Why do antifa think they're gonna win this...

why do antifa think they're gonna win this, they haven't fared that well in the past and they've been constantly humiliated lately

Desperation. We've all known to some extent or another that western society has been collapsing and for a while. Where as people here understand that old ideals were in place to prevent this sort of thing, they see that as heresy. That would mean being regressive and not progressive which they see as the greatest sin imaginable. Their entire youth was spent being filled up with stereotypes that anyone who wanted anything other than their utopia was an inbred, moronic, hate filled monster. This leaves them in a rather difficult situation. Either they accept that society is failing and embrace what they've been told is pure evil since birth, ride out the destruction and give up, or they fight a losing battle with all of their hearts. If you get close to the far left and gradually show them that you are not a part of them, but at the same time not a monster, their views will crumble quickly and they will start to redpill themselves. I've done this quite a few times, it is endearing to watch.


They don't. Jews are just shilling antifa to get you to support neo-cons that are pro-ZOG.

ever heard the term "useful idiots"?

Commies always won, then they destroy everything, people is forced to work, hard workers have kids, those kids work, built houses and buy cars, then they have special kids that become commies.

Don't they know that all commie leaders killed gays and trannies like flies?

They don't want to win. They want to lose because they think it will be like having video of getting water-hosed and having dogs bark at them from the 1960s. They are mining for Blue-pill martyr points.

It probably is some "the left are the REAL racists" neocon shit.

This, right here, is on the fucking money.

For chrissake, antifa don't think of anything, they are literally mindless drones for kikes like Soros. They just go where they are paid/told to go, stirr up shit, and get away with it because the (((deep state))) protects them in many ways. Thinking is not involved at all, save for some commie mumbo-jumbo that sates the need for ideological basis.

Communists have never once defeated fascists in a revolution. Now, Stalin did defeat Fascist countries during WW2. However communists have never once actually triumphed over fascists in a revolution. Not in Spain, not in Germany, not in Italy, not in Romania, not in Japan. Not anywhere ever.

Indeed. AntFags live only as virtue signaling machines. They have no ideology, no plan, no soul. They just see the disapproving facial expressions on reporters on their favourite MSM station and listen to the disapproving tones of voice as fakeNews reporters cover events. Then they get enraged and try their very best to shut down whatever their gods disapprove of.

If Rachael Maddow was a fascist, and it appeared that lynching Blacks was popular with the masses, they'd try their very best to lynch as many Blacks as they could.

And that wouldn't be many either because Blacks are superior to antifa. The average Black has more agency than the average limp wristed antifa member.


You have to be pretty retarded to be a leftist. I remember when I was younger, were talking like 10-15 years back, and first got introduced to more far left ideas like Marxism / communism. I couldn't make it over the hurdle that there's no heirarchy since heirarchy is innate. The other thing is that their "comrades" are made up of utter failures be it genetically, socially, financially, or morally. It's very hard to look up to or identify with people on the far left because of their obvious inferiorities. There's a saying that you never become a national socialist/fascist; you realize you've been one all along. I think it's very true. The other thing is the further to the right you go the more traditional you get whereas the further to the left you go the more degenerate you get. The current left isn't made up of laborers it's made of spoiled children most of whom haven't even graduated college. Their ranks are filled with the mentally ill who believe gender is a spectrum and sub 80 IQ mongrels just looking for another handout. They are supreme agitators but will never become anything more than that as their doctrine forbids all the tenants to become an actual warrior (order, masculinity, tradition, duty, God, and country).

The fuck are you talking about? They have been "bashing" us since the French revolution. How many times have they blocked off a right-wing speaker, conference or meeting? They're the reason why we can't organize IRL. They control who speaks and who doesn't in Europe. Just because once or twice we have had some mostly symbolic victories doesn't mean shit.

*in a revolution*
Very important caveat. Without it you are totally wrong.

European pagans worshiped Kronos/Saturn. Jews worship Satan.

Communists are good at destroying everything, but they aren't good at building anything.


Shit OP. Low effort.

I think a very high percentage of their active members are pampered kids who have never heard the mythical word "no" when growing up.
They also believed pic related.

to me it looks like a christian cross with a nose peeking out from behind it.

/they're also fat manlets