This NYC Politician Says Blasting 'Greedy Jewish Landlords' Doesn’t Make Him an anti-Semite

Thomas Lopez-Pierre is running against a Jewish city council member for the Harlem vote, where he claims Jewish landlords are using Israeli money to push black tenants out


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Oy vey, but you're supposed to care about their campaign contributions you stupid goy!

Is he some kind of spic nigger mix?
Fucking kikes.


Fucking jews

Every day more and more people are waking up.


Holy shit, of a spic-nigger hybrid told the world "I don't care" about kike feelings, we could wake normies the fuck up. Turn their weapon against them.

High hopes, I know.

This is funny and predictable.
As someone with Polish decent its obvious as hell that all other demographics do not give a shit about the Jews. Polish people see the Jews as flaunting with their banker wallets to make everyone cry for them through Hollywood. Kikes got Israel, Poland got soviet occupation. Polish people don't milk the sympathy card but rather spend their time rebuilding their country ground up after Jewish communism.
More Polish people died in ww2 then kikes.
Recently in the news there was a berried German train in Poland discovered that was thought to have Polish gold inside it. The Jews immediately laid claim to the contents to the dismay of the Polish people. People got pissed


wewlad what timeline am I in
he still has to go back to africa

It might be an opportune time to hit his twitter with Jewish redpills about the Jewish slave trade, Jewish Ivy league acceptance, media/bank ownership etc.

He is a democrat running against a jewish democrat?

capitalizing jewish
damn I fucked up

Of course. Whenever an area is significantly overrun with democrats they invariably break down by ethnic lines. As Auntie Ann said in Audio America in CA you have the hispanic democrats vs the asian democrats vs the black democrats.

Black golem is really going to backfire on the kikes. The raised them to be ethnically conscious. It's only a matter of time before they turn against their transparently racist masters.


if the black community ever figures out whats been done to them there will be fucking chaos in the streets like weve never seen. every civil rights leader rubbed out by the CIA. the crack epidemic. the subversion of their entire culture and music into the fucking garbage that it is today. i know all of you dont give a fuck about this, but the black golems waking up would be disastrous for them

I would elect this subhuman. Jews BTFO along with my sides. Kek has blessed this shitskin with level 100 bantz.


Thomas "gas the kikes" Lopez-pierre
Thomas "name the jew" Lopez-pierre
Thomas "modern holocaust" Lopez-pierre

It wasn't a mistake. This is a cyclical thing predatory realtors do.

1) blockbust a nice neighborhood by flooding it with criminals
2) buy up the rest of the property at rock-bottom prices as everyone else leaves
3) get rid of the criminals through payoffs or influencing the police
4) sell/rent property at a higher price now that higher-quality people are willing to live there

Thomas 'Next they'll be making us pay for air' Lopez-pierre.

They probably pump and dump entire cities. Look at san fagchinko and jew york shitty. Then portland and seattle. The next cities in the line-up are austin, denver, and idk probably some shit line minneanapolis. They come in, speculate on housing, collude, inflate the price, and when it turns into a shithole with the community destroyed, they sell to some white cucks who pay 3/4 a mil for a shitshack, and they move on to the next city.

austin is already impossibly expensive. no one in the whole city even has a fucking accent. its all rich californians, and other liberal out of state transplants.

Everything else aside, call me a kike all you like, but something about this is extremely unthankful.

If it weren't for kikes infiltrating and subverting the states, spics like this would not be there. He would not be in north america, he would not have a house, he would not have a family, at least not in the states. Everything he has, he has the kikes to thank for siphoning it off white people to give it to him.

I would be worth it to make memes tailored to Black twitter to rev up their hatred of jews. I just can't bring myself to spend enough time studying black twitter in order to infiltrate it.

Add Atlanta to that list. Also charlotte NC, a lot of banks are moving there and pushing out the nigs. I work in real estate development and have worked for/known many kikes in the industry. Two things of note. One they always invest in gay areas as it's usually a shitty area when gays first setup shop but after enough gays move in the real estate prices skyrocket. Two, I've seen them use dress codes to keep niggers out of their properties. They will deny in the press that they are being racist but behind closed doors they will tell you there is no way in hell they will invest tens of millions in hard currency into a mixed use development just to have niggers come in and scare away all the white people who have money.

You have ten minutes to name why buying real estate in modern kikemerica is not a scam 100% of the time. Although I don't know why in the hell anyone would ever move to Atlanta. It's detroit tier. What cities are next on the chopping block?

How the fuck do you even determine what is a gay area or not? The number of gastropubs?

You're partly right; though, we shouldn't forget that in a nigger/spic vs. jew fight, the best side to be on is with the niggers and spics. The sooner we can get rid of Jews, the sooner we can rid ourselves of the poison which the jews set upon us.

user plz, not ALL of murica is pozzed.


It generally is a scam but not always and it didn't used to be as kiked out as it is today with all the home flippers and shit like that. In a 90+% midwestern town land is still cheap and building a house is still relatively inexpensive. I'm honestly fearful of just about anywhere getting flooded with rapfugees these days so I really can't decide where to settle down and/or build my homestead. Another threat is kikes and chinks et al coming in and buying up rural farmland en masse.

Where does this actually happen? In norcal nearly everybody is off grid in rural areas. Water collection is the big issue there but you just build underwater tanks. Most of your points are true but you can still build virtually everything yourself if you are the landowner in almost every state.

Thomas Sieg Heil Pierre.

In my area it's illegal to have your own well+pump and irrigate your own property. You have to go through the irrigation district.

Even the people who were here before the district set up shop were forced to pay into this. We pay what the district tells us to pay and if we're lucky, they might even allow us to use the water.


Shhhh goyam. Calm down

He named the Jew. He wants to turn the niggers on the kikes….in NYC.

May God give him patience and strength.


That's because they have lots of local shabbos goyim that enjoy the poopdick on their checkerboard floor.

Contrary to what (((hollywood))) tells you, most faggots are feral street kids that got tired of their dad or uncle using their asshole as a party zone. They gravitate to mid-size cities and college towns. Most of them are also addicted to something so they usually work kitchen jobs or other casual employment and shack up in squats or for those that can deal with it, find an older (((sugar daddy))) who often has a sideline in real estate.

Forgot this part:

Anyway, what happens is that they usually get their fellow sodomites together in the same area, usually a run down block, and as the faggots move in things get arty and that's how gentrification happens. In five years they are older, wiser, have become the predators buggering the street teens themselves, and the cycle continues.

Good, the golems are fighting back.

Someone give me some of those "Israeli Dual Citizens in Congress" infographs to tweet at him


Reminder that niggers love conspiracy theories, and the jew is the mother of all conspiracies.

this. they need only discover the ethnicity ruining everything.



funny how you never hear about this cute little factoid of information. it's always "muh 6 gorillion"

I used to work at a Burger King when I was younger and we got a new hire, some 30 some year old black dude and one day I was making a burger he comes up to me and starts asking if I knew about the Illuminati and started dropping some Zeitgeist-tier normiepills on me.

I was rather confused that some nigger was talking about that shit. Even back then I knew Hitler did nothing wrong, but I wasn't that well versed in the JQ. Wish I could have redirected his primal nigger hatred towards Jews.

He's probably dead or in jail by now so I guess it doesn't really matter.

I see "woke niggas" normiebook memes occasionally where nigger have pictures of the Rothschilds, Soros, Janet Yellin, etc with the caption like "WE MUST REMOVE THESE WHITE DEVILS". Niggers only gotta get a tiny bit more woke and they'll be chimping out at ADL HQ.

Threads get shilled and anchored when we start talking about this stuff. Any time we talk about trying to wake up the blacks to the Jewish menace, the "shut it down" (((people))) come out in full force.
They know how dangerous this idea is.

Reads like a Tel Aviv phonebook


Hahaha, you mean exactly like spics and niggers do? What a dumb cunt.

Let them fight each other. I'll get the popcorn.

I've noticed that a lot of blacks know about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Kinda refreshing to see.

I hate niggers, but we can work with such blacks against the jews, just like GLR.

Victory will be achieved when jews cannot hide behind their pet minorities as instruments of racial warfare, and can no longer count on D&C to separate racial nationalists from identifying the jewish serpent.

This beaner with a hyphenated last name has used the right strategy for dealing with jews.


Holy shit, It does.

I have been entertaining the same thought. Is there a software, script or other easy way to manage 10+ Twitter accounts?

yes turn the niggers against their masters

Seriously though, it's well past time for the nigger golem to turn agains their jewish masters.

Yeah, people need to realize that someone can be USEFUL, momentarily, while still being a nigger. We call people "tools" for a reason.

Exactly right. We need to use this guy, and throw him away after he's served his purpose. Starting a nigger culture war against jews in NYC would be fantastic.

The golem are turning on their masters.

If only we could simultaneously turn the blacks on the jews while meme'ing a new back to africa movement. Blaxit was spot on, it may become more viable as time goes on.

Can you imagine if the white race is saved by a bunch of autistic shitposters on the internet turning niggers against Jews by posting normalfag-tier memes directed against Jews on the nigger corners of social media?

History is made by those who dare.

I can never quite work out why this propaganda approach is never capitalized upon. Thousands of Redpill videos are made a year but no one ever makes a presentation designed to inform African Americans of how horribly Jewish interests have preyed upon them. Whenever it is brought up in a thread everyone agrees that it would be an apex approach to propaganda yet it is never acted upon. Why?

It's easier said than done. I'm not tapped into the nigger mindset so it's not trivial for me to make propaganda directed at niggers.

One word.


Surely a concise breakdown of significant examples would suffice?

If Africans can sit through hours and hours of babbling fabrications about their past glories then they would sit through half an hour of more contemporary examples of why they are in a bad state as a people. It would feed into the victim complex that has been created within them. No?

They are told to go fuck themselves for the first time in life. Imagine their kvetching, this is just beautiful. Always get a semiboner from shit like this.

How do we get this man elected.

Get r/the_cuck to support him because MUH BASED BLACK MAN. They love being tolerant and multicultural, afterall.

That just might work.

Are they aware of the Jew? I'm sure more of them would be turned off by him opposing Trump than those that would be attracted to him for calling out the Jew.

Easy, just look at propaganda already dished out at niggers. They're more susceptible to it than you would imagine if you hit the right ticks.

No, quite the opposite. They love jews, particularly Kushner. The only jew-wise people you'll find there are Holla Forumsacks who are trying to herd the redditors in the right direction.

The question is, are they so thoroughly deracinated that they'd side with a nigger over a jew, because the "the jew is white" and therefore has fewer privilege points? That'd be distasteful business. Might work though.

I lurk there occasionally. There is a growing sentiment of "I didn't vote for America first and Israel firster." You never see a thread dedicated to it though, only comments.

I was not aware that this guy was anti-Trump (though, it should have been the assumption, I suppose.) Maybe the_cuck won't be useful this time. UNLESS we somehow tie this into Kushner, who is very unpopular there.

wouldn't informing White nationalist groups whose influence extends to NYC to vote for this guy be helpful?

Why not halfchan? All the hwndu halfchanners there were brown people and pretty jew-wise.

One Name………



Peirre is french you idiot

There is a sizable minority of people wise to the JQ on The_Cuckold, and I would guess that the majority of the userbase is almost ready to break the conditioning. The problem is, the moderators are kikes that delete anything remotely antisemitic. You can get jokes past the radar, but obviously anything that goes over a butthurt kike's head isn't going to be picked up on by a normalfag.

Major events are the key to changing their sentiments. Before those niggers kidnapped the disabled white kid, you saw lots of "MUH BASED NIGGERS WE'RE ALL AMERICANS XD" posts. Immediately after that there was a shift to basically (of course they wouldn't put it in these terms) "black people can stay, but I fucking hate niggers." "No more welfare, no more affirmative action. Go back to Africa if you hate it here so much" all became common sentiments.

In the opposite direction, I was seeing more and more comments (if not submissions) calmly critical of jews over the following months, until the Syria strike happened and the kike mods immediately started silencing people and doubling down on the "KUSHNER VS BARRON IS A SHILL D&C, ANYONE AGAINST KUSHNER IS SHAREBLUE" narrative.

In that light, it will probably take an event that makes the kikes look flagrantly, unambiguously bad before we crack that nut.


Subverting the six pointed star into a NatSoc emblem is also a great idea that no one bothers to actually do. 8/pol/ is lazy when it comes to meme production, and has been for years.

I think it could only work if it was coming from another black man. We'd need a black man who agrees with us and can also make videos.
If we make a video trying to educate the niggers it'd be too easy for the kikes to smear and say 'Oy vey look at the white man trying to manipulate the african americans! This is a hatecrime!'
The only black man I can think of is Tommy Sotomayor, because I've seen him make videos complaining about 'black culture' (his video about weaves is fucking disgusting), but I have no idea if he knows about the causes for his complaints.

What about Tyrone?

oh shit, yeah, maybe.
I mean, I'm sure there are some black guys out there who can see through the kikes real motives, but I can't think of any right now.

That is the funny thing. The Nazis were way less racist than burgers. They didnt know the average burgernigger ofc, only jazz and the elite niggers. Also before the rap hood gangsta time niggers werent that complete garbage.

Oy vey! Who could have seen this coming?


We need to make allies with nationalists of other ethnicities. There is room for that within national socialism like La Rasa and black nationalists. We agree with them to work toward balkanizing into ethnostates. This would be a hugely powerful memetic move because it disarms the racism argument while maintaining exclusive racial politics. Also we gain a lot of allies.

The first person to tell me unironically that hitler did nothing wrong in real life was a based black man from the hood. National socialism truly is for everyone, just each race individually.

White cracker steriotype from hell spends all day making videos praising Kikes for being so damned based against niggers. Lambast common average white men as being pussy ass little faggots loving and caring about nigger freaks. Constantly points how how Kikes enslaved the niggers and sold them to each other and rapey goyim for mad dosh. Pleb whites all be 'imma poor and better than that' and never get in on the nigger pussy rape thing. Then eventually they all try and defend muh states rights cause Kikes knew that niggers belonged in the fields and shit but the cucked white boys up north away from yid propaganda be like 'aint no more slavery and shit'. Fucking cucks freeing the damned baboons.

Then you get into senpai worshiping rants about how based medical kikes are spending all day every day killing off nigger babies at planned parenthood and fucking worthless foolish cucks are trying to shut that shit down. Based kikes be killing nigger babies by the truck load every damned day! Need to erect a fucking national monument to those guys, they know whats up and how to deal with the niggers.

Since whites be trying to educate niggers but Kikes know whats up and make sure that ghetto ass whores be fed and rewarded for shitting out the most number of niggeriest of niggeriest of apes so they cull their own slightly smarter tier breed of chimpanzee. Making it easier to have those fools spend all day spending dosh on dem bling and shit. Or shucking drugs for dosh on the corner. Cucked whites constantly wasting money trying to clean nigger neighborhoods up while based Kikes know whats up and be selling the shit to them directly. And then making sure the nation keeps them drug routes open as fuck cause white boys be stupid and trying to shut shit down. And kike advertisements pushing fag niggers is fucking HILARIOUS!

kek, make it so

get out.

wtf now i love jewish landlords.

He needs to be elected for his balls.


LA RWDS here and I have been around many niggers. The messenger would have to be a nigger. Only then would the large nigger masses be redpilled.

found the jew

Let's say that a disease came around and rid the world of semites tomorrow.

What would or should be done with based blacks? Do they have a place in a white nation?

No. Send them back to Africa and leave them to their own devices.


It's also important to note that it isn't a crime if you don't get caught, at least when it comes to ZOG laws.

If they're truly based then they will Make Africa Great Again. If not, then that is also their fate.

Did we ever determine what that fucking kike Shumer was nodding his head and grinning at?

wtf I love Jews now

built like a 30 year old man.

There was an entire episode of the Sopranos where it was spelled out that the jews fucked over the Jazz greats of yesteryear and that the jews didn't believe they owed the negroes a damned thing other than the paltry sum they'd been paid to perform for the recording mic. What we need is a repeat of that with a black gangster show that they're all hooked on. Is there such a show about black organized crime? And, even as I typed it, I realized that they're generally better at disorganized crime.

You could have said the same for Toronto.

A deformed 30 year old man.

Look at THIS horseshit if you haven't seen it already.

And, if anyone cares, let's not forget the time the rabbi tried to jew Tony out of what they owed him.

It is adorable that you guys think the Mexi-negros can win this fight. Maybe they can take down the Rothschilds while they are at it? No, this will end with blacks and mestiz's being pushed into NJ.

Isn't this a glr quote?

When they lose, we'll have an opportunity to explain to niggers why the jews didn't let them win. This scenario is a win-win for us. No matter the outcome, it can be used to get niggers attacking jews.

with based carson going around cleaning up fraud

and with whites being either fed up or as beat down as they're going to get, maybe they think they can get something by actually directly blaming what the problem is

This is something we don't even have to really encourage. All of this is just slowly going to start happening more and more as the democratic party become more diverse and white boomers, who still make up the majority of their voting base die off.

Hahahaha holy shit it is, this nigger is a GLR fan. Probably read that quote in some incidental book about Malcolm X and GLR.

Go back to reddit.

B..but muh free market in housing!

i see a Holla Forumsitician here whose message needs to be spread far and wide.
i think the internet love machine needs to be kicked into high gear on his behalf until it's showering the USA with free publicity about his campaign and its important message. I think every talk dj needs to start getting callers urging the public to vote for thomas lopez-pierre.

oh god dammit.

Something we should meme more tbh

Always the same script

Good post, save it for future reference.

These muds see Jews as white, so any negative attributed to Jews is attributed to whites in general. This is why Jews never lose. They reap all the reward, we reap all the fallout.

We need to support the niggers. Encourage the golem to turn on their masters

On the one hand, WE WUZ KANGZ on the Other Oy Vey
What ever this is actually good work, wakes people up to the kikes

Well we all know who ran the slave ships

Well the Kikes are charmelons, Jewish when it suits them and White when being Jewish doesn't suit them

Oy vey! Can't just one golem go haywire at a time?

Back then the jazz was considered degenerate negro shit.

Lopez, you nigger.

Jazz is Degenerate negro shit
It's a collection of nice sounds sure but it degenerated the standard of music to the point where every song is 'MUP A BUP A SHOPPA A WOOP BIX NOOD MUH FUGGA'

Surprised this thread is left to stay up on Holla Forums, what with its recent shift into only promoting known kike frauds in politics and removing all comments that verge on the antisemitic.

Remember goys, we can all have our fun but just cool it on the antisemitism a little more please

Not ally. Simply aid them with the memes. All nationalists must rise! :')

diversity bites the host

I'm honestly insulted they're still trying this vector

Woody and Nami, not a couple I ever expected to see together.

Until now, that is. I look forward to seeing the results of this vote. Strange to say, the White man has many more interests in common with the Negro than the Jew. We got along decently until the heebs played them against us.

No we didn't, as soon as they got freed they started murdering and raping whites.

Even puking up a hint of truth, the Jew manages to lie.
When, in the last 1000 years, has the Jew been any white man's nigger?

If anything, the Jew came crawling to white countries with a sob story, and the Whites took them in…they then proceeded to utterly wreck those countries with degeneracy and their own special brand of hate for anyone not like themselves.

Yes, the international Jew is a user of people, and someone that preys upon their weaknesses, this much is exposed by this Soprano episode, but they were never used by the Whites as slaves of any kind.

The golem is turning on its master once again.

It's like you expect jews to be honest.

they found the train what was in it?


Yes, the golem is awakening!

For the burner twitters.

If you want to make propaganda for niggers, just make a chodefeed style video, i.e. lots of colors, moving words, stylized depictions of everyone, and some bitch with "'tude" to do all the narrating.

lol, (((their))) own grievance pets are starting to bite the hands that feed them