Trump lets Eppstein go

Cuck Cuck Cuck, who's the biggest Fuck?

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4D chess, you just don't get it.
Saged and reported for low effort shilling

What this guy said.

Is this a full pardon ?

Can't wait for society to dissolve out from under all this tower of Babel.

Think I'll abstain from Holla Forums for a good solid six months. An experiment in redpilled isolation. I love you anons, see you then, looking forward to the update regardless of content.

Epic sage newfag. Topkek.


I know, you're a fucking shill trying to astroturf, but did you ever think that maybe a powerful Jew with lots of connections only needs a well-placed threat to get away with crimes?

It's funny how Trump supporters salivated over the exposed connection between Epstein and Bill Clinton, but blindly denied an official report filed by a 13 yo back in 1982 where Trump and Epstein raped her for days then threatened her and her family both then and again recently when these reports resurfaced.

It's proof that (((those))) who are have wealth and power in America are untouchable. Rape, Murder no crime is too high.

lest we forget dyncorps manages the a massive portion of the black budget and rat lines for trafficking

All real anons are very weary of Trump. They just preffer him to HC. However, this is not reddit, and this is not an echo chamber. The moment Trump pardons a fucking pedofile, he will be fueling the fucking revolution, because of what it would mean.
For now, we are laying low. And you should too OP.
Wait and see. Patience is the name of the game. Gather info, but don't bite the fucking baits, they are ALL around you.

You have to admit, this thread is a low effort attempt to sway Holla Forums with a source that doesn´t seem very credible.

If he had at least tried to put some effort in it, i wouldn´t be that fast in my judgement. But he didn´t. Typical shill behavior.

How does a Labor Secretary let someone off the hook? This makes no sense.

You are really upset about may 1st arent you?

So Trump let Epstein go in 2008?

Not looking forward to loyalty day?

Try and differentiate your method between posts, shill.

One faggot pretending to be two people.

The real (((power brokers))) are above the POTUS. You should know that by know. Trump can't outright destroy their chosen agents without consequences.
this happened back in 2008, not now, epstein was charged and acosta let him off with a plea bargan, had nothing to do with Trump, if you want to question why he would pick this guy as his sec of labor then thats another question to be had you fucking kike

This is all just part of the God-Emperor's plan to take out the pedocracy in one fell swoop. Do you even chess, bro?

We got any real sources here? Not (((thefreethoughtproject)))?


this was about the acosta 2008 plea bargain, OP is a disingenuous kike trying too hard. Trump had nothing to do with it, this has been talked about before back in april when he picked acosta.

The perils of having a time traveling president.

This is a good idea actually. Stay focused and improve yourself.

I wish you niggers would tbh.

That file exposes their recruitment methods, she was promised a modeling career. Solution? Pretty easy solution, just Chris Hanson them with a fake 13 year old and shoot them dead when they try pedo shit.

When we take power, every brainwashed degenerate who used reddit will be shot. Just so you know, trumpkin.



It's cool, Epstein is a BASED nationalist pedophile like Roy Cohn was.