Religion of peace?
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More likely blacks trying to mug a conceal carry.
Could be a gang shooting, San Diego is a fucking shithole.
Just a standard commiefornia pool party
Wew lad
Not once did they mention his Arabness
Where's the guy behind the pillar's footage?
Early reports and eyewitness accounts suggest that this man is responsible for the shooting.
This reeks of newspeak.
The shooter was reportedly in the pool area of the apartment complex and callers described him as a white male armed with a gun.
This will be memory-holed if it's cartel violence.
Muslim confirmed.
It's a big caliber…
Only eight people wounded and shooter killed by police. Bah.
If it is ROP it would go like this
BBQ's over mother fuckers
Yeah, that's not a nigger.
Maybe California should consider enacting some common sense gun control laws.
He does get extra credit for this.
Initial reports are a nigger with a large afro and a tuxedo, shouting something about HIV.
When will the lack of gun-free zones finally be ended? Why can't they just ban all guns?!?!?! WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF ALL THE INNOCENT NIGGERS
Nothings been released other than OP's info so far.
Curious to see what this ends up getting revealed as though. Considering it's a pool party it sounds like it might have been another personal revenge type thing.
Goddamn, talk about jumping the shark. There hasn't been any other info about this yet other than "there was a shooting".
Underrated kek.
I guess you could say… the pool's closed.
This particular nigger is NOTORIOUS for making shit up. Tucker once invited him onto his show to call him out on it. He called Tucker a nazi.
"Do you like hurting other people?" looks and sounds a lot worse than "Do you like hurting people?"
Cartel hits GTFO as soon as the job is done, and since they haven't rushed to press with a picture of the perp, I'm betting it's a nigger
I'm calling it now, that's exactly how it went down.
Witnesses are coming out
You mean it sounds clunkier or it sounds like a more serious accusation?
My thoughts exactly, my bet is religion of peace.
Poorly phrased my post sorry. Yeah, it sounds clunky compared to the latter. I just looked it up and apparently "Do you like hurting other people" is the actual quote. How strange.
On topic though, this is a pretty bizarre shooting. Standing calmly and reloading, no claims he was shouting mudslime shit and he successfully reloaded. I can't make sense of it.
I don't think the devs of HLM were native English speakers, they're northern Europeans.
There was one in LA too by a Hispanic couple.
MKULTRA? False Flag?
That's some real low IQ right there. What is he verified for? Making shitty raps for his Jewish handlers? God forbid it's for journalism.
Yeah, they're Swedes.
They still haven't said the race of the shooter have they? So I reckon it's one of America's latin visitors.
LA shooting
Kek'd hard. How have I never seen this before?
He's the creator of a popular "we wuz kangz" documentary series.
He's also a "game" (pick up artist) coach.
I always thought the quote was "You like hurting people, don't you?" Funny how people remember things a little differently.
That explains everything.
Stein thread?
This guy is a nigger troll. He doesn't believe his own shit, he just tries to get reactions from people.
Probably another timeline shift. Fucking meme magic. Heil Kurisu.
Alright who meme'd this one?
This hero just saved everyone from getting aids in the pool. He just couldn't communicate his noble intentions fast enough. rip in peace mr. lifeguard
Checking out that area on a map (judicial street between Nobel and Miramar) it's right by a company called Illumina inc and also a photagraphy place. Don't know if it's worth noting yet but if anything seems fucky I would start looking into that whole area
I'm not so sure… Remember the 'machete attack' by a straight White male Trump-supporter recently? I'm wondering if we aren't seeing the opening stages of a new narrative being created by the deep state or other actors.
Might be going after the funz again. Fucking Jews man…
Confirmed drunk "white hispanic" spics
They're losing SCOTUS. If they're trying anything, it's futile.
Which would explain why they're trying it… And I gotta say: The assumption in the context of their 'losing SCOTUS'… Worrisome lad, worrisome.
You trust Gorsuch more than I do.
If he was white the race would be mentioned every 5 seconds.
All SCOTUS judges will always be middle of the road cucks. They need to go through Congress. Gorsuch is as good as we could ask for, given how they're approved.
He's been described as a "white shooter" but I'll hang on to Coulter's law for now. If he is white do you think it will effect the may day riots?
Not unless his victims die.
No deaths, just 8 wounded.
I'd be embarrassed if it was a h'white man
Dubs of disappointment.
We NEED to warn everyone. God knows where Hyde is now, prowling, hunting for innocent Americans to gun down.
What other news agencies are alerting the information-starved populace?
angry nigger
Is it real? It isn't up now.
Not an argument.
first inconsistency right there
if the pool water is now HIV positive might've accidentally memed reality again
It's absolutely accurate, and we need to spread the word. Come on user, I need you to help find other news agencies that are reporting on this critical story.
Kurisu _best_ gril
No sane person needs a 40 oz high gravity assault brew
Dubs of temperance.
I've heard these white supremacists dress up in blackface to drink assault liquor and commit crimes!
Ban assault 40's now!
Nogs in La Jolla, yeah that's not going to happen. Most of La Jolla is rich Jews, Asians, and ME sandjockeys.
I swear years ago this area had a big housing complex being built that was burned down by ecoterrorists
UTC isn't la jolla.
UTC is a lot more nigger-infested too thanks to the school.
My bet this is going to be false-flag tier.
No one died. Too shitty to be a false flag.
pretty much every "mass" shooting in the US and the west in general is carried out by an incompetent retard incapable of killing a single person with a handgun in a crowded area, with most exceptions involving a few dead and less than a dozen wounded
for you
For Jews
Can confirm. I've gone through there before, and there's a massive "Jewish Community Center" literally on the other side of the street from the a business park that includes the corporate headquarters of Chase bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and a shitload of other banks.
I couldn't make this shit up.
suspects name is peter selis, 49, supposedly a white male. 1 dead 7 injured.
Lol it's a UCSD commuter community there aren't any black people
its all over the internet, optics are real bad. here's one of the sources on a basic google search
ht tp://
Without doing any other checking, I'll guess Winchester rifle,
one guy isn't a squad.
it was a pistol and I still can't figure out where he would have had it while at a pool that no one noticed anything.
Not with that attitude, he isn't.
I give it one day until the dindus are marching in the streets against white violence.
it'll be tomorrow night. then some news will come out about him being mexican and it being about drugs.
His name is Peter Selis
Selis is an English surname even though it sounds a little picante. Here is how I imagine it went down
Until we see clear footage of something actually happening, this is just another psyop.
And no, footage of someone hiding behind a pillar isn't proof, it's not even evidence.
Wanting something to be true doesn't make it true.
I'll call it right now because all of these hoaxes turn out the same.
Worse than a Hollywood movie.
This happened in University City area. The party was mostly black. Very noisy (duh). UC is home to SD's Somali and Ethiopian immigrants. Looks like Mogadishu.
Cops on the scanner say someone was assaulted with baseball bats earlier at the same address.
Here is the "suspect" being "shot".
oh very interesting.
For the last time, you sheltered fuckwit, anyone who actually is forced to be in contact with those beasts will also confirm you that they're drunk most of the time.
Did he use a 30 magazine clip ghost gun?
True user.
The nigger that shot the old man was described, unironically, on the news as "dark white skin" so Coulter's law still holds.
Maybe Muslims in the USA are like that but it's not at all true of British Muslims.
British Muslims really do refuse alcohol, but they stock it aplenty at their corner stores, along with bongs, lighter gas and "poppers."
She didn't invent it.
It has been said in right-wing circles for years, since at least the 90s, that the longer the suspect description is withheld, the higher the chance they are non-White.
The cunt Coulter is just appropriating something she didn't create, in the typical female way.
If the coal burner wants to take the heat for it so be it.
My fucking sides.
Any updates?
I don't care what anyone says but Alex is the best thing to ever grace the internets. 😂
What the fuck is up with the latest mass shootings ? It's always a lot of injuried but barely one killed
That's as old as habbo, user.
Anons weren't kidding. GTA V is as close to american life as fucking possible.
I blame the piss poor public education system nowadays. Kids in the past were taught better.
we need to bring shooting back into the school curriculum.
I have bad news guys
Yeah, lets teach all those spics and niggers to shoot properly.
They still classify hispanics as white. It looks bad with the name and all, but nothing is for certain yet
Seeing as how the all majorly shoot each other, I fail to see a problem with it.
Most of the women in that area of San Diego look like Erica fucking Badu.
it could always be an after school club, where their fathers have to present :^)
We wuz Kangz!
Here's another interesting screenshot of ABC10's youtube video about the "shooting" Just 6 second into it no less.
So what's our scoring system for this one? We breaking it down by race, religion, age? Say 20 points for your typical FUCKING white male, 15 for any other race, 10 for nogs, etc, etc.
Stop me if you heard this one, a white supremist walks into an apt complex…
I think he's using the model that has the ability to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second.
that's just a magic spell cops say before giddily unloading their gun at whomever
It's just the sacrifice of a truly diverse society, it will happen sometimes before everyone integrates, Islam isn't violent!!!
With the assault shoulder straps that go up?
MSM is saying he is a white male named Pete Solis. I decided to look up the origin of the last name "Solis" and it's Spanish. Here's an articles from LA Times though that's calling him Selis through out the article until the end.
Pete Solis
Peter Sellers
Strange coincidence, hmmm?
They're invoking the machine spirit from their guns.
That's not actually a warning.
I bet he had tactical gloves too.
He had also filed for bankruptcy and was divorced from a Patricia Martinez.
Down on his luck/stressed out + Diversity Pool party and blaring jungle beats made him finally snap I'd say.
And conveniently, not a damn image shows anything
You realize that was a shop right?
how are all the nigs affording this?
A studio is $1800/mo
https: //
http: //
(((selis))) not solis retard
there has to be way worse apartments.
more like soulless
Rent-control apartments and minority integration programs. There are pavement apes that live in the same apartment complex as me and it costs twice as much as that.
I fucking knew it
This place takes section 8 housing
http: //
It's sickening. I work my ass off so I can live in a nice apartment AWAY from niggers but the liberal government wants to culturally enrich everyone.
Keep our children safe from those tactical assault fowty's
it's even worse when you see these niggers in section ape rental homes and they have two fuck huge SUVs that aren't more than a few years old out front.
the real problem
Kek, that guy was probaby working his ass off paying for a safe, quiet upscale apartment and just wanted a peaceful Sunday afternoon before he returned to the grind. But no, he had to deal with a herd of retarded, government subsidized niggers ooking and chimping.
possible ex?
https: //
The (((elites))) force every "big player" to fuck/kill kids so that anybody worth anything is effectively in (((their))) pocket, right?
What happens if somebody says "fuck it" and betrays their trust/comes forward with their secrets? Would (((they))) just drop a video of some CEO fucking a little kid in a Baphomeht mask to the public? Wouldn't that confirm the secrets that the CEO revealed? Wouldn't that totally confirm that this power structure of blackmail exists? Wouldn't (((they))) totally fuck themselves if they released any incriminating proof?
Their power is supposed to come from blackmail, but isn't the blackmail sort of impotent since they'd never be able to use it for leverage in the first place without exposing the entire system?
Remember why hillary is called killary. There are other ways to eliminate people than getting them to the court.
Then why bother with the child kidnapping and the blackmail in the first place?
If you and three others kill a man. You have a shared sense of guilt/responsibility
That's the plan here, they don't drag you off into a room to do it alone. You do it as part of a group.
It creates a sense of you being part of the group and invested in its success.
Jews often took Spanish names entirely, so it will be indistinguishable from a real Spainards surname.
Excuse me?
Hmm. I was watching Fox "news" and the announcer happily and triumphantly said "the White shooter was…" blah blah
And his own people too. What a fucking waste.
Bwahaha I was right!
cuck on back to the yurocuck thread
everytime i post this it triggers the fuck out of shills.. Central America has a very high percentage of crypto jews. The sandanista war in nicaragua was an antikike uprising.
handgun rounds, poor shot placement, effective medical response.
The Machine-God confirms that their procedure is Orthodox
In this particular case walking around with a beer in one hand and pistol in the other isn't exactly an effective course for dispatching targets either.
Rupert's weirdo kids are turning it into just another sjw disinfotainment channel
Another sample of disturbing newspeak as well from the LA Times
Heard something similar this morning on ABC. Metal detectors and pat downs in amusement parks was described as "the new evolution of security."
Well there is an improvement. Was feeling flat earth tier in here for a while.
Now you've jinxed it, and all the schizoid nothing is real infowars tards are going to crawl out of the wood work.
I actually live in San Diego myself. And apparently there was also a search team looking for a missing girl around the time of the shooting.
What's there to false flag though? Trump isn't going to do shit about gun laws. It's not like Obama where they were pushing the anti-gun agenda and needed a false flag to get support.
It is may the 1st to it might be Holla Forums.
He didn't yell at people for being natzees and hit them with bike locks, so no. Probably not.
Is that TransJenner?
How do I know you don't belong here? At least you weren't as obvious as
It's kinda like, why spend any time here if you're going to be so bad at this? Every time you attack you come off either very new or very gay. We don't have room for either
Oh look, here he is. Please tell us how a photography business with a name referencing illumination is proof that this never happened and the Illuminati false flagged the entire thing.
If this is the real headline, someone bettter fucking point out the hypocrisy in that they say "Asians" instead of "Arabs", or don't point out a person is muslim, or black, or spic etc.
Believe it or not, real life isnt like movies and vidya. When it comes to handguns, the majority of the time shootings aren't fatal. Even with full sized long gun rounds, the majority of the time it's not an instant death. Usually you die from bleeding out, and depending on where you're hit, that can take a while. Long enough that you're likely to be stabalized by emergency responders before it happens.
That's why events like this are more likely to be real, while things like Paris, Aurora, and Sandy Hook are obviously false flags, where very few people score a bunch of kills with guns. Things like Breivik can be the exception because he had all the time in the world for dead checks and executions.
Must be a coincidence.
But user, pakistan is in asia! it would be improper to say muslims or arabs! :^)>>9834911
Don't forget the faggots. Lots and lots of pipe laying faggots.
Yes, a cohencidence.
They say they don't mention the ethnicity of blacks or the religion of muslims because they don't want to inflame tensions against those groups.
Which means they must want to enflame tensions against whites because they specify the ethnicity of white criminals frequently and jubilantly.
Guy hacked some leftists up with a machete a few days ago and there were numerous calls of "false flag" - the guy was obviously related to some kind of chan or group because he said "The day of reckoning has come!" and then asked people their political affiliation, letting right wing/republicans go, like a muslim would do if you werent another muslim, and couldnt cite the Quran. Fire with fire, pretty much.
You're strawmanning, I never said the photography business was named "illumination" and I never said this shooting never happened. Either you're purposely misinterpreting my post or you're a faggot. Either way, you're a faggot.
Also you must not even be from here seeing as you have no clue about things called "connections" and "networking" and absolutely no understanding of how the black hand conducts its business. It doesn't matter if Trump won, false flags are about swaying public opinion and manipulating emotion. Alls I'm saying is, we'll see how it plays out. I don't get what you're defending and why so early in the game.
Fucking this.
Just got a DNA test back from a spic that one of my stupid aunts married, and - of course - he's a crypto-kike, seeming Khazarian. Aside from being Guatemalan, Iberian/Spanish and Native American, turns out he's also a literal "European Jew".
Where are these nogs from? I go to the uni nearby and there's like no blacks at all. In fact our school gets a lot of heat because it's like 45% Asian 20% White with the rest mystery meat brown people and there's been a few incidents like hanging nooses on statues of Thurgood marshall who part of the school is named after and the notorious "Compton Cookout" which was a frat blackface party a few years ago that caused us to have mandatory "diversity equity and inclusion" courses to graduate.
Isn't Selis a turkroach name?
The apartment complex participates in Section Ape.
You mean communist chinks.
That's dumb as fuck, I'd be pissed if I had to pay 2k/month for a single in La Jolla and still got stuck with ghetto nogs. It's the most expensive area in the entire city. Most students live elsewhere and commute.
No, that's just multiple casualties. Mass casualties is upwards of at least 10 or 15 people depending on the crime. This is clickbait.
t.Autismo captain
Yeah, all the UC schools are filled to the brim with chinks. There's quite a few pajeets under that Asian umbrella too.
Who defines what a mass casualty incident is? This meets the FBI's definition of a spree shooting AFAIK
You can OWN a 3bedroom house for less than that in Wyoming. Way less actually.
This story is getting surprisingly little media attention. Keep it that way.
The housing is insane in cities. When I lived in Maryland my family bought a huge house on a ton of land for about 500k. Here a small 1000 sqft house with a tiny backyard in a decent (aka white) neighborhood is over a million at the very last.
I wonder why. Is it because only 1 died? Or is some other news cycle planned and they don't want to disrupt it?
here is video of the pigs killing him
This bugs me, it's not its own city, they don't have a mayor, it's just fucking San Diego.
Why do rich jews get to treat their neighborhood like its own specific enclave?
At least they probably shit themselves with rage at filth across the 5 freeway where this shooting was being considered "La Jolla" too by everyone else
Real-estate scam.
Isn't there some historic rivalry with the rich whites who left La Jolla for Del Mar because of the jews?
This is probably close to the truth.
Tho I think they're not above actually killing real people. If they wanted us to think it was a psyop, they would've done it like Sandy HOOK. As in it was bait to draw out the skeptics and dissidents to identify themselves.
If such footage came out, you'd say there was not enough blood. Or if there was a lot of blood, you'd say it was too much blood. Or if there was just enough blood, you'd say the blood was too thick, or too red. Or you'd say the guy moved the wrong way during the shooting so it was acting.
People who want to believe something didn't happen will always find something to nitpick and hold up as proof that it didn't happen. I remember a year or three ago there was some airport shooting and somebody got shot in the lung. The blood was bright red and frothy, but a few anons were convinced it was ketchup because it didn't look precisely the way they expected. In actual truth they decided that it was fake before they saw the blood, but latched onto the blood as their "evidence".
Why? Probably because the guy is actually Jewish or something.
Why has no one broken this little fag's legs yet? I mean seriously, if I had the money for a plane ticket and the address I'd hammer his knees in.
Could be. We know him being part spic wouldn't stop them, since they railroaded Zimmerman as white, but being jewish would probably do it.
Why bother? He makes white people angry at niggers and the left's blatant narrative pushing.
not if a plane was flying overhead and that was in the footage, then you'd know it was real right?
Oh my bad I didn't realize you were already familiar with those businesses and can verify whether or not they would be "connected". GG
There is absolutely zero reason to think those businesses have anything to do with this. Your paranoia is completely unfounded.
At least he went out doing what he loved
Killing niggers
Illumina does DNA sequencing, iirc they hire a lot of interns from the nearby uni that's well known for biotech and medical school.
Nigger, that fake ass blood was laying next to to a goddamned rubber dummy. Hell, there was two rubber dummies used in that charade. FFS, quite being a fucking moron.
See what I mean?
I'll admit seeing anything about "illumination" is triggering as I know about the Luciferian wool the puppets pull over our eyes, but when there's a happening why should we leave any stone unturned? Imagine 9/11 without learning about the E Team, or the Bataclan without learning about the Jewish ex-owners, or Sandy Hook without the crisis actors and heavy masonic presence in the area. The less we dig the less ammo we have and I don't know what Holla Forums I've come to where one is ridiculed for suggesting a dig bc it's "schizo". That's absolutely the thinking of an outsider.
This guy gets it. But what purpose could it serve? My thing is this- theres three ways this could've played out:
Again, we don't have the whole picture yet but that doesn't mean we can't theorize what transpired. Remember: believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. If it were a false flag, is not possible that the blood was provided by someone working/going to the uni? And is it not possible that the only footage we have was given to us by photographers? Just seems funny that such a strange happening would go on in what seems like a odd place to go out with a bang (unless he was simply a deranged individual). Some things we may never know but with the facts we have now it's just a really odd thing to have happened which is why we question it
Oh shit, it was totally real. What a stupid goy I was for thinking otherwise.
What are you talking about? That's just really really really oxygenated blood. The kind fresh from the artery that appears to have stopped bleeding very suddenly.
Why does this look like jenner? California genetic stock is so much different than the east coast and canada above the NY/Maine border. It's starting to look like a different ethnicity out there. Anyone else noticing this?
He thinks they went through the trouble to fake a shooting in an airport with dozens of witnesses, but at the last minute decided to half-ass it and squirt heinz ketchup around.
Oh yeah, and the end result of that "false flag"? Fuck all. The general public doesn't remember it happened, so they went through all that trouble for absolutely nothing.
Huh didn't know about that I'll look it up.
I wonder if it pisses off La Jolla to have a giant fucking cross atop their mountain
Yeah jews and 2edgy atheists have been in a court battle to take it down for decades.
I'll be there's dirt on the nigs he shot, criminal records
8 niggers? If at least one of them doesn't have a criminal record, that would be very unusual.
I don't know how old they each are or what sex they are, but wikipedia tells me the lifetime chances of a nigger male going to prison are 32%. Let's be conservative and chop that in half to account for nigresses and younger victims: 15% The chance for a criminal record that didn't involve imprisonment would be even higher.
If I recall my stats, the chance of none of them having been to prison would therefore be
Invert that to
The probability of at least one of the 8 being in imprisoned at some point would be 72.7%
Im inclined to agree.. especially how the 2 texas attacks are being used to completely memory hole this.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
I consider him a propaganda asset.
Can you actually prove this? People love to talk about propaganda and and redpilling normies but can you actually prove such a thing is happening?
Im not saying one way or the other but Ive never seen blood that wasnt hours old look anything like that.
t- was a firefighter and a combat medic
Why contain it?
I want niggers flooding the streets of every major city, trashing and looting. Not enough whites have awoken to their ways.
The more racial division, the better. Whites need to sever their superficial fondness for their pet blacks once and for all. The battle lines need to be painted as clearly as possible.
Was allegedly despondent over some stupid whore who ditched him.
Well if you yell "drop the gun" and the guy fucking goes to point it at you of course you are going to fucking shoot. Don't be fucking stupid.
If you can stomach wading into the cesspits, post his tweets on reddit or facebook and watch the normalfag responses you get.
while false flags do happen, their main weapon is selective reporting.
ape complex*
Only 1 dead.
So that's why they cooked up the "Mass Casualty Incident" moniker to make it seem worse?