"Collusion Between the Police and Alt-Right Is Inevitable"

ANTIFA terrorists whining and crying. They compare alt-right now to The Blackshirts

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In his book, Our Enemies in Blue, author Kristian Williams lays out the core misconceptions surrounding the function of the police. Though they are billed as “crime fighters,” the fact is that wherever an upper class’s interests come into conflict with those of the lower class – who universally outnumber the elite and suffer for their benefit – a police entity becomes necessary. This was true during the Norman conquest, with the institution of prototypical sheriffs, but more recently, the function of the police was laid bare during the Reconstruction.

Following the defeat of the Confederates, America was caught between two monolithic social conflicts; firstly, the South had fallen into economic decline due to its dependence on slavery. This caused a dramatic rift between the two halves of white society: those who had lost some of their privilege, and those who were taking advantage of newfound institutionalized power. The North deployed federal troops to secure southern territory, and the Radical Republicans sought harsh penalties against the vanquished traitors of the Confederacy — not because of purely abolitionist ideology, of course, but also because of the Radicals’ opposition to Slave Power, the political advantage of the slaveowner class enabled by such factors as the “three-fifths clause.”

Secondly, the ex-slave population was momentarily allowed increased mobility. Not only did freed folk migrate north, adding to Southern labor instability, but they began taking charge of their own narratives and identities by reclaiming abandoned land for their own needs. This presented both a crisis and an opportunity for white society. As before, white America feared the specter of a black uprising, by now intensified by the successes of the Haitian Revolution, but additionally, the nation had to be unified and healed without disturbing the balance of capitalism. This meant preserving the dominance of the elite over the laborer.

The solution was found, as always, in police repression.

During the Reconstruction, police entities worked in concert with local militias, lone vigilantes, and of course, the Ku Klux Klan, to systematically amputate any outgrowth of Black agency. Pro-business southern Democrats were insistent on having economic dominance over the black population, because only by exploitation of that vast source of labor could their previous levels of wealth be equalled. And so it was done; not only were whites empowered by the local authorities to violently repress freed black folk, and not only did the police orchestrate a good portion of that violence, but white society eventually struck a deal with itself. The Klan was abetted regularly by local police (many of whom were members themselves), militias were given free reign to terrorize black congregations, and night riders operated with impunity. Finally, Rutherford B. Hayes was made president in exchange for equalizing power in the South, and black autonomy was offered up as a sacrifice.

This dynamic played out more than once: when the elite class senses that the state’s power is being weakened, they will quickly unify around their mutual interests. So it goes that the police, and the Trump administration, are destined to empower the alt-right while repressing the Left at every opportunity.


The Denver Police Department was on the scene during TPUSA’s conference at the Grand Hyatt, taking an early, preventative stance against the antifascists. There were about eight officers at the entrance, six guarding the driveway for arriving attendees, and two more issuing commands. During the demonstration, officers arrested a total of five antifa members.

It should come as no surprise that a percentage of Denver’s officers belong to one of the two major police unions in the city: the Denver Police Protective Association, and a chapter of the better-known Fraternal Order of Police. Both of these organizations — like Turning Point’s own membership — are stringent supporters of Donald Trump. The FOP, specifically, issued as part of their endorsement of the president a list of “potential actions” which might occur over the president’s first 100 days in office. They stressed that this was not a list of demands, but speculations about the upcoming “law and order” regime.

Of course, via their endorsement, the FOP openly announced their dovetailing of interests with that of the Trump administration. This list includes nods to concerns raised by police; repealing order 13688 which removed unnecessary military equipment from police hands; implementing the “Restoring Community Safety Act” to combat the nonexistent epidemic of violent crime in America; pressuring sanctuary cities with cuts to federal funds, and so on. The FOP is, additionally, the group which pressured Walmart to stop carrying Black Lives Matter apparel, calling the items “offensive.”

But more importantly for the antifascists of Denver, the DPD has been indirectly instructed by the Trump administration itself. Unicorn Riot uncovered an expense in the City of Denver’s online checkbook showing that the DPD had been paid to attend a seminar on “counter-terrorism” and “counterinsurgency” delivered by one Sebastian Gorka.

Gorka is a prominent figure in the shadowy far-right ecosystem of America. A national security advisor to Trump, Gorka is also a “national security contributor” at Breitbart, a participant in the right-wing strategic group known as Groundswell, and last but certainly not least, a longstanding member of Vitézi Rend, a Hungarian Nazi organization.

In short, the DPD, whose roster includes pro-Trump Fraternal Order members, was paid to attend a seminar hosted by a far-right Nazi strategist for the Trump campaign, to be instructed on countering grassroots radical organizations. This is the state organ entrusted with “maintaining order” at the conference of TPUSA, a Trump loyalist student organization which platforms the alt-right, that gaggle of mild racists and full-throttle white supremacists which constitutes Trump’s vanguard party.

It may seem surprising that the Denver Police, who have never needed to respond to an act of terrorism, attended a seminar based around that subject. However, the antifascists were unsurprised when, upon leaving the morning picket line, they spotted a police truck carrying eight riot officers in tactical gear, hiding behind a 7-11 just yards away from the Hyatt hotel. This is what “counterinsurgency” will mean in the near future; pre-loaded, overwhelming, brute-force repression for even the mildest of liberatory actions.

And where is the alt-right, and Turning Point? Politely shaking hands with the officers, musing over the fate of the arrestees, and thanking the police for their service. These two groups share mutual benefit in repression of the left. This is the soul of “essential collusion.” There is no conspiracy, only instinctive symbiosis pregnant with oppression.


TPUSA’s latest alt-right speaker is Ivan Throne, who follows multiple nationalist accounts on twitter, and has written long, venomous screeds against feminism and Islam. It is patently obvious at this point that TPUSA has strong ties with the alt-right, the most obvious being Charlie Kirk’s own contribution to Breitbart, but more immediately the organization’s repeated platforming of alt-right figureheads like Ivan and Milo.

Both Ivan and Milo have spoken in favor of persecution for Muslims, as well as leftists, feminists, BLM supporters, and so on; stated plainly, they espouse an ethnocentric nationalism built around the patriotic “American identity.” This folds into the larger narrative of Trump’s supporters, who have applauded his calls for increased national security, stricter border control, state-sanctified witch hunts against immigrants and refugees, public support for the police, and of course, forceful action against the invisible enemy of Islamic extremists. Similarly, Trump and his voter bloc have agreed in their opposition to leftist ideology and, in particular, anti-regime protesters.

Most recently, Ivan has unveiled a project entitled “Violent Solutions,” which at first analysis appears to merely be a database through which antifascists will be identified and reported to the FBI. Although mostly empty bluster (like everything Ivan does), this eventuality presents a unique threat to Antifa in Trump’s America: this is a concrete example of essential collusion between the state and the far-right. Communication between America’s police, military, and intelligence community is at an all-time high, with various state organs sharing information even with completely unrelated sister forces. Arrests are made public, with the suspect’s full name handed out to multiple agencies and, most importantly, to the alt-right, whose main weapon continues to be the threat of doxxing. Police do not take seriously the threat of online harassment or dox-facilitating platforms like reddit. Revealing the identity of protesters is their job, and police responsibility for a suspect’s safety ends at the jailhouse doors.

In the same vein, we can view the total lack of scrutiny in the UW Seattle shooting outside a Milo speaking event, and more frighteningly, the Trump administration’s deliberate ignorance of white supremacist terrorism, which has surged out of the woodwork since his election with renewed vigor and, now, a kind of codified impunity. So long as they do not overstep the limit of their leashes, neo-Nazis, far-right extremists, white nationalists, and fascist vigilantes will be downplayed or tolerated endlessly by the state. They are not ejected from pro-Trump rallies, nor thoroughly examined by the media, nor directly opposed by law enforcement.

This is no different than the attitude of police and militia entities during the Reconstruction. To protect both sides of this social conflict equally would require otherworldly dedication to the letter of the law. The path of least resistance and maximal benefit is to, instead, either directly enable or passively condone the violence of the far-right (so long as their violence is against leftists and revolutionaries), knowing neither the police nor the vigilantes will be punished, and that the destruction of the defiant will bring about order – specifically, an authoritarian, nationalist order. Their order.


On January 3rd, 1925, Mussolini delivered a speech to the Chamber of Deputies, taking responsibility for the violent actions of the Blackshirts (or squadristi), and announcing a second wave of repression against all those disloyal to the fascist party. It was declared that order would be restored to Italy “within forty-eight hours.”

The next day, every prefect was ordered to suppress all “suspect” political parties, organizations, and individuals, meaning those who opposed the fascist regime. Prior to this period, the fascists had not addressed nor interfered with the Blackshirts’ vigilantism, but now Mussolini was publicly decreeing their fusion with the state powers. Specifically, this meant collaboration with the Carabinieri, the Italian gendarmerie, who utilized (or bullied) the local police forces and brought them into line with the repressive campaign against leftists of all stripes. They were actively entrusted with enforcing fascist ideology, supported always by the vigilantes.

The Blackshirts themselves began as bands of washed-up soldiers, reorganized into local militias to serve as the fascist party’s militant wing. They had sworn oaths of loyalty to the national identity, and to Mussolini himself – fascist conflation of the Nation and the Leader into a single, semi-religious figure. But soldiers would not be enough, and so the Blackshirts gained a new source of recruitment: the Opera Nazionale Balilla.

Stylized in the image of a proudly patriotic youth organization, the ONB was the invention of Futurist philosophers like Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who idealized the image of a youthful, nationalistic, militarized institution which would breed strong, capable warriors for the fatherland. Marinetti called it a “[school] of courage and patriotism.” The ONB orchestrated education and training for its membership, including military exercises designed to acclimate a young man to combat and military discipline. When they came of age, these boys became fresh recruits for the Blackshirts, and began their careers as anti-leftist goon squads, brutalizing socialists, communists, and anarchists alike.

The ONB also enjoyed a total monopoly on this form of recruitment; all youth organizations besides itself were banned by the government, and attempts to organize similar leftists bodies were swiftly extinguished — with, of course, the blessings of local law enforcement, or at least their deliberate ignorance. Students were prime candidates; satellite bodies of the ONB like the GUF freely recruited students of higher education, and the National Balilla Institution was later placed under the direct authority of the Ministry of National Education.

In short: a student organization was able to openly recruit proto-vigilantes, because existing paramilitary forces had quashed any leftist resistance, and both the ruling party and its law enforcement organs were willing to look the other way, or even cooperate, while benefiting from the repressive efforts of these collaborators. There was no conspiracy. Deliberately managed coaction was unnecessary. This partnership was the inevitable conclusion to the rise of fascism.


This article will conclude with an ultimatum: if you consider yourself a radical, an anarchist, or a community organizer, any cooperation with the police is counterproductive, compromising, and potentially deadly.

There is no plausible route forward that does not include, not just resisting, but actively opposing the efforts of the police. Not only are they vocally supported by the regime, but the very authority with which they simultaneously abet the alt-right while restraining social movements is granted by the state itself. Their monopoly on violence, their access to military equipment, their communication with intelligence agencies, and their carte blanche regarding brutality are symptomatic of their ultimate function: maintaining the status quo.

The police have an intrinsic proclivity to ignore Bikers for Trump, Identity Evropa, Turning Point USA, the NPI, and all forms of Trump-centric vigilante violence, because to oppose it would mean jeopardizing their own dominance within the state apparatus. They will not be on the prowl for the people burning mosques or black churches. They will be infiltrating anarchist organizations, secretly photographing protesters’ faces, and collecting the names of antifascist arrestees, assuming the alt-right doesn’t do it for them.

Suddenly, the sight of college republicans chanting “Back the Blue” loses its innocent husk. When we talk about “community self defense,” the conversation should revolve around this question: if the state, the police, the alt-right, and fascist vigilantes all benefit from mutually-discounted behavior, why should we tolerate their existence or presence in our communities at all?

Cool, I hope these commies start a war, it will make us look better when we win.

so they accept that they will be officially recognized as a terrorist organization?



The majority of the time Holla Forums and the police are on the same side.
I don't think that is a shock to anyone really.

Also the military, by and large, would be on our side. They really seem to like Trump and Mattis

Jesus Christ it's like I'm in the twilight zone. These guys have no self awareness, what about when cops or Berkeley officials or globalist Jews cover their asses for committing crime?

and a lot of the time the cops are against us, it depends on when and where, but I think we are starting to see a huge shift even in the police force to being more on our side.

Shit I just moved to Denver and have been blown away by the amount of poz in this cesspit. Every fucking street corner I'm accosted by some smarmy leftoid fuckstain spouting off their brainwashing, you can see the lack of light in their eyes when they espouse their instilled "opinions" like soulless automata. Where are these bastions of even the slightly right leaning thought, where are these demonstrations because I guarantee it's not advertised or discussed anywhere in meatspace.

I mean if the goal is to create a fascist state isn't it kind of obvious that the collusion is inevitable? Let's see these goons kill some cops like those BLM niggers did.

Took long enough.

What I am referencing; we hate blm and the cops hate them to.

I almost feel sorry for them. They truly lack perspective on what forces are at work and are locked in battle at this junction in history.

yes, and thats something that will probably further push the cops onto our side and support our agenda.

Would be great if Antifa weren't state-protected establishment thugs in most of Europe. But hey, they got to project what they are doing into their enemy…


The cognitive dissonance is absolutely amazing, their mayor deliberately makes the police stand down so they can participate in terroristic violence and then they project the same intent upon those who defend themselves.

These people need to admitted into an aslyum or simply euthanized. They're too mentally damaged to function in society.

Wait, so they're angry/stating the cops on "our" side? I doubt it, and even if true, what about the Berkley thing where the cops/mayor sided with antifa?

No mercy for traitors. No quarter for the enemy. Every last one will die. It's about fucking time we put the FEMA camps to their proper usage.

Fear based projection.

Don't let them think any cop is on their side. They want to believe the police are all nazis? Let the fire rise, baby,


What can be done about such reckless faggotry?

slide topic

If they wanted to play safe then why did they became terrorists?

ZOGbot pigs are not on our side. It just happens that we often help them do the job they were originally intended to do by doing our civic duty and sneefing out communist terrorists.

Just talk to grunts on here. The
combat jobs like infantry or certain piloting is all white. Even though a lot of afsoc pilots can be more liberal (spoke to many one on one myself) they are still white.

You already know the answer.


Pretty moe picture famerino, have one in exchange

Their leaders are not, but the common men can be redpilled. I encourage everyone here who is unsure about their employment to get a job in the police force. Rise in the ranks if you can and steadily redpill your comrades.

Police already see nigger culture at its worst. It probably will not be hard. However I have yet to do this myself. I redpill working class workforces generally.

yeah denver is a complete shithole and a massive blight on an otherwise decent state. pot never should have been legalized though. everyone is a fucking goddamn moron now and it can take an hour to get through a drive through.

as was said, you know what has to be done.

Their understanding of the situation is in shambles because of their adherence to the (((official narrative))) of the 20th century. This will be their downfall.

Clearly, the police aren't actually on our side, they're on ZOG's side, but what if we could change that? What if we could meme the police into supporting blackshirts?

These people really deserve no more than a mass grave.

Fuck off, we're full.

Well since kikes and liberals desire the cessation of civilization this is technically a success according to their metrics

Niggers were stopped from nigging and it was horrible.

Jesus, if we bused them out to the Detroit Wasteland or Hati and leave them there to make their own way do you think any of them would learn anything? I doubt it.

Their rhetoric is more like that of an 1880 revolutionary in Vienna. How can they be so "progressive" but repeat that same shit for 140 years?

already left CO retard. I don't want to be in that state anymore. denver ruined it and the pot ruined it. pozzed libshits running all over the place and being super vocal about their shit.

I'm liking the looks of this. Even the Traditionalist Workers' party event went off pretty soundly because of the police doing their duty. Collusion aside, if people keep seeing the police helping us and arresting them, it will go a long ways to normalizing White ethnonationalism again.

Stop treating the cops as some uniform hivemind blob, you dumb niggers. There is no such thing as "the police", what there is is a big fucking array of precints and jurisdictions and each one of them will be wildly different all depending who is in charge. Cops should be judged by whoever the chief of a determined location ismost of California is pure aids, but there are many good men out there

At this point, which states are even remotely good? I'm about ready to go move to the Philippines and go hangout with Hot Wheels and his ladyboys.

We can do better than that, we can put the cops closer to the commies so the blue boys get attacked by the same Antifa the cuck mayor ordered them to defend. Force them to defend their attackers.

Always accuse the other side of what you are doing. It's from Rules for Radicals, AKA jew playbook #1.

I've never understood how any young person could find inspiration in 19th century socialism. It's the most depressing ideology in the world. Do you think any of these guys listen to any of Stalin's speeches? Or Lenin's? Do such things even exist?

"Progress" means "chaos". It's part of confusion. They themselves don't understand this. They see any structure as inherently oppressive. It's probably control issues relating to their fathers, or something. It's no coincidence that these Antifa that are caught live very upper middle class lifestyles. These are guilty young whites. I understand. I always felt guilty for having been born into money. But I had severe personal struggles in other areas of my life to counterbalance that.

Listening to Moldylocks talk you realize these are pampered, yet purely destructive individuals. Maybe it's the shackles of luxury, or the restraint of money: In a sense, having been born into too much without having earned any of it and not having to worry leaves room for degeneracy and rotting of the soul.

Their understanding of what is going on is off by a wide-margin, mostly because things have become so confusing. I'm amazed at times that there are large groups of other young men of my culture who have all figured it out and formulated it cohesively.

Ha, I am from the east coast and I know several liberals who either have moved to Colorado or want to. Sorry for the poz brother because I am well aware it comes from here. Mountain climbing and weed man!!

You may had been sarcastic good user, but that's a damned splendid idea! Let's get them stranded in Haiti just like that fyre festival thing! We could even send all the profits to GTKRWN!

Liberal Jews ruining California start moving to more conservative states to escape the shit hole they created. Little different from Jews.

The reason these types exist is that it's the only tolerated rebellion in highschool allowed. Anyone that shows up with his country's flag or some famous nationalist leader get sent to the principal's office and is punished and mocked in front of everyone and endlessly shamed and treated like dirt. But a Che shirt? Go ahead.
The teachers created them. The Teachers deserve a public flogging, and a public shaming and ostracising. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, wound for wound, blood for blood, and shamings for shamings!

That's cool. I tend to like the Warrior Monk myself

It's remarkable that the actions of the police upholding citizens right to the first amendment will further radicalize these lunatics.


Let me get this right, they run around talking about how they hate cops. Another group says they support cops. The cops side with the people who support them, and then they say it's not fair?

there were cops and and soldiers in the soviet union too. just sayin…

They don't feel that cause and effect is fair. Why else would they support communism?

Nigger I'm already here, if I hadn't just signed a lease I'd get out. Instead of being a count, why not answer the question of where the fuck do I go in this shithole to find someone who won't fall into a coma after hearing me say the holocaust never happened

Double response to call you a cunt, you ain't no aristocrat

NO, we aren't on the same side at all, despite leftist ravings with their copy-pasted wikipedia articles on american history. No user should be gullible enough to think that cops are on the side of pro-whites.

underrated post.

Cops are the only thing preventing RWDS from fixing this country. Their role is to protect criminals, they arrest and kill them only to the extent that is necessary to prevent a vigilante backlash from exterminating them.


ftfy, the diversity hires are worthless.

we have all the military, veterans and police on our side if a revolution happens. Not to mention liberals are afraid of guns

They fail to realize Alt-right are actually operating withing the Law.

Except some few bad applies.

Fuck me cant type…

Except some bad apples*

Cops are on neither side. It's just a job to most these guys. They'll likely side with us in any big event, since antifags are more likely to start shit with them. Just remember, their paycheck is where their loyalty lies. They'll happily throw us into gulags if told to do so.

This exactly. You want unpozzed cops? Start by removing the pozzed chiefs

As much as I hate to say it, a lot of that sentiment is also found in the military. Everyone has principles, up until you lose your job/pay. If the reigns of control aren't taken, then "our boys in green/blue" will turn their guns on anyone their higher ups tell them to.
What we need to do is be those higher ups. It's far better to have a single officer in your pocket than a dozen grunts, because of that.

We're for law and order. The police are for law and order. Agreement on principle is now collusion. Fine.

This is the kind of thing that happens when all you do is write, speak, and think hyperbole.

Goverment in general is against us (at least until Trump) but the cops individually have always favored our. Once BLM became prominent, police are becoming our allies as they see the very "system" that signs their checks is also actively against them.

Unlike Europe, American police have very tiny insulated power structures, it's not uncommon for police departments that exist and only serve and protect less than a square mile of area for example. Much harder to poz.

It's amazing how they never think people will ever get sick of them and then say this very same phrase.

Not entirely true. There would be a split. I remember sometime around late 2008-2009 we were given that survey about using force on us civilians if ordered to do so. And it caused a bunch of consternation. Eventually a staff sgt started walking through the barracks and told us all to lie on it that we would shoot civilians if ordered because if we answered honestly there would be a purge of the battalion to get like minds away from each other. I doubt there is as much integrity in the infantry now.. what with women officers and all fucking unit cohesion up.

I love how lefties talk about the "alt-right" as if it's an actual established political party with members and leaders rather than an overly vague term that has no agreed meaning.


I havn't seen it, the police have been pretty equal to the point of allowing Antifa to get away with some stuff but I havn't seen them take a side, even if their members want to I know they can't.

I wish Donald Trump was a White Nationalist holding secret meetings with other White people in power in order to create a White nation by the end of his presidency.

What word would you substitute for White?

It's interesting to see the no-kidding historical correlation and where it leads.
It's one thing to "feel" something is the way it is and another to put it in concrete terms.
For that I'm actually pretty thankful to whoever wrote the article, it's enlightening, all partisanship aside.

Difference is, there's documented history of military officers getting fragged when their men don't like them or the orders they give. That doesn't happen with cops.

It's a good thing that they keep doing this. Conflating every possible degree of conservatism or 'the right' together makes them stupid and unable to accurately analyse describe their enemy. Maybe in a few years they will come up with an uneducated pseudo-conspiracy theory like "cultural Marxism" but for the right. It's actually already kind of happening. Read this thread salo-forum.com/index.php?threads/fascism-2017-world-tour.5376/. We should push ignorant crap like this and keep them dumb.

Anyone remember the stream of articles kvetching about how more than half of Greek police supported Golden Dawn about 5 years back? What ended up happening there? I haven't heard anything about it recently.

Polite sage for mild off topic.

You're either the same poster or one of many, because I have heard this story a few times now. Unsurprising but still good to hear

So based on so many levels, I hope he and like-minded individuals are able to look out for themselves and their ilk.

>No archive

A well-liked officer in your pocket is worth his weight in gold. A disliked officer is frag-bait.

What the fuck happened? If the liberal courts use the police as a force to enforce their liberal bull shit why would so many alt-kike, or even normie conservatives, lick their boots this much?

Do they really think the cops are on our side?

The cops are the motherfuckers preventing us from hanging these little commie kikes from bridges and skinning them cartel style.


It's the poz of Boulder bleeding out into the rest of the state. Boulder is 10% kikes. It should be no surprise everything within 100 miles is a toxic cesspool of kikery.


user, you found a JACKPOT! Whenever the number of kikes goes above 4%, their paranoia takes over, which disillusions their kids. There's a fucking reason the kikes created cultWatch! THEY ARE EASY PREY! It's in their blood, they've been cult-slaves for so long, that theyre fucking easy. I've been in mooched off of gloriously cults before. You could suck these kikes dry through their kids and feed the money into the volk, and by the end get them to do anything from kill themselves to just go steal their parent's cars and drive to Mexico for the fuck of it, butt ass naked. Have some fun, cause some chaos, take their money, and do a good deed at the same time! Best of all, anything horrible they do will splatter onto the rest of the kikes! Go start a cult in Boulder! I'll help you run propaganda, I HAVE DONE IT BEFORE for a cult in the past, shilling for booze mostly, it's fun and I'm great at it. This will work, by Kek, it really will!
Praise Kek!

We have not blown up anything or killed anyone, just disagreed with people and stood our ground. They're top tier faglords, seriously.

I don't fully trust the police personally, whenever it'll advantage them they'll lock you up and say the legendary "I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job, just following the orders man.". They're also the thing standing between normalfags and the foreign hordes making it bearable for them to be fence sitters.

The fags left the pride parade and became "right-wingers". Average militia guy is still the average militia guy, trust me.


Most cops at the individual level are conservative whites who are very redpilled on niggers, spics, and immigration, but very bluepilled on the jew and the system itself. Any white person on this board probably has a cop in his extended family, they are very ripe for the redpill and infiltrating the police and military should be a primary target of ours.

This is the most true sentiment in this thread.

Their desperate attempts to push a false narrative only take a root in reality because they KEEP FUCKING THROWING BRICKS AT POLICE

I look forward to the day police finally un cuck themselves and join our ranks. But I'm not that naive.


These people are really fucking delusional. Antifa is funded by the state and police are told to stand down against them most of the time. So much fucking projection.

soon…. very soon

Denveranon here. Lately I've been seeing antifa graffiti around (and one guy with an anti-antifa sticker on his door. Who are you, brave user?)

Back pre-election, I was at a Trump rally in town (sans Trump. He was in the convention center but it cost shekels to get in, so I was with the street plebs gathering outside.) The anti-Trump were violent and vulgar, while the Trump side were respectful and composed. The police are ABSOLUTELY on our side. I stood near the police most of the time, because the leftists were a bunch of near-violent crackwhores. I guarantee every member of our police force voted Trump. You know what we have in Denver? A TON of spics, and some negroes fresh moved in from god knows where. Know who commits all the crime? You already know.

Also, don't let them fool you. Antifa have no presence here, just a few chain smoking pierced dyed-hair scum from Baker and maybe a couple university kids.

As for the graffiti, I leave it as-is. Makes them look like what they are, a bunch of destructive deadbeat criminal scum. I hope we get to lynch them soon with the blessing of the public.

We're behind enemy lines. You can't walk outside without hearing someone slandering the godemperor, and they have pozz signs all over. Posters of Muslimas in flag burkas, gay flags on churches, etc. You walk in a laundromat and you'll be the only one speaking English.

Co Springs is more red-leaning, but imo it's a shithole. Denver is honestly a nice city, we just need to destroy the liberals.

That is why this is a good thing. If you are one of the Holla Forumsacks that has infiltrated anfag, you should be pushing hard for attacks on police.

Thanks for the fond memories old man.

vivisect was not the word they were looking for