Next gen

next gen

Other urls found in this thread:


i just woke up now.

the little story was nice

That's horrifying.

wish removed everyone I don't think she is coming back

You should see me when I'm upset.

What did grim do this time?

Well I have to 2 blood bros, and we are all three going to visit our colloquial bro.

And the colloquial bro has a sister, who is not loose, but who I am to woo and screw.

That's happened multiple times before

No one is gone forever.

hounestly i think luka should be banned for that obnoxious horribly timed new thread


nope it's fine.


Good news.

She left for irl reasons

how was your sleep luka

kinda same page here i wasn't too far off

looks like good times

or like friendzone status looming

uh oh

n-no mri, i will n-not snsd you my used underwear!

I'm guessing finals and wanting to take a loooong break


Meh, she has a boyfriend. So she is just my type.

it was uber comfy as usual, i dreamt stuff
but then i woke up

what did you dream about?
or did you forgot

I haven't had any vivid dreams lately


sidenote did that dashy trap tokai ever get his nut off with you

you drive him wild apparently

Do i look like a wunjab?

not gonna lie the takens are more attractive


lol i just noticed the australian hand art

kiss your working career goodbye unless you build skate decks

Get Demia back then, ayy
and i have not met them yet

yeah i forgot because i did not linger on what happen and my mind had switched gears already to focus on the real world enviroment around me to think about how the threads were doing while i was away. at least i retained the fact that the dream felt alright and not bad, and that i had a dream.~

kewl henna tatto caspino

demia namechanged to something

can't remember

no way a pathetic child rapist like that just leaves

so angered by this

Like wigger but turban

I'll just put all my job interviews on hold until i wash my hand

you shouldn't have to worry about that

I have never seen one

What was nice?
When you said nice

oh it's temp?

you tease

What else do i got?

i think i'm going to get a tat on my lower leg cause it's the only part that looks fit

you're lookin pretty chill

you tell me

Yeah, i drew it at a friends house.
Why would i get a white hand tattoo?

got me

why would you meat like fortune, angel and ikt

TP, what sort of tattoo would you get?

? the minecraft house ?
that all i can think of for now.

you can't see me
I don't look high because i'm high, but i am high.

irl stuff
no dreams or aspirations, luka?

Who wouldn't "meat" those two

i actually want to still get my old one eye'd dogs face on my ankle

cause when he died unexpectedly i went out and did some stupid shit and broke my ankle

he was the best fucking dog

I just assume you're under the influence 24/7

That's sweet of you.

i'm above it

i used to have desires, but those are broken long gone now.

broken why


Desires cost money. :(



That'd be me too lol

Because they wont work anymore. Meh, so the past is past anyways.

what desires did you have, Luka?

I used actual boxes this time.
Just need my books and computer in there tomorrow.

Live on the road with me out of my van.

did anyone like hug a little too long for comfourt?

yeah like it really shaped the rest of my life

cause it ruined me financially lol

ankle surgeries are not cheep

Would it be a van down by the river?

Come pick me up fam

I want pics of you on the road

i can barely remember anymore, something to do with art maybe? :\

I used that in a speech for what I was doing after graduation actually.



I'll give Luka my old tablet if they prove to me they are a girl.

Where were you moving to again?

oh you're driving?


it's kinda nice when you don't have to think too hard when trying to determine what the kid's acronyms mean these days

i'll give you my new tablet if you bone bard

I'll send some when I stop or something.



I have a tech support question. Is it possible that one of my RAM channels is fucked? The computer won't boot if any RAM is installed in that specific channel and I am pretty sure its because its not connecting all the way. Is it possible to have it come broken or could dust be fucking it up? I have never used it before, but apparently it does not work

Motherboard could be fucked.

Lol well that sounds fun, but be careful


i don't need your tablet. i've got my own.

*hugs* looks like it's perogies and hot dogs for dinner tonight.

you have a tablet?
what kind?

hugs are nice
keep em comin


how was /lewd/ tonight fam


Who did you mooch the money for that off of?

I plan to be.

oh shit
looks nice

Luka has nicer things than me

This is depressing


be nice

and yet you people still give him subway money


Diagnostics say everything else is fine. Error blinking message in manual says "RAM not installed properly". After fucking with it for awhile I am pretty sure its just not in all the way, but I am not sure why. It feels in and looks it but never did the "pop" that the other 3 slots did.

I'm going to be a sour puss.
You can't stop me.

squashie have you played hyperlight yet

this tbh family

Is the clip on the side actually clipped in?
If not then it isn't in all the way.


yeah, i drape a micro fibre cloth over it so that surface stays clean while not in use.

Going to wait 'till I get where I'm going to start any new games. I don't want to get hooked and wait 2 weeks to play again.




Clips on both sides or in and fitted into the little groove on the ram. No popping sound was made. I feel like I just forced it in there. I am thinking maybe dust is blocking a couple pins from getting connected or something . I need to buy air tomorrow and try that I think


TP has good taste in music?

Probably smart.

i barely go to /lewd/ anymore since this place is fast again

i like maddie in the sia videos

if anything it makes me more creepy

I can dig the sound though.


the dances are p based

and also sia is a genius


*hugs kindly*

lol who was your fave lewd sissy

I didn't think she was still drawing

Grim has been lost.



Jesus fuck the rp on that blog is horrid

I'm pretty sure more people would miss me than you either way


i dunno. maybe they picked up again?

grim has tried to quit before

it last like a day


I quit for 3-4 months a year ago

it's by a diff artist anyway

im saving every new kayle pic you post

i hounestly think the 24/7 posters like moogs, grim, luka, new eva

should like take a week break

sure you did

you were posting user after a week

yeah the artists name signature is different than the blog they were posted on.

that's why i'm posting them as i find em'

maybe you should too

moogs is leavin



that was after that


do you have anything to contribute besides half-assed insults and stale memes?

Honestly I might add some people on Steam when I go, but this place is kind of like...deserving to die.


here's one from a simple 3 strip comic. this is pic 2 of 3


Chii only deals in the dankest of memes.

it's not going to

you have said you were taking a break like literally every month for two years

That's just counterproductive


the subs are retarded

not worf

Once I move I won't have the ability to be here even if I wanted to.

I was supposed to help him but it never happened

do not wish the same fate as gfurs onto us

kek somepeople have already arted this skin

you dont even contribute anything lol

Whaaat why?



he hates u

Gfurs just turned into a little club.
If you aren't in it then you're fucked.

I still hope this place withers.

again you have been saying you are going to move for two years

see you cant even come up with anything original

I-If I had a sad frog picture, I would post it

nice quads


I've moved 6 times in the last 3 years.
Where have you been?

thanks babe

hmm... not finding much new..

retard is never here and has the gall to judge other people's contributions

what a laugh

thank you for your blessing


Oh it's the estrogen hour

Guess I'll just wait it out

kayle x aatrox otp tho

we need more quads


yeah but i mean you always pull this "next month i won't have to deal with you people" shit

it's hounestly exhausting

boiling salt*





lewd >_

its like you dont know how to mod...oh wait

'illin. you?

Let me hold you.

Then why bother talking about it?
I was gone one month before. Would have stayed gone.

I guess if I come back in a week you can harp me for it. If all goes well tomorrow is the last day you'll see me.



this artist has weird take on other champs

i hope it won't be the last time

i really do like you sqishy

accept my appreciation

she makes a sticky for her own benefit, then forgets to unsticky it until someone reminds her months later

moogs does all the modding

and she calls herself the admin of this place

it's sad, really

she's got a buffy the vampire slayer look on her face

Prepping for final exams.

Permission granted.

I'm sure.

Grim, if you're going to nag me about being mean to Luka you can't turn around and be mean to Chii.


she started it though

Is it everything you expected it to be

Why leave?

ouch good luck

what subjects?

i've always liked you

you just get butt periods occasionally

i thought we settled this


Environmental science, media 101 and intro to digital film.

I have far more final projects than exams which is nice


oh you were thinking of this other kayle blog before i think.

Luka started it by being a poor leach.

And more.

We both get butt periods.
I am just not as open to "us" as I use to be.

Stop helping.

and it's so easy to wreck her

yep thats the one

Like I said before
Luka isn't really hurting anyone but themselves


moving states again. i wasnt around here much if at all when i lived with my bf so im expecting the same again. what do you care tho

is it weird that i have a BA in environmental studies

like what even is that

and it was pass/fail

it's cool man at least we're talking

super sad desu ne

I mean it's not weird if you like it
I fucking don't


oooh~ the next one is eldder wood kayle!

You play a good tsundere :c

How is Chii hurting people?


hurting people, picking on people, it's all the same to the nobullysquad

Grim if you're ACTUALLY MAD about things on the front page being IMPORTANT
then why haven't I seen you ever talk about how Erin's original post about the rules is now wrong and should be edited? There's nothing in the rules against grotesque pics anymore and honestly it was never enforced much anyways unless it was porn, though that had it's own rules too.

im telling the truth so its hurts ;-;

when i went to college it was like the only majour i could see myself doing

and i mostly liked the school cause it was weed galore

i toke a lot of philosophy classes and ended up double majouring

it wasn't me, it was user

The most Chii has done to mess with anyone here that I've seen is add hilarious word filters that Luka gets caught in

Why point it out as a fact then though? It wasn't doing anything wrong and tbh I used it a couple times to randomly google them and listen to music


i deleted the sticky because apparently someone was afraid of telling chii it was a gross example of admin abuse. because chii is known for like banning people

which is like bullshit i doubt happened but whatever

can we not do this though. please

generally or with that statement.

wanna talk?

Good shit man.


Not really.

Sorry. I don't do vocaroo chats.


yeah school for me was kinda an opportunity to do a shit ton of drugs and read good books and have my dad pay for it


because it's worth bringing up if people other than me do

apparently it applied to me when you all gave me shit about it

btw don't even say that like typing bu‏mp is harmless, at this point I would consider it spam since they never have a damn reason for it. this isn't a board going on with multiple threads, there's no reason to "keep it alive" when it's the current active thread.
if they want to post something with actual content and get replies then they should learn to use their words.

even when I shitpost about my day i get a few replies

That last statement. But maybe both!

Chii, Sticky this image and have it only say "Butts".


Ayy I ain't paying for shit either.


Luka I suck dicks = Guys I'm here please talk to me.


I played myself.

the whole theme is meh

so because someone doesn't like that Chii had up can you they're somehow against Chii you'll just agree with them too and use it as ammo even though it had no effect on anything?

read the rest of my post next time??




I did. I was agreeing with you, dingus.

grim is only hating on chii and vise-versa because of their lost love

the real enemy to the threads is moogs banning anyone he doesnt like and trying to bully people to staying here when Holla Forums takes huge shits


yeah its k i'll just remember all the albums i need for music anyways
its nbd
was just there so i could remember



It's almost sad.

yeah i figured you wouldn't care



it just gave me a reason to ree

lol yeah my dad fronted out of state

i made him pay dearly with an unsuccessful career

I mean hell I'm shitposting RIGHT NOW and getting SOME replies. Like I honestly couldn't care about this but I'll keep playing it like it's the most important thing to me right now since it's got me talking to people and I'm bored.


your kind if the worst because you're supporting something that only looks bad to you when nobody else cares about it/wasn't hurting ANYONE
you're why there are so many laws about X and Y that gets people arrested for the stupidest shit meanwhile we're figuring out that in some states that being beaten by your spouse is not a good enough reason for divorce.

Ah, I was caught off guard by the filter lmao

I do suck dick though.

posting causes arrests and divorces?
oh man

take a step back

Yeah I'm like 40% sure that'll be me too



A LOT of dick.

i doubt squash has ever actually been real a near dick that wasnt a dog's

real a near huh

so based


How about you bring that 2 incher over here and make me a real man?



i've been scrolling to the point where most of the pics im seeing are barely kayle looking
or are just lewd!

Kinda terrifying.

kinda wanna see those lewd pics

it's 5.9 but id really rather not.

oh my

When did I say that? I said thinking like that causes stupid shit like that.
funny actually because I did say neither of those happen in some states.

I unironically like John Boehnerthe FBI director is a joke

It's just as well.
I'm more into men anyhow.

take a chill pill

search kayle on tumblr then :P

i mean look at this art style! to me it only resembles barely kayle. but in a non league inspired way to me :\

don't start doing weird drugs

yeah more lord of the rings esque


I just do wax.

but ones like this are cute

I was posting for the replies lol

deja vu bruh

vape naysh

They're literally banning all tobacco on campus next year RIP

i thought tobacco was banned inside everywhere

isn't somehow vape different?

It's allowed 20 feet or further from a building, but now even that won't be allowed

because international students are disgusting chainsmokers

like dude it's not smoke

i'm like your vape smells dude

same chemicals i think.

Even all of Texas's major cities has public smoking bans.
Vapes usually fall under the same classification.
I saw some niglet get ticketed at the train station for using one.

I guess vapes count


Depends on the state/area.
The "smoke" from vapes still contain nicotine and that's what gets them loopholed into the bans, thankfully.

You dabbin homie?
you do dat dab hboi

i bet eisen's fat

yeah it's weird like at my company there is a vape corner

my point is it smells

this one philipino guy does go outside to vape

Moog will have something to say about that

ye i hit dat dab
It wasn't really different at all

Lol what, not henna, it's just a pen user for drawing

Vape smells nice


sucks their ads praised the fact they could smoke indoors

the point is that it smells

and it is a workplace

if i have to go outside because god forbid i smoke pure tobacco leaf

trendy hipster vape asshats should too


so how is your living situation?

you getting along alright?

have you gotten fatter or do you still look like a holocaust survivor

Eisen is skinny, but satisfying to hug.

You've seen all those retarded "modern cowboy" commercials for e-cigs, right?
They're so fucking cringeworthy.


wanna tiny

i'm kinda drunk and am starting to not care about typing

I look great

It's whatever, he's moving out on Wednesday and then hopefully I won't have to share a living space with anyone ever again

i remember eisen was the warier latecomer to the grand michican owlfucker fuck for all


ive seen the blu cigarettes about man regaining his freedom.

This turd that I decided to room with.

Everything about e-cigs is cringy.

i like eisen though. i can't describe it. he calms me. would have tea with/10

Oh stop

spoken like a true smoker

yo test what do you smoke?



always classy

Menthol Pall Malls.

the raised markings looked like Henna anyways.


are you serious?

cause that's pretty baller nigger shit

I used to smoke red Marlboros.

But it turns out I actually have no standards.

It's so damn fun to swat them from the mouths of punk skater queers so they hit the pavement and break.
Just to watch how they're nothing more than little bitches acting cool and won't do shit.

You've done this?????

i smoke this

when i get really drunk i buy a pack of camel lights (i guess they are called blues now) or marlboro reds

i get the marlboros when i am feeling especially destructive

I'm too lazy for all that.

They hang around the train stations and the local mall.

Kansas is playing Leftoverature anniversary shows in Texas and none of you faggots are going to see them and I'm stuck in California

Why live

yeah i roll hella fast

watch Tsucjo autisticly destroy others property at 10

I saw them like seven years ago when they were touring with Styx and Foreigner.

I'm seeing Brian Wilson in September.

i mean watching 90 yr old rock idols is kinda lame

They're the dumbasses blowing them in your face.
They're kids that think there's no consequences.

that's fucking hot


I'd really only want to see Kansas in that lineup. Renegade is an okay song I guess.


My seat's in like the back though

brian wilson is kinda a god though

and super crazy

it's pretty smoth,
Same pen i used to make all the white text and such in this

It was okay.
I was half baked so it was fun.

I want Brian Wilson to take me out for some grilled cheese

report back lol

new bread boo thread

Kansas are gods

I imagine some of Kansas' longer songs are pretty nice when you're high

i would watch brian wilson look at a wall for two hours and pay like 200

the beach boys were my first band that i got obsessed with

draw moar.