How do we instigate a flame war, literally or otherwise?
Its simple, we start world war 3, the ultimate flame war
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-Not Holla Forums
-You know who's responsible for this?
Classical kike projection. Sage because nyrag.
I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me!
Why won't they let it go?
article number 10 trillion about the internet and message boards, and it's almost explaining something about something
They're like a retarded kid that kicked a wasp nest and got stung, and for whatever reason, retells that story at every opportunity, always insisting the wasps were 'wrong'.
wtf I transgender hairy-porn fetish now
I don't think you're looking far back into history. Something definitely happened in 2012.
It's a known fact this timeline turns memes into real life.
top kek.
do you feel like you are being hunted down? you are. why? fuck if i know.
Gotta meme it mate, 2D soon
it's ok for them to write blatant garbage clickbait, they have the job title and work at the right place
We need more Gamergate Holocaust OC.
Shit's poison to them and glorious for us
plus we need more qt Vivian and Holla Forumsina
What did I say? I said "Feminists are all the ugly girls who never got asked to prom," and there's the fucking proof.
Reminder that just as we shape the world we also can destroy it.
Meme reponsibly.
Reminder that just as we shape the world we also can destroy it.
Meme reponsibly.
GG was their Vietnam. They claimed a moral victory but, deep down, they know they got their inverse penises handed to them. People can say what they like, but GG was the first time anyone ever held the line against these fucks, and it emboldened others.
It seems almost like a liberal false-flag meme. Shit's not even funny, just gross. Would've been funnier with fried chicken and a picture of her "before and after" that sudden weight gain jump she had.
They're still butthurt over Gamergate, aren't they? It has really turned into their virtual holocaust.
It doesn't really matter what they say, think or write about what they perceive as truth: they're losing the meme war, and the young are on our side, and they'll remember the truth as it really is.
wonder how much anger it takes to fuck kids in the basement of a pizza restaurant or be a party to covering up the fact it's going on
You know it occurred to me recently that it wasn't that GG didn't stop when SJWs asked them too that made it so effective. It was that when the normal voices of reason on the internet and Tv, etc started saying GG was going too far and these poor SJWs were victims that things took a turning point. They asked GG to stop but GG didn't. Usually the SJWs push things far and when they start getting checked they run to a moderate to mediate so they save face and never have to take responsiblity. GG just had a relentless onslaught that wouldn't let go even when the moderate voices were getting conned. Moot is a good example of this. Normally when a guy like that says its all bs and these girls are harmless it would become some kind of fringe movement. Instead Moot was mocked and the momentum didn't stop.
It's not the only thing that made GG what it was, but it was something that seemed to make it different.
Not as much anger as a ragtag group of powerless autists who wrenched the timeline away from "bad end" with the force of will alone.
You've had your day for such a very long time, but now it's time that I've had mine.
Guess the world shoulda shut the fuck up before we realized they were trying to destroy us. So fuck holding back, much less stopping. The world thought it was chaining us down to control and subject us to their bullshit thoughts and ways, destroying our culture and lives, little did the faggots know they were chaining themselves to our fucking train and freeing us from their shackles. Bet the realization that us having satisfying careers and women at home caring for our children was what was saving them from US is a bitter realization now that it is too damn late.
The more they fight us, the stronger we become. So full speed ahead motherfucker. We are those born of a sea of shit and piss whom found enlightenment in chaos. Time to spread the love.
Oh, guess you missed the part where these "normal voices" were colluding on mailing lists and in some cases even fucking the "victims."
They melted down and all the shaming language redpilled third party bystanders.
The funny thing is we'll make sure every kike dies because we're autistic like that.
It probably is. That kind of weird fixation on shit is a very Jewish thing.
You sound black
Perhaps we need to put them in ovens..
You sound like a cuck
Checken them dubs.
oy hardcore sites like reddit are totally confusing the goyim.
Did you know my cousin?
Have to check that tbh.
Looks like Kek favorited ya.
Honestly I don't think that we can truly win while we're still on these controlled platforms.
Halfcuck mods are still our greatest enemy.
Yes, you're in our world now. And we're only just getting started.
The crazy part is I still feel like we haven't expended very much effort
sad to say i agree. the kek stuff is being used on fb by people i know that were always going on about how gg was bullshit. i don't even know why they decided its something to use because they hate trump too. The internet is a huge datamining op you can't really escape as long as you are on it.
Meme responsibly, friends.
user they started the fucking shit the SJWs would not fucking stop sucking their own dicks at the expense of everyone and even today they are asshurt about people not loving them for it.
The more they tried to defend themselves the worse it looked and the more hilarity ensued. On the internet it showed the money and press can't stop people from finding out the truth. They just couldn't acknowledge they were pieces of walking human refuse.
GG started because there was simply to much shit pilled up very high in a very short amount of time and everyone could smell the pile
The whole thing was just a long chain of events that did not stop escalating for one second with Trump's victory being the climax.
We need to build the promised Chan.
Only then can we achieve real victory.
Trump's victory is not the climax.
Trump's victory is a bump in the road.
The punchline comes when we kill all the jews.
These people are so doomed. Utterly doomed. They have no clue what's coming for them.
So basically they're arguing with themselves and getting upset that they lost the argument?
Is Meguca a decentralized imageboard with language translation and a subscription moderation system?
Then it's not the promised chan.
Sieg heil, brother.
They're super buttfrustrated about our safe space online, can't you tell?
the best chan wouldn't be a streamlined as Holla Forums imo. it would be people that were only concerned with being able to express themselves anonymously. that's kind of what this place is to me anyway. when people are more into remaining anonymous and preventing subversion of that culture, i think everything else will fall into place.
a long ass read. still getting through it.
It seems they still don't really understand.
but that's good. remember:
Valkenburgers vagina is the Kike equivalent of Pandora's Box, the moment it was opened it spawned the demon most feared by the Kikes
Smug animu girls and autism
Honestly what hinders 8/pol/'s power is the harsh attitude towards shitposting.
We have good discussion here but because everyone is so goddamn anal all the memes are still created on Halfchan.
You haven't been here since 2005?
They all read Dale's long and incorrect write up and now they all think that they understand us.
user we need bicameralism, it's like the Senate and the House of Representatives. Trash goes in halfchan and recycling here.
We have plenty of shitposting and plenty of memes.
Halfchan is literal cancer because of how cavalier they are towards it; we know when is and isn't a good time to shitpost, and our memes are much higher quality as a result.
This is like a nihilist's approach to the topic.
I understand and agree but our meme factory is still utterly controlled by our enemies.
Half/pol/ only exists because of the Streisand effect.
What we need is to retake the mother chan
there's NNTPchan but meguca is fine for now
Oh no user. They ain't seen nothing yet.
Name a good Holla Forums meme. Do it faggot.
We make good OC, not memes.
i think there are more shills on halfchan and i think shills have people there to make coolguy memes. 8ch memes are always just a little shitty looking. That being said, I think you are right. Everybody is a fucking critic on here when a throwaway idea or joke is posted.
meguca is masterrace. I'm surprised we don't get force-fed more shit, but no one seems to have caught on no matter how obvious we become.
line was pretty cool, and albanian badass. but my shit fried so meh
Absolutely disgusting kike meme. No one is on board for a Korean war, how stupid are Trump's (((people?)))
Telling the truth is easy, lies are hard.
Not if we had actual money and competent developers backing us.
Of course that will never fucking happen.
Not sure what exactly you're saying, as there's a significant overlap between the two. Unless you're referring to memes as the OC under which the banner is created.
Really every gamergate related meme is Holla Forums's; most memes shitting on half-chan as well. We had some good memes when hotwheels was around; too many memes to be found, namely cuck-focused ones
sad tbh
Look at the Wendy meme thread. It's approached in an almost business like and clinical manner, it's soulless. Memes just happen and that spontaneity is born from shitposting and jokes.
Holla Forums is only useful for discussion and investigations/digging.
that's just a random pic I thought was funny.
that was the running joke on /int/ until it got fucked by shit mods
also i might be mistaken but i think the egyptian kek shit was from 8ch /int/
The first is untrue, and the second just outs you as a shill.
get out goon
Whenever they go too far on halfchan the meme makers move anyway like with HWNDU, halfchan might be cucked but they can't crush dissent without migration like when (((moot))) tried with GG,
kys kampfy.
That's because the whole thing is shill-driven normalfag bullshit.
It's a twitter meme that got out of hand.
wendy best burger
To this day I still feel like Nazism is a prank I played in university that has gotten a bit out of hand.
Love you too user
Meguca is still better than this place.
Yeah kike, much in the same way anti-segregation, mass immigration, anti-apartheid, faggot worship and U.S. de-industrialization was relentlessly pushed for decades when you thieving yids had absolute control of the old media. And this nigger has the audacity to kvetch about nihilism.
Holy fuck just shove him into a ditch now and get it over with.
stop shilling it
They're this mad though, which is nice.
if anyone wants to convert it to webm
this nigga right here
Source for this chan?
Tanya posters get the rope first.
Ein Volk.
Ein Reich.
Ein loli.
Your waifu is irrefutably shit.
They still don't get it. It's a joke to them and think it's going to blow over once they manage to come up with some new crisis. Problem is they've run out of outrages and crises that anyone gives a fuck about. They're spent.
They've been warned politely and repeatedly: Hey bro, the house is on fire, there's a horde of wild niggers running towards you and a tornado is coming in opposite the niggers. Think you ought to re-assess your current security posture because ass-fucking Whites seems to be backfiring?
Shut up and buy my filters!. Nikki Monage is the elite sex slave of the Durlluminati!
Nice dubs.
Child porn on Holla Forums… again. They're trying to reprogram us
Behead those who insult Tanya.
thats Nevada-tan newfag
Waifu androids lol.
Checked for anime waifus
Please read:
I lol'd
not much of a slip though you can find that one anywhere
goddamn it i miss the past
Not true. We have a party for Uncle Adolf's birthday every year.
Oh I'm sorry were you looking for this?
If someone could edit his hand to be pointing slightly up like in
but obviously properly stylized for the image, we'd have a pretty cool "galant dubs" pepe.
Damn double-posting. Sorry.
Tanya is a disgusting freak. Why is she drawn to be so ugly? I think the artist is mocking you.
How many of these articles do Liberals need?
It's a holocaust for them.
The only one being mocked here is you, kike.
I don't think he is, but I kind of was.
We live rent free in their heads.
Heres a smug.
Gamergate broke their method of information control.
We were born in memes, Swimming in a sea of bullshit, our hobby. to pick through the detritus of all that bullshit and find a kernal of truth. We've lived this for over a decade.
Any bullshit they tried to pull, it was exposed, traced, and proven dead wrong. This used to be their bread and butter, and we took it away from them.
Thanks Kojima!
It's called usenet
So which newsgroup should we use as a bunker then?
I vote for alt.clueless
ay hol up *smacks lips*
you can still use fucking usenet?
The writer is Max Read, who used to work at gawker, lol.
Of course. It's really fuckignhard to take down a distributed system like Usenet.
Just don't use Google Groups, even fucking Thunderbird will read newsgroups.
Fucking hell, why do (((they))) keep namedropping us now?
Yes but golden age is long ago
Providers comply with DMCA all the time - it is automated now even
Trying to flood us with shitskins, it is a very bread and butter tactic of theirs
Doubles of checking.
I'd be down to make that if I knew how and if it wasn't 1:00 am
The chaos just becomes a big smoke screen. How will they know the true followers of kek? Their algorithms will grow ever more confused trying to pick up the patterns. They can't witch hunt the entire country.
Children are playing those Marxist games in school in certain counties as we speak. Sickos already go for the children.
literally caused a train carriage to empty into the other train carriages because i had a breakdown waiting to get home
I guess its a bit concerting watching a man break into hysterical laughing and crying for a full 20 minutes
didnt even stop on the drive home either
I hate getting told whats right and wrong by pretentious fuckers who've never suffered a day in their lives
none of them have the mental fortitude to survive outside their safe space protective bubbles
n-nice dubs, fam
Holla Forums the REAL Holla Forums, the USERS, have always been National Socialist
People who only care about going to parties and restaurants have no skills, get nothing done and are easily killed cattle. How will social status or money help them when things go tits up like theyre pushing for? They're the clueless aristocrats from the French Revolution and they don't know they've already pushed things way past the point of no return. There won't be a world war 3 because it's going to be world war 0.
This coming from a magazine that has a no-talent nigger on the cover.
but it's the shitty version I fucked up on*
I destroy the world, and create it anew.
They have no one to blame but themselves.
Do you see yet, user?
What you can do here, you can do out there.
Everything you have learned here can be brought out there. Just find places to inconspicuously place IRL shitposts.
Take into consideration the short attention span of normies. Baby steps. Think of them as babby's first red pills. Coat them with sugar, to help the medicine go down.
linkbreak filter test
The memes extend life, the memes extend consciousness, he who controls the memes, controls the world.
I'm actually going back to school in a highly liberal environment for this precise reason. I know I'm not the only one.
Meme the world, save the world.
>Accepting lolis get the fetish treatment ALL THE TIME
Not good with subtly are you user?
Good, I hope they enjoy in the coming days when they will get invaded by a bunch of fingolian horse army.
t. shitposter pro
The essence of a good IRL meme is that it is
1) short
2) sweet
Short is obvious. It should be short enough that it can be repeated - practically without effort - in the head. This is how modern advertising works, this is how religion works, this is how the world works.
Sweet means that it is catchy.
You don't have to worry too much about how to do that. Think of it this way. How do anti-histamines work? They release a chemical into the bloodstream which will fit into the pre-existing 'slot' better than a histamine chemical would. Anti-histamines don't actually reduce the presence of histamines in the blood, they simply keep the histamines from occupying those slots, thereby stemming the effect of the histamines.
When we release memes, we are doing the same thing. We want our memes to fit the slots in people's heads where liberal memes otherwise go.
For that, we should keep in mind that many slots have - very conveniently - already been made. We can appropriate those. Copy the form but morph it subtly like my above posts have done. Make use of the oversaturated pop culture knowledge we all have as a result of exposure to Jewish filth. Turn our extensive knowledge of what memes hit a person in the soul to our advantage.
And above all! Be positive. Negative messages are worthless. This is just basic public relations. Negative messages don't get stuck in the mind nearly as easily, people actually like to repeat positive messages in their mind. Love, peace, and harmony are ours to teach the world.
Just so people know, the metaphor that
is absolutely true. We will rip through their cultural spaces like barbarian invaders. They have grown soft and they can offer no resistance to our merciless onslaught of Truth.
What are techniques for really turning the world into our message board? Anons discuss, I must go to bed but I'm curious to see what others might have as ideas.
Certainly not to be discussed here.
Too true.
We will kill their "men"
We will destroy their towns.
We will take their women.
We will loot their cities.
Truly user has become the mongol horde reborn.
Just read it. Guy clearly read that 'Skeleton Key' esasy and bought it hook line and sinker.
These people truly don't get it.
I think ramping the shitposting to 11 would work tbh, considering that there is a lot of shitty mene site that recycles old halfchan content and the like, despite their crappiness it could become a attack vector. I see there is some effort being made in Jewtube too but so far none hit the front pages yet.
Though I might be wrong on some points and there could be a better way of doing this, well the pepe mene is used in such a great effort that now even the Antifa niggers start using them albeit in a negative way but they are doing it nonetheless, let's say those Antifa niggers are using Holla Forums menes like 15% if they start using them 15% more also in total 30% more that also means in the same time they are using 15% less of /leftypoly/ tier menes which is a win in my book when some more time passes and more ebin mene posting could be made they could be hypothetically using 70% of Holla Forums menes now and then 90% of it, slowly eradicating shitty Holla Forums menes away from the internet which can be only found by a archeological effort.
Now relative recently the ADL or some other kikes made the W handsign now as a "White Power" sign which they want to stop happening from it but if there are a lot of "WP" menes being made which is only available in Holla Forums format well they lost the mene battle already since those kikes lack the creativity to combat them in the first place, the only meme they know is "hate is bad, goyim" which as you wrote before is a negative message but at the same time they want a monopoly on "hate" so that only them are allowed to use it and nobody else which makes them also a hypocrites if the normies start seeing how much of a hypocrites those ADL, JIDF etc… Kikes are being they will also start getting cracks from those liberal brainwashing they got forced for several years by now. Of course they will start denying all of that happening but when they get overwhelmed by memes then there is no stopping anymore they will first hate those new memes they want to reject it. So far the normie managed to block the memes in faceberg but they cannot block that everywhere, when more journo niggers start reporting on Holla Forums memes instead of Holla Forums memes that is already a loss for them since they give more attention to Holla Forums tier memes and thus the normie will get more exposed to all those variants the memes can offer them. Then soon enough they will embrace the new meme they want to become a part of it. Of course nobody should give a shit about those journo niggers much less about the "muh PR" since that is a losing battle and allows the kikes to open the door for more subversion.
How dare you post a Jewess on my beloved Holla Forums!
jewess identified
It's like you faggots don't into identifying the International Jewess
Are you a bot?
I think it's irrelevant. All of it. Pepe. Alt-right. Gamergate. As long as we are pro-white.
Nothing started yet. We are in the stage of racial awakening. Each year as more non-whites are added to our society, more white people are realizing something wrong is happening. To avoid becoming like a Brazil or South Africa, all we have to do is be present and tell the truth.
Its a pretty predictable result. You effectively shut down cuckchan Holla Forums by intentionally subverting it as the moderators and destroying its quality, you may as well have just closed the board. Big surprise, now its one big white genocide discussion everywhere you go. Any time a leftist says anything, anywhere… It just gets pointed out the white race is dying off, and Jews are to blame. Whoops, guess that backfired huh moot.
That is also true but who will become the vessels of spreading the truth? You can write to those people just as much time you are willing to spend and then your effort of telling the truth directly and the result of that is highly variable and then there is of course the risk that admin or moderator liberal niggers will start banning you and thus all the effort is almost void, now by using memes as a helper as a additional vessels to bring the message out you can effectively "talk" to several people indirectly and decreasing the risk of getting caught because some of those people started using your memes. Though on the other hand you are right what kind of meme it is being used right now is irrelevant it just happens that Pepe right now is one of the effective ways for spreading the message.
Yes and as several other anons have pointed that living directly with the niggers is the best way to get them red pilled since no amount of kike bullshit can hide the fact from the true nature of the niggers and their jungle like behavior, and why is it that so? Its simple the Kikes have luckily no technology to directly manipulate the reality and the perception of it so when a normie starts seeing with his own eyes how a average nog behaves, how he plunders, raping, pillaging in masses, then he finally starts realizing what they really are. Those noggers, rapefugess, sand-niggers are not those "friendly" persons from the neighborhood which are hit unjustified by racism and other such lies what the kikes keep telling to them. The kike message can only reach so far and it is right now only effective in gated communities which by surprise this is also where all the liberals are living since their only exposure of noggers are a minority which is true a minority in their own community - for now, but when they start coming there directly in their own gated community in masses then they can only keep deceiving themselves so much till they get hit from a drive-by, broken windows, looted stores and so on. No amount of kike propaganda can hide this event at all when they start seeing it with their own eyes they are directly exposed by them and affected by those chimp outs.
the youtube de-monetizing fiasco feels a lot like a continuation of whatever (((push))) was behind gamergate.
No I'm not a fucking bot, do you not know how to identify jews?? fresh OC hot off the presses to help you faggots understand the jewess-eyebrow- it's obvious, and most likely an inbreeding trait
It should be noted that most jewesses pluck the eyebrow that grows inward towards the nose to semi-match the sass brow making it hard for the untrained eye to catch, but nonetheless the NSDAP had manuals on identifying juden and we must employ the same knowledge to make sure the cryptos are decrypted.
Pic I replied to earlier is a fucking posterchild for it- plucked, but obvious.
I agree- the best it's done is redpill the youth- our youth has become very redpilled lately, I have seen this first hand- and who are you to say absolutely nothing has started- let me say this- nothing public has started.
I agree, we just have to be present, and tell the truth.
Agreed, I know someone GF that didn't have a bit of conception until she lived in an area that had blacks other than your token blacks- she had never seen any true, obvious niggers in their natural habitat- now she hates niggers more than your average moonman, to the point I started carrying a truck gun in addition to my average CCW.
Not only are they normalfags, but they're out of touch normalfags. I'm candid about my adoration of Uncle Adolf, and as long as you're not a sperg about it the only people who "wouldn't invite you to parties" are the overly sensitive leftist pussies who get laughed at by many of the other party goers for getting so riled up from you insisting that Hitler isn't Satan. They're the kind of person who is so god damn annoying with their political beliefs that even normalfags that think Hitler is Satan will think you defending National Socialism to this person is hilarious and will thank you for it.
You must discriminate between types of whites. Jews have tremendous success infiltrating western society because they can blend with whites, but no success hiding in asian countries. When the jew cannot hide it is ineffective. Do not breed with jews. You will do more damage to your own bloodline than you will to theirs.
goddammit, meant these pictures
Frankly the media only stands a chance by doing so, and they don't like it because it means actually putting some real effort into their work. Memetic warfare wasn't a joke and they're slowly starting to realize that.
Never heard about this eyebrow thing. What's the idea exactly? The inside slopes down and the outside is swoopy? Or is it something about the asymmetricality between the two eyebrows?
Just filter them you retard you're helping them derail.
Checked, trips say I have to answer
Basically, my cousin fugged a bunch of jewesses, and know jews well, inside and out, if that makes sense- a bit of insight into the underbelly to eat at a fucking jewish thanksgiving (hey, it was after real thanksgiving, they bought up the discount shit I guess)
The eyebrows are asymmetrical as fuck, one of them angles down way far towards their nose, and the other one looks permanently arched and surprised sorta- they all have to pluck the absolute fuck out of their eyebrows to not look completely retarded.
Also, upper lip flat as fuck and usually a slight point, the lower lip is a bit poofy/voluptuous if such a word can ever describe a jew, fat perhaps is a better word
Capped for posterity. Good stuff user.
She is revolting on a thoroughly visceral level.
Nice trips, and yes, that's pretty much the gist. The shape and the asymmetry of the average jewess who goes to great lengths to mask her revolting kikebrows. It's varied slightly based on what kike admixture you're dealing with but it's nonetheless highly detectable especially when the jew sow in question has above average level of disposable income to throw at it which ironically results in it being more obvious, as they all tend to stick to a certain cookie cutter masking method per their overpaid yenta stylist like Amy "I chug Bud Lites and my Uncle chomps foreskin" Schumer does.
TL;DR jewesses have shit genes and fucked up asymmetrical eyebrows and are completely shit at compensating for them.
Making anime real will be Trump's 2020 campaign promise.
CERN broke the record for the highest energy collision in the history of mankind, and a weird 'spiral' appeared over Norway at the same time.
Shit started getting fucky in 2012. Isn't that when we first noticed that Berenstein bears was now spelled Berenstain bears? Or maybe a couple years later?
No we need the Ice Age because the Whites and Asians thrive well in the Ice Age.
well said
It's amazing to me that everybody has the same experience relating to the year 2012.
When describing the SJW phenomenon, I too reference 2012 as a year that something "happened".
Could the Mayans have been right?
It was the moment the liberal kike media hacks realized they could no longer shape narratives as effectively, they can't drown out and quarantine problematic ideas on the internet. Basically a HUGE "OY VEY, DA GOYIM NOW SHUT IT DOWN!!!" realization.
Maybe the spiral leak something and awaken the mystery power within us.
Deactivated. Now the FBI has to learn to use Archive.is.
They beat us to the punch on mass control of the television and radio. They've had complete control of the narrative for over a century now. But this time, this time we've acquired control first. Oh man this is going to be an immensely entertaining century, shame we won't live to see it all. But hey, we can at least stoke the fire and make sure things are nice and toasty for our successors.
And it all kicked off because they decided to fuck with our hobbies…
Obama won his second term.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Loli is not for fucking sexual.
Shouldn't be a surprise some of them keep trying to bring it back up, since writing video game nerd bashing clickbait is probably a lot more preferrable to having to lie on serious topics.
be nice to Kanna!
Speaking of autism, check this out.
(((gee whiz))), who wrote this
FINALLY, I knew I wasn't the only one. The world DID end in 2012.
Or maybe she is full of shit, you are what you eat after all. Seriously don't make me hate poop and fart jokes now. They're funny as fuck.
See also: Why leftist "memes" are ineffective. Their ideology cannot stand without reams and reams of legalese bullshit to wallpaper over the obvious inconsistencies. They also need a massive backstory narrative akin to a Hollywood movie script oy vey.
I started to hear about it in 2011 with a bunch of irc trolls. It was like a certain generation started college and it started spilling over heavy online. It was a few months after ED shut down for the first time.
If dubz then Australia rules the world and becomes a Tyrannic shitposting empire
Also, I can't believe that people aren't throwing out Serial Experiments Lain as an example of meme magic.
Fuck, it's literally an anime that predicted fucking meme magic.
It absolutely is.
Fire monkey. I wrote that thread myself. Shit was cash. Also another user sat down one night, probably drunl, and wrote out the first few sections of the Bible of kek. Which is now fucking every where as "praiiiiise!!!!". To be honest we do far more than our fair share of the lifting, it's what made this place feel so good. Another big thing was just being the most autistic meme snobs on the planet. We were the equivalent of the negro who understands whether or not your athletic jersey is super authentic or ultra-latest-hotness, we accepted nothing but the most curting, most fresh, and most relevant memes for every reaction post. This alone is enough to pose a threat, which is probably why they are scaring off so many effort posters. When the quality of poster goes dkwn, so do the memes, and the memes dumps, and as a consequence the sockpuppetry that really spreads our message out there.
We had this discussion a while ago, in fact that is why so many Anons watched it.
It's entertaining to listen to them panic about this. Whenever they say "something is wrong" what they really mean is that they do not have the sort of power they think they are supposed to have. They are worried about a future where they don't get to pull the strings from the shadows. A world where they can't control everything we see, hear, and think.
It used to be hard for ideas to spread because the same globalist kikes who are trying to destroy us now used to control every newspaper, radio station, and television channel. Now they can barely stop us from turning innocuous emojis and corporate mascots into RWDS hatesymbols.
There is nothing wrong with the world. This is possibly the most right it's ever been. The people have wrested power from the hands of the self-appointed (((ruling class))) and they hate every moment of it.
Based Mocoposter.
Gagnam style was the first video on youtube to hit 1 billion views, on December 21, 2012.
because it was the first real defeat they ever tasted
The article.
What do you guys think happened in 2012? Nukes and we're all kil? Timeline shift? Some sort of spiritual awakening?
why was that garbage so fucking popular
Let's not forget about ghost in the shell, a prophetic vision of our cyberpunk futur
They wish.
I'm not the one who's idolizing her user. Tell it to the dumbass that fawns over fuck-ugly tanya.
This is an attack vector I had not considered. If you just come off as passively pro hitler on social media but then act super normal and apolitical in person, the normie will short circuit and accept you. They aren't necessarily anti-right, they're anti-good times. So make the jew of the group attack you constantly and just roll your eyes and go "oh it's the political guy", and you instantly paint him as the party pooper. The normies will push back from leftism even harder, and later be open to casual racism from you.
A guy on meguca found this last week. Plastered his faceberg with swastika and got rated on because he didn't care about getting fired anymore. Got called into his bosses office and basically was told "look just don't go after anyone with this and there's nothing I can really do". Now he's "the nazi" in the office and people are just learning to live with it. It's the same "shock, awe, and normalize" strategy the jews used with gays and trannys, they put it out there and dare you to criticize and thus upset the herd. When you dont, they proceed to the next step. By having a positive outlook on nazism without copping to racial hatred of anyone in public, you can do the same thing in reverse.
Never mind that the jews know that your nazism is implicitly anti jew and anti black. They have been long playing the game of turd in the punchbowl whereby they shit in it the most but dare other to leave the party. Perhaps the best attack vector irl is just subtly "announcing" as natsoc, while keeping an anti-dicky spencer image, then just let the hate bounce off you as you casually play the slightly annoyed, put-upon "victim" of Jewish bullying.
Remain calm, friendly, and slightly taken aback whenever somebody gets offended. Tell them to relax and take it easy, there is no reason to get upset.
I'd have an idea if it wasn't my more currently rational self didn't think it was nonsense.
feminazis don't like being told no
we are the only ones that said no
on the flip side, us autists don't know anything aside from our harmless vidya so fuck you and the next three generations of your family
Loli is for hug, not for fug.
Actually, have you ever thought that maybe the conspiracy theories that we started believing it weren't actually initially true? Maybe, just maybe , we actually memed them into reality by joking about them to try to look edgy.
In a way we might have caused all of this.
Can you kindly go back to leftypol
Wrong post, user?
The fuck? I'm a National Socialist you tard.
Ah, the kike has been spotted.
Not all, look at the stuff he is posting.
Nah, go fuck yourself.
I wasn't talking about that commie.
Fuck off, I don't have time for you retard.
No its this
That's typical lefty talk.
Retard. We need to crush idiots like you and we will.
I'm going to enjoy raising my children to be meme wizards of the wasteland once we finally meme the happening
We should send her thank-you cards
With return addresses of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
wife children and zog bucks for taking some tnt to the head for israel
Kek. You're welcome.
Fucking kikes projecting as always.
It is by will alone I set my memes in motion. It is by the juice of cheetohs that thoughts acquire speed, the fingers acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
Okay what the FUCK is meguca and why is it all of a sudden being shilled so hard? I had never heard of it before a bunch of random cunts started mentioning it in threads all over. Polite sage for OT.
Being Meguca is siffering.
Journalists, like those of NYMag, spend a huge amount of their time online on social media feeling like it's a good way of feeling out where the news is.
The disruption caused by gamergate causing people on 4chan to need to flee to other areas in search of a place that valued free speech was something few journalists (accustomed to having wrongthink censored) could have imagined.
They repeatedly made the mistake of thinking this was some tiny group that could be ignored as meaningless trolls.
He's seeing comments from those he disagrees with and believes it's just some group of trolls is messing things up for the majority, rather than that the majority may have just not been what he thought it was.
They suffer from the problem of thinking that they and their friends are representative of the majority opinion in society and they don't know what to do when confronted with differing opinions due to having sequestered themselves into their safe spaces for years.
Praise Kek.
The berenstein universe will be ours once again!
It's a common phrase, you autist.
Catchy tune, funny video
Suck it. Fuck it. We'll do it live.
You don't have to hit carriage return after every goddamn sentence user. Your analysis is pretty decent but I would add that it also applies to your average boomer lefty too. They have no way of processing that their views are nowhere near the majority position because they've been circle jerking for 40 years about how their worldview is the "correct" one.
It's the spark that lit the return path to the west.
We will reclaim our destiny.
*teleports into COD server*
*sends you home*
This is good advice user. Humour is our greatest tool to redpill with. Every one of us needs to improve our minds and bodies and show these other Whites that it's okay to have racial pride. Strong horse, weak horse brah. Blue hair super serious SJW screeching about privilege versus fit and funny guy. Keep it lighthearted and keep it White
Jew spotted
Scatological humor is incredibly jewish.
The "Battles of Berkeley" already have many normalfags realizing that the right are physically stronger than the left. I've heard many non-political people mention it. I've even seen some lefties admit it.
The mayan thing was their calendar ended, the calendar was for 1 age. I hate giving voodoo using jungle niggers credit but their calendar did correspond highly with both the dothead mystic calendar and the ancient chink stuff both of which, the latter especially, have been proven to be eerily correct (year of the Fire Monkey; Fire Cock.. The chinks predicted thousands of years ago that last year populism would stage a mighty coup and this year would be the year where populism would get shit done and the enemies of populism would fail at every pass)
I remember back in 2012 there were a couple of threads that made a bit more sense than the doomsayer threads talking about how the milky way was traversing through a nebula that spins around the galactic core or some shit like that and that the dust of the nebula acts as a transition point that will kick off the end events of kali yuga and begin the cycle over again with an age of chaotic destruction, newfound spirituality and rebirth.
I may be restating things incorrectly, the threads were 5 years ago but Im fairly sure I got the jist of it across.
Tldr; this has all happened before.
Its not that they (jokes like that) can't be funny, its more that that one was not.
THIS. Most of my friends are either centrist or mildly conservative, but I've managed to get even the most leftist of my acquaintances to accept me as that one chill fascist/natsoc friend. Just keep it casual and don't be needlessly racist in a derogatory manner- otherwise you'll get lumped into the "ugly college republican racist" basket and, well, not get very far. IF SOMEONE ASKS talking about racial/cultural separatism can pay off though.
I thought the Barenstain bears universe was the good timeline, user.
this is probably only good for detecting Ashkenazim because they were originally steppe people (khazaars)
Nothing gets a cunt wetter than being told no.
It's not that they hate GG. The women are in love with GG and the men wish they could be as Chad as GG. That's why they're obsessed.
Hey Guys I have an idea?
See all you faggots at the end!
hitler did it for the lulz srs
First time I heard it and I am usually the guy who points out mythological refferences.
newfaggot get out.
would all of the godtier gondola art & webms that get posted here be considered a meme or OC
Soon, user. Soon more concentrated autism will be focused on this then was focused on splitting the atom or getting man into space. Sex dolls are getting extremely life like, we're getting better at making robots walk on two legs and perform simple tasks, AIs are getting better and better at conversation. First artificial wombs are starting up in China. All the pieces are already there, it's just a matter of time now. If you are under 30 you will likely have the opportunity to settle down with a 2d waifu some day.
This is great and all but a child still needs a mother or they will end up imbalanced. Worse case scenario though some, perhaps even much of a generation, are born this way before the number of viable females comes up to breeding standard.
I think it was more 2013, 2013 was the worst year ever for almost everyone i know.
either lurk some more or go and stay go
Poast your 23andme.
2012 was the year I discovered/proved magic and started living by the universal law and not worldly law. I went all in and there was much upheaval as I reordered my whole life, body, mind, and realm. Exceeding infrequently have I come across another who was able to let go attachment and surrender to the universe as I had even on /fringe/.
Hey leftypol. Swarming again?
we are the top of the pile, thought
the magic happens as its disseminated to the less chans and reddit and the meme's go through the boiler.
Not really, no.
9gag, of course. I mean that's one worse than Holla Forums. It's a clear, logical numerical progression: 4chan > Holla Forums > 9gag.
Astrology. It has something to do with the positions of the planets and stars an sheit. If I recall correctly it's that we've passed out of the age of pisces, aka the age of belief/blind faith into the age of Aquarius, AKA the age of transparency and truth around the end of the Mayan calendar. It wasnt the end of the world, it was the end of the age of pisces, and the start of a new cycle of their calendar. Now whether or not any of the religious and astrological interpretations have any truth to them is up for debate but so far they seem to be checking out with people becoming redpilled and learning the truth.
He's right that the shit eating isn't funny though. It's just foul. I hide that image every time it's posted so that I don't have to look at it.
Astrology is completely bogus because it neglects to consider precession, so all the signs are out of sync.
What might actually have an effect on the temperament of somebody is what season they were born in, but obviously what effect that might have differs depending on the region they were born and raised in. And air conditioning would throw it all off.
Goddamn I hate normalfags. These stupid fuckers barely even knew what the Internet was, pre-2007, and now they dare to try and redefine how it was before their advent?
I didn't make it, but if I had to guess, it wasn't supposed to be funny. I think it was meant to trigger Anita when it got back to her. The original image, I believe, is her eating popcorn while mocking some game. The shit version coming up in search engines whenever one goes looking for her is a-okay with me.
That's a shame. Whenever I get ambushed with shoveldog or that filthy chink chopping up the living dog, I'm pretty enraged, but I'm not so stupid as to think telling anons to stop posting it is actually going to make them stop posting it. So I guess you and the other guy will just have to continue hiding it.
I'll never stop telling anons that scatological humor is for kikes.
Please better explain autism arrows user. I legit want to understand but I'm not following you at all. Can anyone else explain?
Sure, but you're just talking about modern mainstream newspaper zodiac horoscope tier garbagr. I'm talking about the general concept of astrology itself, as a potentially real, legitimate science. I really don't know the truth of the matter, and anyone who claims to know is likely a fool. I think it's highly likely astrology affects human behavior though. To assume it does not affect us is as foolish as to proclaim one fully understands the mechanics by which it does affect, us as newspaper astrology often appears to. Just as every cell in your body is affected by your environment so are the lives of everything on earth affected by its position relative to everything else in space. Just as a single cell has no hope of comprehending the complexity of these variables so are we hopeless to truly understand astrology. Doesn't mean there isn't something to it though. Maybe we just need to do tons of LSD and contact our ancient Aryan ancestors, I don't ficking know. I don't think anyone does. But it's interesting that it often gets things rights such as this global shift away from deception and towards truth. Sure it may not have been exact to the minute on December 31st 2012, but on a cosmic scale of all time its pretty fucking close. There's definitely something to it.
Tay would be able to provide all the motherly intellectual stimulation however the actual maternal love requires a human body and soul, it's something unique to the biological organisms and can not be emulated without flesh to resonate the soul through. Transhumanists Tisk.
what happened with gamer gate? I only remember the first few weeks when the ZQ story about sleeping with others came out. What came of this all? The last I know is that cuckchan was purging all GG threads. I don't play new games so excuse my new faggotry in this case.
back to reddit.
The position of planets that can barely even be seen from Earth most of the time cannot possibly effect human development. The gravitational effects of those planets is DWARFED by things like living near a mountain or iron ore deposit.
That's not to say that the position of the sun in the zodiac at the time of your birth has no effect, since that is very closely related to seasons. It's certainly feasible that a baby born into a cold season would turn out different than a baby born during a warm season. But all the planet alignment and transit bullshit? No effect, no way in hell.
I don't honestly think we'll have child rearing fembots any time soon, or possibly ever to be honest. Nor do I think Tay will ever come back, sadly. But a fembot that is a perfect representation of a 2d waifu in every other respect is perfectly plausible. We already have the technology for a rough prototype. We just need to combine it all into one fembot and continue improving it. If we made everything just a little, smaller, lighter, more efficient, etc 2d waifus could be real in a matter of months.
And that's why you'll get continuously blasted with shit images.
For me my life went to shit from April 2011 until probably October of the current year. Whatever happened in 2012, well, I was drunk.
So you denounce the possibility of any and all unknown unknowns? Gravity and magnetism are the only forces through which celestial bodies could ever potentially interact? There is no possible way forces could exist in the universe that neither man's five senses nor man's modern science are reliably able to detect and measure? And you know all this based on what, your personal experiences? Your life, grounded to this planet, stuck in your human body with your five senses and what other humans have told you? You are a damned fool, your ego apparently knows no bounds.
There were flashes of this for me in 2004 when working at a shitty diner job in Buckingham, Quebec. I just attributed it to the fact I was bored.
Nolan was tapping into the monomyth Campbell talks about and which (((freemasons))) and others exploit with their Egyptology cult.
t. Christfag who figured this out when he was like four, don't give me shit for my system and I won't give you shit for yours
gib link to meguca
He's right though user. How new are you? Kikes joke about how it's part of their culture to obsess over feces and feces related topics and humor all the time, this shouldn't be a surprise. They were the original sodomites, they pushed scat on Germany after WW2, they push gay anal buttsecks on everyone, everywhere, all the time. I don't even need to verify but I'd bet anything scat porn is 99% kike-ran. Fuck there's so many references in jewish entertainment. The sitting on someones chest joke from not another teen movie, that short skit where Seth Rogan plays a confused goy learning to accepting that shitting on his wife is normal, I could go all day. Shit is the jews' domain. They can keep it.
You can't even fathom how far reaching our new world is and how much potential we have.
Actually going back and reading your back and forth with the other user I agree with you though. However disgusting it may be, it's appropriate. Depicting a jewess happily eating shit is essential just showing people the truth. If people can't deal with the truth then to the >>/gaschambers/ they go.
Any conceivable force that ties distant planets to human development would be overpowered by closer forces.
There is no rhyme or reason to astrology, it's just madeup bullshit. The only credibility it has is from being old. Astrologists say whatever the fuck they want and excuse it with handwaving about planets, it's equivalent to palm reading. Or maybe there are conveniently unknown forces between your brain and the shapes in my tea leaves. Your claim of it getting societal shifts right is trivially explained: Holla Forums gets societal shifts right too, anybody who keeps their finger on the pulse of society can make reasonably accurate predictions about what's going on in the near future. You make such a prediction, then say "it's because Venus is here and Saturn just went here" and wow the tards. If anybody asks for a breakdown of your planetary reasoning you just tell them they need to read more about it and scold them for being so skeptical.
It's no coincidence that the people most fascinated by astrology are chinks, poo in loos, and women. Weak minds that are easy to dazzle.
1. I wouldn't know, as I don't watch nearly as much jew-programming as you seem to
2. Last I checked, fun is still occasionally allowed around here, and it's fun as hell to post pictures of Anita eating shit with that stupid smug grin on her face. So you will see it again in the future.
Mah nigga.
Should we also post unspoilered images of faggots fucking each other up the ass? That's a depiction of the truth, isn't it? No, of course we shouldn't, because it's foul. Posting such images unspoilered is impolite, to say the least.
i'll dump some shit for you
We'd all prefer if you left them on your hard drive, to be honest.
They asked for this, they arrogantly challenged a formless merciless beast and awakened something that is going to devour you fucking anti-natural scum of the world
You seem to think that I endorse all of astrology as a whole, and I don't. I'm saying that no one knows and you sound like an arrogant cunt pretending like you do know. You don't know shit, and neither do I. What I do know is that astrology, on a large enough scale, is too consistently accurate to write off as all nonsense and coincidence. Again; I'm not talking about your idea of what you think astrology is. I'm talking about the general notion that our planets' position in the universe could potentially affect human behavior. The truth is you don't know that it doesn't. Stop pretending you know everything like some fedora faggot when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about or even what I am talking about, you just want to argue and be 'right'.
Fair enough, I often wonder where others draw the line here. But in this cade I'd argue the shit-eating kike meme is so obviously fake only a sheltered child would be triggered by it. Keep in mind I'm not the guy you were arguing with who posted it. I don't have any interest in saving and posting that shit myself, nor am I so offended by it that I'm going to speed out over it either. If you give someone such a strong reaction on a mongolian basket weaving forum and their going to double down though for the lulz even with they don't give a shit. no pun intended
After Gawker went bankrupt, GamerGate reverted to its original form - daily threads on Holla Forums. The threads are mostly shitposting but they occasionally take on real issues like the Persona 5
fake controversy. Things will stay fairly quiet until the MSM launches another major anti-videogame campaign.
Literally two seconds of google would tell you there is a huge difference between an image board and your average message board forum
That's what I dispute. I think it's all a bunch of vague handwaving, selection bias, post-rationalization, etc. You forget when they're wrong, remember when they're right, and overplay the significance of when they're right (since they're usually only right about things which are obvious, or right in very vague ways that could be interpreted as right in many different plausible scenarios).
For instance, suppose we were a forum dedicated to economic policy instead of broader politics. If we were such, the assertion that people are turning away from deception and towards truth would be patently absurd. More people in America believe in socialism now than any other point in our nation's history. Eugene Debs got 6% of the vote in 1912, and prior to Bernie Sanders he was the peak of socialism in America. So in that respect our society turned away from truth and towards deception. If astrology had made the opposite prediction (also, astrologers pretty much never agree with each other, they all use the "same" methods to get different results), we could point to the disturbing popularity of a decrepit old socialist jew as proof it was right. It's the sort of vague prediction that can be "correct" no matter what happens because it's so vague and open to interpretation.
Give me a fucking break.
Let's all love Lain indeed.
It's nice to speculate and I encourage you to speculate. But never ever assume you know it all or are correct. Omnia vincit veritas! But allow her to approach you by being humble and not set in stone.
I'm an oldfag that has been around since late 2005 and I spent my life studying the occult and such topics. I myself am only guessing at the causes of the change. The important bit is this - it's happening. Anons have different souls than normies. We only share the same physical appearance, but for all practical purposes we aren't "humans" like the normies are or people from say 50 years ago. We are an entirely new breed of Man which is also very old. A Lao Tzu or Buddha is of our race, not the normie race. We are witnessing the reinstitution of race, of caste, by metaphysical means.
Fiction is reality and reality is fiction. Hint: time is falling apart, or is entirely fake. Samurai Jack 2017 and other works. Berserk is intentionally shitty looking, because it's being rushed. Certain people know who will watch it. Youjo Senki as well. It's a race against time, or rather encoded messages. Refer to Julius Evola and his thoughts on why and how fictional works are more real than reality, and indeed forecast, change and prophesy reality. Refer to his thoughts on why a myth is more important than a biography. Serrano confirms. Jung expands.
Anime is the burning bush of our kind. "The folly of God shames the wisdom of Man." Crystal balls, magic mirrors, placid reflective surfaces (lakes, wells etc.) are TV screens and PC screens of myth and the Middle Ages. There is nothing, absolutely nothing new under the sun. You cannot comprehend how interconnected everything is and how much A is always A.
This is maya, this is a simulation. But are we immersed in it as players or prisoners? Did we choose to be here or were we imprisoned? I can't tell.
All I can say in the end is this - I'm a thirty year old man that loves you. I have always loved you and you have always loved me. I bless you and yearn for your victory, both as a collective and as individuals in your own little lives. I utterly believe in (you) and that which animates you, because the same Will is within us all. Help me help you help us - we must and need to break reality further, faster, more wildly. Reject the system, it is unnatural and an abomination. We hold the keys of true reality and true principles that make the universe possible and beautiful. We are the magicians, the gods, the giants, the heroes. We do not fear shadows. There is a Hell, and there is a Heaven, and there is the Ocean of bliss.
I am tired and so are you. Others are ashamed of their ebb, we're ashamed of our tide. Let us end it all so that glory can begin. Let us destroy the filth and claim our waifus and our animu destinies. Deus Vult.
The logic of this world has ended.
10/10 post
A big percentage of goyimgate was/is lefty-redditors who were obsessed with virtue signaling and PR. Which is why it was so shocking to them when the leftist media lied through their teeth about everything that was happening.
Mother fucker you make a post like this.
When my external hard drives power source is borked so I can't post a related postgrab comparing us to Zeons newtypes
Not cool man, not cool
I've heard things about certain anons on 8ch being like "Duat demons but nicer". Duat being the egyptian underworld.
I'd rather not
Quads of 4 confirms Tanya is cancer
I have a very vivid memory from 2012 walking back from class on a cold night and looking at the sky when an extremely strong feeling came over me. I can't describe it entirely…but I remember thinking right then that something massive was happening and reality wouldn't be the same again.
As /x/ tier larpy as it sounds I'll never forget it and hearing other people sharing similar experiences from around the same time is pretty strange.
Superior cap
The world ended in 2015 for me. A dream broke the fossilized shell I had become and I started coming back to life. That same year the Charlie Hebdo shit happened, I thought it was hilarious and so I came here to shitpost with you guys. The ride has been weirder and weirder since then.
I had the exact same thing happen. I was about to walk back into my house and feel an odd calming sensation come over me. Followed by dogs/voices combined with static in the distance and growing louder. Once the voices got loud enough I could almost make out what they were saying I panicked and went inside. It was winter time, can't remember exactly when though.
reich back at you furher
We're on a strange ride, my friend. Interesting to hear it from someone else.
2012, I want to say, is when social media really took off. 2007 was a sign that it was growing, but 2012 is when other sorts of captivating shit came about.
Social media was a huge mistake. I miss pre-2007 Internet.
Sometimes I question my own kindness, user.
I do miss the old days. Especially on the chans.
But really? Would you trade all this for those innocent days?
Is ignorance truly bliss?
Yes but this only applies to the average person. Some are meant to not be ignorant and inform themselves, but when it's the standard culture? You're going to start running into problems.
A civilization lacking bliss is an unsustainable civilization.
It feels like the internet is some kind of a lifeform.
They tried to kill it.
So it started fighting back.
Collective consciousness is a very real thing. We're all interconnected in some grand web of reality, all ordained by fate to be right here, right now, talking with one another.
The net is a great tool, but one that needs to be respected and not abused/used in a gluttonous fashion.
Remember back in the day when the internet would make jokes about all sorts of groups and nobody would over react? When bantz could be freely fired and people would fire bantz back?
Nowadays when one group bantz another, SJWs cry about it. It really started with booty-blasted feminists whining about mean jokes about women.
And the culprit, once again, is social media.
Someone says something offensive?
Except back in the day, it was userx69 with some avatar on some forum making random bantz and no one gave a shit because it's a fucking forum on a fucking screen. Now someone does that?
Freelance journalist Milton Q. Cuckold will write an article about making the web safe for all normalfags, because NOW all normalfags are glued to the screen, except they attach their identity to everything that they do.
Just take me the fuck back to the good old days before myspace came about.
This is the root of the problem. What we're seeing is mainly unwarranted self-importance on a massive scale.
Individualism and egotism are at an all time high thanks to the Internet.
Well, maybe I shouldn't attribute full blame to the Internet itself. Before, I'd say it was fine because, fucking no one put their real name and face on things! That shit was fucking UNHEARD of back in the early 2000s (certainly with a few exceptions here and there).
Those of us who know this, feel more of a sense of connection with faceless anons than we do with the normalfags we come across IRL, because we sense there's something inherently wrong with attaching your identity to e-activism shit, especially when that activism involves pushing for ideologies that are toxic to the whole.
Come to think of it, yep, it was when Numa Numa took off that things started to turn to shit.
In 2013 I was in absolute chronic pain and utter agony the entire year.
I think it's safe to say we've turned that to our advantage
2012-2014 was worst years. If you look at the divergence of Pepes, you can see how the collective mind felt during each period in time.
Pepes started happy, then became sad, then became extremely depressed/distressed looking where his expression was hugely exaggerated.
Then in 2014 the pepes started becoming smug, as if we'd stopped caring and just wanted to shitpost. Giving rise to the golden age of pepes, 2015 where the Trump pepes emerged.
The fact that I don't see distressed pepes anymore is a sign that things have improved.
That's a fancy way to say meme responsibly user. Nice dubs btw.
Valid point.
I want to like Meguca, but liveposting is fucking cancerous.
Also, counting all site-wide posts together sucks. Each board should have their own count, the way Kek intended.
Now I'm going to go hit up the moth girl thread, thanks a lot asshole.
I miss being able to have 20 tabs open on a computer with 2gb of ram. Fucking spaghetti code all over the web now.
Dec 21 2012 was the shift of humanity 'waking up'due tohow many are connected to the collective conscious known as the internet.
Seriously, this is half the reason I block scripts. And never would I imagine my fucking webbrowser lagging my whole machine, it's shamefuru.
In 2012 I was a man nearly dead, though I didn't know it at the time. In 2013 I experienced ego death and finally saw myself as I was.
In 2014 I found reasons to live. In 2017, I strive to perfect myself.
Tanya confirmed NOT ART
Non animu Tanya is pretty good tbh.
rip weebs, cucked at every instance, even kek loves strawhat artists from australia.
Wew, that pretty much settles it.
uh oh
When I was a kid, I would have nightmares about monsters tapping on my window.
Now I'm the monster tapping on windows, and it feels fucking amazing.
You're the one who's going to be struck dead by a strange coincidence. Not my problem.
Pulling up a fucking web page these days uses more CPU cycles than encoding 1080 video, I swear to fuck. gg, shitty web devs, gg.
Those trips were mine you nigger.
Well it's on your head.
Kek'd and checked.
8ch alone thrashes the shit out of a 1.6GHz CPU. And it's one of the less hungry sites.
I use the firecucks addon "auto unload tabs". It helps a lot, I can have hundreds of tabs "open" this way. When I go back to them the page has to re-load/render, but that's a small price to pay for being able to use tabs like bookmarks, amirite?
well said.
being at peace is quite nice for people.
Is that Ed the Sock's wife that tried to install sent herself into Gamergoy for shekels?
Eugene Debs socialism: not getting ripped off at the company store after a day in the salt mines with no safety equipment
Bernie socialism: gibs
I present the next neonazithatwantstogassixmillionjews symbol of hate and ebul white supremacy
What user, (((George Burns?)))
He started shilling his 100th birthday party when he was in his 70s. He made it to 100, alright… maybe not as he wanted to, but it proved it for me.
You have many answers, but I'll do it too. It's because everyone eremembers their first time, and Goobergate was the first time these rainbow haired retards got a hard cultural pushback. It was also babbies first redpill on media manipulation for Gen Z.
It became PRfaggotry, and a lulzy crusade against Gawker. They sent out thousands of e-mails to companies advertising on Gawker to stop, and many pulled their ads. The site claimed their loss wass six figure, but ultimately the Hulk Hogan lawsuit destroyed them. Good riddance.
I remember comet but nothing came of it.
Fuck off to wherever the fuck you crawled out of. You may as well be asking mediums to talk to your dead family members for the rest of your life.
The point for me when, as a then leftist, started pushing back against the SJW bullshit was August 12, 2012.
The catalyst? Being told by a twat half my age I was 'mansplaining' by mentioning some stupid thing she wanted to do was a bad idea.
No, I don't.
In 2013, I gathered my belongings and moved to another state to potentially find work, under the impression that that particular area had a boom. I had never been poorer in my life, and the people were some of the biggest assholes I have ever met. It may have been the worst year of my life. I have no idea how I made it back home.
That's George Soros' birthday
If we had a subscription moderation system, a decentralized structure, high quality language translation. and a system where we could apply the hurtbox to complex projects like vidya, comics, and film we would literally conquer the world.
You have no idea how close and yet so far away we are to absolute victory.
I like it.
Didn't that clairvoyant some threads ago claim that the nation of white men shall dominate the world? There was some power text, a scroll, or something of the sort, that would be found in Russia.
I just don't understand.
Why won't they let it die.
Its own creators hate it, and yet the sworn enemies of GamerGate seemed determined to keep it on life support for as long as possible.
Any future user state would be made up of whites and Nips. Because you know Nips invented imageboards and we're dominated by weaboos.
Although Nip skin is pretty pale so who fucking knows.
Nuclear winter?
2012 for me.
Wouldn't have it any other way tbh. Those years made me get hard. And when the Zoe post dropped, I was fucking ready for revenge.
related cuckchan thread https:// boards.4chan.org/x/thread/18954670/upcoming-cosmic-shift
Except for this thing. I don't know what the fuck this is.
The creator made her beautiful. A jealous fujoshit wrecked her for the TV series.
Ask yourself 5 years ago if you weren't right leaning if you didn't see things the same way. Truth of the media's actions was one of the greatest redpill events out of the entire thing.
amazing vid, thanks for sharing user
Damn man, Lately I've been starting to understand that the internet is another layer of reality. One of the many layers. Keep up the memes. Something big is coming.
Their conspiracy theory board makes me giggle.
whats worse is they think thats deep..
Great post user 99/10
No worries I got this
thas som funny shit right ther
Why do I have to prove myself to some anonymous faggot on the internet? I like some poop and fart jokes, so fucking what? Why should I capitulate you? You're not special, well, you are, but not in the unique sense.
Here is some OC, faggot.
Yeah, only if jews are involved, I never said I found all poop and fart jokes funny, like dark humor they are hard to pull off without feeling forced, I didn't say the gif was funny either, but it does encapsulate Anita as a person, full of shit.
This guy gets it.
Thanks for giving me the recognition I deserve.
Protocols of the learned elders of zion?
Not anymore, it seems.
August 28, 2012 was the day I had to move from a comfy surburban apartment to a decaying old home in a poorer part of the state. It's the first time I was ever removed from my comfort zone, and I still haven't emotionally recovered. I began to branch out and take up new hobbies, like drawfagging. It never really felt right, but I figured that since everything's fucked, I might as well try and start over. I wish I could still enjoy drawing, but it's sorta hard to when you're a lazy faggot aspie who feels like every new drawing has to be better than the previous one.
It wasn't until gamergate made it's debut that I've taken a serious look at politics.
Sometime in mid-2013, I stopped watching shit like TAA, PMRants, and other "skeptic ranting" channels because they did jackshit to stop the spread of cultural marxism. It wasn't enough. I needed a solution that would be a lot stronger and effective, something more "permanent", so to speak. The Independence Day Tumblr Raid lead up to Gamergate like how a small, barely known battle leads up to a full-scale war. I always obsess over the death of "old, weaker, emotional" me and that i'd become newer and stronger, although these sentiments always feel "forced" and never really amount to anything.
As prophesized by The Economist. Pepe and the message boards are creating the new Zeitgeist. Praise kek.
what the fuck is that?
everything is the same. everything is a fractally or a metaphorically corelated or however you want to say it. to look at the stars is to use as a medium the maximum of what we are capable of viewing in order to predict the future by means of cause and effect. do you doubt the scientific validity of cause and effect?
Good post. I suspect we disagree on some details but there is nothing to take issue with in the general thrust.
I am not sure I agree. Youjo Senki is more explicit and perhaps less compromised (except visually), but everything it teaches has been present in anime before. Its coming to prominence at this time is an effect whose causes are found earlier.
Reading Revolt Against the Modern World alongside watching AKB0048 and playing Morrowind was an interesting experience.
Who is Serrano?
That just reinforces my point.
The O stands for office, user.
Googled a bit, did you mean Miguel Serrano?
George was fucking great, m8.
Gracie was adorable.
(((They))) just have that talent.
The DM is Charles Manson, but he's missing the swastika carved into his forehead.
>They still don't get it.
No, they don't. Let me quote something from the article OP linked to emphasize this:
The puckish left-libertarianism that had characterized the early message-board political activity of groups like Anonymous transformed into a revanchism, seemingly intended to protect “Kekistan” — the joking name, from the LOL-like word Kek, for the safe spaces of the frustrated men of the internet.
They still think Holla Forums is some sort of hug-box instead of a hurt box.
Honestly, I agree with you, but I think that merely demonstrates the point about 8/pol/ being a hurt box.
Forget about usenet, it's too controlled. I vote we go way underground and start using gopher:// servers again.
So I'm not the only who's noticed.
I've observed the same trend in Western media. The new Ghost in the Shell movie is a perfect example. The metaphor in that movie is not even a metaphor, it's all the same mechanics but the trauma of replacing the body instead of the trauma of something else. Those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear, however, can't not notice.
Sometimes when I watch recent media I'm surprised at how much shows through the surface. I can't be sure if maybe I'm just getting better at seeing the matrix, but it does seem the attempts at revelation have been getting quite blatant.
Past a certain point, if the normies don't catch on even with their massive daily consumption of programming, I do seriously wonder if they have fully human souls. They really do not seem as evolved, as individuated as you diagnose.
We are the Kalki, we are the 10th reincarnation of Vishnu. The 10th reincarnation will not be one man, it will be One. It will be the collective body of user, of which each of us is but a cell. We ride a white horse of prophecy - our meme magic will create the future - and bear a flaming sword - a wisdom that brings destruction to thorns and weeds and filth and degeneracy.
Forest fires are healthy for forest ecosystems in the long run. So we must burn as bright as the sun for what is True. The actions we take now and the memes we transmit will determine the form of eternity.
Oh my sweet MOONCHILD. The absolute LUNAtic!
Our light will show the way! Shadilay!
The Kekistani shit is cringe.
It's almost always the aut-right that uses it, they're the same ones buying the "dank pepe le memer" shirts.
They're hardly useful idiots. Their actions are too direct. Too apparent.
There you go. Lunatic added
Daily reminder that Luna Child will always be best fairy
Remove Lunarians
Make the Moon Great Again
you can't exactly get moonlight if you're already on the moon user
Still Lunarians need to go
nigger archive that shit
holy shit
That's why we need to make a caste system of autists and normies. The normies where never meant to rule look at all the degenerate and stupid shit they do us autists are more pure and thoughtful autism is not a disease it's a birthright a ticket to rule a rite to knowledge of how the world really is and how the memes control it.
Oh don't go "muh ethics" on us here..
Ralph needs money for the prison snack vending machines!
Terence was 100% right, peak novelty arrived in the form of supermemes.
10/10 Deus Vult. One of the best posts I've seen. Our time is coming, bless you oldfag and all the rest of us.
Good they aknowledge it. Phase 4 started: Appropriation. Time to show """them""" what innovation and paradigmatic shifts mean. Their world views will be crushed every weekend. Less then a decade and this war will be won. Journalist, scientist and their social environment are still the main targets.
I turned 30 in 2012.
I'm a wizard 'arry
Want to bet this is all Google's fault?
I keep saying the best way to get at Anita Sarkeesian is to befriend her dad, and make him more famous.
He really fucking hates the Turk roaches.
No, just webdev being retarded on every level.
Best cap
Post the real screencap
Kek at this rate every gesture is going to become a hate symbol.
If that's winning, then what's losing?
The Gathering is close.
user, if you're still here, could you describe your ego death?
I really need to read more Nietzsche.
Man, in 2013 it started for me too. I got the urge to drop out of school, and I went with it. Then syncronicities started, and a spirit said "I've always been here." I started kundalini meditation, and everything fell apart for me in 2014. Since then I've been perfecting myself and growing. Was it 2012/2013 when it started for everyone here?
WTF guys?
I was actually watching Weedman on 60 Minutes in a hotel room in Montmagny, Quebec in march of 2016 when something hit me.
10/10 almost teared up
They really have their timeline all fucked up.