What Holla Forums thinks of this magazine? Copied from other forum. I think Holla Forums would like know about this

What Holla Forums thinks of this magazine? Copied from other forum. I think Holla Forums would like know about this.

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low effort OP/10

This magazine was purchased in Ireland.

is there an online article? can't read that

found this tho, from 2000


It's a good article. The author understands the alt-right better than any leftist I've read. She has some very good advice for her fellow-travelers which, fortunately, is unlikely to be taken.
The left will likely continue to consume itself with identity politics. The greatest danger to the alt-right is that Trumpism will be subsumed into a kind of Neoconservativism 2.0, whereby our enemies agree to boil the frog just a little bit more slowly.

Are you implying it hasn't already?

author kys

how can this still be perpetuated asfact? those were three jews who didnt even identify as right wing and were there to disrupt. there was a fucking interview with them outside afterwards where they said they didnt agree with anything that was said inside

I had no idea Ireland was so damn pozzed and infested with race traitors and mongrel scum.

Filthy sea monkey

Who cares? Leftism is imploding on its own, it doesnt even need our help.

I think "Kill All Normies" is a great title.
I also agree with . She has a good grasp of the general outline of things, and it doesn't matter because the left will continue to discredit and fracture itself with identity politics. Even the author, who wants the left to move away from that, can't resist justifying Jacobin 's stance by mentioning that it's run by the children of immigrants. She also thinks that the left can argue us out of existence if they'd only try, as if we have no factual basis for our grievances and ideas.

They obsess over us like a scorned ex gf. Get over it, you weirdos. You're acting so gross, ugh.

She doesn't understand it at all, and apparently neither do you, thank fuck.

You can't win arguments when 70% of your base are mentally ill and conflate over subjects of gender, race, feminism and all other artificial D&C nonsense to ensure those at the top get to live another day in their ill gotten wealth. Their first mistake was denying Darwin racial discoveries. They had to attack the argument of racial difference back in the 50s to 70s then in order to ensure nationalism and cultural identities could not thrive, the problem is as a result of them going absolute overboard with their doctrine is that the young now push for traditionalism, they inadvertently made it the rebellious thing to do. This generation is growing up with FACTS over FEELINGS and they are going to be one of the most right wing people ever having walked on this planet. WW1 / WW2 traditionalist will pale in comparison.

There is no coming back out of the hole they dug for themselves short of abolishing every political party and starting from scratch under a new name with unknown politicians. Most of their voter base vote for their current parties because of these aforementioned artificially created issues. Women vote for them because of their decreed Patriarchy, misogyny and the none existent wage gap. You can't claw back out of it. Only a few vote for them due to 'tax the rich' rhetoric because they're too stupid to understand the basic principles of economics. They don't even attack the real problem which is the government in bed with the Jew bankers.

Every time they came up with a solution to their current problem in society in order to defeat the right wing, they created a bigger problem down the line. Labour invited the third world into England to defeat the nationalist ideology, instead it has hardened and become so pervasive they can no longer stop it. The backlash of inviting all those third world niggers is going to lead to civil war.

One can only lie for so long, eventually they themselves begin to believe their own lies wholeheartedly. The problem is that newer generations will not pick such extreme stances, they will be swayed by truth. One thing is certain in life, facts, basic reasoning and critical thinking will always triumph over the intellectual mind no matter the conditioning they had undergone before being presented with the facts.

Everyday our enemies visit us, everyday we get attacked, but even in this sea of lies they too will face facts and facts have a peculiar way of making one doubt ones own convictions. I too was slowly convinced a few years after 9-11 that we live in a poisoned sea. I too was swayed by facts to become a ardent National Socialist and so will many more, it has merely become a matter of time. The Jew knows this, the jew sees that support for their kikehive in the middle east has been losing support even among the leftist socialists. Trump will be their last chance to fullfill their Israel, they must do it within the next 4/8 years to achieve their one state solution. This will require some sort of war. They know these generations see them as the bad guy. Who knows, that sand desert by the sea might just see a plutonium detonation within this century.

Point the jew out wherever you see him, the people will come to the their own conclusion when the coincidence becomes to great.

What an odd thread to anchor.

who cares?

Perfect comment.

bumplock abuse is the cancer that's killing Holla Forums


Are people actually going to pay 2 euros to be told about shit they can investigate on the internet for free?