(So I apologize in advance for not knowing about this earlier, but this deserves some attention.)
Michael Strickland is the man behind the YouTube channel LaughingAtLiberals which exposed a lot of the progressive looniness going on in the PDX area. I've posted some of this videos here before. We're like ground-zero for Canada-style SJW cult bullshit which threatens to engulf the entire country.
Michael is a CHL holder and felt threatened at one of these BLM "protest" events (basically a mob of Commies using violence) and pulled his gun for 7 seconds while putting his hand out and backing up. Now, while many, many progressives who have committed assault and battery, called in bomb threats, incited violence, chased media away, thrown bombs etc. (and have been ID'd) walk free, Michael has been railroaded by an anti-gun judge:
“If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean. Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them.” -Judge Kenneth Walker
One of the BLM assholes also called him a racist (without a scintilla of evidence) which upgraded his charges to menacing and so on. He's now facing 60 years in prison for standing up to these Communists. A video proving his innocence was suppressed until the last day of the trial, after which the criminal Judge pronounced him guilty.
Video is long but a good recap of all the bullshit going on in Portland including specific facts concerning the case.
Defense fund:
BLM & Friends are railroading LaughinAtLiberals
Other urls found in this thread:
A good point to remember, guys: if you're going to get railroaded into a near-life sentence, anyway, you might as well start shooting.
He's just a youtuber, not Rambo
Too bad.
Agreed, but think of this: pulls gun, actually fires. Since these are BLM, they'll probably start swarming. So he'll have to gun them all down. At the end of the day, he will have genocided a mass of them. Even if his life was in danger, people will say "oh the horrors, I doubt he had to kill this many". Although, it would at least make his jail sentence more "worth it".
tl;dr damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Hopefully he'll appeal this decision. But yeah, if you're in an insane liberal state like Oregon or California, you might as well just shoot. Because according to the legal system, if you draw your weapon without using it, then you weren't in enough danger to have drawn it in the first place, thus you're just threatening people with it.
This would be one of the times our reddit allies by necessity would be useful. If it could be signal boosted enough how bullshit it is that someone who was threatened by commies and defended himself in a manner which amounted to nonviolence and yet commies throwing modified m80's.. literal ied's.. walk free after being positively identified.
We need to force Trumps hand to either issue a pardon or intervene otherwise.
That being said.. I really hate sticking up for this guy. Something about him screams plant. But even if he is a plant we need to cry havok every time someone even appearing to be in agreeance with us gets locked up on absolute bullshit charges.
Oh please, they would run home to their mothers' basements
I wouldn't underestimate feral blacks drunk on the feeling of security of being in a mob.
Oregon and California are different animals.
In Oregon it's a very small number of nuisance Commies creating noise (useful idiots) and a bunch of politicians and activist judges making power grabs for an ever greater socialist state.
Oregon still had fairly decent gun laws (although definitely not as good as they used to be). The politicians want to ban guns outright.
Even if all the blacks went feral, there aren't many of them.
I don't get the point. By there not being many are you implying he could fend them all off? Of course, but then, as I stated before, he'd have a bunch of dead people lying there and they'll play up the "he didn't have to kill so many" angle. Though, if you refer to my initial post, you'll note that I said he might as well because he's damned if he does or doesn't, either way.
This never ceases to amaze me with its ridiculousness. I've known that the general advice has always been "If you must defend yourself, you must shoot, and you must shoot many times because otherwise you're 'too calm'", but it never stops being absurd.
These same faggots would be having a shit fit if police were held to the same logic.
Thanks for ruining nofap for me.
I hate to say it, but I'd rather take the beatings than spend 50 years in prison. It would be better optics, as well.
Do you trust blacks to have that thought at the back of their heads of "I don't actually want to commit murder" such that they hold back from killing you?
This is a video of the mob advancing on Michael once he was identified as "That Laughing at Liberals guy"
Again, where are these blacks?
I didn't watch the video, I just presumed since it was BLM.
he is definately not a plant, all he did was have a youtube channel, where he filmed lefties being crazy, and they hated him for it and ruined his life.
In fairness there are some, but hell 50 years on the line you really have to be sure one way or the other.
Ultimately, we need to stop being lone wolves in this.
Once he got into a conflict, and got his arms broken in 3 places.
All he did was walk into these PCC sources where they were teaching anti-white curriculum.
You guys have to understand that most conservatives in PDX keep their heads down. They don't want their property defaced and accused of racism.
Why don't we (or at least somebody) protest this unlawful persecution of conservatives.
God knows there's plenty of evidence and plenty of clear cut cases that we can use as our flagships. It's not like it's illegal or even non normalfag friendly to protest these things either.
I'm not saying we should be worried about pr I'm saying how come even gun supporters and regular conservatives do not protest this crap?
This. If so many of us were not rural, it would have already happened. We definitely need to continue to form our small groups of people we know and start there. Small unit warfare is the type that prevails now, so emulate that to the best of your abilities, anons.
Theres a vid of this guy at a fag rally, just going around filming. Some queer chink in a dress sees him and starts screaming
And everyone gets weirded out and starts trying to start shit with him.
Sucks what the courts are doing to this guy, but not at all surprising. After Trump was elected there was a riot and commies/antifa smashed up a bunch of windows, assaulted people, spray painted buildings, etc and no one was held responsible.
If youre a progressive here you can get away with the craziest shit but god help you if people find out you voted for Trump.
That judge just committed murder with a sentence like that.
This will not go unnoticed
You only find out about it on a spice island banana farm website
Seems to be flying under the radar thus far
Then isn't it our job to make them find out about it?
Isn't there a thread on this. Yep, there it is
Check the fucking catalog next time would you op?
Don't pull out your gun unless you believe there is an
Imminent threat to your life.
If you don't shoot, that will be used as evidence that you didn't believe pulling out your gun was necessary.
Only pull your gun if shooting to kill is justified.
Only pull your gun if shooting to kill is justified.
Only pull your gun if shooting to kill is justified.
Only pull your gun if shooting to kill is justified.
Only pull your gun if shooting to kill is justified.
Is it stupid? Yes. But this is the only way to be safe in our legal system.
Sounds like a good way to get tackled and never have the chance to pull your gun. Look at Zimmerman
There was an imminent threat. They admitted in court they wanted to beat his ass and take his gun. The side arm difused the situation and neutralized the threat with no loss of life. Just because the law says one thing, dont make it right. Now sage this shit because there is already a fucking thread.
What were he and his counsel thinking???
I'm not saying it's a good situation or a sensible state of affairs.
If you have a CCW, often times the most legally safe thing for you to do is remove yourself from the situation. Otherwise you may be forced into a legal situation that can unjustly ruin your life. Legally, you're safe if you shoot somebody in self defense but not if you brandish in self defense. I agree, it sucks. But that's the reality we currently must concern ourselves with. Trying to brandish your way out of a tough situation may seem logical, but legally it's a nightmare.
Describing the current state of the law is not the same thing as SUPPORTING the law. It's a shit state of affairs but if you carry a CCW and want to stay out of prison, you need to be aware of it.
Indignant rejection of reality won't keep you out of prison.
You don't even know what sliding means. The oldest thread on this board is months old, nothing is being slid.
You don't know what sliding means. Admit it. You just say "sliding" because it's become a meaningless meme that's repeated whenever there is a thread that somebody thinks shouldn't exist.
Sliding exists on fast boards where threads expire in hours. Sliding does not exist on boards where threads last for months. If you knew what sliding was, this would be obvious to you.
If OP wasn't such a pole smoking faggot, this thread wouldn't exist and for all intents and purposes, shouldn't exist because there is already a fucking thread that was made half a day before OP thought it deserved attention.
Then you rush in here spouting off about "don't raise your gun to your enemies set to destroy youuuu, itssss illleagalll" before checking the catalog to make sure some other faggot hadn't already made that same faggoty point already and the whole argument hadn't already been had.
Admit it, you're a stupid nigger shutting up the catalog by bumping a duplicate thread with irrelevant talking points.