Whatever happened to this?
Whatever happened to this?
There's way too many illegals and nonwhites to consider repealing this now. There is a fine art to politics, and knowing the correct order to address problems is crucial.
unfortunately a shitskin getting their hands on a legal m2 and the going cyclical while chanting allah shackbar would be .. wait what am I saying that would help our cause significantly
There are numerous public guides on how to transform many popular semi-automatic weapons into automatics.
Keeping them illegal just lets the niggers and spics use them, while limiting law abiding citizens (see: whites)
Also, while automatics are a sticky issue, stupid regulations about lengths of barrels and folding stocks are idiotic. Making it extremely expensive and difficult to purchase suppressors is also retarded, even our cucked friends in europe have easy cheap access to suppressors. In fact, I think the government suggests or maybe even enforces that they use suppressors, not only for the hearing protection of the shooter, but also because of noise pollution.
I'm going to be pissed if we don't at least get to buy suppressors for market prices with maybe an age restriction of 21 by the end of Trump's term. I'd like automatics, but more so because of principle than desire. I can live if we don't get autos, but everything else needs to go.
Any white guy who wanted to could buy a binary trigger and go damn near full auto legally. There are in fact many full autos that shoot slower than a binary trigger. Making full autos legal would just be easier for the already well equipped white to step his game up. Belt fed full auto gpmgs are generally the next level in firearms from the smaller "assault rifle". Also a belt fed 50bmg heavy machine gun would qualify as an anti materiel weapon.
The only sticking point is explosive delivery systems. Read the Turner diaries to see a couple ingenious uses for mortars in a guerilla warfare system, it's clear that this is terrifying for the jew to consider the whites having. The other thing of course is artillery. Forget nukes, if you have rocket propelled artillery you can rain 155 shells from 100km, which is better than the US military can do, and would negate counter battery fire or air force scrambling. A few thousand of those guns spread out across the country could lay waste to every major city and military base in a week. As long as we have zog you.bet your ass these systems will be out of reach to private citizenry.
Flood detect
GOP is full of shit.
Seriously? Are you some sort of nigger or underageb&?
This is one of those half truths.
Yes, a binary trigger can, if used by someone with proficient experience using it, be faster than some fully automatic weapons.
However, let's lay out some practical considerations here. First of all, I'll admit I've never used one, but when you watch many "professionals" online, even they have some trouble until they figure out a good trigger rhythm. And it's safe to assume that if the "professionals" have some minor inconveniences on their best takes, that they probably have more major issues in the clips that they edit out.
So these triggers are at least moderately difficult to use, to the point where even people who make their living shooting guns can have problems. This isn't the end of the world at the shooting range, in a very low stress situation. But how would these hold up in a life or death real combat situation? I'd assume very poorly.
First of all, you couldn't hand some novice a weapon with a binary trigger, and expect them to be able to use it correctly at all. Secondly, the most common purpose for an automatic is covering fire. Do you think the experts that can only make a binary trigger function like an automatic 3/4 of the time in a low stress situation, would reliably be able to keep a trigger rhythm with bullets flying past their face? I doubt it.
I'd consider a binary trigger a toy, more than a useful combat aid. MAYBE our spec ops guys could handle one, but why would they?
Yes they are that fucking shortsighted, and the orange baboon only has a big mouth.
leftyfaggot detected
Oh I'm sorry, is that not true? Did I hurt your feeling? Only a slave would not question it's master(s).
Binaries are way easier than bumpfire stocks tonuse, I've done em both. And covering fire only makes it easier, becuase you don't have to keep up a stream, just bursts at target areas. Add into it that most machine gun fire is coming from emplacements or bipod/tripod setups and no, 8 don't think it's a stretch to say that whites who want to bother have full auto fire. It's just damn annoying to have to put the learning curve in front of it. Also like the guys said above itt a negro can buy an automatic on black market cheaper than I can buy a decent belt fed ar with binary trigger, so there is cost consideration as well.
Still think though that the biggest hurdle is explosive delivery. Over all others this is the killer on today's battlefield.
Yes it's true only leftist faggots use the phrases "fat cats" and "orange baboon".
Reported for being a giant faggot.
It is true that many full auto owners see their shit as an investment and don't want us plebs having full auto also. Same thing with all the weed growers in commiefornia voting against legalization. These are the worst kind of traitors and candidates #1 for DOTR.
So you limit your vocabulary just because some subhuman commie retards use it? On this Turkic Tapestry discussion forum?
Slave morality if I have ever seen one.
You are the second worst kind of dysgenic subhumans. You are the kind that the kikes used to gain power.
You probably misquoted though, I too am in a fit right now.
Go have an autistic shit-fit somewhere else.
I don't think the NFA will get repealed anytime soon but it is something we should continue to strive for. Gun owners have been playing defense for way too long. We need to push hard the next 4 to 8 years. The hearing protection act is more likely to see the light of day.
And you should learn how to link too, low IQ fuck.
If we don't force Trump and the rest of the cuckservatives to do this, even the HPA won't happen. Cuckservatives and gun cucks are the kind to bark once and not repeat. There has never been a coordinated effort to even spam the NRA facebook page demanding to repeal all the gun control. I tried once and cucks just reply that "we all know how it is" and never think about it again.
I literally can't decipher wtf you're even talking about.
I'm agreeing with you?
Fuck off, cuck.
Fucking kike.
I think automatic vs. semi is a red herring. If you can't be assed to aim the first bullet, 10 more (also going in the wrong direction) isn't going to help you. A guy with an AK pulling the trigger as fast as he can vs. a guy holding the trigger down vs. a guy who brings the weapon up to his eye, sights down the barrel, and fires = that guy wins
Yeah. Oh that point, no arguments here.
Agreed. I hate every "machine gun investor" with passion. They are far worse than jews, they bet their entire fortunes on us not getting the legislation we need. Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
Not an argument
See , , and for in depth discussion on why you are an idiot and need to learn to read threads before flapping your nigger gums.
I never declared it useless, I declared it not sensible for real combat. Especially when someone with even a limited amount of experience with firearms could potentially use an automatic to lay covering fire, but would have a learning curve with a binary to actually achieve a similar result. And even those who have the skill to use one, when put into a survival situation with adrenaline pumping is a lot more likely to either pull and squeeze or pull as fast at they can without regards to rhythm.
I don't deny my opinion would have more weight if I had personally used a binary, but my argument doesn't really even rely on my usage. Because my assessment isn't, "They suck". My assessment is that, when people have adrenaline, they can't often even rack a slide correctly, and will actually continue pulling the trigger multiple times after the slide has been locked back. They will keep attempting to shoot even after dropping the magazine. People in war have been found to have fought for an extended period of time, and have never even fired a shot because they never charged their weapon. When you are actually in fear for your life, your loose dexterity and become somewhat delusional. Those are all recorded phenomenons.
Or to put it another way, I don't like the idea of binary triggers for combat, for the same reason I don't like a safety on a carry piece. I don't want to, and do not trust myself, to think completely clearly when my life is in danger. I do not trust myself, nor anyone else, to have the dexterity to control a binary trigger when they are amped up on adrenaline. The more simple the weapon function, the better.
My opinion is that, in a life or death situation where you needed to lay down some covering fire, a binary trigger may or may not be better than semi-auto, but would almost always be inferior to an automatic. Even if the automatic mode was theoretically slower than the binary.
Trump's really letting me down on the gun issue. Sure he isn't trying to ban shit, but he isn't relieving the retarded regulations put in place. While you can say it's only been 100 days, he hasn't stated any plans to give back gun rights, no plans to remove these stupid import bans, nothing about the HPA. It's sad.
Thanks for being a voice of reason in this thread; no homo
That's what I said. It's inferior. But not useless. You made it sound like a binary could never replicate an automatic. I assure you it can for all.intents and purposes that a militiaman would want. It's just more expensive, less reliable, and with a higher learning curve. But don't think the guys running those groups would not have e already been over this. If you.are hardcore white separstist, modifying a sear is probably not fazing yoy, because you have e to know the government is wanting to kill you anyways. But I would like to see more citizens get heavy equipment in their hands as I belive it's a good door opener to the idea of being a paramilitary force.
go back to your show Alex
I thought better of you 4chan refugees
Actually the problem is NFA members who are acting like treasonous jews concerned about their "investments" and them falling in prices. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who owns an actual machine gun or RDIAS and ask them about repealing the NFA and Hugs amendment
it's important to note whether they've had the firearm before 85 or not, those types normally see it as just another fun that's not worth getting rid of.
Why is this anchored?
because our mods are filthy kikes.
Kek it took em long enough. Freemasons sleeping on the job
There is way too much butthurt over my suggestion that we mass deport illegals then repeal it. It's okay, I still love y'all.
Yet you didn't bump a legitimate petition thread. Strange.
are you retarded?
He cant into ids. The reddit exodus is real, no shill would know how to be this worthless
I don't even know what he's trying to imply.