Kikes want to get rid of Adblock

(((Advertising))) companies are actively trying to push anti-adblock cirvumvention as being illegal under US and European law.

Jesus fucking christ, now they're gunning for adblockers. Can't avoid watching 5 minutes of racemixing ads and how you really need to shop at walmart everytime you open up youtube, afterall.

Other urls found in this thread:✓&q=Adblock&type=]]

Now, here's the real important question. What can we do to stop this? Are there any legalities here I'm missing?

Reminder that ad-block, cutting the cord from the cable company, using free streaming sites if you absolutely have to watch your Hollyjew movies or niggerball, is how you suck the money out of the media-industrial complex.

If no one is viewing ads or paying for subscriptions then they aren't making money. Newspapers fold, television channels fold, studios, websites fold, etc.

if i pay for data, and ads make up data, am i paying for ads?

Maybe put the EFF on this, they are good when it comes to fight the cyberjew with their own weapons.

Notice how all the prior legal challanges came from German newspapers and publishing comapanies?

The Lügenpresse is hurting badly. Circulation numbers, clicks etc are all evaporating fast. And where they at least broke even before they're now entering deep loss territory, which is why the same publishers are already bitching for government subsidies to prop up these propaganda mills as "institutions of a open, democratic society".

Latter let's you block pretty much every element on any given website


what was that site where you could see tracking over different browsers with VPN?

It was the only one that could track me on different browsers (diff. resolution, fonts, accepted language and so on).

block google ads ips directly

Who are they?

good. destroy the nyc/Hollywood centric media.

Hail based AdBlock

This guy gets it.

anyone used tails?

I came here to say this. ABP sold out and allows some ads

if you have a good router that can run ddwrt/openwrt go full autismo and setup a DNS ad filter too.


I suggest Holla Forumslacks with a bit more money invest in a nice configurable router (i.e. routers you can flash ddwrt on) so you can block websites before they even reach your computer. Browser level protection is ok but that won't stop stuff like advertisements at the operating system level.

You shouldn't be needing a laptop and smartphone if you can get away with it.

He has a place in the ovens, come that glorious day. His father first. Clockboy needs to see his father die, painfully, before his own return to the underworld.

HOL UP KIKES! I use Lynx browser because I'm mentally disabled and can't use mouse and thus GUIs. Now you have to accomodate me, or I'll sue your asses under all the fucking disabiliy acts you lobbied for!

Yes. Your ISP doesn't give a shit whether the data's coming from Holla Forums, youtube, cuck porn, ads, or malicious software. If they're sending you data, they're charging you for it.

The only OS'es that use non-browser ads I know of are win10 or ubuntu with its amazon spyware, both of which should be treated as nuclear waste. Most of these ad blockers for browsers work by loading the site first and filtering hosts in their attached databases. However, you can use additional plugins that block scripts and requests from/to those hosts so that you won't make the connection with ad hosts or even run adware scripts. It should be fucking opsec 101 since using custom scripts and tracking cookies is how you get datamined. If you plan on increasing your opsec even further than blocking scripts denying requests you need to clear your fucking cookies every day or better yet, just don't keep them at all. Don't use kikebook, don't use twitter or alternatively, never feed it your personal shit.

In that case, I shouldn't be charged for ISP bill. After all someone else is paying for it…

ads are illegals.

edit your browser security with edit:config, instal httrack to save sites, download youtube-dl and record streams/videos/movies, learn how to screencap entire pages with addons or apps, use to archive pages. good addons are https everywhere, noscript, ublock origin or umatrix

don't use google services, don't use skype/discord, don't post personal information ever

if you're really concerned, you might want to switch to a VPN and browses the web with tor, in any cases you should read what other anons posted ie privacytools, eff electronic frontier foundation

only use twitter/faceberg for spreading information/memes, don't do it for social status ok

and ffs, stop using windowns, install a unix based OS with or without systemd (at this point it's better to have a linux comprehension with systemd than using windows alright)


Electronic Frontier Foundation
Basically a bunch of anti-surveillance cyber nerds. Very effective guys tbh, I think they would be on this already.

You know, this web ads bullshit is the same thing that happened with cable TV. They had you pay for subscription, and there were no ads. Then commercials started to appear. Then they made "premium" channels you had to pay extra for to not have ads. It's the same fucking bullshit all over again, probably by the same jews.

when I say use a linux OS, i'm saying take whichever you like, just don't take UBUNTU, that shit is filled with spywares and probably a botnet too

They might have sold out, but, the legal battles they fight matter too. If they lost we'd be suffering under the advertising jew.

muslims are imps, jews are demons

can't trust it after that shit, use ublock origin

Funny part is most people wouldn't bother with blocking ads if they hadn't become so obtrusive and annoying. There's no way that flashing spinning yelling garners more positive appeal but they can't leave anybody alone at all.

That sucks, last time I used Ubuntu that wasn't the case.

Just use Mint.

And if you're extra paranoid, use mint 17, without Systemd

There's a no systemd version of Mint ?

Ahahaha good luck with that kikes.

They went systemd on the 18th version, everything before that doesn't have it, but fuck it, I'm going to intall arch on my laptops.

ad block plus should be illegal

ublock origin all the way

It's classical kike overreach that is self-defeating.

Theyre both imps. Just of differing orders. Muslims are goyim like Christians, just of a more savage variety. Them kikes are abusing them ME'S. Fuck them, I await their demise. They're cancer to all.

Is EFF apolitical?

left wing

Being a Soros tentacle taints any good they do.

Darknet, though I think the intermediary to this shit will be services on other parts of the internet.

ublock origin fucking owns.

Thanks for answering. Now I know who they are, on a surface level, at least.


im piling in on the (yous) so anyone reading this thread that's still using ABP switches to ublock/umatrix

Arch has systemd too. The only main options that don't are Gentoo, Devuan, and Void Linux. BSDs also don't, naturally.

I make an active decision to avoid companies which have intrusive advertising.

That's all you need to do.

Make that choice, and if enough people do, companies will stop because it hurts their bottom line. Really simple.

Even if they are going to shut down adp and other adblockers, we can still use a modified host file to block ads and other nasties. I really recommend everyone to use this:


eh, I'm a macfag but I think it applies.

I use epic browser (I know) or tor for basic things. The rest of the ads I can get rid of blocking the ips with a firewall. Problem solved.

I use a vpn over that.

Nothing too extreme and works perfectly.



Use uBlock Origin

I use UO but lately I've noticed ads both on Twitch and Jewtube getting through, any other options or means by which I can address this?


You have Arch OpenRC versions.

Also Manjaro if you're new to Linux

The 17.0.1 is still in beta so get the 17.0 one for now.

I found Manjaro to be awkwardly bloated and tbh it gave me the wrong vibes. So I returned to Mint

The OpenRC version is a lot less bloated. But funny how you complain about Manjaro being bloated while Mint is one bloated shithole.

Use Antergos, then. It's just Arch, but with a graphical installer and some minor kernel patches, unlike Manjaro, which tries very hard to be its own thing.

The ABP element hiding helper addon is way better than the ublock element-picker.

ABP gives you the option to allow some ads.
The option is turned off by default.

The problem with ABP is that it's slow as shit.


Yeah, I went with systemd without knowing.

Not really. The only thing that is legitimately not necessary is pidgin.

I did, and I liked it until I encountered some shit where every qt-based software (like qtox, calibre etc.) had incredibly oversized GUI to the point where it's not usable. Couldn't find help so I went back to Mint.

Tbh, I'd be using void if it had kdenlive in it's repositories.


Oy vey dis is anudda shoah

You know TPP and all that other bullshit will continue being pushed for things like this. The government cucks will pass legislation to (((subsidize))) the loss of ad revenue. Fucking kikes man.

laws could not stop piracy and they expect they'll stop addblocks?

Enjoy those "white listed" ads, cucks.

apparently it didn't do enough of a good job because it didn't filter your cancerous post.

t. Schlomo from the advertising department

This reminds me of like how there have been numerous searches of "how do I get win10 installer off of my system" and answers were full of cucked "it's too late now, you're going to have win10" and "why would you want to get rid of win10" . No one really thought of just going through in safe mode, reenabling permissions to yourself, getting rid of (((trustedinstaller))), ripping out auto update, and took all the pre win10 shit that was set up, folders like "replacement" and shit were weeded through and promptly ripped out, and the entirety of a looming win10 (((upgrade))) was gone. I did this with for my parents when I came home during the holidays.

I use Adblock Edge and haven't seen any ads in years. uWhatevers are probably good but it's only ABP that's jewey to my knowledge.

eff are good guys, they are nerds from the pre-corruption archaic era of the internet

And Google is developing an adblocker for their browser to circumvent shitty ads. There's plenty of open source adblockers out there, and furthermore, you can block domains in hosts. I don't understand why you faggots get so worried over companies fighting a losing battle. Kikes W O N T get rid of adblock, in any of its forms.✓&q=Adblock&type=

uBlock is good shit, I just wish chrome would hurry up developing extension support for android so I can use it there too.

that garbage made me some quick cash when if popped up

ublock origin works on mobile firefox, and if you're rooted you should be using adaway anyway. iirc you can just add more lists into adaway like ublock. stop using gapps too.

adblock/edge is still heavier on resources than ublock origin.

I'd be so disoriented if this happened. I've always had an adblocker on as long as ad affiliates have existed so I've never even seen the web with ads on (except for first party ads, like j-list on old 4chan)

have another (you)

Don't care too much about some butt-hurt kikes.

I'm using something a bit better than adaway right now, it's just a hosts blocker. I'm using unified hosts, which is a module for a project that is looking to obsolete xposed, since I'm running nougat; called Magisk.

It combines adaway's sources with a bunch of others, hence 'unified' hosts. I always did think firefox was a bit ahead of the curve. But sad to say it user, I think I'm glued to Gapps. I don't mind the convenience > privacy trade off. Even the new google assistant is a nice feature. I'm a musician, so the way I see it, I already have a reputation to uphold, and google's privacy concerns aren't that big of a deal if I'm an upstanding moral person, if not, don't I deserve to be punished? I can't see how Google could harm me in the next 10 years with any of the data they collect, not that I'm okay with it in principle, I just think there's a lot of very very useful features in Nougat, 7.1.2.

I'll have to look into that, xposed is the only thing that's holding me onto 6.x along with some UI changes that I fucking HATE.

I know you're looking for reasons to shit on even my variant of adblock and I know it's probably justified but I'm opting to just keeping using it instead of upgrading to ublock because of it. Resource consumption of Firefox plugins being slightly suboptimal is too autistic for my blood, my dude. I'm not on a cabbage tier laptop or phone.

Yeah, I wouldn't upgrade just yet, there's a few features you are going to miss out on thanks to teething pains with Android 7.0's new android runtime (ART). But for the most part, nougat is looking superior… though there are a LOT more privacy invasive potential properties of the OS. Google Assistant makes it almost worth it though, it's a system wide always alert Google Now, almost like Siri at this point, and I love it. Google's services have always been superior. But it is a matter of trust. Aside from tracking your location, habits, etc, I don't see what else they can get from you. I trust google far more than other entities, and there's nothing in Windows 10 that is worth the privacy trade off, whereas there is plenty within 7.0 that is worth the privacy trade off. Magisk isn't Xposed yet, but it's going to be. It integrates busybox, superuser, and roothiding all into the same module. Imagine if Xposed WAS the SuperSU, was RootCloak, was busybox, and more, but all in the one application, shit's gonna be awesome. Oh, also, the whole point of this is to run systemlessly, meaning many apps like android pay, snapchat, banking apps, that want you to not be rooted, have no idea you're rooted, and you can hide that seamlessly with Magisk anyway if need be. The ROM I'm fond of right now is Android Open Source Extended, which is just flawless by my account. Though I'm missing gravitybox and youtubeadaway from Xposed, all I need are those things and I'll be set on a perfect android experience. I can even network pen-test using Csploit or Zanti properly on 7.1.2, seems perfectly functional, nothing has really broke except xposed. Also, I do use F-droid, but there are still a few apps keeping me bound to G-Apps, like some nice sound recorders, Solid Explorer, Pocket Casts, etc, etc. Let me know if you know of any better pen-testing suites as well.

This. The media knows that their time is short. It's why they've been freaking out about torrents, social/alternative media, youtube, etc.

They try to keep forcing people to pay for bullshit using their typical tricks though. Things like practically forcing customers to buy cable TV and landline phone service along with internet (le triple play) when in reality, the only thing anyone should even consider getting is internet alone. I will NEVER pay for cable or any non-cellphone service.

TBH I 'm just surprised it's taken then this long to go after Adblock using the law. They've been REEEing about Adblock for a decade now.

Ublock is the most optimal form of ad blocking that I'm aware of right now. This is a deficient mindset. This is like wanting to use NTFS on Linux, just plain fucking stupid, except for certain use cases. Wanting to use NTFS when there is a plain superior in every objective sense ZFS filesystem waiting to be used like the slut it is, is degenerate, and you should be gassed. Seriously though, take a look at Ublock, its whole selling point, even on GitHub, is that it's efficient. It uses less memory, it uses less CPU, (exponential depending on number of tabs) and it has a lot of other neat features that I don't use that often, that's it, and that should be all it takes to convince you. In my eyes, if your adblocker is using more cpu than a gif, something is wrong, and AdBlock, AdGuard, and AdblockPlus all use up insane amounts of CPU for what they're actually doing.

Just go look at the graphs on the chrome store page for Ublock. It actually DECREASES memory usage in the browser when it blocks ads. The only other adblocker that does this is AdGuard.

Directed at

user, unfortunately that's probably the stream showing ads within the stream

April 6, 2032

Microsoft Has Successfully Sued Every Human Who Doesn't Own Windows 13
Men, women, and xyrkins are expected to report to the open-range privately-owned prison "MicroSafe" after losing a lawsuit when they refused to uninstall the out-dated Gentoo and replace it with Microsoft's wonderful new OS, Windows 13.
"I can't believe this is happening. This is insane!" an unidentified man was heard to say leaving the courtroom, before he was brutally pummeled by anti-fascist protestors for being insensitive to people of atypical mental efficiency.
We here at Buzzfeed Law managed to get a short interview from a representative of Microsoft.
"This is great news for progressive values, and we are glad we can push this country further towards freedom and away from hateful Microphobic rhetoric." the representative said. "We will ensure that our customers are never out of our sight and never in harm's way. We will record all of their comings and goings so that they may rest soundly in the assurance that if they are ever taken to court for thought-crimes, we will have evidence that will surely prove their innocence. Safety and comfort for all."
Next week the case of NOI vs The So-called White People of Europe will begin, which will decide once and for all whether "it is a brother's right to rape a white bitch", which has proven to be a controversial statement to the group WLTEP (We'd Like To Exist, Please), which has been defined as a white supremacist hate organization by the Holy and Sacred SPLC (pbuh).
A group from the anarchic AFL (Anarchists For Laws), an offshoot of the formally recognized religion BAMN, has already set up a shanty town around the courtroom and has begun handing out AR-15s and hormone supplements.

Author: Joe Bernstein, a real actual journalist and not a loser

sounds like you know more about android's internal workings than I do I know literally nothing about it, either way I'm not planing on using gapps on my personal devices ever.
I'll have to toy with magisk on the family tablet later since I just updated it to the latest lineage

I can confirm it's not. The ads on twich are a seperate element from the stream itself

double check that ubo is updated and your lists are updated. I don't use twitch but I've never seen an ad on youtube with it.

Adding to this, when an ad makes it through on jewtube, just block the element. You do it enough times and the ads will not be coming back.

Also some nice Holla Forums counterargument:

I am not a UBO user. THis is an observation I have made back when I used ABP

Same here. I've had an adblocker since before even youtube started putting ads on everything. I remember having to borrow a friend's computer years later and thinking "wtf is this shit" when I would go on youtube or elsewhere and be bombarded wit ads I never even knew existed.

you forgot the part where you explain how this is a problem.

it must be nice living somewhere with decent cell coverage. out here in the sticks you need a landline because you're only getting a bar on a good day. there are four isps in this area and with every single fucking one you're paying more for a bundle without cable.

That's just plain retarded. These companies can very easily set it up so that you must view ads to access the content.
they just don't want to do it because everyone would fuck off to better sites
tldr; typical kike shit demanding the world cater to a fucking corporation. Any company/site lobbying for this should be boycotted.

Fair enough. Overall point still stands that a lot of the shit the kikes have been pushing for decades is running dry now.
And as for your situation, aren't there ways to set up phone services through internet? I think my parents did this when they retired to the beach and ditched their landline in favor of some sort of phone that works through their cable internet. I might be taking out my ass though

I suppose they're going to also make wget and curl illegal too?

if they could, you don't think they would?

No, don't you see? Without those ads subsidizing your connection it would cost even more. They really are in your best interest.

t. Kike


I disagree on that one. Mint aint bad but they fucked themselves in the ass by going for Systemd even though they first said they wouldn't fall for it.

Worry not because they have new packages up the pipes. Would you like to pay more for higher caps? Perhaps you would like premium ad-free connections to reddit and half? We have the plans that suit!
all for a nominal fee

Don't give them your money. But what they do is often incidentally good for us.

there are but unfortunately the only isp that offers non-bundled internet cheaper than bundles from its competitors is windstream and all those stories you hear on dslreports about that company are not exaggerated either. to give you an example of their quality service my office is opposite the nid. my basement is 10ft tall give or take a few a inches and fully illuminated. for whatever reason the tech opted to toss the line over my home instead of running it through the basement despite have permission to enter. to this day i still have no idea what the fuck he was doing the two hours he was down there.

No, you pay for the service that lets you access data, you subhuman mongoloids.

Make sure you're defeating the mobile kike, too.


Oy, we have that covered with our equipment rental fee. Someone has to pay the goy to will the wires with yetzer hara otherwise it is a failed mitzvah!

I'm concerned that kikes will push adblockers away from the mainstream so that media companies start getting more ad money again. I'm not concerned about losing my own ability to block ads since I'm sufficiently tech savvy.

Most AdBlocks already have an anti-block blocker. It's useless to follow this line.
There's actually 2 solutions for them:


And in the related item

Yeah, not too far off.


Thats illegal user!!

I want to say GTAV and changing the FOV

noscript + uo

also.. is brave up to snuff yet?

uMatrix is nicer than no script.

turn off that pesky adblock

I figured that this was a common practice on here by now
also, don't forget to turn on refer spoofing and maybe, if you want, user agent spoofing for every website until disabled. This helps so if you click a link on Holla Forums it doesn't show up as the refer for


Why do I have far fewer options than you?

This can't be enforced without taking rediculous measures that will anger even people who don't use adblock.

Different versions? I have different options as well. Match what you can and experiment with others.

Get the fuck out of here with that shit. ABP+Easy Element properly set up is all you need. ublock origin is absolute garbage.

Are you such a dumb fucking cunt that you can't figure out how to click a link in the setup menu then uncheck the box labeled 'show non-intrusive ads'?
Hell, if you're that fucking paranoid about it, you can do what I did and go in and MANUALLY DELETE the goddamn whitelist. There. Done. No whitelist.
'Sold out.'
No, shitdick, they're trying to play as fairly as possible by not punishing advertisers who play nice. We joke about 'muh PR' but, in this instance, it actually matters that they're willing to try the carrot-and-stick approach to this to try to train advertisers what most people don't mind seeing versus going full Gas The Servers, Ad War Now.

t. 'computer guy.'

Why not both.jpg

They will always shoot themselves in the foot before someone does something about it. DRM and the backlash from their draconian restrictions and controls taught them nothing.

If the cunts were capable of learning this ad nonsense would have been structured and restricted back when was a thing. The kikes got greedy and more in everyone's face with popups and malware and history repeats itself.

If you want to go the DNS route, you can set up your own bind9 or pi-hole servers. Better yet would probably be a squid proxy and grab a good acl list.

Hello Goldstein.

Eat shit and die kike scum.

Wrong. All it takes is one generation to be apathetic and accept it for it to be effectively normalized


They allow it by default. They allow it at all. Its cucked pozzed trash

I love doing this. It's such a small thing, but I get a smug satisfaction out of it. Yeah, it'd take just as much time to disable my adblocker on that page than it would be to remove the blocking element, but fuck that.

Is that the "Oh hi, we noticed you enabled an ad-blocker, please remove it and refresh"

Thanks shlomo, you convinced me to switch to ublock.

Honestly, I've seen this coming for years now. Glad I was able to use it while I still could. Guess I gotta do everything manually from now on and take it up the ass whenever I go to Jewtube.



all those lists you retards subscribe with uBlock have EXCEPTIONS to un-block things you "think" are blocked

also, learn to write your own filters


uBlock Origin Extra
Canvas Defender
HTTPS Everywhere
Privacy Badger
Self-Destructing Cookies


Well that depends on what your politics are, user. If you're right wing, I'd recommend going to Alex Jones before these guys. If you're a horsefucker that likes Mr. Hands videos, however, they are the right place.

fuck off schlomo

You haven't been to a systemd-vival lately.

(double heil'd)
Pretty much. I'll never forget the ridiculous shit they did during gamergate:

Communists would make strange bedfellows for a group that opposes censorship.

Congratulations, you just made Firefox unusable.

Anyone know if is any good? Trying to get some nerds off of Discord and on to something less Jewish.

and if your data isn't unlimited, guess what that basically amounts to.



GWX Control Panel is great for normies who don't know how to hack the registry and who think "safe mode" is something to do with tranny fashion tips.

t. shitter shattered APB dev


Oy fucking vey.

And seconded.
Jesus fucking christ, the cancer is unbelievable.

The only conceivable downside is that the Chinese bought it.
But then again, what can the Chinese do to you? That's right, nothing.

Apart from keylog everything and clean out your bank account if they ever feel like it?
Admittedly, Windows 10 does that too, but still…

You are so full of shit nigger. topkek.

There's always going to be ads and people will keep on finding ways to disable them. If you're telling them or sending the signal that you're willing to allow certain ads, they'll keep demanding/insisting for more and if you refuse they'll tell you to lawyer up. The ads/PR industry is made up of some of the worst (((parasites))) on the face of the earth. Negotiating in good faith is just a concept to them and it only applies when they can benefit from it.

Have you seen Jewtube lately?

It's literally become Talmud Vision on the Internet.

And another kike.

Congratulations, you're retarded.

everyone who tells people that it actually does anything useful is.

Ignoring the ABP vs uBlock bullshit for a moment…

Do the rest of you not see the bigger issue here? If ABP goes down in court, it'll set the precedent that kills off uBlock too. And every other adblocker. So even if you prefer uBlock you should be voicing support for AdBlock Plus on the principle of the matter, or you'll simply be next on the chopping block.

And now to address the ABP vs. uBlock debate once again:
The "non-intrusive" advertising is an olive-branch being extended to advertisers, an enticement to do the right thing by the end-user and not do shitty ads, like pop-ups that can't be closed, auto-play videos, tracking cookies, etc. The hate for advertising comes primarily from those kinds of things, that make the difference between "oh, an ad to scroll past and ignore" and "wtf, holy shit, kill it with fire FUCK OFF ALREADY" levels of annoyance.
Besides which, if you look in the ABP preferences you can still block those too if you want. The "allow some non-intrusive advertising" issue is a non-issue for anyone willing to change a default setting.

Good, more laws that can't be enforced
ABP is shit anyway tbh, uBlock ftw

They've been pozzed for a while now tbh

Soros is cancer in human form, they even got to Debian where now they funnel money to other (((organizations)))

One takes money to pump you with ads, other doesn't. Seem pretty fucking straight forward.

It still allowed for it in the first place, its uses a lot of CPU, it still loads ads you just dont see them so they are not really blocked and it uses a lot of ram.

You are the retard.


Kike-level truth-twisting there. ABP takes money to certify ads that some ads won't fuck over end-users, they don't just hand out a carte blanche pass for money.

So does uBlock.
Again, so does uBlock. If it's in the HTML of the page, it's going to be "loaded" in the sense that the page is going to be downloaded before it can be rendered, you can't just download parts of a page without using WAY more CPU and RAM than either ABP or uBlock do. And you still get a net saving in CPU and RAM usage by not rendering the ads.
Again, so does uBlock, so what exactly is your point? (Apart from demonstrating that you're technologically illiterate?)

Anyone found a good alternative to DownThemAll for Chrome?

The ONLY reason you'd use ABP is because you're a subhuman who experiences brand loyalty to things that are no longer good because you liked them in the past


The ONLY reason you'd use uBlock is because you're a subhuman who's too retarded to open the preferences and uncheck a box

I'd like to see them make me (and thousands of normies) stop using it.

If you can't rice Arch to work without systemd, you don't deserve it.

not really. uBlock seems to work a lot better for me.

uBlock is superior in every way. Don't listen to that dumbass. He's a subhuman who has brand loyalty.

Reddit-tier uBlock fanboys still not addressing the bigger issue here.

I bet 90% of you uBlock fanboys are on Windows 10 anyway.

The only thing I addressed was your retarded claim that there was no reason to use uBlock except for being unable to change settings in ABP. I'm not under any obligation to address anything, bigger issue or not.

"seems to work a lot better"? That really convinced me, what with all that specific proof and all.

Isn't adblock slower than ublock?

I did not know this was a thing!

good, now maybe you will stop shilling for ABP, which seems to be your only purpose so far in this thread

I wonder how many cases they need before AB can sue for frivolous litigation and harassment.

view, page style, no style also works for annoying blockers on firefox.

Chinks literally glue circuit boards and wafers together and somehow shit works.
Fucking chinks.

last i checked both are under open source licenses, some fucker in russia will just take up the reins after some gigakike "stops" the ad blocking. not like they can stop me from putting in a host filter on my computers/router.
"uBlock сука"

We have more bawwing from the Block Adblock kikes:
9 Ways Adblock is destroying the web as we know it

There was a web before ads, something BAB (((does not mention))).
Easly deanonymizable, I'm sure. And do in need all your dox to shitpost properly on Holla Forums? No! Then why do these little Shlomos require that?
You don't need your viewers dox to fix problems
You can improve site performance by NOT having Megabytes of (((JavaScript))) eating up processor time
Just read the comments.
implying journalistic integrity ever mattered
implying (((Native advertising))) is new
>This unavoidable arms race has lead to a web filled with countermeasures, processor-intensive background scripts, anemic site-health metrics and a frequently interrupted web-experience.
You mean seemingly independent voices. Also implying anons need shekkhels for speaking up.
>No ads at all.
Advertisement is not beneficiary to the economy and society as it rewards packaging looks over quality of product. Tl;dr: Ads waste money and encourages irrational buyers.
>As I’ve noted before, a vast number of users who block ads do not want better ads. They want no ads whatsoever.
As any rational person would.
And what, when people adblock apps?
Hurra! Those buttons are spying on you and send information to Jewgle, Faceberg et al.

In other words, antiadblockers have no arguments, and they have to resort to guilt tripping us into feeling sorry for the worst people on earth: advertisers

It's double bullshit, because if you earn your money with ads you don't care about "integrity" you care about getting the most clicks possible with shitty clickbait trash and making up scandals out of thin air.

Palemoon browser has been actively sabotaging itself by removing shit that allowed ghostery and other addons to work; for no reason.

Had to go back to an old version.

How long did it take before the RIAA admitted defeat?
We probably have at least 5-10 years of this.

The browser market is ripe for an open source browser based on pre-webkit Opera.

Fucking reeks of summer in this retarded thread

You're smelling your upper lip, faggot.

Kill yourself faggot.
This is why Holla Forums needs to be REMOVED. Cancerous supporters of an obese pedophile jew (((Richard Stallman))) who doesn't even know how to install linux, shilling for chinkbooks, and derailing every fucking thread they can to shill for their shit.


This cancer too, this autistic roleplaying garbage Holla Forumsposters always spam as "proof" of what happens if people don't follow saint (((Stallmeme))).

It's all Holla Forums shills. The same people who, if you go to their native board, shit on Holla Forums calling everyone here "retarded" and sagebomb threads made related to possible compromises of sites.

Maybe if you're a fucking nigger and are browsing on a pentium 2 in the current year.
Get a job.

OY VEY I've been found out!
Fuck off.

Not up for eating your mother any time soon.

Are you an invalid who can't uncheck a box?
Did you even read the rest, or did your autism demand an instant reply?
Fuck sake man, pick up a thesaurus. Yes, 'cuck' and 'poz' are absolutely great at demoralizing the (((enemy))) and the left in general, but the words are beginning to get overused by twats with a shallow vocabulary.
That aside, the whole 'trying to find equal ground = cucked' argument is retarded. The left didn't get as far as they have by hardlining every issue. They went a half step left at a time, waited, then moved a half step further, and so on. I get it, I do–many of us want to go completely hardline GTKRWN but that shit's going to scare off the normies. Instead of "hey, maybe those guys have a point," it's going to be right back to "LEL RAYCIS" dismissals.
Linux, you cunt.

I'm sure the (((developer))) thanks you.

But that's too hard for many of these twats.

Or it's two different people with similar thoughts posting at different times on a Malasian dog sweater knitting forum.

Welcome to 8pol, post hax.

Get a decent computer instead of a shitbox and it won't be an issue.
ABP is fire-and-forget easy. If you want to modify it, you can, but you don't have to.
Apparently it fucking is.
And when they do, that is when you go full shoah on them. Not before. That is pretty much why the makers of ABP has won every case against it–because they were willing to try the middle of the road approach.
So.. convince them they can benefit from it and take advantage of their natural avarice? And for the rest of us, don't allow them to benefit from it.


I better go flick those switches check boxs on my botnet'd android/windows device to disable the tracking software i can't delete. so nice of them to put that there!

you fuckers sound like the retards that stuck with xp till its death.

Is the anti-ublock/umatrix shill back, but on Holla Forums?

Sorry your feeble brain can't understand the better options. Enjoy your industry approved adblocking solution(tm)


Wow, this is the lame 'do we need another drug, keep pot illegal' level of pilpul.

Gamergate must have hurt them.

good point. a sizeable chunk of that data would be advertising alone costing consumers shekels.

data is not a finite resource but the providers don't want consumers to know it doesn't cost them jack shit to send a gig of data.

What do you mean 'now'? They've been going for Adblock since it first came to exist.

I wish (((they))) would make up their minds about whether or not to have censorship.

I think you mean

One of their guys created the blockbot basics and maintains the site where lists are uploaded and one of their lawyers was helping ZQ and that whale from the blockbot with legal shit while also shilling anti goobergate pieces and crap about muh cyberviolence. They still do good stuff but they have some nasty socjus cancer inside

Basically that.
Yes and no. There is a place for legit advertising… It's places like YellowPages, Craigslist, eBay, tho. I can even understand newspaper-style ads in with the content on a page, as long as they're clearly adverts and not trying to masquerade as the content itself.
Probably true, but most of us could put up with the "newspaper-style" ads from the Web 1.0 days, BEFORE they started pulling bullshit tactics like pop-ups and unclosable windows and shit.
As you mentioned, though, yes, there was a web before advertisers got to it, and there would still be one even if all the advertisers fucked off tomorrow.
Yes, a lot of major sites would go down, but a lot of smaller user-driven ones would pop up in their place, like the web used to be.

The LAST people that have any right to complain about the use of adblockers are advertisers. They forced us into having to use them. Content creators and webmasters were complicit, and also forfeit their right to complain. If they'd refused to allow abusive ads on their sites in the first place, no one would have bothered to develop adblockers.


Are you talking about those pop ups that gray out the page? Just inspect element and delete it.

Nah, I've had sites block specific features that the site is made for. Tried blocking the element but it wouldn't work.

If you aren't using Ublock orgin then you are a retard

That doesn't even make sense. You can run any script you want, use any browser you want, run any OS you want. And you can obtain all of it from millions of sources.

They have as much hope of pulling this shit off as silencing real news sources. It's logistically impossible.

what site?

Just use multiple ad blockers you absolute mongs.

Stop using sites with ads.

what the fuck.

Anyways I've had ublock origin so long that when I see old people and my friends use computers I am amazed they sit through 30 second ads for a 5 min youtube vide

I never get sick of doing this.

No one in this thread has been checking dubs user, not the 00s above you, not the 44s above you not the two pairs of 88 or the possible 22s.

They're left leaning. Think of them as the computer version of the ACLU.

They're in that same sort of boat as Richard Stallman and the FSF – leftist in intent, but what they do incidentally benefits us all.

As an aside, I find it offputting that EFF, FSF, etc, are having to be explained to people on a chan. It's like we're not hackers on steroids anymore.

ublock origin is less CPU/memory intensive and respect the user. ABP by allowing some ads by default isn't.

76e904 is a shill and should not be trusted.

Haha, good luck with that. Torrents, streaming, and the like are all illegal and they've done a terrible job these past couple decades. Also without adblock soon we'll return to the popup ads era with unlimited malware and viruses without your consent or knowledge. (((They))) are the ones who should be blocked. Again.

its not a matter of a service provider, but the principle.

adblock is currently the biggest provider of this service.
if (((they))) shut down adblock then the rest of these adons and programs are going to follow fast.

use whatever block you want, but know that if the original adblock falls youre getting a lethal dose of ((((((((((((good goy content))))))))))))))

most are under free software licenses (ublock origin is under GNU GPLv3), it wont happen. they may get shut down through the jewgle botnet store, mozilla playing good goy, and maybe even github, but there will be a fork.
hell just look at the shit right now
adblock->adblock plus-> adblock edge
ublock-> ublock (under same name different dev) -> ublock origin (original dev)
no legal bullshit in a single country is going to do a fucking thing about the sharing of software, it'll just move domains and maybe the dev if they aren't a risk taker.

t. shlomo "goy please I need my shekels" goldenbergstein

Collecting intel like they does to their population
Chinks are the kikes of Asia.

I agree that internet advertisers brought this bullshit on themselves with their abusive tactics, but what AdBlock is doing is extortion. "Pay us money and our program won't block your ads" means I won't shed a tear for them.

No, because diminishing returns. One thing is denying ad blocking to normies by crushing couple of organisations (adblock, official plugin stores, etc) via courts and returning 99% of profits, other is waging war of attrition against autists for 1%. First is economically viable, second is waste of resources


Okay, faggot.

still I'm using palemoon, so its a little harder to find add-ons that work

Hurt the kike right in his shekels learn OpenBSD. Read the books in the reading list on OpenBSD. Understand the lessons in the book the Richest Man in Babylon. Undue the Jew by not giving him a god damn shekel.

I normally go with the Gooks, who have a Talmud in every home, but still agreed.

I'm using the old version too since I'm using a hacked version of Windows Server 2003 and I refuse to update to the newest Windows cancer–I've used Linux intermittently before but it doesn't really cut it for me right now.

The Fuhrer Approves!
I use a combination of uBlock origin and Adblock Edge, depending on the browser I'm using.
I know Firefox has sold out, but I still have a lot of Add-ons that only work there and not on Palemoon

These Satan-worshipping Kike dubs signify lying Jewish filth.

You've been found out, shill.

not only the lügenpresse, the whole internet social media bullshit, since it's an economy that is supposed to get its shekels from cubicle drones and NEETs - the whole thing will crash soon

The publishers are meeting every day right now to figure out a way to stop adblocking.

They essentially have unlimited fund, online ad is a 100B a year industry, it pretty much makes hollywood looks like your daughter lemonade stand and looked how much hollywood managed to lock up shit legally for their benefits.

Unless the citizens work together on this (which they won't) it will soon be illegal to block ads mark my words.

This. We should sue the people making the ads for using up our data.


can we do this?


Bot modern versions of opera is just chrome with different icon.

Theoretically, it's possible.

It's a tort claim, so you'd have to prove damages. Basically if you're paying a blanket monthly rate for internet access it's unlikely you can sue because the ad doesn't actually cost you directly. It's similar to how you paid for cable, but then cable channels could still put ads on their shows. But if you're paying by usage, (for example, mobile) you might have a claim. However, there are likely parts of your user agreement for Android or your cellphone company that get around this. So an ideal plaintiff would be a person with an open source phone OS and a data plan that has no caveats around ads. Even then you'd need a big enough damages claim to avoid small claims court, if you want it to matter in the long run. Class actions will bring down Google-heat from the heavens so you'd probably want to avoid them at first unless you've got God-tier representation of your own.

And then you'd have to identify corporations to sue. I'm willing to bet most ad companies aside from Google are fly-by-night operations that are registered on an island somewhere where you'll never get at their assets. If you try suing Google, you are going up against apex legal jews. Not to mention, Google will try to use joinder against you (forcing themselves in as defendants) no matter who you sue just to keep the court from creating any sort of damaging precedent. So, ideally, you'd sue some shady ad companies that wouldn't put up a big fight in a state court that Google's lawyers aren't constantly monitoring. You do that a couple of times in different states until you have a nice big stack of precedent. Then someone else can use those cases later to take on the beast in a class action.

OP, I….

It involves (((Doctorow))) of (((Boingboing)))
Do you remember gamergayz at all?
Cuz that's pretty relevant, and why you should nuke'em.
Also (((Mitch Kapor))), (((Daniel Bernstein))) and (((Cindy Cohn)))
do with that information what thou wilt.

….what I'm saying is we need to build our own, again. All of the chief tech-pozzers/censors reside there now.

Well ok in Mitch's case, the problem is actually that he's a complete cuck. It's is wife that controls their money, and what they do with it.

And she spawned one of the most misandrist radical feminist groups of the 60s, back when she looked like Leigh Alexander. She basically married for the money and beat his ass into submission. Like the ACLU, they'll need to be ovened eventually
But for now there's more important to work on.

The dude that made Opera ragequit and went on to make Vivaldi, it's more like Op12 with a little of Op13 stitched on. It's only been out a couple years so it still has its oddities.

One nice thing to remember is that to prevent it from going all furryfucks on your ass and leaking its diaper all over the place, put the two TopSites files into readonly. You only need to take it off if you're going to fav shit. So mark it read-only til you're organising bookmarks then take it off, then put it back on.

Otherwise it gets ginormous quickly

(((publishing industry)))

I didn't realize I was on reddit.

me either

This is part of why I'm loving the situation with Youtube and people using Patreon.

It's acting as a replacement for television for many while not getting Hollywood much anything. They've tried attacking the use of ads and it will just result in another platform popping up or people using Patreon more to replace the need for ads.

The practice of archiving sites to deprive them of clicks did make a lot of them panic. They've needed to come up with alternatives revenue sources and they keep coming up short. Like those sites wanting to do pay walls and then realizing that hardly anyone actually wants to pay for their shit. So all their proposed solutions now revolve around trying to force people to see their ads rather than come up with a way of selling themselves to users.

DNS solutions won't remove the ads cleanly and completely (you will usually see empty "couldn't load element" placeholders where ads were). They won't also deal with anti-adblock crap. Proxy filters are better, but don't work with TLS encrypted sites (that are slowly replacing cleartext sites these days).
You probably want both a proxy/DNS filter in your router and an ad blocker extension in your browser to mop up what the proxy couldn't catch.

The entire thing is contrived. Adblock has been trying to play some game for awhile where they are both an adblocker, and friends or "welcome around" the ad industry.

They are probably controlled and being used to set some precedent. Fuck them

To show I'm not shitting, here's a story about them being uninvited from an ad conference last year. They probably suck lots of cock to be invited next time.

It's software. You make the software, somebody else makes the block lists. There's no need to have relationships with the ad industry. Adblock should fucking die before they fuck everything up sucking the wrong cocks.

Prove me wrong

You're one retarded nigger

I was on mobile. I couldn't be arsed to post more because android Firefox fucking sucks. To tell the truth I forgot about this thread due to the fact that French election take most of my attention.



From the other side: running a website isn't free and they need to monitise somehow. Usually either affiliate links or jewgle adshit. (I god damned fucking hate jewgle.) Now I agree most ads are shitty, and I don't want to and never will buy anything advertised, and I block the hell out of that shit. but admins gotta pay the hosting somehow. Normies, for some reason, buy shit that's advertised to them, and they keep pumping shekels into the system. They wouldn't pay admins to install jewgle adshit if it didn't work. Someone is buying the product.

Either way, I win. If adblockers are illegal, I profit. If adblockers are allowed, I browse in peace. If they ban adblockers, I just won't browse outside of 8/halfchan, a handful of sites, and bookzz. Pirates will find a way around it eventually. I mean, downloading music is already illegal, but we all still do it. I have 15 gb of music I didn't pay a cent for, and there is nothing they can do to stop me. All this does is drain shekels from retard normies, and I'm not exactly crying over it. Anyone who can browse a chan will be fine.

Lately websites have been using popups again, usually to prompt you to subscribe to their mailing list. Nothing makes me ctrl+w a site faster. I accidentally let palemoon update; think it fucked a blocker or setting, but I can't be assed to fix it.

This. They want to shoah all of them and are just going after the one that is weakest, as evidenced by their rolling over as a means of going after everyone else.

This is the only somewhat fair criticism, and the solution is more adblocking, not less. Install adblock on every normalfag's browser that you get access to. Tell your family to use it. Post about it on normalfag sites.


I never have this problem because with umatrix I block the domain serving the ads, not the ad elements themselves which can change. I also by default deny everything but images and css. It takes a few refreshes to get a page I want to allow scripts and xhr to work on properly, but once it's done it's done forever.

Kvetching about adblocking just tells you that they are not making any money on their content, and that it is worthless.

The FT has a paywall but it generally is worth it. I also pay for Fox Business.


First of all you're basically just nigger cattle if you rely on anyone's DNS. EVER. EVEN ON MOBILE. THERE'S NO EXCUSE.


Once you have control over your domain name to ip translation matrix, you've got the barest bones of a privacy solution. You don't have to make any call to any domain you don't feel is safe. Null route that shit, and you wont need to bother with adblock or ublock or some nigger-tier browser.js app trash.

Secondly, fuck VPN. You're stuffing two browser fingerprints down the same pipe, how fucking retarded can you get? Do you even know the capabilities of the massive Accumulo db the alphabet boys have been fighting over? You're basically snitching on yourself and those around you by doing this. A quick rundown…one pattern @home, @home has 9 device patterns, @vpn has one pattern which matches one @home pattern, this begins the analysis that gets your mom's cunt displayed on some bronies Dell sponsored laptop. Roll your own proxy system, get good at deploying it, trash the instance every two days, switch vendors often. It's not hard.

Third, final, and most important. You must actually understand this technology if you hope to ever have any control over it. Don't concern yourself with anyone else's well-being on the internet. Fuck publisher revenue, fuck advertiser revenue, fuck everyone's revenue. Steal, block, download, crack, pirate, archive everything. We've got a culture to save. Study microprocessors, work your way up and build something great, you're just nigger cattle until then.