Would you survive on the island Holla Forums?
Fyre Festival General #3 - Escalation
Yes because i am okay with a 30 minute walk to the nearest town
why do these fags even have an internet connection. i mean thank god for all the funny shit they post, but isn't this supposed to be some god forsaken nigger island?
A bunch of angry niggers with guns on a private island, that apparently isn't controlled by any country, set up a con to separate white liberals from their money and kidnap their women for concubines. This has to be a fantasy come to life for every angry nigger in the world.
His girlfriend was raped at best and sold to human traffickers at worst. If he wasn't a numale cuck, he wouldn't have let her out of his sight in such a situation, but these people have no survival instinct.
I'd feel sorry for them if their stupidity was merely self-destructive, but these people push for things that would leave to the same for everyone else. So fug 'em :DDD
You idiots realize that in the first thread it was agreed upon to post on Reddit and social media with sock puppets in order to fan the flames of this, right?
Anyone archived thread 2? faggots mods deleted it.
Are anarchists from reddit trying to create their dream Utopia?
Fucking lol. Judging by the fact that they have a communal medical station and it's Reddit I would guess that they are the commie variety.
Hasn't this all been wrapped up? Are there still more than a handful of people stuck on the island? I would assume those who are still there, are there because they lost or had their passport stolen and now are working with the embassy on getting back home.
Are there still hundreds of people trapped there?
Whoops - I responded before reading:
I guess I wasn't entirely wrong though. Being left defenseless on an island with savage nigger hordes sounds like a Reddit cuck's wet dream. His girlfriend probably got sunburned because all of the suncreen was repurposed as anal lube.
I bet the use of refugee tents could somehow link a government contractor to this scam
I'm pretty much the biggest white knight faggot in the world, but this is absolutely hilarious to me. I hope he is haunted by visions of her violent assault every time he closes his eyes for the rest of his life.
Gain some ground and self respect.
I'm exaggerating for narrative purposes my dude.
Defend yourself with what, cuck. Your shoes? These people remind me of pic related, girlfriends off being gangraped, hearing gunshots..
Sure you are.
Disgusting. Someone call Anthony Burch and tell him he's been cucked out of his "King of Cucks" title.
don't you know that many nigger countries actually have internationally subsidized WiFi hotspots and in some cases even fiber optic infrastructure? anything to sap more money from the goyim.
Anything from Ja? Have the damage control and life destroying lawsuits started?
He's not on sovereign territory.
don't joke like that user
I dunno man, Burch may have been cucked out of his marriage, career and wiiu (none of which were quality enough to fight over in the first place tbh), but he never literally curled up and took a nap while his girlfriend was kidnapped and savaged by island niggers.
I can at least see curling up and napping the time away as a mental defense mechanism but there's no excuse for that abject cuckery
Burch still reigns
What the hell is this? Some white liberals are getting aggressively lifestyled into cuckoldry on an island somewhere?
Yes and it's funny as hell. Hopefully this would make them red-pilled.
Fix'd for you.
I am enough of a white knight that I wouldn't let my gf get burned, let alone take her to nigger fest.
How many of them got raped?
Not enough.
en dot wikipedia dot org/wiki/Cheshire,_Connecticut,_home_invasion_murders
this is a good redpill for normies, especially about the cops.
We wont know until the trustifarian numales muster enough force to make a push for the "medical" tent so probably never.
holy shit just put a space inbetween the htt ps lad it'll break the link without making me want to kill you
The only cucked or pozzed thing here is you
Where's Breivik when you need him?
Not saying this shit is fake but this shit is fake.
Stop fishing for cheap (you)s. You're better than that.
Kek I always suspected that cucks were just closeted homos who wish it were their asshole being violated
How the fuck do these creatures even manage to make it out of the fucking womb? I'd seriously like to take these people and just split open their skulls to see exactly what the fuck is wrong with their brains and how we can fix it.
Do these people not have parents? Were they not taught to maybe not do stupid and dangerous shit? As a man your single biggest instinct is to protect your woman and you not only take her to a place like this but proceed to leave her alone in a random tent with a bunch of armed niggers?
These people are liabilities that deserve to be shot. There is no way they could possibly ever produce anything worthwhile for society and allowing them to reproduce would be a crime against humanity.
People of color are our friends, shitlord.
What day is it, the 3rd? be those fuckers gave up their vegan diet the first day an dug into the shitty cheese sandwitches and by now they are eating chunks of raw meat.
Hahahaha is this shit still going on user? I assumed they were rescued by now since the threads stopped.
You don't even need to do that now. All links are automatically broken. Try it out.
It really gets interesting when they run out of water. You can go a week without food, but something like only 48h without water.
Fun fact: Bahamas is probably the only country in the world where every cell phone call is intercepted and recorded. That's full audio, not just metadata.
Some NSAfags are probably laughing their ass off listening to this stuff.
Please Trump, order NSA to release a "greatest hits" of Fyre phone calls.
Yeah, considering they really blew their load early by raiding the bar and passing out alcohol (and presumably the bottles of water too) at random there's no telling who has emerged as the Water-King now. From what I understand, these people aren't like "Let's go full communism" millennials, these are normalfag one-percenters who play make-believe students at fashion schools.
inb4 they give all their food and water to locals who promise to save them only to be robbed blind by a nigger once again.
This shit is still going? You'd think someone would step in to save the richkids.
This was probably what it looked like on day 1.
Whites are the only moral creatures on this hell hole we call Earth. Glad to see some cucks learn it the hard way.
I really like your ID
It blows my minds that its just a water.
yet they never found natalies body and while the entire western world let van der hoot get away it took a developing country like peru to at least put him in jail.
You know what, youre right. Thank you user
user it's a backwater Caribbean island, you'd be better off swimming to a resort than trying your luck in niggertown
or it's an offshore bankers paradise
Can't say I didn't see that one coming. I wish I'd saved the webm of niggers raiding a truck full of orange juice that was stuck in traffic.
Doctors pull them out. Caesarians correlate with weakness of body and character
Lol doesnt top the rapefugees in Hungary, throwing away the aid they were given in spite.
Rich kids of Instagram get redpilled
Why? What do they have to offer us?
He's a kike.
the "shitlord" should have given it away.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
that would be illegal, and mean, and require carefuly planned OPSEC for your escape
and it would work better with a cargo of purple drank left in a hood in a stolen van
S-sorry user. It's been a while
you know what time of year it is user…
please user there's a jew behind this as always
The quintessential Leftist phrase. All of the failure in the West can be derived from this one phrase. Also note the name of the user, that's important too.
i fapped
dude, this post was fake
if you go to reddit , (yeah, I know) and use their search function, this poster commented the following day on some sport shit in Austin
the girlfriend story was funny, but bullshit
well it was real in my mind
Can't fucking believe some Holla Forumsack is there, just enjoying the chaos and auschwitzposting IRL
Seriously. We invaded Grenada to evacuate some college students who were American.
The site got attacked again. Use the mod.php workaround detailed on the 404 page to fix it instead of being a disinfo shill.
Remember the six gorillion jews massacred at Fyre. The black bastids can't be allowed to get away with it. My grandmother dodged rape at a heat stroke tent twice there.
Are these faggots still on the island? God damn there are rescue efforts for darkest africa that go down quicker.
Yeah, because that didn't happen in the Bahamas.
Called it. I knew theyd turn into this rhetoric about islam being oppressed in the first thread
fuck. newfag here, reply didn't finish. Tent company is Shelter Systems - old california hippy guy and his sister - they have a couple of retards in the warehouse (old info though). Not government contrators though they dream of it.
Tents would have been the cheapest to ship and still look kinda fancy.
Odds are the festival would have screwed them over, no great loss.
there we co now its complete
fucking typos
So was there anything significant that happened at the start of this shit? I'm fuzzy on the details and basically just caught the tail end of this.
Basically, a lot of white liberal faggots paid some nigger rapper a shitton to go to this festival in the Bahamas. When they got there, the festival grounds were in shambles and they got nothing that they were promised.
Niggers started to enrich them. They've been stuck there for a few days now by this point, panicking since they have no survival skills.
Thats just the official justification, they were taken out because hardline stalinists had a communist coup.
Sounds pleasant, any footage or photo evidence of this cuckshow?
The long and the short of it is that it was a poorly planned event. Event organising is an art form requiring a hardworking team that posse’s a complex blend of skills. The people who put this event together were evidently clueless as to how to run an event.
All of the energy seems to have been on marketing, fortunes were spent on paying social media “influencers” to promote the event. They appear to have sat down and brainstormed what a “perfect festival” would look like and then used stock footage to sell tickets for it. Inevitably it fell at the first hurdle (transportation in) and went to hell from there on, no food or water, no accommodation or entertainment and no transportation back out.
I just wanted to let you know how demoralizing that was.
so how the hell would they get tents specifically made for refugees if they weren't somehow involved in the whole deal? I'm actually getting at the fact they were wannabe contractors that couldn't become contractors because the refugee fell through.
when you promise a specific type of accomodation and give peopel a fucking tent it's just a scam, there is no incompetence there.
Would work better with pot
Plenty, although mostly in the past two threads. Pic related has the only two I have, alas.
I'm pretty sure it's not. Everything OP cites is from the first day.
Heil'ed. Not enough.
Yes, yell at them more. I doubt a single right winger went there to listen to a bunch of black people sing
I’m not convinced it was a deliberate scam, if you were out to steal people’s money why would you do so in a way that was guaranteed to generate a huge amount of publicity when it went down?
I think they were just stupid people who sold people tickets to something that only existed in their imaginations and through the sheer amount of cash they brought in managed to throw enough of it about to hire a location and secure a few shaky agreements with contractors. Then as the even drew closer they just hoped it would all work out. “Hmm, first guests arrive in 6 hours, I’m sure we can get this patch of dirt, handful of tents and unconstructed stage looking like top-tier by then”.
Wait, they're still stuck there? I thought the authorities got everyone out of there after locking them in the airport.
This event is the sort of thing that happens when you have a bunch of people who have always relied on other people. They dick around and expect other people to take up the slack, except this time there was nobody to take up the slack. It was only incompetents. Up until the final week most of them were probably thinking it'd all magically work out somehow.
No, I don't think they're still there. I've seen no evidence that anybody is still there.
Well imagine all their phones (and the white women) are either in the hands of niggers or dead by now
That doesn't explain the whistle blower that repeatedly tried to warn people that the whole thing was fraudulent. They difference in what was advertised and what was delivered was waaaay too large.
How could you pick a location and advertise for vip lodging when there literally is NONE? That's different than overbooking, they actually put tents out there.
and i checked out the company this guy talks about…>>9832197
assuming they bought one of the larger tents thats like 3300 dollars a tents. You think they actually thought they could charge 1500 dollars a person for three nights and build a house to lodge people in?
I don't think you appreciate the experience they were trying to offer. There's a reason they were going with a tent city.
Whistleblowers are "buzzkills" in such an environment. They're ignored because good for nothing lazy faggots think that "positive energy" is what gets shit done, not hard working men. When a hard working person finds themselves overwhelmingly outnumbered by good for nothings, they typically bug out asap. Which it seems is what a handful of people did.
Nobody did all the obvious math because everybody assumed that somebody else was doing it. That's how these sort of people operate.
they are made to be buzzkills becuase they might expose what is really going on, same as calling someone paranoid
Celebrity lawyer Mark Geragos (who represented the late Michael Jackson and a few others) has filed a lawsuit seeking about $100 million of damages.
Sauce: archive.is
Ivanka looks like she wants to stab Castro's son
He's in isreal being trained up for his next mission, Moishe
Apparently the locals are furious because people were giving the famous swimming pigs on the beach rum and a bunch of them died.
You've scattered my precious pot-belly pigs!
Well it's been days, has this gone from lord of the flies to full cenobytes yet?
How considerate.
Ask the Templars, Stratford did.
So did any enrichment happen? The posts in the OP look fake as hell.