Why was this never talked about anywhere?
Why was this never talked about anywhere?
why wasn't it embedded? why didn't you give a summary or a quick rundown so we could know wtf you were talking about without. having to copy and paste the link?
River's comment that everone knew michelle O was a tranny
What date what this recorded?
When/Where did she die?
What is that place she is walking into?
Did she spill the beans knowing the end was there?
Is it summer already?
Hollywood, schooling, and fluoride.
these threads are getting worse & worse
Because nobody wants to think of Michael's swinging dick.
He doesn't know how to behave because he isn't from around here.
Das rite, fellow goyim, he sounds like some filthy Euro-goy to me too.
Also OP seems to be veering towards the antisemitic edge of the spectrum with his posts and like we agreed already, report any post that is antisemitic and or contains any of the following antisemitic phrases or terms.
Remember we must keep Holla Forums free from any antisemitic content and ensure none of our preferred political candidates are smeared by these antisemites.
lurk moar faget
Das rite, fellow goyim, he sounds like some filthy Euro-goy to me too.
Also OP seems to be veering towards the antisemitic edge of the spectrum with his posts and like we agreed already, report any post that is antisemitic and or contains any of the following antisemitic phrases or terms.
Remember we must keep Holla Forums free from any antisemitic content and ensure none of our preferred political candidates are smeared by these antisemites.
Who's the bitch on the left?
Sage. Jews wouldn't kill another Jew because they insulted one of their pet Blacks. Way to waste a thread OP.
bump despite OP being a newfag.
well you're obviously new. try embedding. also, this was discussed as was obama discussing his consideration of being gay. he is literally a nigger faggot.