The occult in Maine Part 1 KeK > Dory Cote

Fucking shills on 4chan and slider posts ruin actual progress FUCK.
I expect here too since this place is running by a fucking team of kikes too.

This is just the beginning but I know it won't slide as fast here.

4chan refugees fuck off


Stating outright that you're from cuckchan is one sure way to not get anything done. You fuckers really need to lurk before you post. You're turning 8/pol/ into 4/pol/ and it's absolutely disgusting because every single one of you have some sort of autistic inability to assimilate.

Kill your fucking selves Period.

if you care that much make a better OP with more detail
i largely dont even know what the OP is about without having clicked that link that i dont wanna click on

All of the detail is in the archive page. I spent 6 hours writing it. That's why I left a failed link. God i hate this spoiler feature.

(wasted trips)
Get the fuck out.

What is so hard for you to understand? The first fucking thing you said was that you were from 4chan, you fucking idiot. Why are you going to attack me for website affiliation? You're the one that initiated it, dumbass. You didn't advocate doing anything, you just came in and made your cuck presence known and you didn't advocate doing anything. And now you're namefagging. Spend more time making a more detailed OP than writing a fucking blog.

Being rachtier isnt something to be proud of

Yeah this. Fuck of back to cuckchan. I heard there's some good "are Nigerians white?" and "POL BTFO" threads over there with your name on them.














Typical jew behavior, complain instead of try to be productive.

OP sucks faggot

The OP is about Dory Cote. Self proclaimed "shaman" All of her religious beliefs point to the worship of moloch. She has a large network of people just like her that do the same thing.

FUck it i'll wait till I get her whole team done before I come back to this poor excuse for a cum dumpster. Then I'll retype everything I put onto the page next time. Since you faggets require a OP that is 50 lines long.

If you really do believe that there is some worth to this, by all means please revise a decent OP that clearly states what you've found and what can be done about it. Whatever this lady is doing that is trying to counter our memetics and everything, make it clear in the post. If you want anyone here to do anything, you must give some effort in the OP and define what we can do. The whole point of us disregarding the post you made in essence doesn't have basis in the fact that you're not from this chan, but that we recognize the necessity to efficiently inform and put out information so that we can better work to attain certain goals. Without this, all posting degrades into shitposting, and there is no unity or structure to achieve anything. It just so happens that persons from 4chan don't and seemingly can't understand this or outright refuse to acknowledge it.

Serious dude, post it on /x/, a lot of Holla Forums hang out there and you won't get the huge amounts of shilling you get here.
