
NazBol is the ideology of the future, comrades! We need a Socialized economy and strict, racial prerequisites!

Other urls found in this thread:

so we are getting raided again I see

Not at all. I believe in a Strict right-wing social order and leftist racial Social policies. Capitalism, in my opinion, has failed the common working class.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Leftist economic policies**

You realize the term "Socialism" was tagged on at the end is due to just pop culture of the time right? Oh wait, you don't know that cause you are a faggot.

Reminder this is a lefty/pol/ subversion meme and to report/sage. Its pretty much the EU, with more communism.

And why is NazBol a less credible system than any other Right-wing systems?

Youre a shill. Ive seen you in multiple threads. Youre going to get toasted if you keep spreading that bullshit. No, National Socialism is not individualistic, and its not anti-worker. Lolbergs will be gassed unless they learn their place in society, the same place as everyone else. You want to be a NEET? Tough shit. National Socialists have jobs. They are workers.

Because it has never worked not ever will again fuck off /leftpoll



No, Jew.

Nobody cares.
Abandon the ideology of Jewry in its entirety, or be destroyed.

The 'Bol' part, Jew. That's why.

Pic related.
Individuals acting for themselves and the collective.
Not individuals acting merely for the collective, not individuals acting merely for themselves. Marxist socialism and Jewish libertarianism are two sides of the same shekel.



Stop replying.

Don't look like anarcho capitalism to me.

And when has Capitalist Authoritarianism ever really worked?

NazBol has never been implemented. It's worth a shot, and favors the White Working class… unless of course you are a Trust fund kid….

You faggots realize that NazBol started as a meme we used to infiltrate Holla Forums, right?

meant for

Abandon the ideology of Jewry in its entirety or be destroyed.
You have no alternative.

Get a job.

Yea, I'm a Jew… 100% European Christian here. Why would a Jew support an ideology that is militantly anti-Zionist?

Your own Hitler quote, since its in full context, says its collectivist. Its not democracy, you dont have freedom to be a leech, you cant mix with niggers, you cant mix with kikes. Its not a primarily individualistic ideology.

It values individual efficiency in that if you work hard, youre rewarded. In communism, you get nothing for working hard. Thats all it means. The next line literally says:

Bolshevism is Jewish ideology - this is not a debate, it is not an argument, it is a statement of fact.
There is nothing of benefit to be had there. Nothing of value, just Jewry.

Abandon the ideology of Jewry in its entirety or be destroyed.
You have no alternative.
There will be no compromise with those who espouse the ideology of Jewry.

You're insinuating that not all White People are equal and are superior to all other peoples. What you're arguing for is multiracial meritocracy…

halfchan recently had this: "Turn the Hammer and Sickle Into A White Supremacist Symbol"


No, it doesn't - at least, not in the way the Marxist socialism, the ideology of Jewry, is collectivist.

I'll repeat it, because you apparently cannot read:

You get the idea, you're just buttflustered and so looking for an argument where there is no need for one.

National Socialism is already a form of socialism, just the only type that actually works. So fuck off cuck.

All White people are not equal. Your suggestion otherwise is demonstrable of your failings as an individual and an agent of the collective.

Equality is a false god.

Zeon is NazBol AF

Nowhere did I say that, everyone is supposed to do their best. If you dont try your best, you dont get to enjoy the benefits of everyone elses labor. National Socialism is not opposed to rewards. Its not opposed to private property, people need to enjoy the fruits of their labour, they need to actually gain something from their effort. Its right in Rockwells Communism vs Nazism speech. He tried it with his own men, and they "just didnt see the point" in trying. Also, where does the multiracial crap come into it? Where did I say anything about a mixed society? National Socialism is inherently racially homogeneous.


meant for

I absolutely believe in a equal White Collective. I work a job, you clearly don't. However we're still brothers and equal.

Also, all white people are not equal. Not all cows are equal either, science shows that. National Socialism says white people are the superiors, but not uniformly equal in ability. Nowhere does it say anything like that. People are different, everyone is different. Some whites get weeded out entirely by eugenics.

Those look like leftypol memes.
Are they supposed to mean something in context, or are you just having a lil tantrum?

Now you're baiting for argumentation.
Equality is a false god - what you believe continues to not matter in the least.

Abandon the ideology of Jewry in its entirety or be destroyed.
You have no alternative.

I'm not arguing for National Socialism. It'd be too easy here and too stigmatized in reality.

Great thread, Trump approves.

Well, you must be lost because this is a National Socialist board.


Do you think anyone here will take you seriously if you are a pathetic anti-Aryan cuckold

Your argument ceases to make any sense whatsoever then, because Bolshevism is even more stigmatized amongst most of the modern Western world - especially those that know anything about it.

Abandon the ideology of Jewry in its entirety or be destroyed.
You have no alternative.
Equality is a false god.

Not arguing UNF for NatSoc or Meritocracy, what I'm arguing for is White Collectivism. I wouldn't mind picking up the slack for my fellow White People, assuming they are morally pure.

Kill yourself

Daily Reminder

What I will say is white nationalism, be it right or left, is good. But there are fewer on the left that accept such.

I see nothing wrong with socialism in a fully white country.

I'm not lost, was just hoping people here would be a little tiny bit more open minded, but you're stuck in a a 70 year old ideology that hasn't even been attempted once since. No offense to NatSoc, but I'm not here for a circle jerk.

Dont kid yourself, there is far too much chaff we need to get rid of already. Eugenics is going to come back in a big way.

So what you're saying is, you want Marxist socialism, but with only White people.

There is no interest in that here - even despite your efforts to employ an ethnocentric paradigm, the core foundations you seek to promote are Jewish trash. There is no benefit to it.

White collectivism under a Jewish ideological paradigm is entirely undesirable - and unnecessary. You are trying to cram your Jewish ideology into something entirely non-Jewish, and the only theoretical appeal to it is for your own kind - you are, in fact, what the purpose of this subversive meme was to bring about: Gommunists on their way to becoming NatSoc.

NatBol is just a stepping stone - in time, you will stand beside us in the Sun, free of Jewry.

All I was saying is that National Socialism is not real socialism. Why is this controversial when Hitler himself admitted to that? He tagged on the name socialist for popularity.

Were National Socialists here. If youre opposed and even antagonistic to National Socialism, you can expect a ban for dividing and conquering. Cuckchan is for you, it sounds like.

My point exactly. In an all-White society, technically any economic system could work. However, Collectivism would benefit the White Working class rather than Corporatists

I dont see how the second pic is negative? It's obviously a Holla Forums "meme" since there's so much text.

I'm a cuck for proposing an all-White Ethnostate with a slightly different Economic system? Check your autism.

I certainly am, but you made a bad thread. It's two sentences with a pic of a flag.

It's not bad if you think capitalism is good, but if you think National Socialism is socialist that picture shows it's not.

lol thats the first thing I thought. "Text over white.. must be lefty/pol/"

They are mad their larping socialists are realizing its actually white genocide, and kikes they need to worry about. By attacking the socialism aspect of National Socialism, they probably hope to keep them from straying too far from cancer.

I love my people - but to say we are all equal is a lie, and to say we cannot improve is the path to stagnation and death.

The struggle never ends.

No, the socialism part is essential but it's not about economics it's about volksgemeinschaft and putting the public interest before self interest.

bolshevism means giving jews control under a fake nationalist movment.
there's a reason we hate them. take your nazbol and shove it.


I don't particularly care, and your commentary didn't really play into the context whatsoever - it just stinks of more leftypol memes that are, like most of their memes, poorly produced and liable to contain all manner of half-truths. Why, in the name of God, would anyone here trust someone who is openly representative of the Jewish ideology? Why would one trust the information provided by their enemies as legitimate (especially when it so-often is not)?

The question is, why are you suddenly coming with this angle, this 'not real socialism' shit? This is the post your responded to with those memes:

Nothing contextually relevant to the memes you posted.
You are, as I suspected, merely a leftypol loser
trying to throw a tantrum. Dismissed.


Its not the same thing as marxist socialism but the socialism aspect is extremely important, everyone here knows its not just a meme, theres extensive writing on it. All you have to do is read "Those Damned Nazis" by goebbels, which breaks down "Why are we Nationalists?" "Why are we Socialists?" "Why a workers party?" "Why do we oppose the Jews?"

Attacking the socialism aspect of National Socialism, is like attacking the opposition to Jews. Its like saying "National Socialists dont oppose Jews, that was just something they used because of the time period"


Capitalism is just as Jewish as international Marxism, which isn't the same as National Bolshevism.

Oh God… You might have unintentionally brought up Christianity…

Inb4: Jew on a stick

Absolutely. Not all Socialism is created equal 😄

Haha, case in fucking point…




The socialism part is something the Americans never really can understand or appreciate since they never had anything close to a true volksgemeinschaft and never will since they are not "real" country, but rather a set of rules.

you realize schacht was against the nazis and was a jew sympathizer that tried to fuck the movement under right? you historical info is bad.
they werent a war economy till it was forced. they put money into healthcare, infrastructure, manufacturing, and creating an exporting power the likes of which hadn't been seen before.

seriously, leftypol, you are trying to save face for your memes being shit with more shit memes that are false info

The US is a real country, but not a real nation.
The American People, the White population, is a nation… They just don't understand it.

But thats an argument for another thread…

They began their war economy in 1943.

So a full fucking decade after he took power.

yes, exactly. they didn't even want the war. they were even going to create israel ffs. they were forced. churchill made a point of making it clear they were going to force war to destroy germany whether they wanted it or not.

fuck meant to sage

See: Poland.

The claim that Germany wanted war is laughable - they retook land that was taken in the downright-evil Treaty of Versailles, nothing more, until Poland, which was a trap laid by the allies, baited with German lives.

poland still makes me mad. they shoahed the german people forcing germany to step in. then used it as reason for a war to kill germany. then said germany shoahed the faggot kikes that shoahed their people.



Checked for a German son who will never forgive, and never forget.

Starting to understand why Ukrainians hate Russians

Wew we cuckchan naow

How is NazBol cucked? It has very similar Racial policies to NatSoc, just a economic policy a little further to the Left….

Fuck those Ukrainians then. Most Ukrainians love their Slavic brothers.


we got a new load of shills. I give it a few months until one of three things happens to them.

bolshevism is giving control of your country to the jews. you know not what you speak of, or you use the wrong words. nazbol was our meme to fuck with leftypol and is a joke about how fucking cucked they are. look up the history of bolshevism new friend.


bolshevism history 101.

ok, now we're being raided


seriously, your memes are bad and you should feel bad. neck yourself.


how did you not realize this already?

Tim Pool forces new word for SJWs (calls them Alt-Left). Video related.

I think he is trying to demonize the right by linking a similar term to the left? What's going on?


As a person of Russian ancestory whose family fled Russia because of Marxists, I do know about Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, and International Marxists of all kinds.

However much like NatSoc has no relation to International Socialism, NazBol has no relation to International Marxism. I guess it's just a Slavic thing….

and it worked


I would bet that kikes and marxists don't like that flag though

Except that Trump is a huge Zionist shill that has reneged on almost all of his campaign promises.

nationalism and bolshevism are literally mutually exclusive. that's why we made it a meme for you retards. you continually go on and on about theory while understanding nothing. bolshevism is a social subset of communism wherein an international elite group (((kikes))) takes control of your country after you fight the revolution and then proceeds to tell you they're putting marxist communist in place only to fuck you and kill your whole family.

bolshevism is more like a government modifier if this were a game. it's not a complete system of ideas in an of itself and it is directly contradictory to nationalism.


They all have financial ties to (((them))). We the gov't now. This is the beginning of the end of Zionism. At least he's a goy.

it's adorable and also frustrating that they don't realize the only thing we differ on is racial matters.


Fucking shill Bolshevism is by definition a Jewish internationalist cosmopolitan ideology. National Socialists want to abolish the (((class war))) and unite the people. National Socialism and Bolshevism are polar opposites

I'd rather be a monarchist imperialist than a nazbol goon.


fucking christ leftypol. USE THE IDS FFS. know who you are talking to before you speak.
I literally just said that you retarded one poster.

economically, left normies want national socialism and a lot of leftypol does too. this nazbol shit is them trying to raid and meme and failing at it. they just don't even realize they keep shilling for what is essentially natsoc. BERNIE. WAS. NAT. SOC.

the only thing different between their nat soc and ours is what we think of races and faggots.

and still nobody sees this. nobody understands that we are divided by the international jew specifically so that we don't realize that we are essentially the same.

letting us do this

to lefty pol. they are getting mindfucked and shaken out of their delusions. look how the mood in here changed.


Reminder that the mods and BO are self-admitted jews and nonwhites and are actively allowing this.

You aren't fooling anyone kike.
Fuck off. Nazi and NazBol are not the same thing you fucking faggot.
What fucking planet are you on?

you goddamn moron. they don't actually believe in nazbol, they're trying to be annoying. that one user and I are talking about what they do actually believe. what their majority believes is essentially nat soc.

you need to learn to play this game better. it's very fun to tell lefties bernie was natsoc and confuse the shit out of them.


Fuck off to leftypol cuck.

Hannity invented the "Alt-left radical destroy Trump media" line that he likes to say over, and over, and over. The first few times he said it, he referred to it as "What Im calling the alt left". It was in response to the leftist media accusing anyone of being against immigration etc of being alt-right. He pretty much just tried to throw their tactic back at them, but its the wrong way to go I think. We should try to lump all leftists together as supporting genocide, not tell them its okay to be a moderate leftist as long as youre not a radical feminist and say you like free speech.