If Vegeta is Holla Forums and Goku Holla Forums, does that make Vegito Nazbol/Strasserist? Who's Gogeta?

If Vegeta is Holla Forums and Goku Holla Forums, does that make Vegito Nazbol/Strasserist? Who's Gogeta?

fuck off to reddipol and poleddit

It makes it cuckime trash for spics



OP here, fucking neck yourself you disgusting cunt, And delete that folder.

You're not getting a safe space here and you'll never be BO

I regret my sage now, straight man.


vegeta is Holla Forums
autistically obsessed with race and good genes
goku is cuckchan
autistic and cringey, but inside there's a good guy with a lot of power
frieza is Holla Forums
tranny obsessed with control and multiculturalism
oolong is Holla Forums
pig capitalist cunny connoisseur
yamcha is brendan fraser
constantly cucked and shat on despite being a good guy, but seemingly has good things on the horizon






I blame the faggots for crying about GT when it was just DBZ without the non-fun stuff


How do you ever expect to become a true Saiyan prince by calling yourself a cuck name like Goku?


habeeb never stopped beheading infidels and goku's power level has never been 1




no one likes you Holla Forums