Hey, I know Holla Forums has helped to find people before, and now I need your help. This cunt pepper sprayed me and a friend who were spreading high energy memes at the trump rally in Harrisburg. She was posing as a Trump supporter before taking his picture, yelling "I got you now" and then pepper spraying both him and myself. the screenshot is from the right side broadcasting of the event at around the 3 hr 37min mark. Please help so we can put this bitch in prison.
Holla Forums lend me your aid
I'm not buying it. You're not who you claim to be.
What are you on about mate?
Did you seriously think this would work?
fuck you niggers here is my flag w/ pepper spray on it
So you didn't tackle her? And no one else saw it? And you didn't call security?
i was out there all day ask just about anyone there, I was wearing a kilt and walking around w/ this sign
she got grabbed and taken to the police and they let her go after "getting her contact information"
Then press charges and send the police the video. They clearly know who she is.
I have tried, but they have been distant and it would be a lot easier to press charges when you actually have someone's name
holy shit fucking kill yourself reported and waste of trips
The police already do have the name. Did they take your name too? If not then you can't do shit. Also if anything happened to her, you're fucked now for instigating it. Goodbye.
I'll check your trips but you need to get the fuck out of here. You're in the wrong place
You deserved the pepper spray, my dude.
whatever I don't know why I ever thought Holla Forums could be in anyway useful
So you just confirmed you don't belong here. Back to memebase or wherever the fuck you saw that flag to recreate it.
Hey retard, I was there and saw you and your friend. I actually stood there for a bit while you were under the tree after the rally and people kept asking me "What's this", and had to tell them "It's a long drawn out internet thing. Don't worry though, he's pro-Trump", because they thought you were an unhinged protestor.
When you're sitting there waving an unknown flag, shouting about being oppressed, and screaming "Normies get out" and literally reeeing, normies are going to think you're a protestor. I can't blame her for spraying you. And your friend in the red helmet made a fucking fool of himself the the police afterwards.
Take your 4cuck Sargon Kekistan bullshit elsewhere.
==AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA== fucking hell, you should of slapped this lad across his acne riddled face mate.s
I'm sorry, I was wrong, you deserved even more pepper spray, OP.
Holy shit I hope you took a picture. I want to see what this moron looks like.
Good. Next time give more evidence and timestamps.
put me in the screenshot
Give me a bit. I took a video on my phone. He posted a picture of himself here in another thread, Ill find that too.
The suspense is killing me
Anything with those trips bby
Here's OP. Yes, in a kilt, in public, for no reason.
More clickbait cuckchan cancer for ad revenue. Next broadcast i'll be ddossing your upstream.
He looks like the hobgoblin, with that smile.
But in all serious OP, curb your autism in public.
I'm with her, I would've pepper sprayed OP too for good measure.
What are ya, 5'4, OP?
Already doxxed on the internet. Sad.
Bloody hell mate.
Wheres it at lad.
Agreed. More pepper spray needed
Called it, I knew it had to be some turbo autismo in order to fly those retarded reddit memes in public. I said it once and I'll say it again, OP, kill yourself you cancerous faggot.
did she dieded?
Well I guess it is pretty heavy for a child to run around with larping all day.
We should get her something stronger for the next time see needs to oust faggots.
Working on it. I'm not the most tech savy guy, I'm probably doing it in the most inefficient way possible. It's nothing special though, just the guy OP is talking about explaining to some dude that "He's a simple meme farmer and he's being oppressed"
It'd be pretty sad if OP's school found out he's a nazi.
Wait what if OP and b2c6aa are the same person and this was all a clever ruse to frame a poor retarded child?
dear god, my sides
ill be waiting mate
Goddammit. It filmed in that nigger tier vertical. Sorry, I don't really film shit on my phone and didn't know what I was doing. Either way, converting to webm now. Whatever, the audio is what's cringe anyway. Don't get to hyped though, it's really nothing crazy.
Can't wait.
Can you imagine OP's fucking face right now
Yeah it's right here
all good I just want to see this twat sperging out.
Should've just went to halfchan. Here anyone considered 'not us', is unfortunately considered the enemy. No nuance.
Reee for us, little froggy.
"lock up barry soetoro, lock up michael obama, lock up killary clinton, bill clinton, web hubbel's daughter, lock up huma abedin, lock up them all who have committed treason against us, especially the lady living in barry soetoro's house."
Well, that surpassed my low expectations. You're so fedorable, OP.
Oh dear.
Let this be a lesson to you, OP.
Jesus fucking christ, it's worse than I had imagined.
worst OC you'll see all day
Jesus fucking Christ lad.
t. 5'5 master race
Oh boy, I can't wait to hear that video
Yeah I was sort of pretending that too. But let's be real guys, this is likely an antifa OP, who doesn't care which way we target (boy or girl); both their enemy. That's why these threads should be deleted, otherwise we simply get manipulated… Some of us that is.
5'9 ;_;
You deserve worse.
Yup, you deserved it alright.
It's possible, but cuckchanners really are this dumb
Here's the template, if you;d like
The fucking nerve of this guy to call a woman like that a liberal.
With this gem on his shirt… hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm a dumpster fire when it comes to this sort of tech shit, but here you go. Again, it's nothing special, just some related sperging. It's more the guy OP is talking about, not OP himself, but he's there behind him.
imo the only thing OP lied about was that the pepper sprayer was an under-cover SJW, pretty sure she is legit, if just a tad crazy. She wasn't at 911.
Hard to argue with trips, but also suggesting Antifa are even remotely capable of shenanigans that require more than two working braincells.. hmm
The autism in that video burns.
heh, good shit
I'd probably pepper spray them too, if I saw them sperging like that
Maybe pepper spray was too lenient.
bahahahhahaha somebody should of tossed a molotov on those cunts
I might be giving Antifa too much credit, but it should at least be considered.
God fucking damn. OP is the biggest faggot of the year.
He always wanted to be a meme, and now he got his wish.
I'm pretty sure he will be disappointed. He doesnt even reply in this thread anymore.
He probably went to ask cuckchan to hack us. After that he'll go to SomethingAwful and ask the goons to hack cuckchan. And then he'll go to reddit, and ask them to hack SA. Then he'll kill himself.
He's got some nice girlish features (those hips tho) but he may have to regress all the way to goybook for some whiteknight to comfort him.
Where is OP now ?
You know he's lurking. The retard told us what he was wearing because he's a virtue signaling mongoloid. You know the type. There's no way he can stay away. He's just staring at the screen, chest tight, a sour feeling in his gut, cold sweat, piss running down his leg…
Oh man, I have achieved a fully torqued erection. I'm so glad me standing at that rally for 9 hours culminated in this gold.
Probably still lurking to make sure he doesn't end up doxed. Either that or he's already wiping all his social media accounts.
you are cancer incarnate
you should get pepper sprayed again OP
Jesus christ kid. I can't even. On a scale of 1 to even, I can't. Your dumbshit smile tells me everything I need to know about you. You don't take any of this seriously, you just think it's fun and you're in it for LE DANK MayMays xDDDDddDDD!!!111!!1!!! We are dealing with whether or not Western Civilization collapses and you're out there being fucking autistic. In case you didn't know, the Autism thing is a meme. Just like the 400 lb basement dwelling neckbeard. They are shields we use so that when we go into public, they are surprised that we are respectable looking individuals.
You're the type of person that gives us a bad name. You know that fucking autist queer in that had the TRS pool party shirt on in the pic with Milo? You look faggier than that guy.and that's saying something. Take a good hard look at yourself and ask yourself who thinks you're cool. Your 10 year old butt buddy? Jesus christ. Dress nice, don't fucking flaunt your nerd hobbies. Don't wear fucking goggles and a gas mask I'd fucking mace you too given the situation, if only to teach you a fucking lesson about being a le ebin memester in public.
I'm fucking triggered
Anyone who's willing to affiliate themselves with anything these guys are doing (and their fucking Cuckistan movement do) needs to be gassed ASAP.
I'm sure if we go deeper we'll find out this dude is a furry LARPer or something as degenerate.
Oh shit I haven't made on of these in a long time, is it good?
OP is TRS incarnate, on every level.
If that's an Antifa D&C group it's damn effective since it makes our support base look brony-tier. This is not how to represent the right. Fuck that video pisses me off.
that looks a lot more like someone dropped the lubricant than pepper spray m8.
Fix that and tack some shit from the video on and that's bretty gud
Here's your (You). Good job user.
My sister pepper sprayed you for acting like a faggot
Meh, they might turn out alright if they keep lurking. Can't expect too much better for children when the only positive role models are hidden away from easy viewing.
Granted, that one had Jesus trips so it can slide
If real you MUST show your sister this thread.
Again guys, the probability that this^ is really the same person as the one posting it? Rationally, it would be very low, and even more so if the person knows our mindset while posting it, for even Sargon's fans know many of us don't like them much.
You are all too hungry for it to be real (for the lulz), when it's more likely an Antifa poster manipulating us. Yes, I could be giving them too much credit, but too many of you aren't given it much at all.
The kid's learned his lesson, no need to shit on low-hanging fruit
Damage control (that ID lol, I found OP)
Neck yourself, we don't need you anonymous style posers around here.
I don't even care if it was antifa. This kuckistan bullshit needs to die.
hi op
I kind of feel bad for OP because this is exactly the type of autistic memelord shit I'd have done 10 years ago during the old /i/ raid days. I know, because everyone who showed up to those IRL events was cringey as fuck. It's too easy to live in a little bubble where your shitty internet inside jokes are so prevalent you forget you're gonna look like a fucking awkward freak if you use them in public.
Even back then though, we knew never to ask for personal army work.
Let this thread be a good lesson to you OP. Don't be a faggoted teenager.
This is a beautiful and glorious thread
Why no timestamp pic? This is just larping you-seeking until proven otherwise.
Im so sick of this fucking kekistan LARPing cancer. why is it always stupid little faggots like this.
Fucking lefty cuck sargon pushing this kekistan trying to make pol something it isn't and then you get little brats like this just shitting up the good name of this board and what its about.
For what it's worth, I didn't personally see them get sprayed. I left, went to my car, decided to go back when the parking lot was congested with city drivers, and I saw OP and his friends at the edge of the parking lot being told to disperse by the police while very clearly looking and acting like they had just been maced.
The best part is that the protestors had left at that point. Literally the entire line of police horses were focused on corralling them. It was a fucking sight to behold. I don't think I'll ever again in my life see someone sperg so hard that an entire mounted police corps goes after you and you alone.
Lol… And you could be Antifa? I'll pretend to be OP then, anyway lol.
Guys, I beg you to forget this! We must all move on with our lives. Long live kekastan my brothers, shadilay! Peace
I bet the little bitch is masturbating furiously because he's biggest dream of becoming a meme has for at least a bit came true.
I want to fuck Satania
they do it on reddit all day, dumping pics of trump supporters and spamming that they're super secret antifa spies that need doxxxxxxxxxxxxing. Likely anyone who's smart enough to scrape for info or at least has the ability to sift though old breeches is smart enough to not fall for this shit.
at least I hope so
Because that is what children do. They emulate things and do chuuni shit. That's exactly the reason someone like Sargon would come up with a LARPing mythos, because it will attract attention. If you want it to stop, you have to somehow reach the kids and set them straight, or else wait for them to chase the rabbit down the hole.
I get the impression that he's a manlet. Do we have any way to calculate actually how tall he is? Maybe by the belt buckle?
It's a bit fishy innit
me too
guys no infighting
I'm 6' and he was maybe a half a foot or more shorter than me. To be fair the Trump impersonator next to him was a massive dude. That being said , he's either like 14 or incredibly low test.
Rest in piss OP.
Point is these kekistan trshills are not "in" so we're not infighting.
jesus christ why
another version
fucking post you cripplekike code
the fact you stook a post containing #Gamergate seriously warrants the immediate necessity of suiciding yourself to death.
Or people are dumb as fuck, and it makes us look bad. Because I was the first person to assume we could've been manipulated, I become suspect.
I am rather enjoying the laughs though. Whether it was Antifa or not.
So like 10% of us?
That's different because it was just fun and games. As put it well, even though it looks a bit like copypasta
Now's not the time to go to a Trump rally and memespout to annoy the people who are on our side. Do that at some antifa thing if you want to.
I don't know what stook means. why autocorrect do you hate me so much.
i'd push that number down to like 3 or 5 people
I agree tho
of course you feel bad for op you fucking dork. i bumped into a group of you faggots at a anime/comic con years ago and there you were being corralled by a snaggletoothed ham planet dressed as inuyasha screaming about mudkip and peeling the paint off the walls with your halitosis.
Here's your (you), gj
Take a look at who he's replying to, faggot.
the internet is a cruel mistress
This is a glorious day with much spaghetti being spilled.
I'm glad there was no internet when I was a teenage edgy kid, I could see myself as OP, 15 years ago when I was also a edgy teenage kid.
But back then, cell phones were helluvah expensive and the cameras were shitty and cuckchan/social media didn't even exist, and most people still had dial up connection instead of broadband.
I genuinelly feel sorry for generation Z autists such as OP.
Wow, that's one of the gayest things I've seen in my entire life. You should feel bad about yourself you massive faggot.
B-but m-muh based Generation Zyklon
Finished VERSION
More like a finished virgin
Lucky it wasn't me, i would pound you in the ground with a hammer. Falling for sarcucks kekistani reddit tier bullshit deserves death by firing squad at the very least.
I wish 4chan and Sargon would leave.
You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker, be glad you don't get curb stomped.
5'5" barely alive
Go back to cuckchan you fucking faggot. Your kind is seriously degrading the quality of this board.
I dunno user, personally I can related to OP, because I was also a attention seeking faggot back in the day, gladly, my older brother and even my mother always alerted me not be a edgy sperglord or else people would (rightfully so) make fun of you for being a retard in public.
Turning in to halfchan now. Sage.
I saw this coming.
O-oh boy. Not looking forward to the future at all!
Sage isn't a downvote, kiltfag.
Holy shit my sides this thread
Op you sperg why and the fucking kilt my god
How much retard juice are you drinking boy
Actually, did nobody notice OP's perfectly girly, hairless legs?
Nice d&c kikery itt.
I was at first, but this shit is too funny. It needs to be seen.
Explain, retard.
I'm putting this shit all over Twitter lmfao. Kekistani cuckchan fags will probably glorify it though. Oh well more followers to redpill. Congratulations kid you're a meme
This is how it always happens. It always backfires. There is a reason and a very good one, that one of the rules is that X is not your personal army.
Just sage the thread, faggot. It was fucking funny and you got some good footage, but threads like this aren't going to improve the quality of the board.
You're all a bunch of retards. Kid is what, 12? He made at home some KEK flag because he was afraid to make a NAZI flag or some other shit. He did his best.
AT LEAST HE DID SOMETHING. You're a bunch of losers on the internet.
Good work kid. Don't mind these neckbeard LARPING losers. You will learn.
I consider this thread to be an IQ test (Antifa manipulation or not), and most of the posters have low IQ.
I wonder who could be behind this post? Fuck off with your Sargon of Akkad civic nationalist bullshit, and shove the Kekistan flag up your ass.
You must redeem yourself OP. Shave your head and renounce memes on video and post it here.
The right will stay weak as long as shills keep their successful d&c campaign going, it works too well, especially on Holla Forums.
Instead of supporting OP who DID something, armchair warriors laugh about him. IMO he's more brave than any of the pathetic morons who advocate waiting for Hitler, who have become shills without noticing it.
Go home Quadroon of Cuckad.
Also, notice how all of these posts are appearing at once.
I noticed that too
rly maeks u think
You are worse than Antifa.
might teach spergs not to sperg to hard
HAHAHAHAHA 12 yo Suits up in a kilt a gas mask with a KEKISTAN flag reeing at normies to get out thats as cringe as it gets
I'm sure you could non-white infiltrator.
Take note of how they add completely unrelated Hitler/natsoc imges/infographics to their posts.
OP if nothing else we should be tracking you down.
Holla Forums is a National Socialist board
I'd consider that to be worse than the kid himself at this point.
If people want the younger crowd to follow us, to kill things like kekistan, they have to be given something like a HJ or Thule Society to join.
Please allow me to explain, basically his post is a less-than-sarcastic version of what I said here:
Having nice little chat with yourself there.
He did something alright. He engaged in attention seeking behavior in a public place, connected with nobody, spread no message, informed nobody, but people saw he was vaguely some kind of internet sperg…
I am so down for that. OP must suffer. Already on it.
Nigger the kids love the kekistan meme and praising kek. If you kill that or try to your movement is failed and serves nobody except the fat neckbeards who browse the deep web. Let's be realistic; there's a winning approach and a losing approach. #PraiseKek faggots
That's a really impressive Hakenkreuz you have there… Yes, yes, the OP should feel bad… of course.
Kek. Why are there so many faggots here now? Wew
Coddling will turn him more left than anything else. High standards and mockery when misstepping are the best chances at forming some manhood.
This Kekistan stuff is heresy.
fugg, I''l see myself out
take a closer look at those IDs
I personally don't even care about the kekistani meme stuff, it's pretty useful for getting youth introduced into redpills, versus them becoming college trash liberals. Tweens are gonna tween.
However, when you go about it like such a faggot that old trump women pepper spray you because they think you're a degenerate, that's an absolute cancer. Hopefully OP learned something from all this.
If the winning approach is making such a fool of yourself that people think you're the complete opposite of what you actually are, getting maced, then literally being chased down by cavalry, I don't think I want to.
Identity Evropa was there, and as much as I hate the Alt-Right, they were conducting themselves perfectly reasonably and I had nothing bad to say about their appearance and behavior. That shit is tolerable even if their message is wrong. This autistry is not.
Checked. The thing that skeeves me the most is that it's cuckchan based, when the whole Kek discovery was based on Kek being in the Ogdoad (Eight town) and other shit that was only relative to Holla Forums. He's not a 4chan deity in the slightest, let alone all these other groups that use his name.
If you genuinely think that he did ANYTHING useful by doing this , you are just as autistic as he is. He harmed us more than anything because he doesn't present himself well, acts like a retard, and turns normies who may have potential to redpill away. Do you really think that a 30 year old man is going to look at him and say to himself, "Wow, that guy seems to have a sophisticated understanding of modern politics." Or is he going to look at him uncomfortably and steer his wife and children away from the guy in the kilt and gas mask screaming REEEEEE at people?
I think he knows…
He tried to get the lady dox'd is I think where the line was crossed. When you go from spergy faggot, to subversive spergy faggot you're going to get a different kind of attention.
They noticed about the same time, it seems.
exactly right user
kill yourself
Top Kek
The mods have always been massive faggots. And it's not like someone is stopping you from going somewhere else.
This is one of the best threads we've had on 8/pol/ for a while.
Holla Forums will never be free to a nigger or the ADL
The people who sperg over this missed the memo. Trump isn't the end game, he is a means to an end. I've fucking been saying this since 2015… If Trump doesn't deliver we all become accelerationists. So far its encouraging, but nobody is under any delusion that he is some savior. I'm personally glad you're being banned for anti-Trump autism.
Yes, We Know. Now Shut The Fuck Up About It, Wait and See
pepe lives matter
t. cool kid.
Mashing up shadilay with kekistan faggotry.
Well you can call out Spencer, Woes, Sargon, or any eceleb; you just can't support them. So Holla Forums is ganing left-wing attackers to attack them. We are being fucked. These ecelebs also align closer to us than Trump does.
Holla Forums is fucked. There should be no support or attack of ecelebs. Otherwise it attracts the left (they come to attack and blend in) and we are taken over by them.
Mods need to figure that out.
I want to flay you alive.
Besides the fact that OP is a reddit meme level, 90lb faggot.
If you're gonna sperg out, go to a rally against your beliefs instead of for.
wew confirmed
That shit should be banned on sight, it's nothing but 4chan/redditor crossposter bullshit.
This threat should be stickied