The conviction of Blogger Micheal Strickland for Self Defence

Strickland, a freelance journalist, drew his legal, licensed concealed hand gun to fend off a violent mob of anarchists while covering a Black Lives Matter/Don’t Shoot PDX march and rally July 7, 2016.

After covering the event for awhile, Strickland was assaulted by a group of protesters who admitted in court they conspired to throw him out. They assaulted him once and then came back after him. Strickland was forced to draw his weapon after efforts to back them off with verbal commands and defensively using his monopod failed to back them off.

The mob came from three sides in order to attack and stop him from covering the rally.

Rightly believing he was in danger, Strickland swept the black bloc attired mob, without his finger on the trigger, to stop the threat coming at him. It worked. He was able to back up the street to safety — until the Multnomah County DA’s office victimized him again.

He was convicted on 21 charges, ten of which were felonies, by a Multnomah County judge in February after two minutes consideration.

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So in burgerland what does this mean? Will he be in jail for the next 200 years?

His case sounds very important. People need to feel safe defending themselves against niggers. I think that judge needs flooded with gore and nigger facts


For most charges, you serve them at the same time. The time you spend in jail is dependent on the one that carried the longest sentence.

Here is a list of all the information about his case.

The antifa on the witness stand admitted they had assaulted him, and that one was going to get his gun to come back and threaten him with.

We had a thread about this months ago, the fucked up courts there and useless Police are fucking retarded, not a peep from the so-called Second Amendment groups like the NRA, people tried to get this to Jeff Sessions, but too much shit was happening, his supporters and lawyers are still trying to appeal this, this is fucking bullshit.

The Attorney General cannot help him and trump cannot pardon him, because this is a state prosecution and not a federal one. However if he appeals through the appellate court and state supreme court then it goes to the federal supreme court.

Where did this happen? Commiefornia?

No matter, it will be appealed, the charges will be thrown out, and hopefully this "judge" will lose his.her job in the next wave of elections. Or, if the judge was appointed, those that appointed him will have their feet held to the fire.

The whole thing stinks of Judicial activism, and the guy didn't even shoot anyone.
It won't stand.

Can you fucking read?

It happened in Oregon you nigger

If you know you're going to get convicted, you might as well just empty the gun into the mob. It's the sensible thing to do. If we accumulate more court decisions like this, that's exactly what is going to happen.


sometimes you gotta wonder if it's a psyop, not totally real but still there's a head on a stick to keep the goy in fear.

I hope someone's keeping a list of all the political prisoners that need to be freed on the day of the rope.

This is burger mentality writ large.

maybe people will learn from that faggots mistakes

simmer down FBI. You've been on overtime recently and we hate to see you lose so much sleep.

we need to start a /pol law school scholarship

no. you faggot. the problem is that they say we have our guns but then no event is ever good enough for them to be used for their intended purpose of purging gommies

This is fucked, you can't pull your weapon on a crowd of angry niggers & commies bearing down on you looking to take your weapon & use it against you.
Yet commies can throw bombs & get nuffin??

somewhat similar

fuckin hell

what do you expect? the kikes got their commies in every part of the government in those cucked states/cities. Only way to help this guy up would be to either signal boost the case until its all thats talked about or grab your guns. I suspect Holla Forums will do neither of those though.

You are not from here, get out.

He's right though.

This. Judges don't convict. Juries do. No Jury with 1 white guy is going to convict him on that.

reddit tier, you are unironically advocating for a hugbox.

If they arent shamed for their faggotry they will never lurk

It can only go to the US Supreme Court if there's an issue relating to federal law. Also, most if not all state supreme courts only selectively take cases for review. The vast majority of criminal convictions get one mandatory appeal to an intermediate court of appeals and are denied allowance of further appeal.

He waived his right to a jury trial. Presumably his lawyer thought he was unlikeable and there was an issue of law he would win on. Big mistake since the judge here obviously values virtue signaling over justice.

the Governor of the state can pardon him

and where the fuck is that?

Rethink that statement

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society - Dave Grossman

Go shit up some other board then, faggot.

Awesome! Thank you! I have his books in hardcopy and rec everyone read his stuff if you have anyone in your family with PTSD or has been exposed to a stressful event yourself.

What he said was true.

To be honest he did commit a crime, brandishing a gun. You're only supposed to draw your gun if you intend to use it. And he was just pointing people with it.

This, tbh. If you draw your gun, you'd better be about to shoot some nigger because if you dont, he or one of his nigger friends is going to shoot you first.

Why are you samefagging to promote dave grossman, kike?
He's that faggot who keeps trying to claim video games turn people into hardened killers.

Police brandish their firearms on nearly every call they respond to nowadays. The legal paradigm has shifted.

dude are you a fucking idiot? promoting someones book equals telling the world how to download it for free and not pay for it? it's information, it's it's interesting information, more people here need to be OK with killing, killing niggers, killing kikes, killing spics, why? because killing is effective and people better get used to the idea of it instead of walking around playing the victims 24/7.>>9829395


Its hard to prove in court that there was a threat to your life if you draw, then do nothing.

Yeah, well, that's the police. They are not held to the same rules as ordinary citizens

They're right, you know. There's no point in having guns if you cannot use them. If using a gun for one of its intended purposes, under threat of ones own life, will get your life ruined and future raped to death like a coalburner, there's no point in having guns.

Also, all levels of gun use are valid under threat of one's life. Guns are not panic buttons for one to mash wildly, and for some reason even the most ardent gun rights supporters you could find on the Internet have been convinced otherwise. Retards like these two (>>9829362, ) use Jew-made logic like this to make it easier to simply move on from the issue, even though it's gross injustice and a violation a man's God-given right. If he fired into the air, he'd be stupid for shooting a warning shot. If he shot one person, he'd be a cold-blooded killer. If he did what these retarded goyim have been conditioned to do and just spasmed his index finger against the trigger, like a flustered housewife with no control of his aim, he'd end up getting charged with however many laws against doing just that the kikes in California have been cooking up over the years, and the shitheads would be okay with that too.

But what am I going to do about this, you ask. Nothing. None of us will do anything. That's not really my point here. You, the reader, I, and everyone else who won't even see this comment need to break this conditioning in regards to the use of firearms. Michael Strickland's life was in danger, and again, that was admitted in court: they were advancing to do him or his property harm. His brandishing of the gun, showing that he was capable of defending his life with deadly force, was enough to overcome that threat. Him even having to go to court over the issue is a violation of his Second Amendment right to bear arms. "Bear" does not mean "collect". It doesn't mean "can have and hold". It means he has a right to use the gun when necessary. The level of usage he chooses to take to alleviate the situation is of no matter. That is what makes this a federal-level issue, not a state-level: his fundamental rights were violated by the government. Stop playing the Jews' game, because you cannot win, and in doing so, you already succumb to the suppression of your God-given rights.

Wrong. Dumb. It is very easy to prove, especially in this case, because they admitted in court that they were a threat to his life. Secondly, your comment doesn't even make sense. If he can draw and not have to shoot, then the gun has served its purpose. Conditioning people (like you've been conditioned) to think that death must occur to warrant the use of a firearm only serves to make it seem justified to punish the gun-bearer when it doesn't and to give reason to punish the gun-bearer anyway when it does. Heads they win; tails you lose. Stop playing the Jew game.

Guns are not digital, and neither are their use. I want people to realize this.


You first.

Exactly this. Magdump the crowd, then use your empty gun to bludgeon the survivors to death.

His mistake was aiming, not drawing. You can draw and be cleared. He aimed without firing. County

Fantastic post, user. Every word makes sense, but somehow I never thought of it that way.

if psyop then it's gotta be societal conditioning at minimum

I thought that appellate courts dealt with procedural law?

Can they not appeal at any time based on a procedural error?


Think his attorney was a kike who wanted to lose?

I hope he takes it to the SCOTUS.

Would be a good case, sick of this, "can't draw your weapon, unless someone is in the process of killing you" shit.

He would have been better off if he would have just shot a few of them then claimed self defense.

that is what pisses me off. I guess the court are really some anti gun jews because this case was a perfect use of a self defense firearm agaisnt a concealed mob

just heart attack them silly FBI

depends on the state

he is a retard.

imagine if there was a weapon that took years of your life at a pull of a trigger.

that is what happened to strickland. the comies left the place leaving him with absolutely not a single scratch on them, but he got shot down big time, they did take a parcel to his life and he should have taken his own parcel of his atacker's life. a firearm is not a flag. I see your point about carrying without shooting but on this case? strickland should have shot.

During jury selection Monday for Michael Aaron Strickland's trial, at least 10 out of about 30 Multnomah County residents called for jury duty said it's not smart to ever carry a concealed handgun in public even though the law allows it.

One woman said even if someone tried to rob her at an ATM, she wouldn't pull out a gun in response because it would only escalate the situation.

In an unusual move, Strickland's attorneys on Tuesday abruptly asked Judge Thomas Ryan to dismiss all of the prospective jurors. The attorneys told the judge that Strickland instead wanted the judge to decide the case. They didn't offer any further explanation.

Isn't the second amendment federal law? Like, if they wanted to push it, they could find legalese to justify it.

This is a good post

Some enterprising people need to send this guy a cake with a file in it. Or something to that effect.

Jesus Christ his lawyer must be shit.


Juries are emotional, Judges are supposed to follow the letter of the law, which says he acted in self defense and used reasonable force. Never go to court. If you have to defend yourself, get the fuck out of there afterwards. A corrupt justice system with a bias against the victims (white people) is part of cultural marxism. Dont expect a fair trial, remember, Hillary wasnt arrested, laws are meaningless in the US.

see i was thinking more like the judge needs to get a cake with a bomb in it. rescuing one of our guys isn't gonna be as effective as killing their guys when our guy is just some bloke and their guy is a judge

inb4 hi fbi

I'm not suggesting anything needs to be done, I'm just saying what would be effective. This post is for educational purposes only. :^)

You might get a brandishing charge for drawing in some states, but aiming a deadly weapon is fairly cut and dried across state lines as far as I know.

Grossman's a kike, so are you, and most of what he writes is bullshit.

His book is the type of thing that makes people not ok with killing. Go hunting, butcher some animals, face to bloodshed. Don't worry about it.


throw a molotov cocktail at a crowd of people, get probation.

pull a legally owned firearm to defend oneself against an angry black mob that had previously laid hands on you and never fire that weapon, go to prison.

Have they sentenced him yet? I know the man. Poor guy didnt have a chance. Portland has a track record of having police look the other way of the person is a bad goy. And then it seems they will convict you if they get the slightest chance.

Like the other user said, the use of this gun was totally in the right. That whole "if youre not literally being murdered, you cant use it" argument needs to be defeated in court. That poor /k/ guy got 15 years for the same shit. I guess its okay to beat someone half to death as long as its a mob.

Sentencing is may 3rd.

I'm not sure about Oregon, but here in WA., yes it is illegal to brandish, UNLESS you can prove you feared for your life (among other thing). The whole theory of "if you pull your gun out, you better shoot to kill" is bullshit. Legally, you can brandish if the perpetrator(s) had INTENT to kill/maim, ABILITY (had a gun or other deadly weapon), and OPPORTUNITY (was close enough to you).

That being said, I'm still undecided if Strickland was in the clear (legally) here. Obviously, I'm sure any gun owner in his situation would have done the same.

Absolutely this.

When it comes down to gun rights, being able to carry and fully utilize it (without harm to unintended targets) to protect your own life is what's most important. That's the whole point of gun ownership.

What's worse is that this shit could set a precedent.

Remember what happens when you slowly let loose the reigns. They don't take them away just as slowly as you let go- they rip the reigns right out of your hands and strangle you.

Sorry user. But they have stolen his life. Even one fucking day in jail is justification to kill them all. If you don't understand that and revert to appealing to statutes self granted by an system ignoring it's own laws (only 27 of em) then you are the problem. Yes you can justify the submitting of life due to over whelming force and the proven false promise of reasonable and impartial adjudication, and other cowards will agree wholeheartedly. But it will never matter, this is war.

The system has proven itself enemy of the state and legal laws of the land. If you wish to roll over and appeal to an higher court so be it. Expect not the same from others. The only justice to be had is that the higher court immediately issues an writ of warrant to arrest both the prosecutor and judge while convening an immediate courts of appeal to absolve all guilt in any crime of this individual.

I know this isn't exactly what you were arguing about. But ultimately this is the core of the issue and why war itself is now a direct threat against you and yours. Split hairs arguing over words forever more and it matters not. Your only true hope is that others are smitten with the power of words in an time of lies and none are men of action and power whom care not to bend knee.

It's not a war, user. A war involves two or more parties self-identifying as combatants toward another.

This is a massacre of livelihood.

Also, you need to be able to prove all 3 things (intent, ability, opportunity) in court.

This is what happens when fantasy meets reality. I think Professor Bike Lock will find the same thing. A gun can embolden an immature person to go into a dangerous situation he should have avoided. If you are armed you have a responsibility to avoid confrontations.

Good thing this incident ended without injury or loss of life.

How in the fuck is one of our guys getting attacked by a mob and getting thrown in prison for trying to protect himself fantasy meeting reality?

Fuck no, if they were already gonna destroy him for protecting himself he should have mowed down as many shitskins as possible.

That's a cuck mentality.

If someone punches you and then walks away do you have the right to shoot them dead in the back of the head?

that's not true. such a thing as consecutive sentences.

beginning to think the t. fbi meme is meant to keep us from acting when the opportunity arises. you can't keep the putsch from happening.

you're the faggots that put them there and then only used the heart attack gun on scalia.

I'm never sure where you stand emoji poster.

Not in states with extended castle doctrines. Such state extend the castle doctrine to your car and your person. You are not required to retreat and can be anywhere where you are legally permitted. In PA, this guy would not have been charged with anything. He could have even pulled the trigger and he'd be protected against civil liability

As far to the right as possible.

In a just society, yes. You cuck faggot. Running away doesn't mean you're suddenly free from consequence.

The FBI meme is to give plausible deniability, and more importantly to warn people that what they're saying is visible to the government, and could be used as incriminating evidence before or after such an act takes place. Even if somebody WERE dead set on assassinating a judge, discussing it here or anywhere on the net/darknet, or frankly even using an internet connected device is asking to be compromised and shut down. Feds aren't above inciting violence and arresting those that followed the cries of agent provocateurs.

Disproportionate retribution is some gay-ass bullshit. In a just society you'd be free to beat the snot out of him.

A punch isn't enough to draw your weapon. He needs to have a weapon that can be interpreted as deadly. Or, you are outnumbered.

Nice try, FBI.

The leftists do everything they can to take away your right to self defense. They'll use catch-22 logic such as "well since you had a gun on your person at the time, that indicates you were looking for trouble, and therefore this isn't self defense!"

It's the law, user, and the men and women of the United States police and armed forces will do everything in it's power to uphold it. If they feel like it, they will glance away from your suffering, and pay attention only to your misdeeds. The courts will uphold those you hate, and punish you swiftly.

I have to remind you this, every once in a while. It's just a job.

Shove your hubris up your ass, degenerate.

Being right doesn't matter in this world, user. You're the mad one, for not being insane. Commit violence to stop it, and you will be alone.

we /sheltered people/ now?

He probably got a nice Jewish lawyer and made the mistake of telling him he wasn't sure how he was going to cover the cost of a lengthy trial.

Is it the same legal district?


Reality: arrested and found guilty on 21 counts.

Some learn from the mistakes of others. Some need first-hand educating.

Distinction here. Some people carry precisely because they have to go through dangerous areas. We're talking about optional danger here.

Interesting. But good concealed carry practice aims to stay out of trouble given the total situation of laws, cops, judges, juries, and civil lawsuits, filtered through experience. Many times self-defence shooters don't get charged, or don't get convicted even though they could. Other times I think they get hammered even when in the right. It's a fuzzy border and a smart man will stay well back from it. In this case the hammer came down hard because of the guy's politics.

Despite the inflammatory title:

Looks like the cops originally charged him with a single misdemeanor, which fits the situation. (But that's bad enough to want to avoid it.) Then the prosecutor hit him with 21 charges, including felonies, probably based on his politics.

He walked into a trap, like many criminal defendants. Good concealed carry practice is about avoiding those traps.


We have to spread this around and create a precedent of defending oneself. This is a blatant political hammering and he even has video of his innocence.
I don't give a fuck about the muh personal army faggotry this is a miscarriage of justice

All that matters is the pro-White position. When the law serves our interests, applaud, when it doesn't, protest. In this particular case, focus on the law in Oregon. What is done is done.

He can still appeal to higher judges, if he can finance the lawyer. No doubt, the judge was stacked against him, and based her decision on her personal politics. There may have even been pressure from the MSM and left-wing politicized organizations to convict him harshly.

The consequences of this judgement? The blac bloc will become more emboldened to threaten spectators with force and intimidation. They will feel like they have been given a free pass.

The consequences of this judgement?
He may goto prison where he may be:
a.) fucked in ass
b.) converted to radical Islamist prison gangs
c.) join white supremacist gang

Consider how the justice system longs for more White prisoners to meet prison race quoatas, to create a prison culture where everyone is divided. To not make the justice system not appear racist more White prisoners are needed.

Many of us elected Trump, who was supported by the NRA. Now this happens, where is Trump's America now?

The law panders "race relations" with blacks, but won't pander "race relations" with Whites? Now how is this justice?

Why waste time on a book that can be summarized in 6 words??



what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

why in this jewdicial system you must prove you feared for your life, not (((the State))) must prove you didn't?