After seeing the Wendy's girl thread, I wanted to branch out to incorporate other mascots. Pic related...

After seeing the Wendy's girl thread, I wanted to branch out to incorporate other mascots. Pic related. I need help and ideas.
I want to do one with the CNN or MSNBC logos over the National Enquirer but I don't know how best to do so. I also want to do one with Trump as the Burger King King.
I also only have MSPaint.

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get GIMP you cockgoblin
The reason for the success with Wendy's is the sex appeal. Sex destroys mascots like nothing else, and that is what we should focus on. Any drawfags here?

I also made this just now, I mean, it ain't great, but I'm just trying to bridge various companies to Trump to throw of the leftfags

I heard that erin esurance was destroyed by sex but cmon now who wouldn't want to destroy that with sex?

I sure fapped to that in the past.
So am I backing the wrong conceptual horse here? Cause I ain't trying to sexify the mascots, I just wanna make them symbols of the "Alt Right" because the fucking Mainstream Media shitstorm over it would be fucking kek.

Download the GIMP. It's free and open-source.

inb4 foodchains go full disney

Krita is also a good option for the more artfagy types.

I got GIMP, I'm downloading Krita. But we're missing the topic. Is this a feasible concept?

If you're creative. Just like how there are various "windows"-tans or "board"-tans despite them having no "official" mascot. However, if done, one would have to make sure we keep hold of the mascot such that they can never co-opt it. I.e. we don't want to do their PR guy's work (i.e. creating the company mascot) unless it's for our benefit.

See, this is why I want to get the Holla Forumsacks involved, you guys can do shit that I am still figuring out. We already have Pepe, why not turn the Geico Gecko into a 3D Pepe?

Yes draw more scalie porn of Geico

On topic, Gilbert Gottfried used to be the Afflac (sp?) Duck but then he made negative comments about… i think hurricane katrina and got canned

Also if you get $10 worth of cereal you can get a custom engraved spoon with a kelloggs character of your choice on it

Imagine a spoon with HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG carved into it

What the fuck is this?

That's what I'm talking about

Jesus fuck, I'm out of practice with editing software

disney vs wally wood (comic artist)
heard about him in a copyright documentary

But this shit right here is my endgame. Every team, every logo, every mascot, will trigger the left into shutdown


What kind of mascots we going for?

Feeling bored so I'll give it a go.

You are pretty far down somebody elses rabbit hole user, assuming I don't address mine enemy directly.

Damn, I crashed. Essentially, we're going for any Mascot/logo that supports the left. Like Target, with their degeneracy, should have maybe Lady Liberty standing in front of it, with pock-marks behind her, blood trailing down. Something like that. I've just had this idea.

So, this is kinda what I mean. But is it good enough?