On revolutionary potential of women

women are like golems made of pure female facticity to demonstrate how disgusting it is

their entire lives are fake little "works," provided by rich daddy, by indulgent parents, by libarts aspirations/colleges telling them they're little junior intellectuals for reading YA and pretending to be cultural critics whenever they have their period and as a hollow vehicle for female consensus bonding, by men who just not and pretend they are as interesting as they think they are, by other men on instagram and youtube and twitter who just want to fuck them too, by thousands of female fans who are all doing the same braindead shit themselves as a hollow form of female socialising, and even by publishers who are really just assessing them for whether they speak to the market of other braindead clones of themselves

they don't read anything, they don't do anything, they can't do anything, they can't even think, but they will spend the best years of their youth roleplaying a complete farce of being interesting and HIP and on the cutting edge of being a young c00l rad hip interesting intellectual grrrl

then they will have a kid or several, get some sinecure from their parents, and never speak to the world again except by maintaining a "Cooking Vegan for Your Kids!" blog that 9 people read

women are fucking orcs, they are twisted mockeries of the other races fashioned by morgoth in some kind of hateful spite in the pits of hell

every time you look at the sheer mechanism or size or uncaring complexity of the universe and your begins to think "i am just dust," and some small voice in you says "no, i am not for all this, all this is for me," that's god himself speaking your justification to you, it's the purpose life, it's the mirror of all art and philosophy and culture and creation in general, the answer to "why would a perfect being elect to create imperfect companions?" by all rights, on any contemplation of this, women literally should not exist. women are like staring right into the world-soul, having full mystical clarity, going AT LAST I TRULY SEE.. and then a retarded soulless husk walks up to you and stabs you and says "ain't no world-soul nigga, ain't no purpose or meaning or beauty or truth, i just need to buy more tampons so i'm going to pawn your shit" and in your last moments you realise women are proof that there is no god and all was just despair

holy shit

who broke your heart and when and why would your mother treat you so badly?


They are second only to Posadists tbh

W O M E N - D O N ' T - E X I S T .
N I G G A you G O O F E D up .

nasbols are like golems made of pure nazbol facticity to demonstrate how disgusting it is

their entire lives are fake little "works," provided by rich daddy, by indulgent parents, by Holla Forumstard aspirations/forums telling them they're little junior intellectuals for watching nazi youtube vids and pretending to be commies whenever they go on Holla Forums and as a hollow vehicle for consensus bonding, by socialists who just not and pretend they are as interesting as they think they are, by other socialists on instagram and youtube and twitter who just want them to fuck off too, by dozens of nazbols who are all doing the same braindead shit themselves as a hollow form of nazbol socialising, and even by publishers who are really just assessing them for whether they speak to the market of other braindead clones of themselves

they don't read anything, they don't do anything, they can't do anything, they can't even think, but they will spend the best years of their youth roleplaying a complete farce of being interesting and HIP and on the cutting edge of being a young c00l rad hip interesting intellectual alt-righter

then they will have a kid or several, get some sinecure from their parents, and never speak to the world again except by maintaining a "Hitler and Stalin: Buddies 4 Life!" blog that 9 people read

nazbols are fucking orcs, they are twisted mockeries of the other races fashioned by morgoth in some kind of hateful spite in the pits of hell

every time you look at the sheer mechanism or size or uncaring complexity of the universe and your begins to think "i am just dust," and some small voice in you says "no, i am not for all this, all this is for me," that's god himself speaking your justification to you, it's the purpose life, it's the mirror of all art and philosophy and culture and creation in general, the answer to "why would a perfect being elect to create imperfect companions?" by all rights, on any contemplation of this, nazbols literally should not exist. nazbols are like staring right into the world-soul, having full mystical clarity, going AT LAST I TRULY SEE.. and then a retarded soulless husk walks up to you and stabs you and says "ain't no world-soul nigga, ain't no purpose or meaning or beauty or truth, i just need to buy more swastikas so i'm going to pawn your shit" and in your last moments you realise nazbols are proof that there is no god and all was just despair

wise words, but keep in mind leftypol consists of pozzed homos who fell for the tricks of ovarian jew

I'm pretty anti-feminist and I have no interest in 3DPD, but I still think you're completely wrong.

Women aren't really inferior - all humans are roughly equally flawed - but on average they tend to have a different balance of emotions and a different aesthetic sense to men. This means that men are more rational and capable in some situations, while women are more rational and capable in others.

Personally I think it's best to just avoid 3DPD in general, regardless of gender. 2D is infinitely superior.

This one has it right tbh

So you want socialism to only benefit men? What would your waifu think of that?

While i disagree with some points, I must say that women are inferior in both taking responsibility for their own actions and putting their priorities in place.

Sure thing fam i can samefag too




what did i even expect


Cry some more, nazbol faggot. Why don't you surround yourself with women, and people in general actually, that aren't incompetent retards and grow the fuck up.

That guy is pretty cool, I don't mind his youtube channel either (re: webm), but what did strike me is that there was zero talk about economic issues and only talk about taking sides in some sort of idpol madness… however much I quite like him, and he's certainly great material for a snippet like that… I lost interest about 2 videos in.

In fact, he was about as relevant (though slightly more coherent) than 'the golden one' that he's mocking, in those videos.

What a lot of people forget about Sweden (I'll just go off on a tangent, here), is that while 'social issues' were given rise and support to; labor rights were shat on. Capitalist style (or neo-llberal, if you wish). 'Allies' were made to get through what they could get through… but without an economic focus first and foremost, what happened? You get the integrated capitalist social 'justice', while at the same time shitting on labour rights, selling off public domains, and privatizing more. This then feeds the right, thinking that 'this is what the left is'; and this reaction to that again, feeds the "left" that thought it had 'gained victories' (when it really hadn't).

This is what happens when you let go of the economic basis, and at the same time - the revolutionary potential.
All you end up with is another version of church moralism, better for some - sure, but material conditions worsen (because hey, "not my comrade!").

Good guy, but blowing hot air up a capitalist strawman, while becoming one himself.

I like this reference to the golem. The golem, like the female of your post, isn't made out of flesh, it is crafted from mud and has life blown into by a rabbi. If the rabbi does not wipe out the mark on it's head, the hatred of the golem will eventually destroy him.

Isn't OP enough proof that Nazbols are neither leftists, nor bring anything to this forum?

They are Holla Forums autists who prefer Stalin to Hitler.

It's pretty leftist allright. The hatred of "consumerism" and "capitalist mass-culture"… there's always a NORMIES REEEE tendency in leftists.

We all know that Posadism is significantly more reasonable than National Bolshevism.

I actually don't disagree with that at all tbh. Great reply user.

I mean, it is literally the only confirmable truth in existence.

yo i saw this on a /lit/ thread earlier.

back ta /r9k/ pleaserino

So much hate…You need Jesus famalam.


when don't we reply to bait?
Leftypol's reputation among everyone outside leftypol is "That shit part of Holla Forums filled with commies that don't take our epic irony memes unseriously."

When Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, and man in turn offered a false offering to Zeus, Zeus punished man by creating woman.

Posadas was the victim of slander and falshoods from secterian Trotskyists.