

Is it self-imposed? Why do muslims ghettoise when Indians don't?

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probably its because they are muslims

there are two kind of muslims
-muslims who have oil and are rich
-muslims who dont have oil and are poor

there is not much between that

because their religion commands them to be separate to the infidel kuffar

separation doesnt necessary tuns you into a bum.

in fact if you have an able non-incest population you can construct a quite healthy society through separation

Leftists taught them how. Impenetrable slang, self righteousness, decadence, inefficacy, all were pioneered by the New Left.

Indians are the richiest migrant group in the US, they dont live n the ghetto

get it together

work on your reading comprehension

This. Many strains of Islam explicitly stipulate (via Hadith) that the Ummah should separate itself from the kuffar.

For example, here's a convert asking for advice about attending the funeral of a parent and being told that they should not go:


Read Loic Wacquant. Modern ghettos are part of a neoliberal system of discipline. Its the same logic which has massively driven up incarceration rates since the 1980s.

Awesome documentary on exmuslims being persecuted by Muslim communities in Europe.

Why are other immigrant communities that have experienced the same degree of discrimination, are as far removed from the host culture (even more in some cases) and the same socio-economic background so much better integrated than muslim communities?

This is a phenomenon that can be observed in Western countries all over but especially in Europe.

A lot of them migrate for purely economic reasons, so they create communities where their extremely conservative social norms are allowed. In India's case, Hindus are not People of the Book and are thus seen as intolerable in comparison to Jews and Christians.

lower living standards = lower cost of labor power

In the last century it's because of an extreme resurgence of reactionary sentiment and ideological worship in the Muslim community, brought upon by the Anglosphere's Middle East fuckery and the resulting establishment of the Saudis as a highly influential family.

This is largely why highly devout Muslims are so much harsher to ex-Muslims than people who never followed the faith. It is a violent drive for ideological purity among people that frequently see Islam as cultural and traditional rather than political, i.e. Kurds.

But you don't see the Vietnamese immigrants rising up in Western countries because of the Vietnam war in the seventies and their children even outperform the native ones if you consider some metrics like graduation quotas.

There is something about Islam that is just inherently incompatible.

Because we didn't put spooked religious fanatics in charge of the government there. Or rather we didn't have a chance to.

Because class, comrade.

I assume you're referring to muslims in Europe/UK? I can't think of many muslims "ghettoising" in the US.

India has a bigger middle class than any other Arab country really. So demographics of Indian immigrants tend to be better off in places like UK, than compared to Arab/Pakistani. And in Europe Muslim refugees are even worse off, so they are ghettoised etc…

well we did but we axed him and replaced him during the war


Oh look, it's yet another Saudi-funded asshole, turning people against their families, and their communities. Ever notice that it always seems to be Salafis/Wahabbis that push these crazy fucking interpretations?

Ah yes, muslims: the only people to ever live in ghettos in history

Maybe people just like living with others of similar ethnicity and religion.

Radical idea on Holla Forums I know.

this is true but we should then promote integration to immigrants in their new country to avoid this if they truly want to be a part of it

that's a pretty cool picture

Don't you think the indigenous population should have a say?

How does that answer OP's question?


ITT people who don't know shit about the history of Muslim immigration and act like they do.

In France, it is well documented that the ghettoization of people of Muslim background was at least in great part the result of government policies aimed at the de facto spatial segregation of working-class Muslims.

The separateness of Muslim communities actually has very little to do with religion, at the very least in Europe. Of all the so-called "Muslim riots" that happened in the last decade, none had anything to do with Islam.

gonna quote me a source which says Indians don't ghettoise?

I'm ready to listen to you but you'll have to give us some source.

Indians: Indoeuropean languages, ahimsa and religious tolerance and attractive mystical currents, education systems that actually work, technical skills that get them employed in the tertiary and quaternary sectors of the industry, less skilled folks can still work the primary sector most notably in dairy farms given their culturally-determined respect for cows.

Muslims: Semitic language, jihad and hatred of women and homophobia and violence towards apostates, Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood fuckery and memorization of the surahs as a brainwashing tool, complete absence of any useful or valuable skill whatsoever for the standards of a contemporary Western society, so spooked they will protest the least significant shit like serving and selling alcohol when they don't even consume it.

Basically Muslims are useless, permanently unemployed quasi-NEETs even in their own countries, watch vid related in which an imam is preaching on this very topic:

Every muslim family that I know is filled to the brim with people who work constantly (and far longer than the traditional ethnic population here). That's got little to do with ethnicity (just like your argument, doesn't); but more to do with typically economic immigrants of any stripe being - by default (they migrated…) - more active in general.

Same shit as in the US where people can't seem to decide whether 'illegal mexicans' are either just all lazy 'leeches' off the system or super hardworking robots that steal everyone's jobs.

Other than the way capitalism sets people up against each other (and exploits surplus and migrant labour) - which is another argument alltogether, this is all just bullshit.

Every time I hear someone say shit like "Muslims are like this" I can't for the life of me see how they can even know any muslims. (you know, most of them don't "tell you" they're muslim and most of them aren't what you'd consider 'religious'); they're the exact same as your regular "christian" or "jew" by birth. (or any other religion)

Most people just are not religious, period. But they'll identify as a demographic which would be included as a religious grouping, just like most in the west would plot down 'christian'. (even if they're not religious)

Anyway, your post is either a total bait, or you're a complete moron.

It's almost purely cultural in all honesty.

Not for "established" New Yorkers it wasn't, if Holla Forums were a thing back then they'd be contemptuously posting this pic around as a warning to how immigrants are taking over.

So you are implying we should nuke the saudis and genocide every MB member? and then Muslims won't be so backwards?

oh man youve gotta check your facts. there are a several different types of muslims. and they hate each other FAR more than any white supremacists could hate them.

It's mainly down to conveniently selective religious interpretation and culture.
For example, some will tell you that gays are just supposed to be forbidden from being imams and leading prayers.
Others will tell you you're supposed to throw them off buildings and upload it to youtube to terrorise foreign nations.

Basically all the mosques that get built outside the Islamic countries are financed by either of those other, but don't worry, the Islamic Reformation™ will fix it here and there, just like the free market systematically fixed every single form of inequality, or conflict between proles.

I don't understand your comment. Clearly nobody on Holla Forums could possibly have a problem with hereditary, theocratic oil monarchs.

There are sadly very few quality articles on the web addressing these issues, let alone in English.

I would suggest that you check out Gérard Noiriel's thorough 2007 socio-historical study "Immigration, antisémitisme et racisme en France (XIXe – XXe siècle) : Discours publics, humiliations privées" but it's a French-only book.


An offical govt body did a survey recently in the UK, sending identical CVs, one with a Muslim name one with a Christian name to hundreds of businesses.
You can guess which got way more positive responses.

I have a theory as to this OP.

Niggers, Loo Pooers, and Muslims all come from lands where it's natural to conglomerate into what whites might call herds.

Whereas whites were born into villages in the medieval era with taboos on certain relationships and limited family ties, they are born into entire populations capable of crossbreeding, without restrictions (such as incest) and places which are more prone to squalor (nations which suffer from famine, flooding, storms, viruses, etc).

Over the years an almost genetic cultural memory has inscribed itself among those races to gather (like swarms of locus). What we see today is years of evolution which has led to this point.

Just my two cents.


Oh sure, this is prevalent as well. Same goes for access to housing, too. But when it comes to spatial segregation, it's very hard to find meaningful information in the mainstream media.

Keep your two cents, nobody likes small change.

Germany and Britain did integration a lot better than France and Belgium, this is well known.
Even Italy did, not that they have a big immigrant population. It's more of a transit country.