Present for antifa

Gave Lenin a present for May Day tomorrow. Hope antifa doesn't get too pissed

Other urls found in this thread:,_Seattle

What is the statue

That's a high quality frame I hope you didn't waste $45 on it just for it to get stepped on by a bunch of fags.

I love you man. Fuck commies. You doing anything for tomorrow? I got work sadly.

One day I'm going to make a pilgrimage to Marx's grave.

Then I'll shit on it.

Attention to detail and quality, National Socialists dont half ass anything.

Hey Ballard, I'm like two miles from there.

Wasting $45 is good. It exemplifies the power of capitalism over communism. This symbolic choice will fly over their heads

Lenin is in Fremont you ass. Amazon please go.


That's completely true, my mistake.


He didnt do so bad.


You should check out A bunch of guys from Holla Forums and TRS and other places who are NatSoc. It's better than nothing, some excellent people in there, we go innawoods and shooting and stuff like that.

Autists need not apply

Rip in peace, Anons.

dont forget the $6 entry free

Why are Seattle fags so eternally butthurt about Amazon?

Is that NYC?

I want to do the same thing to nestor makhno. filthy barbarian

I have a USSR flag I intend to burn tomorrow. I had no idea May Day was tomorrow, charging my camera batteries right now. I will piss on it wearing my work boots after the flame is done with it.

If it triggers them as badly as I believe it will, it wasn't a waste.

Should have left an ice axe there too.

Traffic is shitty
Prices skyrocketing
Destruction of Ballard and it's Norwegian roots.

Fellow shitposters, its at the Vladimir lenin statue in Fremont Washington. FYI.

Whoah.. I saw a bunch of those flowers getting myself a coffee. Thought it was some commie twat leaving flowers again, the picture was gone at that point. You had to have triggered someone enough to kick around the flowers and do who knows what with the fram.

I removed two big signs from that thing that said 'make russia great again' after they sprayed it's face orange. I make an effort to keep the area clean of leftist garbage.

Holy fuck. I am actually shocked by this as a slav.

As someone who has to pass by this thing every day I've often pondered how to behead without too much noise. I've come up with thermite paste or use a heavy duty wire saw.

Put a rainbow flag on it and spray cocks, Would be better than beheading.

You dont need to behead it, all you need is a truck, some chains and pull it down.

isn't that the same one that's on a screencap? something about the owners of the statue can't sell the thing and it's in front of a mason lodge?

I remember they were trying to get like $250k out of it.

Happy Loyalty Day user



(((Holla Forums)))

Oy vey

It makes sense. The commie jews fled to America and promoted the idea that commies are perfectly fine but the natzees are evil and still haunt everyone til this day.

Aren't there like a Million chinese people who go there each year

We didn't build it.,_Seattle

I didn't realize there were so many of us here in Seattle.

Why behead when you can do this:

Kek. Gotta say he got it for a really low price but the shipping fucked him over otherwise he could've just melted the fucking thing and get away with same fat cash.

Some people just don't think.

What does the sign say? Too blurry to make out.

fellow wafag, west of seattle on 101. ya'll city slickers ever have to leave that big ol shit heap someday, just remember ya got plenty of support out here in the sticks. Just have your diamonds in a back pocket when that day comes, we rednecks will have no love, quarter, or mercy for libshit lefty refugees seeking the promised land on dotr.

Any Washington madman with a truck want to crash into Lenin and pretend it was just an accident? (But really a prank).


the (((internet)))


the (((3rd dimension)))

(((Multi Dimensional Chess)))

(((national socialism)))


c-c-combo breaker

((( :^) )))

Wow, that frog cartoon will really stuff it up them.
You know that frog image the jews got the dumb goys to spam non-stop while campaigning for the most jewish friendly US president in Americas history, you know the movement that herded all the easily influenced nationalists into cheering on for their own ZOG destruction.

There is nothing more symbolic of breaking out of the jew mind control, by doing precisely what the jews tell you to do…

Make Greater isreal at Americans expense

Yeah that'll learn them


Why are TOR posters such human garbage? Literally every single time.

they always come across like they were severely bullied at school.

Considering any post critical of jews or their ZOG puppet politicians gets and instant ban now, then perhaps you may understand

You seem greatly troubled by my posting that simple self-evident truth. Despite the fact, everything I wrote is easily proven to be true.

Perhaps when Holla Forums manages to shake off all the lying devious kikes that dominate this board, tor won't be necessary to make any posts critical of jews and their controlled political puppets.

Till then, the only way to get the truth out on Holla Forums is this way, for now.

We know it's you nigger. Nothing is more hilarious than watching someone who is so bad at shilling he has his own counter-signal memes try and pretend that the core board users are the outsiders. I'm convinced more and more that you aren't even shill, you're just mindbroken by this shitty ZOG society and so hopelessly blackpilled that any even incremental improvement just isn't enough. If you feel that way, go full Breivek already and kill a summer camp full of jews/marxists.

TOR is run by Jews

Voting for lying zionist freemason controlled zog-puppets = incremental improvement?

You mean get plastic surgery to look more Aryan, supoort isreal, queers, multiculturalism but go full zionist counter-jihad as a zionist terrorist?
No thanks kike

You know for all your easy to spot bitching and moaning I don't think I've ever seen your plan once, Maltard. What's your genius plan to save the white race that we're not all seeing? Or can you do nothing but counter-signal autistically?

I criticised you jews shilling for the chosenites, yet you reply with that jewy nonsense

How does your non-stop shilling for and promotion of zog-politicians and general cheerleading for neocon zionist kikes, equate to killing them?


Okay I'll just spam the question at you until it finally sticks in your room temperature IQ Louise-Mensch brain.

What's your genius plan to save the white race that we're not all seeing?

First stage would be to get rid of all the lying kikes pushing for and promoting their jew-controlled puppets on every nationalist board that they have as a result destroyed in the past two years.
Retake control back from the kikes of our own dissenting webspaces
Until all the obvious shills controlling every discussion here and other nationalists websites all that will ever happen is some jokes about jews and ultimately only promoting their jewish controlled opposition, as we've seen here and every other co-opted nationalist board

That would be a good start.
From then on it might be easier to start doing something productive, rather than precisely what the jews want you to do.

PS Why would anybody bother trying to thrash out a long winded plan of action with someone who seems to think voting for jews is the only solution to our present day woes?
You'd need to overcome that hump first before discussion of future plans can even be possible.

If you aren't a jew (which I doubt), I'd like to know why you think doing precisely what jews tell you to do is somehow a good way to start the resistance


Looks like the Lenin statue in Fremont, a part of Seattle, Washington State, USA.

Because they're a bunch of Marxist crybabies and they don't like it that other people have money.

t. ex-amazon employee. I have a strong bias against that company, they absolutely suck. But Seattle's hatred of them is grounded in petty leftist jealousy, not reason.

That decapitation was perfect. You couldn't plan something that good.

Hi Sinead.

Jews aren't human, user.

explain to a newfag what 8 of diamonds means again

Should have put a jude star on him.

and a rope around his neck.

Who are the real alphas let's be honest.

A fucking rabbi is in charge of TORah you double nigger.


fuck off, FBI

Then why are you here?

That's true. But antifa loses support every time they come outside. This was meant as a provocation for them to do more stupid things. Like throw M80s in glass bottles through windows. Popular opinion is theirs to lose. We just don't need to kill anyone, yet.


Well that would make some waves, lol

pick one.

Communism is just judaism for the goyim.

They tear down statues from the civil war but they allow a statue of a tyrant who killed millions?